Searching for key in ConvertFrom-StringData hash - powershell

I have a hash table that I got from a file, command used:
[array]$hash= Get-Content -raw '../../file.txt' | ConvertFrom-StringData
file.txt looks like this:
It works perfectly, the problem is when I trying to search using $hash.GetEnumerator.
I am trying to do something like this:
$hash.GetEnumerator() | where {$_.value -match 'value'} // or with key
It always returns an empty value. Got it from link, tried to create a local hash using $hash=#{} then add, and it worked(like for the guy from the link).
Note! $hash.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object Name works for me too, and returning the right table.
Do you have any idea how can I search(-eq or -match) in the hash table that I have created?

try this
$hash.GetEnumerator() | where {$($_.Value) -match 'value'}
or like this
$hash.Keys | % {$($hash[$_]) -eq 'value'} | %{$hash[$_]}
or better, you can transform your hashtable into objects list
$hash.GetEnumerator() |
% {New-Object psobject -Property #{Name=$($_.Name); Value=$($_.Value)} } |
where Value -match 'value'

Your response to my comment asking for clarification didn't clarify too much, but I'm going to assume that you want to find the value for a particular key in the hashtable. That kind of lookup is the core functionality of hashtables.
$ht = #'
'# | ConvertFrom-StringData
$key = 'bar'
$ht[$key] # returns 42
If you actually want a fuzzy match on the keys you could replace the direct lookup with a wildcard match like this:
$partialKey = 'ba*'
$ht.Keys | Where-Object {
$_ -like $partialKey
} | ForEach-Object {
$ht[$_] # returns 42 and 5
or a regular expression match like this:
$partialKey = '^ba'
$ht.Keys | Where-Object {
$_ -match $partialKey
} | ForEach-Object {
$ht[$_] # returns 42 and 5
As an alternative to looking up multiple keys in a loop you could also build a list of keys and use that list in a single lookup:
$partialKey = 'ba*'
$keys = $ht.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -like $partialKey }
$ht[$keys] # returns 42 and 5


Powershell Pipeline - return a new Object, that was created within pipline

I keep running into the same problem again, and i have my default way of handling it, but it keeps bugging me.
Isn't there any better way?
So basicly i have a pipline running, do stuff within the pipline, and want to return a Key/Value Pair from within the pipline.
I want the whole pipline to return a object of type psobject (or pscustomobject).
Here is the way i do it everytime.
I create a hashtable at the beginning of the pipline and add key/Value Pairs from within the pipline to this hashtable using the .Add() method.
Afterwards i create a psobject by passing the hashtbale to New-Object`s -Property Parameter. This gives me the desired result.
Get-Process | Sort -Unique Name | ForEach-Object -Begin { $ht = #{} } -Process {
$key = $_.Name
$val = $_.Id
# Add Entry to Hashtable
# Create PSObject from Hashtable
$myAwesomeNewObject = New-Object psobject -Property $ht
# Done - returns System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
But this seems a bit cluncky, isn't there a more elegant way of doing it?
Something like this:
[PSObject]$myAwesomeNewObject = Get-Process | Sort -Unique Name | ForEach-Object -Process {
$key = $_.Name
$val = $_.Id
# return Key/Val Pair
# Failed - returns System.Object[]
This unfortunally dosn't work, since the pipe returns an array of hashtables, but i hope you know now what iam trying to achieve.
Not sure if this is more elegant but just another way of doing it, this uses an anonymous function so $ht will no longer be available after execution, and casts to [pscustomobject] instead of using New-Object:
[pscustomobject] (Get-Process | Sort -Unique Name | & {
begin { $ht = #{ } }
process {
$key = $_.Name
$val = $_.Id
# Add Entry to Hashtable
$ht.Add($key, $val)
end { $ht }
You can also use the -End parameter to convert the final hash table to a pscustomobject as part of the pipeline, without needing to set the whole thing to a variable
$ht[$key]=$val is also a nice shorthand for $ht.Add($key,$val):
Get-Process |
Sort -Unique Name |
Foreach -Begin { $ht = #{} } -Process {
$ht[$_.Name] = $_.Id
} -End {[pscustomobject]$ht} |
## continue pipeline with pscustomobject
Thanks to #Santiago Squarzon and #Cpt.Whale answers, i were able to combine them to create a solution that pleases me:
$myAwesomeNewObject = `
Get-Process | Sort -Unique Name | & {
begin { $ht = #{} }
process {
$key = $_.Name
$val = $_.Id
# Add Entry to Hashtable
end {[pscustomobject]$ht}
# Success - System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject
# And helper Hashtable is NULL thanks to the
# anonym function
$null -eq $ht
Thanks alot Guys
Alternatively you may create a hashtable using Group-Object -AsHashTable:
# Store the PIDs of all processes into a PSCustomObject, keyed by the process name
$processes = [PSCustomObject] (Get-Process -PV proc |
Select-Object -Expand Id |
Group-Object { $proc.Name } -AsHashtable)
# List all PIDs of given process
Common parameter -PV (alias of -PipelineVariable) makes sure that we can still access the full process object from within the calculated property of the Group-Object command, despite that we have a Select-Object command in between.
The values of the properties are arrays, which store the process IDs of all instances of each process. E. g. $ outputs a list of PIDs of all instances of the chrome process.

