How to disable or hide scrollbar/minimap? - visual-studio-code

I can't find any option, setting, or keyboard shortcut that disables or hides that annoying scrollbar. I just don't find it useful and it's distracting.
Can't just edit the editor's CSS like Atom, either.

Remove Minimap
Add the following to your settings.json file
"editor.minimap.enabled": false
Note that, as pointed out in another answer, this process has now been simplified to:
View->Show Minimap
Remove the Overview Ruler
Add the following to your settings.json file
"editor.hideCursorInOverviewRuler": true
This will keep the scrollbar, but will result in it only appearing when the cursor is within the editor, as seen in the image below:
Completely remove scrollbars (requires restart)
If you would like to completely remove the scrollbars, add the following to your settings.json file (note the editor will say "Unknown configuration setting" - ignore this. It will still work):
"editor.scrollbar.horizontal": "hidden",
"editor.scrollbar.vertical": "hidden"
This will result in the scrollbars not being visible even when the cursor is in the editor, as seen in the image below:

Ctrl + Shift + P -> Open User Settings
"editor.minimap.enabled": false

Try this,
view->toggle minimap
or after version 1.43
view->show minimap

Removing the scroll bar
These no longer work:
"editor.scrollbar.horizontal": "hidden",
"editor.scrollbar.vertical": "hidden"
However, this will set the size of the scroll bar to 0:
"editor.scrollbar.verticalScrollbarSize": 0,
The toolip says "Unknown Configuration Setting" but it works for me.
(Visual Studio Code 1.39.2)

So this is an unofficial method as instructed on accepted answer by #badfilms. You can read about it here
After adding, restart vscode:
"editor.scrollbar.horizontal": "hidden",
"editor.scrollbar.vertical": "hidden"
This gives and "Unknown configuration settings", ignore it.
Then to remove the scrollbar seperator or ruler border, add this:
"editor.overviewRulerBorder": false

Goto View and deselect Minimap.

tested Visual Studio version: VS Community 2017 Version 15.8.2
Tools --> Options
Search for "scroll"
click on "Text Editor" title from the results on the left side.
click "Use bar mode for vertical scroll bar" under "Behavior" section and then click "OK"
Here is a screenshot:

You can toggle it from the top bar "View > Show Minimap",
But you can also define it as a keyboard shortcut!
Go to: "File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts"
Search: "Minimap"
Select: "View: Toggle Minimap"
Select the keyboard you wish to link (I used Ctrl+M)

In Visual Studio 2019
Right click on the scroll bar and select "Scroll Bar Options" from the context menu.
This will display the settings for the Scroll Bars.
Under the Behavior heading halfway down, select "Use bar mode for vertical scroll bar" then click Ok. This removed the map mode from the bar.

View --> Show Minimap -click it to uncheck it-

Just to update the situation, in the past the settings mentioned above worked, despite showing an unknown configuration error, after a reload, because they had not been officially exposed to users. With v1.58 these settings will be "official" and not require a reload.
editor.scrollbar.vertical - 'auto' | 'visible' | 'hidden'
editor.scrollbar.horizontal - 'auto' | 'visible' | 'hidden'
editor.scrollbar.verticalScrollbarSize - number
editor.scrollbar.horizontalScrollbarSize - number
editor.scrollbar.scrollByPage - boolean
See Expose editor scrollbar options and react to them being updated.

once you go to the user setting it has default setting left had side as bellow and
there is a pensile mark on where click and automatically appear true false then right had side custom setting change. Thats how I did it thanks Alexandru.
think this may help you.

Default value of Scroll Beyond Last Column is 5 which does horizontal scrollbar visible and operate. Set the value to 0 removes horizontal scrollbar.
Settings options

for hidden scroll bar add into setting.json
`"window.scrollBarVisibility": "hidden",`
for hidden minimap add :
"editor.minimap.enabled": false,

For all projects
Write to a search settings:
Then change this values as on screenshot:


Is there a Visual Studio Code command for hiding the scroll bar on one of the editors upon an editor being split?

