How To Implement Rich Text in CocosSharp? - richtext

Is there a good way to implement Rich Text using the existing CCLabel class or another class? I'ma ttempting to render something like the image below
I wasn't able to find any information in the guides on rich text, the wiki entry on CCLabel doesn't mention anything about it, and the documentation doesn't seem to indicate support of rich text. I also didn't find anything searching on these forums for "rich text".
My main problem with concatenating multiple CCLabels together is it makes the word wrapping a challenge. I'm sure if that's the only way to implement this in CocosSharp I can figure it out, but it'd be much nicer to use any built-in support for rich text if it exists.
I know cocos2d-x has support for rich text through their UIRichText class. Does anything like that exist in CocosSharp? Is there a different term I should be searching for, or is there support somewhere in there that I just missed?


Flutter markdown editor with mention dropdown support on web

I have actually spent a lot of time looking for a solution for this. Stackoverflow is my last resort. Before I dive in I would like to describe my requirements.
My requirements,
I need an editor like slack that automatically converts markdown to relevant TextStyle or html. For example if I type, ## Hello and press enter. it is styled as H2 styled text.
Moreover, I also need to show a dropdown whenever I press # or # to select from a list of options.
In short, I need something like quip, slite or medium.
I was hoping that this will be easy in flutter, given half of these features are already there in Google's Gmail and other apps by google by havent yet found a single library that meets these requirements.
What I have already tried?
Quil: I found out by flutter_quill but for that I have to stick to a toolbar on the top. And no mentions support.
Zefyr and html_editor: I have tried these, but they are very buggy and slow. Moreover, they have very limited documentations.
Custom Flutter: Medium-like Text Editor. This is the most promising solution but it is lacking one essential feature of text editor. The article proposes that I divide the entire input field into multiple text fields which I can control using state. But this has one big problem that is, what if I want to select the entire body of text. Any hacks on this will be well appreciated.
If you have any questions and if the question isn't clear enough, please free to comment down below.

Search a string/text from a PDF file and list all the matched string in iPhone/iPad application

I have implemented an iPad application which is actually read the PDF file(using quartz). Now I want to implement the Search Feature and for this I have checked some tutorial some where mentioned using quartz and some where mentioned FastPdfKit. But I don't know which one will be better. I have seen the quartz ( ).
I have some doubt in this.
the "Callbacks for Operators" what and why we use this?
"Operators Table" what is the purpose of this? and
Where we will put the search text.
Please suggest me in this regards or provide any other open source which I can use.
Thanks in advance.
CGPDFScanner is a fairly low-level API which allows you to selectively scan for various PDF operators and invoke callbacks on each operator. It does require you to have some knowledge of PDF structure, but it will do the job. A PDF operator is a command in a PDF file which does some operation (usually manipulating the drawing state, e.g. writing text, drawing lines, changing graphics state, etc.).
Essentially, you tell the scanner what PDF operators you are interested in, and tell it what callback you want to invoke. In your case, you are interested in the text operators TJ, Tj; see this page for a working text search example using this API, and this question for some other answers on text search.
You may get your answer at FastPdfKit. Please let me know if you still more information. I think this will solve your purpose.
#Subodh S: At the momment, PDFKitten does not support multi-words query. Therefore, your keyword is not searched and highlighted. You must handle yourself in source code and even change some points in PDFKitten.

Google Rich Snippets warnings for hCard

I get the following errors from the Google Rich Snippet Tool for my website
Warning: This information will not appear as a rich snippet in search results results, because it seems to describe an organization. Google does not currently display organization information in rich snippets
Warning: At least one field must be set for Hcard.
Warning: Missing required field "name (fn)".
Im experimenting with vcard and and am wondering if I'm missing something or the validator is playing up. I have added vcard and markup to the body which may be causing confusion. Also, I am making the assumption I can use both methods to markup my code.
I guess with the body tag, I'm just trying to let Google discover the elements which make up the schema object within the page. I'm not sure if this is a good / bad way to approach things? However it lets my markup be free of specific blocks of markup. I guess this is open to discussion but I like the idea of having a natural flow to the content that's decorated in the background. Do you think there is any negative impact? I'm undecided.
I am in favour of the Person structure, this was a good call as this is more representative of the current site content. I am a freelance developer and as such use this page as my Organisation landing page, so I guess I have to make a stronger decision of the sites goals and tailor the content accordingly, ie Organisation or Person.
I understand that there is no immediate rich snippet gains, but im a web guy so have a keen interest in these kind of things.
With schema testing, I find it easiest to start from the most obvious problem, and try to work our way deeper from there. Note, I have zero experience with hcard, but I don't believe the error you mentioned actually has anything to do with your hcard properties.
The most obvious problem I see, is that your body tag has an itemtype of\Organization. When you set an itemtype on a dom element, you are saying that everything inside of that element is going to help describe that itemtype. Since you've placed this on your body element, you are quite literally telling Google that your entire page is about an organization.
From the content of your page, I would recommend changing that itemtype to\Person. This would seem to be a more accurate description. Once you make that change and run the scanner again, you may see more errors relating to the schema and we can work through those too (for example, you'll probably need to set familname and givenName).
With all of that said, you should know that currently there are no rich snippets that you will gain from adding this schema data. Properly setting this up on your page, is only good to do, especially since we don't know what rich snippets Google or others will expose in the future, but currently you won't see any additional rich snippets in Google search results from adding these tags. I don't want to discourage you from setting this up properly but I just want to set your expectations.

TinyMCE writes terrible HTML!

I've currently got TinyMCE incorporated into the backend editor of a simple blogging/page-editing app, but I'm extremely unhappy with the HTML code it creates. It does all sorts of messy things like:
Adding inline style information to span tags that you can't ever find to get rid of without editing the HTML directly.
Nesting tags in nonsense ways (e.g. <p><strong><p><span>some text</span></p><strong></p> just to make something bold.)
Adding empty <p> </p> lines where they don't belong and I'm not trying to create blank lines.
EDIT: I've looked at lists of the other editors out there (including on SO), but I want to know if people firsthand have had better luck getting clean code out of their wysiwyg editors.
Any recommendations for one that outputs better code behind the scenes?
How about a rather drastic alternative, and using a WYMIWYG (What You Mean is What You Get) editor rather that another WYSIWYG editor. That way the author is in full control of the schematic markup as well as the content he/she is entering.
Unfortunately I haven't found one that is as feature rich and usable as tinyMCE, but it seems to have come a long way - see
Use HTML purifier before saving the content into the database.
HTML Purifier
I found JoomlaFCK to be a very good alternative to Tiny MCE.
Hope you like it.
BTW I know it is an old thread but someone might use it. ;)

What kind of Markup should i use for the Notes in my WebApp?

i am building a webapp that will have notes fields all over the place, but i dont know what kind of markup i should use.
these are my requirements
User must be able to change the text style (bold, italic, underlined)
User must be able to create bullet lists
User must be able to create numbered lists
User must be able to change the font-size or use pre-definded headings
User must be able to add links
User must have a WYSIWYG - Editor that hides the actual markup
the last one is the most important requirement, my target users struggle even with word, so using markup style input like here on stackoverflow is not an option.
so what kind`s of markup do you know that fits ans has some fancy WYSIWYG - Editor?
if you think that i missed a important requirement please feel free to suggest it.
You'll need to check out tinyMCE.
It's the best javascript-based WYSIWYG editor I've found.