Changing the values of Dates in SAS - date

Complete novice with SAS and I'm trying to convert a yearly range of dates to just "2014", "2015" & "2016." So for example I have an Orders column with a lots of dates in 2014, 2015 and 2016 and want to just convert the values in each year to just the name of the year. The code I was trying to use is below.
Data SortingDates;
set work.ClaraData;
if OrderDate <='31Dec2014'd then OrderDate = "2014";
if '01Jan2015'd <= OrderDate <= '31Dec2015'd then OrderDate= "2015";
if '01Jan2016'd <= OrderDate <= '31Dec2016'd then OrderDate = "2016";
However this message comes: Character values have been converted to numeric values at the places given by...
Plus when printing the data, the dates all come out as 09/07/1965
The OrderDate column is properly formatted as "OrderDate Num 8 DDMMYY10. DDMMYY10."

You are getting the warning because you tried to assign the characters string "2014" to the numeric variable OrderDate. SAS probably successfully converted "2014" into 2,014 for you but since you didn't change the format it should display it as '07/07/1965' since that is the date that is 2,014 days since 01JAN1960.
It is probably easiest if you use the YEAR() function to get the year of a date value.
OrderYear = year(OrderDate);
But you could also just try using the YEAR. format on your existing OrderDate variable.
proc freq data=ClaraData ;
tables OrderDate ;
format OrderDate year. ;

Try the year function (page 15 of this PDF):
Data SortingDates;
set work.ClaraData;
OrderDate = YEAR(OrderDate);
Or keeping it as a date, try the year format (like page 8 of the same pdf)
Data SortingDates;
set work.ClaraData;
format OrderDate YEARw.;


intck() giving negative value

I am new to SAS and I am having trouble with finding the difference between 2 dates.
I have 2 columns: checkin_date and checkout_date
the dates are in mmddyy10. format (mm/dd/yyyy).
I have used the following code:
stay_days= intck('day', checkin_day, checkout_day);
I am getting the right values for dates in the same month but wrong values for days that are across 2 months. For example, the difference between 02/06/2014 and 02/11/2014 is 5. But the difference between 1/31/2014 and 2/13/2014 is -18 which is incorrect.
I have also simply tried to subtract them both:
stay_day = checkout_day - checkin_day;
I am getting the same result for that too.
My entire code:
data hotel;
infile "XXXX\Hotel.dat";
input room_no num_guests checkin_month checkin_day checkin_year checkout_month checkout_day checkout_year internet_used $ days_used room_type $16. room_rate;
checkin_date = mdy(checkin_month,checkin_day,checkin_year);
informat checkin_date mmddyy.;
format checkin_date mmddyy10.;
checkout_date = mdy(checkout_month,checkout_day,checkout_year);
informat checkout_date mmddyy.;
format checkout_date mmddyy10.;
stay_day= intck('day', checkin_day, checkout_day);
Your problem is a typo - using wrong variables in intck() function. You are using variables "xxx_DAY" which is the DAY of month instead of the full DATE. Change to stay_day= intck('day', checkin_date, checkout_date);
Your data probably has the date values in the wrong variables. When using subtraction the order should be ENDDATE - STARTDATE. When using INTNX() function the order should be from STARTDATE to ENDDATE. In either case if the value in the STARTDATE variable is AFTER the value in the ENDDATE variable then the difference will be a negative number.
Perhaps you need to clean the data?
The only way to get -18 comparing 2014-01-31 and 2014-02-13 would be if you extracted the day of the month and subtracted them.
diff3 = day(end) - day(start);
which would be the same as subtracting 31 from 13.
Example using your dates:
data check;
input start end ;
informat start end mmddyy.;
format start end yymmdd10.;
02/06/2014 02/11/2014
1/31/2014 2/13/2014
Obs start end diff1 diff2
1 2014-02-06 2014-02-11 5 5
2 2014-01-31 2014-02-13 13 13