Is there a VSC command that is related to hiding the scroll bar?
Remove Minimap:
View->Show Minimap
Remove the Overview Ruler:
Add the following to your settings.json file
"editor.hideCursorInOverviewRuler": true
This will keep the scrollbar, but will result in it only appearing when the cursor is within the editor.
Completely remove scrollbars (requires restart):
If you would like to completely remove the scrollbars, add the following to your settings.json file (the editor may say "Unknown configuration setting" - ignore this. It will still work):
"editor.scrollbar.horizontal": "hidden",
"editor.scrollbar.vertical": "hidden"
This will result in the scrollbars not being visible even when the cursor is in the editor.

How to turn off or temporarily disable Visual Studio code hints when hover over code with cursor [duplicate]

How can I disable the default tooltip hint message in VSCode? It's annoying sometimes.
editor.hover.enabled: false in settings.json to Tooltip
Click on Edit in settings.json
There are two panes
Default User Settings
"editor.quickSuggestions": {
"other": false,
"comments": false,
"strings": false
User Settings
"editor.parameterHints.enabled": false,
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false,
"html.suggest.html5": false,
"editor.snippetSuggestions": "none",
This also can be done UI.
Setting Snippet Suggestions : false
Update August 2018 (version 1.27)
Goto File=>Preference=>Settings
Text Editor => Suggestions
Click on Edit in settings.json
"editor.parameterHints.enabled": false,
"editor.suggest.snippetsPreventQuickSuggestions": false,
"html.suggest.html5": false,
Update your suggest options and save.
Before August 2018
Goto File=>Preference=>User Settings
You will find settings.json
// Configures if the built-in HTML language support suggests Angular tags and properties.
"html.suggest.angular1": false,
"html.suggest.ionic": false,
"html.suggest.html5": false,
Just find your language and set suggest = false
Setting to turn off ALL popups
"editor.parameterHints": false
"editor.hover.enabled": false,
is your bulletproof solution. Then you can use CTLR + K, CTLR + I.
To hide those hints you can just add "editor.parameterHints": false to your settings.json. Found the answer in here.
I find using a larger value for Editor > Hover: Delay (search for "delay" in the settings search bar) does the trick for me. Its default is 300ms. This doesn't address the desire to actually eliminate the tooltips, but having them only appear after, say, 2 seconds, reduces the visual clutter quite a bit for me.
On version 1.27.2, I found that only this parameter disabled all the tooltips: "editor.hover.enabled": false.
I'm using Visual Studio Code v1.63.0 and in Settings I searched for "hover" and, among other things, found "Editor > Hover: Delay" and "Editor > Hover: Enabled". Unchecking the latter will disable the hover. However, I personally find them useful but they're displayed too quickly so I increased ""Editor > Hover: Delay" from "300" to "5000"
Simple way that no one here has mentioned: Code → Preferences → Settings. Search for "hover". Uncheck the checkbox where it says "Editor > Hover: Enabled".
Cntrl + shift + P -> Prefences: Open Settings (JSON)
"editor.parameterHints": false,
"editor.hover.enabled": false
i had to do both of these.
Here's the noob version, assuming you know little about VS Code (like me).
VS Code version: 1.37.1
While in VS Code:
press F1 then type "settings" or "preferences" - then click "Preferences: Open User Settings"
- or -
from top menu: File>Preferences>Settings
- or -
hotkey: ctrl+,
in the settings pane, type "hover" (no need to press "enter")
the settings pane should display the hover settings immediately
Uncheck "Editor › Hover: Enabled"
hover disable
Rockstar Version: edit the JSON like a balla
F1 then type "Open Settings (JSON)"
navigate to settings JSON file and open in VS Code
Add this to JSON file (within curly braces, INCLUDE quotes): "editor.hover.enabled": false
Note: each line needs a comma after it. If you add to top, put a comma after this line. If you add to bottom, add a comma after the previous line.
Don't forget to save!
what JSON looks like
If you're new to coding, those tooltips can come in handy. You may want instead to just DELAY their appearance as Logan suggested.
click here:
or simply scroll up! :)
Note: I appreciate others have posted almost the EXACT same answer but, as I mentioned, this is the NOOB version that assumes the user has little/no experience with VS Code.
for Versions 1.31+ this one line did it for me:
"editor.parameterHints.enabled": false
Go to the settings gear wheel in the bottom left hand corner, then go to Settings and search "hover". Uncheck the "Controls whether the hover is shown" box.
Hope this helps others. Running with v1.72.1. For the life of me was trying all the different settings, options, suggesting and couldn't get the tooltip help disabled... Coffee might have been my solution, finally noticed in the tooltip window there is an 'x' in the upper right corner for a close, clicking it. WOW! It worked and seems to have persisted my desire to dismiss them. I wanted them gone.... Perfect!!! Thinking about it, don't see a way to get them back if someone might actually want them back. VS Code is nice for a lot of stuff, but pretty bad for some of it's design and usability...
If you are not looking for disable and as mentioned by user: Darrell Brogdon above, if you want to delay the hover time of tooltip as solution then simply add the below line in user settings with your desired time value.
replace value 3000 as per your need.
Note: hover settings are moved in Online Services Settings in newer versions, hence you might not be able to find it with search 'hover' in user settings.
// modify in Preferences --> Settings or settings.json
"editor.hover.delay": 3000,

