Cannot read property 'sPath' of undefined error while performing .read() method - sapui5

I am confused with the error I get while trying to do .read() method of the odata model.
Here is my model definition:
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel("/destination/sap/opu/odata/sap/ODataServer");
this.getView().setModel(oModel, "odata");
Here is the relevant method:
_read: function(aFilters) {
var oModel = this.getView().getModel("odata");
console.log("oModel",oModel);"/myEntitySet", {
filters: aFilters,
success: function(oData) {
error: function(oError) {
The model is defined and is displayed in console.
In the line where the .read() method is, I get the following error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'sPath' of undefined
I have never seen such behavior before. What do I do wrong?

I had an error in my aFilters array. Well,the problem was that aFilters wasn't array at all. After fixing this issue, the .read() method worked fine.


SAPUI5: getModel returns undefined if called within the same function of setModel

I'm trying to set a model and retrieving it from OData after pressing a certain button.
The problem is when I call getModel right after setting the model, it returns undefined.
However, if I call getModel from another function (after model being stetted from other functions), it returns the desired output.
Code for reference:
onPressButton1: function(){
var vEntityURL = "/CustomerSet(ID='000')";
var sServiceUrl = "/Customers_SRV/";
var oServiceModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel(sServiceUrl, true);
var oJsonModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();, {
success: function(oData) {
this.getView().setModel(oJsonModel, "Customers");
var oCustomer = this.getView().getModel("Customers");
The above returns undefined in the console.
However, it works if I press another button with the following function.
onPressButton2: function(){
var oCustomer = this.getView().getModel("Customers");
This is not a sapui5 problem, it is the common behaviour of asynchronous code: you can be sure to have your data only in the success callback of the read method.
Move the last three lines of code inside the success function and you're done :-)

How to pass a key field as variable instead of hard-coded key value to OData operation?

I am calling the GetEntity OData read method from the SAP UI5 view controller and passing a key value in the request URL. I am getting the proper response from the back-end when I hardcode the key value.
However, when I try to pass the key value dynamically in a variable by appending it to the URL, it doesn't work. I get the following error
HTTP request failed 404
In below code, sGrant is the variable and it doesn't work. But if I replace the variable name with its value hard-coded in below code, for example, in the read method like this: "/GrantMasterSet('TY560003')", then it works:
var sGrant = this.byId("grantNbr").getValue();
var oMod = this.getOwnerComponent().getModel();"/GrantMasterSet('sGrant')", {
success: function(oData) {
var oJsonModel = new JSONModel();
error: function(oError) {"Read Failed");
UI5 has a method to generate the right URI for you, no matter what is the data type of the key of your entity type.
The method is createKey of the sap.ui.model.odata.v2.ODataModel class. See its documentation
Inside your controller, use the following source code.
onInit: function () {
var oRouter = this.getOwnerComponent().getRouter();
oRouter.getRoute("routeName").attachPatternMatched( this.onPatternMatched , this );
onPatternMatched: function(oEvent){
var oParameters = oEvent.getParameters();
var oArguments = oParameters.arguments; // is not a function - without ()
var sKey =; // route parameter passed when using navTo
var oDataModel = this.getView().getModel(); // v2.ODataModel
oDataModel.metadataLoaded().then(function() {
var sPath = oDataModel.createKey("EntitySet", { Key: sKey });
this.getView().bindElement("/" + sPath);
Usually this is necessary in details pages, in order to apply element binding to a page. As the createKey method relies on the $metadata of your service, you must make sure that it is already loaded in your app. This can be achieved by using method metadataLoaded, provided in the snippet as well.
You should concatenate the variable to the rest of the string, like this:"/GrantMasterSet('" + sGrant + "')", {
Or, you can use a template literal, which comes down to the same thing (notice the backtics):`/GrantMasterSet('${sGrant}')`, {
You should escape 'sGrant' so it can be evaluated.
It should be something like that :
var sGrant = this.byId("grantNbr").getValue();
var oMod = this.getOwnerComponent().getModel();"/GrantMasterSet("+sGrant+")", {
success: function(oData) {
var oJsonModel = new sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
error: function(oError) {"Read Failed");

