powershell find string in csv get associated cell - powershell

Alright I have a csv that i import into variable $csv
name description system redundant
---- ----------- ------ ---------
hi don't settle sight dumb
hello why not settle settle
this just fails why? settle
I want to find a specific string in either $csv.description or $csv.system. If that string is found, i want to return the associated cell value under $csv.name
I can't have the select-string look for anything in $csv.redundant
this is what i have so far:
$csv = import-csv -path c:\hi
$find = $csv | select-string "settle"
output: $find
#{name=hi; description=don't settle; system=sight; redundant=dumb }
#{name=hello; description=why not; system=settle; redundant=settle}
#{name=this; description=just fails; system=why?; redundant=settle}
however - nothing returns if i do a $find.name, even though the $find.gettype() shows that this is an array. Also i don't know how to get the select-string to avoid $csv.redundant
I need the output to only be the $find.name of only the first 2 objects from the array.

Don't use Select-String, use Where-Object instead:
$searchTerm = 'settle'
$csv |Where-Object {$_.description -match $searchTerm -or $_.system -match $searchTerm} |Select-Object -Expand Name

ipcsv C:\temp\test.csv | ? {$_.description, $_.system -like "*settle*"} | select Name


Powershell: delete duplicate entry in arraylist

In my Powershellscript I read some data from a csv-File in an Arraylist.
In the second step I eliminate every line without the specific char: (.
At the third step I want to eliminate every double entries.
Example for my list:
Klein, Jürgen (Klein01); salesmanagement national
Klein, Jürgen (Klein01); salesmanagement national
Meyer, Gerlinde (Meyer02); accounting
Müller, Kai (Muell04); support international
I use the following script:
$Arrayusername = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$NewArraylistuser = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$Arrayusername = Get-Content -Path "C:\Temp\User\Userlist.csv"
for ($i=0; $i -le $Arrayusername.length; $i++)
if ($Arrayusername[$i] -like "*(*")
$Array_sorted = $NewArraylistuser | sort
$Array_sorted | Get-Unique
But the variable $Array_sorted still has double entries.
I don´t find the mistake.
Some Ideas how you could change your code:
Use the existing Command to import .csv files with the Delimiter ;.
Filter the output with Where-Object to only include Names with (.
Select only unique objects with Select-Object, or if you want to sort the Object, use the Sort-Object with the same paramets.
Something like this should work:
Import-csv -Delimiter ';' -Header "Name","Position" -Path "C:\Temp\User\Userlist.csv" | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "*(*"} | Sort-Object -Unique -Property Name,Position

How to solve the "'IndexOf'." error in PowerShell script

While running the below script I am getting an error:
"Method invocation failed because [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] doesn't contain a method named 'IndexOf'".
Please help me to find out a solution to avoid the above error while running the below script.
$serverlist_csv1 = Import-Csv -Path $file1
$serverlist_temp1 = $serverlist_csv1
$exclude_serverlist_csv = Import-Csv -Path $file2
foreach ($server in $exclude_serverlist_csv) {
$servers1 = ($serverlist_csv1.'SourceHostName' | Select-Object -ExcludeProperty 'SourceHostName')
if ($servers1 -contains $server.'Exclude Server') {
$server_object1 = ($serverlist_csv1 | Where-Object {$_.SourceHostName -eq $server.'Exclude Server'})
$serverindex1 = $serverlist_csv1.IndexOf($server_object1)
$dataResizable1 = {$serverlist_csv1}.Invoke()
$serverlist_csv1 = $dataResizable1
You are getting that error because you used select-object on the pipeline invocation of $serverlist_csv1, which creates a layer over the object effectively creating a new object a pscustomobject and that makes it lose the indexOf() method.
if you avoid this step and instead try for instance to exclude that on the import of the csv or modify the member to nothing if that property isn't necessary to you. The point is like people before me said that does not seem like the better way to solve whatever problem this is.
Build a list of the server names from the second file:
$exclude = Import-Csv $file2 | Select-Object -Expand 'Exclude Server'
Then filter the first file for rows whose SourceHostName column isn't one of those names and write the result back to a file:
Import-Csv $file1 | Where-Object {
$exclude -notcontains $_.SourceHostName
} | Export-Csv 'C:\output.csv' -NoType

Switch Names from one side to other

I have to set description to a list of sames provided in csv format.
I know I need samaccountnames so i am trying to pull up samaccount from named, unfortunately the names in csv are in reverse order with a header as name
Snow, Jon
In a nutshell, I tried
Import-Csv C:\list.csv |
foreach {
$_.Name = "{1}, {0}" -f ($_.Name -split ', ')
No luck, any help is appreciated.
The names should come as -
Jon snow
Arya starc
Jamie lannister
so I can query AD for sam's
To have lastname and firstname you can do this:
$names = $string.split(",")
So if I understood correctly, you want to skip the header (first line). Try changing the following:
Import-Csv C:\list.csv | Select-Object -Skip 1 | ConvertFrom-Csv -Header Name
(or increase '-Skip' amount according to how many lines you want to skip)
The question you have here to me reads a little vague, but I wanted to offer the below. If you specify the header of the CSV when you import it, you can output whatever Property you want, in whatever order:
$test = Import-Csv -Path "C:\temp\test.txt" -Header Last_Name,First_Name
$test | % {"$($_.First_Name) $($_.Last_Name)"}
It was
Import-Csv c:\list.csv |
$last,$first = $_.name -split ","
new-object psobject -Property #{name = "$first,$last"}

Extracting a portion of a string then using it to match with other strings in Powershell

