Eclipse Ide Console not showing ouput of the current code - eclipse

In Eclipse Neon after writing a code, when pressing run, output of other code, (previously done) are showing. The output of the code that i have written is not showing. What is the cause off the problem ? Is it related to workspace ?

Just clicking Run runs whatever program you executed last. It does not switch to your new code.
To be sure of executing your new program right click on the class containing your 'main' method and select 'Run As > Java Program' (assuming this is Java as you haven't told us your programming language).


Using eclipse for Prolog

I have to use eclipse (with ProDT) for running swi-prolog. I installed ProDT via help->install new software, opened the prolog perspective, made a new prolog project and a new file called with the lines I was given:
hello :- write('Hello Prolog World!').
Then whenever I tried to run the file (by pressing the green play button) I got the message Unable to launch; The selection cannot be launched, and there are no recent launches.
I did check Windows->Preferences->Prolog->Interpreters and added the swipl.exe of the swi-prolog directory, but nothing changed.
I suspect the problem is that there are no Run configurations for Prolog (Prolog is not in that list), but I have now idea how to set those up.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Perhaps you can try the following (taken from here):
Create or Select a Prolog Process
After opening the Prolog Perspective, create or select a Prolog process in the Prolog Console View .
Select: Click on the first icon in the Prolog Console's toolbar (“Process Switcher”) to see which Prolog processes are currently running. Select one of them.
Create: Click on the second icon in the toolbar (“Create Process”) and enter a name (any string).
The name of the selected or newly created process will appear in the top left corner of the Prolog Console. If the process was newly created, you will see the welcome message displayed below.
Now you can use the Prolog Console to run your Prolog queries.

Error in loading component: [JFrame]->Panel - Java NetBeans

So its been a while since I last touched the GUI for this application. Today I tried to open the main form and got this error message:
Note everything compiles/runs perfectly, I get no errors whatsoever.
It might be because you used to have a custom GUI window/panel/component and you modified that class. Now the IDE does not recognize it anymore, so just press "Not editable" button when NetBeans Shows you the dialog, then perform a "Clean and Build" (the broom and hammer icon). After build completes close and reopen the IDE. It worked form me.
It an error that append sometimes when you switch from a version to an other. I get the same issue, I got the message but all run well.
If you want more informations about the problem encoutered, go in :
(In the menu bar) View -> IDE Log
here you should see the details of the error when you get this Warning window.

Running my program from PyDev with one click?

I am developing using the PyDev plugin in Eclipse. My program uses several classes in several files. I usually run the program using the green "play" icon or using Control+F11. The only problem is that it will run the file, which is currently in "focus". Usually this is not the one containing the starting point of my application. As I run my program something like 200 times a day, this means that I need 200 extra click on the mouse and often forget about this.
Is there any way of setting the default file to launch?
Yes, change the launching to rerun the last launched, so Ctrl+F11 will launch the last one -- and use F9 to launch the one with focus -- See instructions and details at:
For me, the shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+F9. I don't think I've changed any keybindings, so its strange that it would be different from the official documentation.
Go to Run->Run History, and select the run that is your 'main' run. Now you should be able to use Ctrl-Shift+F9 from any other file to rerun your main. If it isn't Ctrl+Shift+F9 for you, look on the console window that should be at the bottom of your screen showing the stdout after every run. There is an icon on the top of it that has the green start arrow with a yellow arrow underneath it pointing to the right. That is the command to relaunch with the same configuration. If you hover over that, it should tell you the keyboard shortcut you need.

