Scala parameter value does not compare correctly - checking for empty string value with if statement in view - scala

I have a view using Scala:
#(user: User = null, scripts: Html = Html(""), isLoggedIn: String = "", currentEmail: String=controllers.helpers.AccessMiddleware.getSessionEmail())(content: Html)
The currentEmail string is what I am interested in. It is empty or "" when a user is not logged into the system and contains an email value when logged in.
I can see that the value is empty or "" when opening the URL/application, but the if statement inside the view continually goes to the else part of the statement, display an empty string and not "Login":
<nav class="navmenu center">
<li class="scroll_btn">Home</li>
<li class="scroll_btn">Register</li>
<li class="scroll_btn">Admin</li>
#if(currentEmail == "") {
<li class="scroll_btn">Login</li>
} else {
<li class="scroll_btn">#currentEmail</li>
<li class="scroll_btn">Logout</li>
It always determines that there is a value even though it is empty. Here is the page source:
<nav class="navmenu center">
<li class="scroll_btn">Home</li>
<li class="scroll_btn">Register</li>
<li class="scroll_btn">Admin</li>
<li class="scroll_btn"></li>
<li class="scroll_btn">Logout</li>
Is there another way to compare to an empty string? Also, how do you make the currentEmail value lower case? .toLowerCase() does not work...
I appreciate the help!

Use Option
Option with forall will handle the case where currentEmail is null
Your code becomes
#if(Option(currentEmail).forall(_.isEmpty)) {
<li class="scroll_btn">Login</li>
} else {
<li class="scroll_btn">#currentEmail</li>
<li class="scroll_btn">Logout</li>


jstree - node path has unexpected space characters

I need to get node path of jstree element ,I using this code :
$(function () {
// listen for event
.on('changed.jstree', function (e, data) {
if (data.action == "select_node") {
var node_path = data.instance.get_path(data.node, "/");
But I get unexpected space character (You can see in console.log() function)
I need a pretty path like this : Folder1/children 1
Please tell me what wrong .
Thank you
The problem actually with the HTML in your fiddle. It looks like this:
<div id="jstree">
<li>Folder 1
<li id="child_1">Child 1</li>
<li>Child 2</li>
<li>Folder 2</li>
The get_path function is doing exactly what it is supposed to - taking the text from the parent <li> followed by the text from the child <li>. What is happening is that the text from the parent Folder 1 is actually 'Folder/n ', which is causing your problem. I see why you have your HTML structured the way you do, since the example on jstree tells you to do it this way. A way around it would be to remove the line break after your Folder 1. It looks terrible, but it will make your get_path function work:
<div id="jstree">
<li>Folder 1<ul>
<li id="child_1">Child 1</li>
<li>Child 2</li>
<li>Folder 2</li>

executing java/scala code in scala.html templates

Can I execute that line of code
nav = request().path().toString()
inside of scala template like index.scala.html
I would like to have that code to check on witch side is user and to mark it on menu
using code like this in main.scala.html:
<li class="#("active".when(nav == "contact"))">
I would recommend you different approach, create tag - resuable template, which takes Integer as an argument,
it will render menu and mark as an active different menuitem depends on value.
#(menuItem: Int)
<ul >
<li #if(menuItem==1){ class="active" } >
<li #if(menuItem==2){ class="active" }>
<li #if(menuItem==3){ class="active" }>
from your contact page and any other page, call this tag with corresponding value,
You can define variables like that if that is your question. If it is not your question than please try to explain your problem in more detail.
#nav = { #request().path().toString() }

How to increment a variable in template without loop -- Play 2.1.1, Java

I would like to generate ID's for an HTML list.
The list is generated dynamically from the database.
I cant use a for loop or the list.zipWithIndex function because my logic contains a few loops for the generation of the list already, in which the counter needs to be incremented too. I also tried it with the defining function, but its not allowed to reasign values like this: #{id = id + 1}
Whats the best way to accomplish the generation of Id's?
Thats part of the template (uniqueId needs to be replaced with an integer):
<div id="tree">
<li id="uniqueId">
<a class="dashboard" href="/">Dashboard</a>
<li id="uniqueId">
<ul id="uniqueId">
#for(cat <- Application.allCategories()) {
<li id="uniqueId">
<a class="name" href="#routes.Categories.getd("></a>
#for(prod <- Application.allProducts()) {
<li id="uniqueId">
<a class="name" href="#routes.Product.getById("></a>
#*more code and the closing tags...*#
Use just ... object's id prefixed to make it unique, example for first listing:
#for(cat <- Application.allCategories()) {
<li id="">
for second:
#for(prod <- Application.allProducts()) {
<li id="">
or if the same product can be displayed in several categories prefix it with as well:
#for(cat <- Application.allCategories()) {
<li id="">
#for(prod <- Application.allProducts()) {
<li id="prod_#(">

HTML attribute in Scala Template

I am a Java developer who recently started to learn about the Play Framework. I have been trying to get the below template working but cant seem to get it. I have got the following in my Scala template
#navItem(label: String, link1: String) = {
#{if (Application.isAuthenticated()) {
<li class="active">
else {
<li class="disabled">
I am calling this later in my template like so
<ul class="nav">
#navItem("Search Documents", "/search")
The generated link has href as localhost:9000/#link1 instead of localhost:9000/search. I am not sure whats going on.
PS: If I change my template as below it works fine. But I want to understand why the above template wont work.
#navItem(label: String, link1: String) = {
<li class="#(if (Application.isAuthenticated()) "active" else "disabled")">
Not quite sure about this, but my guess would be the following: The #{ ... } indicates the beginning of a dynamic statement and all of its content is treated as Scala code. Thus, it is a normal if-condition with two strings as a result, both of which are simply returned in the template.
Why are you marking it as a multi-line code block anyway? Have you tried it like this? (note the missing curly braces after the 2nd # sign):
#navItem(label: String, link1: String) = {
#if(Application.isAuthenticated()) {
<li class="active">
} else {
<li class="disabled">

How to conditionally assign variable value in template of play framework 2.0?

I want to create a variable called style and assign its value
based on the value of the input parameter #filter
I read the play's documentation, but the current solution I can get
it works is something like: which the list template part is duplicated...
#(filter: String = "error")(body: (String) => Html)
#filter match {
case "HOT" => {
<ul class="list">
<li class="icon-hot">this is a list item..</li>
<li class="icon-hot">this is a list item..</li>
case "NEW" => {
<ul class="list">
<li class="icon-new">this is a list item..</li>
<li class="icon-new">this is a list item..</li>
How do I assign "icon-new" & "icon-hot" to a variable #style and use it latter when writing the list template like this?
<ul class="list">
<li class="#style">this is a list item..</li>
<li class="#style">this is a list item..</li>
This seems to work...
in style.scala.html
#(filter: String = "error")(body: (String) => Html)
#filter match {
case "OPEN" => {
case "FOLLOWING" => {
case "HOT" => {
And in list template
#(filter: String = "HOT")
#style(filter) { style =>
<ul class="list">
<li class="#style">this is a list item..</li>
<li class="#style">this is a list item..</li>
but I'm still not very clear how this works...especially the following part:
(body: (String) => Html)