Space in column name Talend - talend

I want to make a csv file that I can upload in my Google Calendar.
The mandatory headers for a file to upload are
Subject, Start date, Start time
But in Talend you can't make a column name with a space between the words, anybody know how I can fix this?

Maybe you can generate the first line with a "tFixedFlowInput" and complete your CSV file without column titles by changing in your output component the parameter "Include Header".
Don't forget to check the parameter "append" when you insert your data after


How to check if the file contains certain values before reading in Talend Studio

Hello beginner in Talend Studio here and first time poster. I am using Talend 8.0 and have a text file to ingest into a database that has the following:
D||5||8001-1101||48||John Doe
D||6||8001-1102||50||John Doe
D||7||8002-1101||20||Jane Doe
where the delimiter is a double pipe (||)
ID, portfolio, manager and name and its associated records are the data I'd like to ingest. The first column with "H2", "D" and "F3" are the header, detail and footer indicators respectively. These indicators are not supposed to be ingested but will need to be checked for their presence when the file is read into talend studio.
I need to check if these three indicators are available in the file. If either of these indicators are not in the file, it should not ingest the file and output a message. If the indicators do exist, the data is ingested but only the data for the columns "ID","portfolio","manager" and "name"
I tried using the following components:
Which will read the table in its entirety including the H2 column. I then use t-map with a filter
which keeps rows that has "D" indicator. Appreciate if there is a better way to do this
Use row1.Header.contains("D")&&row1.Header.contains("H2")&&row1.Header.contains("F3") to filter header in ("D","H2","F3")
If you want the reject check the option in an other output and check output reject to true

Data Factory - Can I use the date field in a CSV to determine the destination folder in Copy Activity

I have some CSV files that I want to copy to a specific folder in ADLS based on the date column within the file.
i.e. CSV file has a column named "date" that reads "2022-02-23" on all rows. I want to copy that file to a folder that has the corresponding year and month, such as "/curated/UK/ProjectABC/2022/02"
I've got a Lookup activity that's pointing to the source CSV file and populating a Set Variable activity with the month using this dynamic content - #substring(string(activity('Lookup1'),5,2)
Would this be the right approach, to use a variable?
I cant use variables in the Directory portion of the Sink Dataset, as far as I know.
Have you come across this situation before?
Sounds like you're on the right path. You can use absolutely use Dataset parameters:
Then populate them in your pipeline using a variable (or parameter, or expression):

Convert StringTimestamp datastage to Timestamp db2

i am working on ETL job in datastage , a simple one Source ---> tRANsformer -----> destination
the source is a csv file , the destination is db2 base , so the prob is that the csv file contains a string timestamp like this
and i need to put it the db2 stage this is my table that i created with a script
this is the transformer config
and this is my prob this error appears
that means this in english
update_or_insert, 3: Unhandled conversion error in the "SEC_DAT_DATE_INSERT" zone from the source
type "timestamp" to the target type "timestamp [microseconds]":
source value = "*****************". The result does not accept a NULL value and there is no
handle_null to specify a default value
I don't know what it means that's the prob if anyone could help that would be nice thanks
First off, verify how Excel has handled the timestamp. Change the display format so that it conforms to ISO 8601, namely YYYY-MM-DD HH:NN:SS format, before you export it to CSV. Check the CSV file using a text editor (Notepad or Wordpad) to confirm that the timestamp format is correct.
Then change the StringToTimestamp() function so that it reflects the new format (or leave out the format entirely if this is your default format.
Note that the Else part of your expression uses a string. Perhaps you need to wrap that in a StringToTimestamp() function.
i will suggest you to check weather you have marked that column as key in the source (can happen by mistake) if so then deselect the key check box and see weather nullable is set to YES for that column in source ,if not then try and run on nullable column with YES selected. hope this helps.

Keep leading zeros when joining data sources in tableau

I am trying to create a data source in Tableau (10.0) where I am joining a table from SQL with an Excel file. The join happens on a site id but when reading the id from the excel source, Tableau strips the leading zeros (and SQL keeps leading zeros). I see this example
to add the leading zeros back as a new, calculated field. But the join is still dropping rows because the id is not properly formatted when making the join.
How do I get the excel data source to read the column with the leading zeros so I can do the join?
Launch Excel and choose to open a new blank workbook.
Click the Data tab and select From Text.
Browse to the saved CSV file and select Import.
Ensure that Delimited is selected and click Next.
Leave Tab as the delimiter and click Next.
Select the column containing the data with leading zeros and click
Repeat for each column which contains leading zeros.
Click Finish.
Click OK.
Never heard of or used tableau, but it sounds as though something (jet/ace database driver being used to read excel file?) is determining the column to be numeric and parsing the data as numbers, losing leading zeroes
If your attempts at putting them back are giving you grief, I'd recommend trying the other direction instead; get sqlserver to convert its strings to numbers. Number matching should be more reliable than String matching, so long as the two systems don't handle rounding differently :)
If your Excel file was read in from a CSV and the Site ID is showing "Number Stored as Text", I think you can solve your problem by telling Tableau on the Data Source entry that the field is actually a string. On the preview data source view, change the "#" (designating number) to string so that both the SQL source and the Excel source are both strings before doing the join.
This typically has to do with the way Excel stores values as mentioned above. I would play around with the number formatting for the Site ID column in Excel itself, not Tableau, and changed that two "Text" in Excel. You can verify if Tableau will read it properly with the leading 0s by exporting your excel file to csv and looking in the csv files to see if the leading 0s are still there.

Opening and reformatting a text file in ipython

I am trying to open a text file below but my output is not what i want.
I need the date in the time tag column and pressure in pressure column.I will drop the rest of the columns.Thanks
lol.. i figured it out
enter image description here
Now i need to know how to merge the date and time to get a datetime column.