Debug in Eclipse - ClassNotFoundException

when i debug in Eclipse a simple console application, I get a lot of ClassNotFoundException lines in the debug Window. It is not an error, somewhat lower in another pane I get "Source not found.". I understand that it is because the source code of the required class is not available, buI would like to skip over these lines... I have to press a lot of times the "step over" or "step out" button to get out of these states.
What can I do in order to avoid these useless lines at all?
I've been having this problem for a few months now. I'd be debugging a java app and every time I'd hit a constructor, eclipse would try to find matching java core library ClassNotFoundException's source code.
I solved this problem by right-clicking in Debug window on the ClassNotFoundException when I hit it, and clicking on Filter Type. I would then right-click in the debug window again and choose Edit Step Filters.... In the Edit Step Filters window I checked everything in the Defined Step Filters section and unchecked everything in the bottom of the window (Filter synthetic methods, Filter static initializers, etc).
Hope this helps others in the future.
After Launching Debug Mode.
Go to Window → Show View → Break Points.
Now you would be able to see Break Point tab in Debugging mode.
Uncheck the option "ClassNotFoundException: caught and uncaught".
While debugging try Step Return (F7 as shortcut) to get one level up at a time and thus out of the libs you don't have the source attached for.
In a normal application your own code (your java files) is mixed together with code of others (class files in libraries, runtime environment, etc.).
Each time you step into a class file you will get this "Source not found"-Warning. (as you already mentioned in your question)
At first you could try to get the source codes for the libraries and link them to your libraries (for example in "project setup => Preferences.../Java Build Path/Libraries => unfold a jar-libraries => Source attachment").
If no source code is available you have to use the debugger-comands to avoid jumping into that class files. "Step Out/Return" might help, but the "Debug View" (which can be found in the top left corner in your "Debug Perspective") could be even more helpful.
In the "Debug View" you can see each thread of your application. If you are currently debugging a thread you can there see the current stacktrace. Instead of clicking F6 and F7 all the time you can also navigate by clicking on an stacktrace-item there.
Tipp: I am using - (Rightclick->"run to line") a lot - this is quite helpful to run over loops, etc.
An occurence of ClassNotFoundException is most common in debugging in order to avoid these exceptions, In breakpoints window(Windows>Show View>BreakPoints) uncheck the "ClassNotFoundException: caught and uncaught" to continue with the normal debugging.

Eclipse 3.4.1 - how to view compiler output in Console while building a project

I have what appears to be a very annoying problem. When compiling a project in Eclipse, I see no Console that shows the invocation of the Java compiler and the build results (as in NetBeans).
If I, for instance, import an existing project into Eclipse and invoke Project->Build Project, is there a view that will show me results of the compilation? While I know that my project contains a number of files that have errors, invoking Build Project shows no visual result/progress of the compilation. It does not show the list of errors so that I can quickly jump to them.
I'm aware that there is a "Problems" view, which shows a list of problems (and not just compiler errors) in all projects and not the particular project that I am working with, which makes it very inconvenient to locate and jump to source of the problem.
You can configure the problem view to show only problems in the current project:
Click on the small triangle at the far right of the view.
In the popup menu, select "Configure Contents..."
Select each item in the "Configurations" list and click on "Scope: On any element in the same project"
If you want to see the compiler working, you need open the "Progress" view.
Since Eclipse JDT provides its own built-in Java compiler, you generally do not see the invocation of Java Compiler.
The built-in Java compiler is tightly integrated with Eclipse and JDT, and provides the source indexing that enables powerful IDE features such as refactoring and quick fix.
Plus, it enables incremental build in background after each file modification, hence no visible "java" invocation.
You can replace/complete the java compiler with a javac` call of your own:
For instance, Using Alcatel-Lucent nmake with Eclipse JDT does precisely that, and uses a configuration launcher (which you can instruct to show a console):
You will need to add that special builder in the "builder" section of your project.
Do not forget you can create many "Problem view", and set one of them to show only problems for your current project.
Select: "on any element in same project"
Goto Windows->Show View->Console
Console appears in tab with Problem view
Your question contains a couple of assumptions that you might want to re-think.
It does not show the list of errors so that I can quickly jump to them.
Errors are flagged in the edit window while you are editing. You can fix them on the spot, without having to "jump" anywhere.
If you drop an entire source file into your project, you may not be in an edit window on that file. (And, of course, that's not standard Eclipse usage.) The simplest way I know do deal with that is simply to "Refresh" the project and look in the Package Explorer view to see whether there are any errors detected (which will happen immediately if you "refresh" a file into a source folder). Double-click on any files which show an error icon and look at the right-hand side of the edit window to see exactly where the errors are.
I'm aware that there is a "Problems" view, which shows a list of problems (and not just compiler errors) in all projects and not the particular project that I am working with...
Unless you are using multiple projects, with inter-project dependencies, I find it useful to close all but the current project on which I'm working. Then the "Problems" view is specific to the current context.
Finally, I'd recommend looking at the Mylin "getting started" page for other hints on how Eclipse can help you focus on the current task.