Comparing date values for two columns

I have a column called PairDt, a string that contains a date value in the last 5 characters. I want to compare that date value with the date value in the Day column, which contains dates in the YYYY-MM-DD format.
PairDt Day
DCS-CNY-Yunbi-42606 2016-08-24
DCS-CNY-Yunbi-42607 2016-08-25
DCS-CNY-Yunbi-42608 2016-08-26
DCS-CNY-Yunbi-42609 2016-08-27
DCS-CNY-Yunbi-42610 2016-08-28
How do I convert Day to a value?
I'm trying to isolate Date values in PairDt that does not match the date value in Days
This 5 digit number at the end of PairDt looks like number of days since December 30th 1899. To convert this number to date use DATEADD to add as many days. To convert a date to number, use DATEDIFF to calculate the number of days. Something like this code:
declare #PairDt varchar(50) = 'DCS-CNY-Yunbi-42606', #Day date = '2016-08-24'
select DATEADD(d, cast(right(#PairDt, 5) as int), '1899-12-30'), DATEDIFF(day, '1899-12-30', #Day)

SAS date swap year and day

I am working with a dataset containing a date variable with the format MMDDYY10..
The problem is, that the day, month and the year have been swapped.
The data set as it looks now:
Obs Date
1 11/01/1931
2 11/06/1930
3 12/02/2003
4 12/07/2018
What I would like is a date variable with the format DDMMYY10., or a similar:
Obs Date
1 31/01/2011
2 30/06/2011
3 03/02/2012
4 18/07/2012
Observation 1 is hence written as the 1st of November 1931, but really it is the 31st of January 2011.
Does anyone know how I can change this?
Looks like you read the original raw data using the wrong INFORMAT. Most likely you had data in YYMMDD format and you read it as MMDDYY. You can use the PUT() and INPUT() functions to attempt to reverse it.
data have ;
input date mmddyy10.;
newdate = input(put(date,mmddyy6.),yymmdd6.);
format date newdate yymmdd10. ;
put (date newdate) (=);
date=1931-11-01 newdate=2011-01-31
date=1930-11-06 newdate=2011-06-30
date=2003-12-02 newdate=2012-02-03
date=2018-12-07 newdate=2012-07-18

removing day portion of date variable for time series SAS

I'm having some frustration with dates in SAS.
I am using proc forecast and am trying make my dates spread evenly. I did some pre-processing wiht proc sql to get my counts by month but my dates are incorrect.
Though my dataset looks good (b/c I used format MONYY.) the actual value of that variable is wrong.
date year month count
Jan10 2010 1 100
Feb10 2010 2 494
The Date value is actually the full SAS representation of the date (18267), meaning that it includes the day count.
Do I need to convert the variable to a string and back to a date or is there a quick proc i can run?
My goal is to use the date variable with proc forecast so I only want Month and year.
Thanks for any help!
You can't define a date variable in SAS (so the number of days passed from 1jan1960) excluding the day.
What you can do is to hide the day with a format like monyy. but the underlying number will always contain that information.
Maybe you can use the interval=month option in proc forecast?
Please add some detail about the problem you're encountering with the forecast procedure.
EDIT: check this example:
data past;
keep date sales;
format date monyy5.;
lu = 0;
n = 25;
do i = -10 to n;
u = .7 * lu + .2 * rannor(1234);
lu = u;
sales = 10 + .10 * i + u;
date = intnx( 'month', '1jul1991'd, i - n );
if i > 0 then output;
proc forecast data=past interval=month lead=10 out=pred;
var sales;
id date;

Problem when extracting year and week number from string in PSQL

Let's say that I have a range of SQL tables that are named name_YYYY_WW where YYYY = year and WW = week number. If I call upon a function that guides a user defined date to the right table.
If the date entered is "20110101":
SELECT EXTRACT (WEEK FROM DATE '20110101') returns 52 and
SELECT EXTRACT (YEAR FROM DATE '20110101') returns 2011.
While is nothing wrong with these results I want "20110101" to either point to table name_2010_52 or name_2011_01, not name_2011_52 as it does now when I concanate the results to form the query for the table.
Any elegant solutions to this problem?
The function to_char() will allow you to format a date or timestamp to output correct the iso week and iso year.
SELECT to_char('2011-01-01'::date, 'IYYY_IW') as iso_year_week;
will produce:
(1 row)
You could use a CASE:
WITH sub(field) AS (
SELECT CAST('20110101' AS date) -- just to test