How to hide the thing on the right-hand side for better screen ratio? [duplicate]

This beauty appeared after a recent update, and it is very distracting to me.
I searched through the menus, but didn't find any setting to remove it. Is there any way to banish it from the editor?
This is called the minimap, and, as stated in that link,
If you would like to disable minimap, you can set "editor.minimap.enabled": false in your user or workspace settings.
Once you save the settings file, the minimap will be gone.
You can also toggle the minimap from the Command Palette. You can go to 'View' and select Command Palette or just Ctrl+Shift+P and type in the word 'minimap', you will instantly get the option to toggle the minimap.
Click on "File" -> "Preferences" -> "Settings"
After Settings open, in "search settings" or press "Ctrl+f" type "editor.minimap.enabled" this will take you direct to the settings. On left of it edited option will be available right click to it. And set it to "false"
After wards you can see the right side pane is hide.
Ctrl + Shift + P write Toggle minimap and hit enter and it's gone.
While all the answers here will accomplish what the original question asks, they are showing a dated, manual way of hiding the minimap. Current versions of Code have a "Toggle Minimap" item in the View menu, which will hide the minimap without the need to edit anything manually in User Settings.
That view is called Minimap. To toggle, goto:
Toolbar -> View -> Toggle Minimap
I know of 3 ways to show/hide it.
View -> Show Minimap
Ctrl+Shift+P -> Toggle Minimap
Settings.json -> "editor.minimap.enabled": false
I also made a Youtube tutorial here demonstrating all three ways.
In VS,
Click on View on the top toolbar,
Then you will get a pop up, unselect --- Show minimap
Oowekyala's answer is correct. I am adding a description with image for better understanding. Here is the number from 1 to 5 that describe the steps. Firstly click on File->Preferences->Settings. Then you will get User Setting page. Next, type "editor.minimap.enabled" in the search box(step-4). you will get setting option. On left of it edited option(step-5) will be available right click to it.
Go to Preferences->Settings Under text-editor dropdown go to Minimap and there uncheck the enable of a minimap.
This thing is called minimap
to toggle is on and off
then search for ">minimap"
then just click enter
And if you again want to use it, repeat above step's again
Simply Click F1 a text box will appear search for minimap
and select View:Toggle MiniMap
2022 Update
The latest 2022 version of VS Code (1.73.0) now makes this even more simpler. Simply do the following to remove the minimap:
Right click anywhere on the minimap and toggle the Minimap option.
To reactivate the minimap, right click anywhere on the scroll bar and toggle the Minimap option.
From the View menuitem in Visual Code main menu, click on Toggle Minimap
On Windows.
Visual Code version 1.20.1
On Mac: Code - Preferences - Settings, and in the right panel add the following line:
"editor.minimap.enabled": false
Please care the commas, this file needs them after each but the last line. (It will warn you if a comma is missing.)
Tools -> option ->Text Editor -> All Languages -> Scroll Bars -> Behavior
toggle between the 2 options (use bar mode .. & use Map mode ... ) given that "Show vertical scrollbar " option is checked.
enter image description here

How to disable VS Code minimap in Windowed mode?