Powershell print sub-level objects in FT

I have the following generic structure:
Powershell command returns an object containing named fields and values. Some of those values are objects with another struct of names and values below them.
I want to simply print the results in a FL, but I want the sub-object values included.
The following code provides me the output I'm looking for, but I feel like I'm not doing this in a powershell-efficient way and I should be able to pipe this into a one-liner
foreach ($user in (Get-MsolUser | ?{$_.StrongAuthenticationmethods -ne $null})){
Write-host "$($user.UserPrincipalName) :: $($user.DisplayName)"
foreach($method in $user.StrongAuthenticationMethods){
write-host "`t$($method.MethodType)"
I was hoping the above could be shortened to resemble the below non-functional code... is something like this possible to dump the property values when there could be a number of results between 0-X (max 4 in my case)?
Get-msolUser|?{$_.StrongAuthenticationmethods -ne $null} | select UserPrincipalName,Displayname,isLicensed,(StrongAuthenticationmethods | fl)
Use a calculated property:
Get-MsolUser |
Where-Object { $null -ne $_.StrongAuthenticationmethods } |
Select-Object UserPrincipalName, Displayname, isLicensed, #{
Expression={ $_.StrongAuthenticationmethods.MethodType -join "`n" }
} |
The above uses Format-List (fl), but if you prefer a tabular representation via Format-Table (ft) instead, replace | Format-List with | Format-Table -Wrap.

Compare-Object - Separate side columns

Is it possible to display the results of a PowerShell Compare-Object in two columns showing the differences of reference vs difference objects?
For example using my current cmdline:
Compare-Object $Base $Test
InputObject SideIndicator
987654 =>
555555 <=
123456 <=
In reality the list is rather long. For easier data reading is it possible to format the data like so:
Base Test
555555 987654
So each column shows which elements exist in that object vs the other.
For bonus points it would be fantastic to have a count in the column header like so:
Base(2) Test(1)
555555 987654
Possible? Sure. Feasible? Not so much. PowerShell wasn't really built for creating this kind of tabular output. What you can do is collect the differences in a hashtable as nested arrays by input file:
$ht = #{}
Compare-Object $Base $Test | ForEach-Object {
$value = $_.InputObject
switch ($_.SideIndicator) {
'=>' { $ht['Test'] += #($value) }
'<=' { $ht['Base'] += #($value) }
then transpose the hashtable:
$cnt = $ht.Values |
ForEach-Object { $_.Count } |
Sort-Object |
Select-Object -Last 1
$keys = $ht.Keys | Sort-Object
0..($cnt-1) | ForEach-Object {
$props = [ordered]#{}
foreach ($key in $keys) {
$props[$key] = $ht[$key][$_]
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property $props
} | Format-Table -AutoSize
To include the item count in the header name change $props[$key] to $props["$key($($ht[$key].Count))"].

powershell: Check if any of a bunch of properties is set

I'm importing a csv-file which looks like this:
Now I want to check, if any of the value-properties in one group is set.
I can do
Import-Csv .\test.csv | where {$_.Value1.1 -or $_.Value1.2 -or $_.Value1.3}
Import-Csv .\test.csv | foreach {
if ($_.Value1 -or $_.Value2 -or $_.Value3) {
Write-Output $_
But my "real" csv-file contains about 200 columns and I have to check 31 properties x 5 different object types that are mixed up in this csv. So my code will be realy ugly.
Is there anything like
where {$_.Value1.*}
where {$ArrayWithPropertyNames}
You could easily use the Get-Member cmdlet to get the properties which have the correct prefix (just use * as a wildcard after the prefix).
So to achieve what you want you could just filter the data based on whether any of the properties with the correct prefix contains data.
The script below uses your sample data, with a row4 added, and filters the list to find all items which have a value in any property starting with value1.
$csv = #"
$data = ConvertFrom-csv $csv
$data | Where {
$currentDataItem = $_
$propertyValues = $currentDataItem |
# Get's all the properties with the correct prefix
Get-Member 'value1*' -MemberType NoteProperty |
# Gets the values for each of those properties
Foreach { $currentDataItem.($_.Name) } |
# Only keep the property value if it has a value
Where { $_ }
# Could just return $propertyValues, but this makes the intention clearer
$hasValueOnPrefixedProperty = $propertyValues.Length -gt 0
Write-Output $hasValueOnPrefixedProperty
Alternate solution:
$PropsToCheck = 'Value1*'
Import-csv .\test.csv |
Where {
(($_ | Select $PropsToCheck) -contains ''

PowerShell - filtering for unique values

I have an input CSV file with a column containing information similar to the sample below:
I'd like to extract unique values into a array based on the leading two characters, so using the above sample my result would be:
80, 99, 98, 33
How might I achieve this using PowerShell?
Use Select-Object and parameter -unique:
$values =
$values |
Foreach-Object { $_.Substring(0,2) } |
Select-Object -unique
If conversion to int is needed, then just cast it to [int]:
$ints =
$values |
Foreach-Object { [int]$_.Substring(0,2) } |
Select-Object -unique
I'd use the Group-Object cmdlet (alias group) for this:
Import-Csv foo.csv | group {$_.ColumnName.Substring(0, 2)}
Count Name Group
----- ---- -----
2 80 {805265, 805674}
1 99 {995874}
1 98 {984654}
2 33 {332574, 339852}
You might use a hash table:
$values = #(805265, 995874, 805674, 984654, 332574, 339852)
$ht = #{}
$values | foreach {$ht[$_ -replace '^(..).+','$1']++}
You could make a new array with items containing the first two characters and then use Select-Object to give you the unique items like this:
$newArray = #()
$csv = Import-Csv -Path C:\your.csv
$csv | % {
$newArray += $_.YourColumn.Substring(0, 2)
$newArray | Select-Object -Unique
Just another option instead of using Select-Object -unique would be to use the Get-Unique cmdlet (or its alias gu; see the detailed description here) as demonstrated below:
$values = #(805265, 995874, 805674, 984654, 332574, 339852)
$values | % { $_.ToString().Substring(0,2) } | Get-Unique
# Or the same using the alias
$values | % { $_.ToString().Substring(0,2) } | gu