Is it possible to pass an ID to the app store when someone links to my app? - iphone

We have different affiliates that sell our app and we want to know when an app purchase originates from one of our affiliates' websites.
So when someone clicks the link to our app is it possible to pass an ID that indicates which affiliate, and then attach that ID to the purchase transaction.
We want to give our affiliates a percentage of sales, so we need to know exactly which affiliate a purchase came from.

You can work with campaign links, check out the generator:
id = the Apple ID of your app, will be the same
pt = the provider
token, will be the same
ct = the campaign token, put here your different affiliates
After you get at least 5 installs from a campaign they start to show up in App Analytics. This it what you can expect it to look like:
You'll see:
App Units (downloads)
Sessions (Opt-in data, so be careful)


Floored by new rejection on non renewable subscription type in app purchases in iphone?

I have an Iphone application in which i am trying to implement non renewable subscription.I had done it a manner that after the purchase i am adding that details to user account he can get it on all the devices.I have a login at the start of my application.And after associating the reciept data with the user account i was finding out the expiry date in my server from the purchase date in the reciept data, by using that information i was showing the buy button again to my user.But the apple is rejecting it for the reasons
11.6: Content subscriptions using IAP must last a minimum of 7 days and be available to the user from all of their iOS devices
17.2: Apps that require users to share personal information, such as email address and date of birth, in order to function will be rejected
Can anybody know the exact mechanism to implement nonrenewable subscriptions ?
From your description it sounds like your login when they start your app is mandatory. Apple forbids this. They insist that the login be optional, but it must still be available to everyone who wants to use it (when using non-renewing subscriptions).
What I did on my app was, next to where I show the user's purchased subscription level, I have a button that says Save your account.... And when they click it it describes to them how, if they create an e-mail and password than they can share their subscription across all their devices and they can restore their account if their iPhone gets lost or stolen. You want to incentivize the user to do this because a better experience for them means a better experience for you. You could even offer them a perk, like 2-weeks free if they create an account. And since you're using non-renewing subscriptions, you have the power to do this since you're calculating your own expiration date, instead of letting the app store do it for you.

iOS StoreKit - in-App Purchase by App Login

This is the scenario for the application right now:
The application I am working on has it's own login service, i.e., the user can register on the app and login to it too.
A user logs into the application (by the application's credentials) and then gets options to buy any of the 10 books listed there. After the book is bought, it will be registered with his application's userID and every time the user logs in with the ID, on any device, he will have that book available.
Now, since in this scenario, a user should be able to purchase a book again and again (but with different app credentials), I am thinking of using the "consumable" product option and adding a condition in the application itself that checks what books the logged in user has bought and not display to them the books they have bought (again, by app-credentials). This way, the won't be able to buy the same book again.
Is that possible?
Please advise.
If I understood you correctly, you just don't want to let user buy the same book more than one time. If so, you just need to check on application start which books user has already purchased and then correct the list of available for purchase books removing from it already purchased.
I think you want to implement Non-consumable product where if user purchase any book from one device then it should be available to user on other device as well.Store Kit provides built-in support to restore non-consumable products on multiple devices.To restore transactions, your application calls the payment queue’s restoreCompletedTransactions method.

Implementing subscription based in app purchase

Having the below questions on implementing the in app purchase - Subscription based.
I would like to sell songs into my iPhone app via subscription based buying.
Here we do these things as below
-- We categorize songs , and list it. we will be having the category like "LOVE,SAD,PATRIOTIC,FRIENDSHIP,etc".
-- All of these content will be fetched from the web-server.
-- For each category , we have subscription.
-- When the user taps on "Subscribe", we show list of available subscription as "Monthly, weekly,Daily"
-- once the user completes the payment , we sent request to web server and download the content
-- This is my intended behavior of my proposed iPhone app
I am having the below questions
- Do i need to register ( product id ) each Songs into the iTunes developer portal.
also if the new song get added to the we server, do i need to add that new song product id into the iTunes
Pls let me know how can i go with implementing for the above situation
In this case, When you create categorize like SONGS then for that you are giving option like monthly, yearly etc.
In the itunes, when you create a main category like SONGS then you have an option to create child category means subcategory so you can include that new songs in the SONGS category.
But yes if you add a new song you have to create a new product ID for that because for the in-app purchase product id is required for any purchase.
if you add new song on server how would apple know so you have to add this also in Product id list.
let me know if you have any further query.

LinkShare iTunes Affiliate links in an iOS app

I have an app that aggregates apps from the app store for a specific audience, and I use the iTunes Affiliate program (via LinkShare).
When a user taps the download button, it opens safari with the affiliate link and redirects to the AppStore. That's how I see it happening in other apps as well ("Free App Tracker", for example).
However, while LinkShare counts the clicks, I don't see any "orders", and I know there should be a few.
The clicks count gets updated the same day, while the orders count didn't get updated at all (still 0) for 3 days now.
Do I need to call the url in any specific way? or do LinkShare take their time with orders reports?
LinkShare track the orders in different way: there is the transaction date which is the date when the purchase was done, and then there is the "process" date which is when the transaction has been processed by the LinkShare system.
You can read more about it.
A few notes:
Are the purchases you that know happend via your link happen in the US store?
- The LinkShare program only support the US and CA programs so if the sale was made in another country you won't see any sales data.
iTunes advises that you wait three to five days for your sale to show up. I've seen sales the next day and sometimes they take longer. Typically, however, they are no later then a few days after you get the receipt for the sale.
You can call your link in a way that the redirects are processed in the background. Check out this resource for details -
Hope that helps.

How can I find out how much a user has paid for my app inside my app?

After a user purchases an app from the app store, and runs it, is it possible for the app to know how much the user paid for it? Does Apple have any APIs that can access this type of metadata about the actual purchase of an app?
If not, I suppose I could fall back to looking up the country of the user, doing currency conversion rates, and then lookup the price of the app at the time of purchase. That's another thing, is it even possible to know when a user has purchased an app? They could purchase an app, and then not run it for days or weeks, so I cannot assume the date they first launch the app was also the date of purchase.
Any thoughts on how to obtain this information?
This isn't possible through any kind of API. What you can do is have the device send data back to your server on first launch with location and date. This way, you can mark them in your DB as xx paid yy on this date. You know what yy is currently because you run the server and the app page. Make this info accessible somehow on your server, and when you need it in the app, call your servers method to retrieve it.