I did the following in Visual Studio Code:
settings.json => "editor.minimap.enabled": true
Open 2ed files side by side (windowed mode)
Minimap exists in both windows
This takes up too much room, but I still want to use the Minimap when I'm editing a single file in a single window. Is there a way to have the Minimap enabled for a single file, but disabled in side-by-side "Windowed" mode?
Toggle minimap command has been added since vscode 1.16. Hit command + shift + p and select View: Toggle Minimap.
There is no way to do this in VS Code. Currently there is only the "editor.minimap.enabled": false setting which can be true or false and either always enables the minimap or always disables it.
Unfortunately, as shown in this issue, there is also no "toggleMinimap" command to assign to keybindings.
You might find this extension useful, though, as it can be used to create a toggle minimap command:
"settings.cycle": [
"setting": "editor.minimap.enabled"
"key": "ctrl+shift+t",
"command": "settings.cycle.workbench.colorTheme",
"when": ""
Simplest way is go to:
View -> Toggle Minimap
In newer versions:
View -> Show Minimap
To remove/disable/hide VS Code Minimap,
Go to the View tab and uncheck this: View > Show Minimap
1) Go to File -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts
2) type in "View: minimap"
3) right click and add a key binding.
I like to use ctrl+m ("m" for minimap)
If there are existing key bindings, you can use another one, or click the existing one(s) listed, then right click them and remove the binding before repeating steps 2 and 3 above.
New option available,
View-> Show minimap (uncheck)
In Visual Studio Code Version 1.41.1. Go to
Files >> Preferences >> Settings
Text Editor >> Minimap >> Uncheck Enabled checkbox
I didnt find "minimap", instead I found:
[Options]>>[Text Editor]>>[All Languages]>>[Scroll Bars]>>Behavior>>"Use map mode for vertical scroll bar"
I am not able to embed image yet, check link

How do I move the panel in Visual Studio Code to the right side?