Stubbing byId() in SAPUI5-sinon

I'm filddling with sinonjs in SAPUI5. But there are some things I can't get my head around.
QUnit.module("Validation of Betaalwijze", {
beforeEach : function () {
this.oMainViewController = new MainViewController();
this.oViewStub = new ManagedObject();
var data = {
IBANPrimair: "123",
IBANSecundair: "456",
Betaalwijze: ""
var oModel = new JSONModel(data);
var fakeBetaalwijzeField = new Input();
sinon.stub(this.oViewStub, "getModel").returns(oModel);
sinon.stub(this.oViewStub, "byId").returns(fakeBetaalwijzeField);
sinon.stub(this.oMainViewController, "getView").returns(this.oViewStub);
afterEach : function() {
QUnit.test("Should set an ValueState Error", function (assert) {
// Arrange
//All preparation here above.
// Act
// Assert
The getModel-stub works nicely when I use a "sap/ui/base/ManagedObject" for the oViewStub. But the byId-stub causes the message "Attempted to wrap undefined property byId as function" in that case.
When I use a "sap/ui/core/mvc/View" for the oViewStub, the getModel-stub is not found. (But this gives an error in the beforeEach also: Cannot read property 'viewData' of undefined.)
What is the right way to stub the View and it's methods getModel() and byId()?
The answer is quiete simple: sap.ui.base.ManagedObject does not have a method byId. This is a method of sap.ui.core.mvc.View. Just create a View instead of a ManagedObject in beforeEach and you should be fine.

TypeError seneca indexof if not a function during respond

I have written a simple action which connects to mongo db using seneca-mongo store module, execute a list query and get the results. I can see that the query was successful and the correct results were fetched. When I try to send these results back to the client, the respond call errors out with following message and stack trace.
ERROR act root$ OUT cmd:getparams,role:diff 11 {cmd:getparams,role:diff,payload:{id:scalaScan}} ENTRY (dqk22) - seneca: Action cmd:getparams,role:diff callback threw: k.indexOf is not a function. act_callback {message:k.indexOf is not a function,pattern:cmd:getparams,role:diff,instance:Seneca/0.7.2/d0twcki9cmxg/1485517 TypeError: k.indexOf is not a function
at /scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/seneca/node_modules/seneca-web/web.js:851:13
at Function.forEach (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/lodash/dist/lodash.js:3298:15)
at Object.defaultmodify [as modify] (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/seneca/node_modules/seneca-web/web.js:850:7)
at respond (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/seneca/node_modules/seneca-web/web.js:654:22)
at Seneca.<anonymous> (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/seneca/node_modules/seneca-web/web.js:401:7)
at act_done (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/seneca/seneca.js:1554:16)
at /scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/gate-executor/gate-executor.js:127:20
at Seneca.<anonymous> (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/analyze.js:613:5)
at act_done (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/seneca/seneca.js:1554:16)
at /scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/gate-executor/gate-executor.js:127:20
at /scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/seneca-mongo-store/mongo-store.js:329:21
at /scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/cursor.js:271:33
at /scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/cursor.js:778:35
at Cursor.close (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/cursor.js:1009:5)
at Cursor.nextObject (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/cursor.js:778:17)
at Cursor.each (/scratch/DiffAnalyzer/node_modules/mongodb/lib/mongodb/cursor.js:264:12)
The action that I have written is
seneca.add("role:diff,cmd:getparams", function(msg, respond) {
seneca.ready(function() {
var collection = seneca.make$("paramStore");
var f = msg.payload;"Filter", f);
collection.list$(f, function(err, ob) {
if (err) {
} else {"Result", ob);
respond(null, ob);
The same piece of code was working and now I am getting this error. Not sure what changed. Any help/suggestions are greatly appreciated.
The issue I was facing was because of this bit of code in the module's js file
if( _.isObject( result.out ) ) {
if(~k.indexOf('$') && 'http$' !== k) {
delete result.out[k]
The _.each function is meant to parse a JSON object, where in my case the out was actually a JSON array. Wrapping the array into an object resolved it.

Why when I click on the update button error TypeError: r is undefined happen?

The error in firefox browser as follows: TypeError: r is undefined
This is the chrome browser:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
I also did a video for a better understanding.
The error occurs when I changed the values ​​in a field
jsfiddle code
youtube video
button code update
save: function (e) {
var that = this;
url: '/api/apdevice',
type: == null ? 'POST' : 'PUT',
contentType: 'application/json',
data: JSON.stringify(e.model),
success: function (data) {
error: function (data) {
The reason for this is because your datasource's update method is being called. It has not been set which gives you the TypeError.
You can do one of two things.
Set the update method of your datasource to contain the logic contained in your save function. You'll need to set update as a function in order to be able to control the method dynamically (POST/PUT). You should remove the ajax code from the save event at this point.
Set the update method to a dummy function and handle it as part of the save event instead.
Here's an example of approach #2.
var dataSource = new{
update: function(e) { return true; }
Keep the save event function as is.
Note that I'm getting an Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected number error. I believe this is originating from the LastClientsCount property.