I previously asked for assistance parsing a text file and have been using this code for my script:
import-csv $File -header Tag,Date,Value|
Where {$_.Tag -notmatch '(_His_|_Manual$)'}|
Select-Object *,#{Name='Building';Expression={"{0} {1}" -f $($_.Tag -split '_')[1..2]}}|
Format-table -Groupby Building -Property Tag,Date,Value
I've realized since then that, while the code filters out any tags containing _His or _Manual, I need to also filter any tags associated with _Manual. For example, the following tags are present in my text file:
L01_B111_BuildingName1_MainElectric_111A01ME_ALC,13-Apr-17 08:45,64075
L01_B111_BuildingName1_MainElectric_111A01ME_Cleansed,13-Apr-17 08:45,64075
L01_B111_BuildingName1_MainElectric_111A01ME_Consumption,13-Apr-17 08:45,10.4
L01_B333_BuildingName3_MainWater_333E02MW_Manual,1-Dec-16 18:00:00,4.380384E+07
L01_B333_BuildingName3_MainWater_333E02MW_Cleansed,1-Dec-16 18:00:00,4.380384E+07
L01_B333_BuildingName3_MainWater_333E02MW_Consumption,1-Dec-16 18:00:00,25.36
The 333E02MW_Manual string would be excluded using my current code, but how could I also exclude 333E02MW_Cleansed and 333E02MW_Consumption? I feel I would need something that will allow me to extract the 8-digit code before each _Manual instance and then use it to find any other strings with a {MatchingCode}
I know there are the -like -contains and -match operators and I've seen these posts on using substrings and regex, but how could I extract the MatchingCode to actually have something to match to? This post seems to come closest to my goal, but I'm not sure how to apply it to PowerShell.
You can find every tag that ends with _Manual and create a regex pattern that matches any of the parts before _Manual. Ex.
$Data = Import-Csv -Path $File -Header Tag,Date,Value
#Create regex that matches any prefixes that has a manual row (matches using the value before _Manual)
$ExcludeManualPattern = ($Data | Foreach-Object { if($_.Tag -match '^(.*?)_Manual$') { [regex]::Escape($Matches[1]) } }) -join '|'
$Data | Where-Object { $_.Tag -notmatch '_His_' -and $_.Tag -notmatch $ExcludeManualPattern } |
Select-Object -Property *,#{Name='Building';Expression={"{0} {1}" -f $($_.Tag -split '_')[1..2]}}|
Format-table -GroupBy Building -Property Tag,Date,Value

Append existing column in csv by matching values with array and with condition

I will do my best to break this down as simply as I can.
what I have so far that is working:
Currently I have two csv files...
Now I want to add a column (inside test2.csv) to match the sValue# from both test1.csv and test2.csv with the condition of ($_.DomainCatagories='DomainOne' from test2.csv) and ($_.selectDomainOne from test1.csv)
To do this, I am using the following code...
#Create Column
$domainNameOne = #{}
$domainNameOne = Import-Csv 'C:\Scripts\Tests\test1.csv' | Where-Object {$_.selectDomainOne} | Select-Object -Expand 'selectDomainOne'
(Import-Csv 'C:\Scripts\Tests\test2.csv') |
Select-Object -Property *, #{n='Test1sValues';e={
if($_.DomainCatagories -eq 'DomainOne'){
if(($domainNameOne -contains $_.test2ColumnS) -and ($_.test2ColumnS)){
} Else {
'Not found in test1'
}}}} | Export-Csv "C:\Scripts\Tests\test2-Temp" -NoType
Move-Item "C:\Scripts\Tests\test2-Temp" 'C:\Scripts\Tests\test2.csv' -Force
After the code is run, I get the following test2.csv (isCorrect)...
"DomainOne","sValue2","aValue2","","iValue2","dValue2","Not found in test1"
What I have that is not working:
Next I run the following code...
#Append Column
$domainNameThree = #{}
$domainNameThree = Import-Csv 'C:\Scripts\Tests\test1.csv' | Where-Object {$_.selectDomainThree} | Select-Object -Expand 'selectDomainThree'
(Import-Csv 'C:\Scripts\Tests\test2.csv') | % {
if($_.DomainCatagories -eq 'DomainThree'){
if(($domainNameThree -contains $_.test2ColumnS) -and ($_.test2ColumnS)){
$_.Test1sValues = $_.test2ColumnS
} Else {
$_.Test1sValues = 'Not found in test1'
}}} | Export-Csv "C:\Scripts\Tests\test2-Temp" -NoType
Move-Item "C:\Scripts\Tests\test2-Temp" 'C:\Scripts\Tests\test2.csv' -Force
Instead of adding the values in the correct rows, it completely blanks out the whole file and saves it as an empty file.
End Goal
What I want the code to produce, is this (notice values filled in on last 3 rows in the last column)...
"DomainOne","sValue2","aValue2","","iValue2","dValue2","Not found in test1"
What am I doing wrong in that 2nd code snippet?
The example you show from What I have that is not working: is missing a key portion. Export-Csv will take everything piped into it to populate the CSV but you are not providing any.
Problem is that you are not passing anything through the pipe. Merely just updating one property. The simplest thing to do is add $_ after the if statement. Or you could just use a calculated property which you have done before in another one of your questions. The example below from Compare dates with different formats in csv file even uses an if statement.
Import-Csv $csvFile | Select-Object *, #{n='MatchDates';e={ if((([datetime]$_.Date1).Date -eq $_.Date3) -and (([datetime]$_.Date2).Date -eq $_.Date3) -and (([datetime]$_.Date1).Date -eq $_.Date2)){ 'Match Found' }Else{ 'No Match Found' }}} |
Export-Csv "$csvFile-results.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force