It's at the bottom by default.
For example in the following image ,panel(Section D) is at the bottom, instead I want it to move to the rightside i.e., in the area where editior shown in Editor Groups(Section C).
Image Credits: (
As of October 2018 (version 1.29) the button in #mvvijesh's answer no longer exists.
You now have 2 options.
Right click the panel's toolbar (nowhere else on the panel will work) and choose "move panel right/bottom":
Or choose "View: Toggle Panel Position" from the command palette.
Source: VSCode update notes:
For people looking for an answer (on how to move the side panel):
You can press
ctrl + , (Or cmd + , on OSX)
and add the following option to your user settings JSON file:
"workbench.sideBar.location": "right"
I'm using Visual Studio Code v1.24.0 on a Mac.
By default, the Panel will appear on the bottom (You can change the default as well. Please refer to #Forres' answer: Moving Panel in Visual Studio Code to right side)
Here's the bottom/right toggle button for VS Code Panel:
Once I click on this button, the Panel moves to the right.
Moving it back is a little tricky though. As you can see, some of the buttons are hidden. This is because the width of the panel when it's aligned right is too small. We need to expand the column to see all the buttons.
This is how it'll look upon expansion:
Now, if you want to move the Panel back to the bottom, click on the toggle bottom/top button again.
Click menu option View > Appearance > Move Side Bar Right or in settings.json:
"workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "right"
In version 1.55.2.
Go to View --> Appearance --> Move Panel Right
Click menu option View > Appearance > Move to Side Bar Right. Once side bar moves to right, option "Move Side Bar Right" changes to "Move to Side Bar Left".
As of June 2019 this setting can be found through searching 'Panel' - if you want to change the default there is an option for it as shown in the screenshot:
For Visual Studio Code v1.31.1, you can toggle the panel session via the View menu.
Go to the View Menu.
Via the Appearance option, click on Toggle Panel Position
Hope this will help someone.
-> open to keyboard shortcut
-> search for "workbench.action.togglePanelPosition"
-> assign your desired shortcut
I've assigned keybinding "cmd+`"
"key": "cmd+`",
"command": "workbench.action.togglePanelPosition"
now I can toggle the terminal by pressing "cmd + `"
VSCode 1.42 (January 2020) introduces:
Panel on the left/right
The panel can now be moved to the left side of the editor with the setting:
"workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "left"
This removes the command View: Toggle Panel Position (workbench.action.togglePanelPosition) in favor of the following new commands:
View: Move Panel Left (workbench.action.positionPanelLeft)
View: Move Panel Right (workbench.action.positionPanelRight)
View: Move Panel To Bottom (workbench.action.positionPanelBottom)
You can do the same in insider's edition, There is an option on right top corner to switch to the panel to sidebar
terminal at the bottom side
terminal at the right side
With v1.64.2 they have brought back the command View: Move Panel Right (or Left). You can put the Panel (which typically has the Terminal/Output/etc. in it) as a vertical column on the left or right side - next to the Side Bar or Side Panel if you wish.
They are working on a fix for the change wrought by v1.64, should be in Insiders v1.65 02/08/2022.
Just use the View: Move Panel Right/Left/Bottom command from the Command Palette.
[Outdated answer, see above.]
As of Stable v1.64 the setting "Wokbench.panel.defaultLocation": "right" will no longer work.
Replacing Panel Location
As mentioned above, the new Side Panel provides similar functionality
as moving the Panel to the left or right, yet improves on this by not
forcing the move of the original panel. Along with view drag and drop
between panels, the new Side Panel is replacing the option to move the
bottom Panel.
In light of that, we have deprecated the
workbench.panel.defaultLocation setting as well as the Move Panel...
commands in favor of similar commands Move Views From Panel To Side
Panel (workbench.action.movePanelToSidePanel) and Move Views From
Side Panel To Panel (workbench.action.moveSidePanelToPanel). The old
commands will remap to the appropriate new command providing the
similiar behavior. Though, we recommend updating your keybindings to
the new commands.
This is in favor of using the new Side Panel, which can be in addition to the previous Side Bar (where the Explorer, SCM views traditionally are) and the Panel (where Terminal, Output, etc. traditionally are). So you can have 3 panel-types of views. See more at the v1.64 Release Notes:
This answer is for people that just want their terminal on the right side (shown above), and don't care about the panel.
Show vscode's Command Palette with keyboard shortcut command + shift + p or ctrl + shift + p
Type in "terminal editor"
Choose option that says Terminal: Create New Terminal in Editor Area to the Side
I don't know since which version it change but the 1.11.2 has an option in View tab which can change the left bar to the right and vice versa
"Wokbench.panel.defaultLocation": "right"
Open settings using CTRL+., search for terminal and you should see this setting at the top. From the drop down below the settings explanation, choose right. See the screenshot below.
As sample as this from the GUI. View->Appearance->Move Side Bar Right
"workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "right",
Go to Command Palette from the wheel icon on the bottom left --> search and enter "settings" menu --> search "panel" in the search bar --> Select Default location as "right" instead of the "bottom".
Reload VS Code, and you're good to go.
By default, ⌘J toggles the (bottom) panel. If all your views are on the side panel, make ⌘J toggle the side panel by doing:
Code > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts > "Command+J" > Right-click > Remove Keybinding
Code > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts > View: Toggle Side Panel > Add Keybinding > ⌘J
Go to view, then appearence. Then select move panel bottom.
The panel opens on the right by default.
Note that this setting needs to be in a new folder to take effect.
If VSCode has opened the folder before, the panel will still use the old location.
"workbench.panel.defaultLocation": "right",