How to store PBSPRO jobs in an array and check for job completion? - hpc

I'm trying to generate a system that allows me to check if multiple jobs have completed running on a cluster.
This bash code should work to wait until all PBS jobs have completed:
#create the array
# loop through scripts, submit them and store the job IDs in the array
for i in 1 2 3 4 5
ALLMYJOBS[${i}]=$(qsub script${i}.bash)
# check if all jobs have completed:
while [ ${JOBSR} ];do
for m in "${ALLMYJOBS[#]}"
if qstat ${m} &> /dev/null; then
am I missing something obvious?

Actually the problem was with the check itself:
while [ "${JOBSR}" = "true" ];do
This works apparently.

The way your implemented will keep on polling the scheduler, which is undesirable for large cluster.
If I am to implement, I will use the job dependency, define another job depending on all your jobs, either check the output of the last job or use email notification.


Can a PowerShell script be dependent of another script's execution?

I have a situation where I want to make the execution of my scripts smarter. I have a set of scripts that execute at a given time, but because sometimes the input files are not posted at the correct times the scripts run into errors and get unexpected results. so one of the solutions I was thinking of is to make the execution of the scripts dependent of each other. Here is what I mean:
script 1 runs at 6 pm
validates that the file is there
if it's there, set a flag
the flag is active so execute script 2 at 9 pm
if it's NOT there, the flag is not set
the flag is not set so script 2 is not executed
Right now script 1 and script 2 are set with the Task Scheduler at those times, I checked the Scheduler for those type of conditions, but didn't find anything.
You can set triggers in Task Scheduler, like when an event happens for basically everything you can see in eventviewer.
I would suggest Write-Eventlog from the script which works on the file, and depending on the result the sched task would get triggerd.
I suggest you to have single script running every N-minutes on single scheduled task via Task Scheduler.
The master script will analyze activities and have all logical conditions those determine when and which external script to run. You can also have flag files.

Jenkins - Close the Jenkins job as soon as one of the parallel scrips fail

I'm running two Perl scripts in parallel in Jenkins
some shell commands
perl script 1 &
perl script 2 &
some more shell commands
If one of the perl scripts fail in the middle of the execution , the job waits until the other script runs (as it is executed in parallel in background).
I want the job to stop as soon as one of the script fails and not waste time by completing the execution of other script.
Please help.
You set up a signal handler for SIGCHLD, which is a signal that is always delivered to the parent process when a child exits. I'm not aware of a mechanism to see which child process exited, but you can save the subprocess process identifiers and just kill both of them when you receive SIGCHLD:
some shell commands
perl script 1 &
perl script 2 &
trap "kill $pid1 $pid2" CHLD
some more shell commands
The script above has the downside that it will kill the other script regardless of the exit status of the subprocess. You could in the trap, if you want to, add a check for the exit status. The subprocess could e.g. create some temp file if it succeeds and the trap could check if the file exists.
Typically with Jenkins you would have the parallel steps running as separate jobs (or projects as they are sometimes known) rather than steps in a job. This would then allow the steps to run in parallel across different slave machines and it would keep the output for the jobs in a separate place.
You would then have a controlling job running the other parts.
I like the Multijob plugin for this sort of thing.
There are alternatives which may suit better, such as Build Flow Plugin which uses a DSL to describe the jobs you want to run

Catching the error status while running scripts in parallel on Jenkins

I'm running two perl scripts in parallel on Jenkins and one more script which should get executed if the first two succeed. If I get an error in script1, script 2 still runs and hence the exit status becomes successful.
I want to run it in such a way that if any one of the parallel script fails, the job should stop with a failure status.
Currently my setup looks like
perl_script_1 &
perl_script_2 &
If script 1 or 2 fails in the middle, the job should be terminated with a Failure status without executing job 3.
Note: I'm using tcsh shell in Jenkins.
I have a similar setup where I run several java processes (tests) in parallel and wait for them to finish. If any fail, I fail the rest of my script.
Each test process writes its result to a file to be tested once done.
Note - the code examples below are written in bash, but it should be similar in tcsh.
To do this, I get the process id for every execution:
test1 &
# test1 will write pass or fail to file test1_result
test2 &
Now, I wait for the processes to finish by using the kill -0 PID command
For example test1:
# Check test1
kill -0 $test1_pid
# Check if process is done or not
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo process test1 finished
# check results
grep fail test1_result
if [ $? -eq 0 ]
echo test1 failed
Same for other tests (you can do a loop to test all running processes periodically).
Later condition the rest of the execution based on mark_whole_build_failed.
I hope this helps.

How to prevent the crontab job execution, when it is already running

I want to schedule a job to run every 5 minutes. but the question is that
Is there a way (like creating a crontab) to prevent a job from running, when the previous job has not been completed?
You can write a shell script to start the job only when the job is not already running. Configure the shell script in crontab every 5 minutes. this will ensure that the execution happens only when there is no instance of the job running already. This is how i have done for my cron jobs
Note : make use of ps -ef | grep commands in your shell script to identify if there is a process already running

Perl: Monitor a background process's output without waiting for it to complete

I'm attempting to write a manager in Perl to automate a bioinformatics pipeline my lab has been using. (The REPET pipeline, for anyone who's interested.) The pipeline has eight steps, several of which are broken down into substeps which can be run in parallel. Most notably, step 3 is broken down into three parts, and step 4 into three corresponding parts. Each part of step 3 can be run independently, and its corresponding part in step 4 can be started as soon as its step 3 companion is finished. I'd like my manager to be able to launch step 3 in three parallel threads, and, for each thread, move on to step 4 as soon as step 3 is finished. The best way I can think to do that is to monitor the output of each process. The output from each step looks like this:
START (2012-08-23 11:20:10)
version 2.0
project name = dm3_chr2L
project directory = /home/<etc>
beginning of step 1
submitting job(s) with groupid 'dm3_chr2L_TEdenovo_prepareBatches' (2012-08-23 11:20:10)
waiting for 1 job(s) with groupid 'dm3_chr2L_TEdenovo_prepareBatches' (2012-08-23 11:20:10)
execution time per job: n=1 mean=2.995 var=0.000 sd=0.000 min=2.995 med=2.995 max=2.995
step 1 finished successfully
version 2.0
END (2012-08-23 11:20:25)
That's the output for step 1, but in step 3, when "step 3 finished successfully" appears in the output, it's safe to move on to step 4. The problem has been successfully tabulating the output for three of these processes as they run at once. Essentially, this is the behavior that I want (pseudocode):
my $log31 = ` [options] &`;
my $log32 = ` [options] &`;
my $log33 = ` [options] &`;
while(1) {
#start step 41 if $log31 =~ /step 3 finished successfully/;
#start step 42 if $log32 =~ /step 3 finished successfully/;
#start step 43 if $log33 =~ /step 3 finished successfully/;
#monitor logs 41, 42, 43 similarly
last if #all logs read "finished successfully"
#move on to step 5
The problem is that evoking a process with backticks causes perl to wait until that process has finished to move on; as I discovered, it isn't like with system(), where you can spin something into a background process with & and then proceed immediately. As far as I know, there isn't a good way to use system() to get the effect I'm looking for. I suppose I could do this:
system(" [options] & > log31.txt");
And then poll log31.txt periodically to see whether "finished successfully" has appeared, but that seems unecessarily messy.
I've also tried opening the process in a filehandle:
open(my $step3, " [options] |");
my #log3;
push(#log3, <$step3>);
last if grep("step 3 finished successfully", #log3);
...but, once again, Perl waits until the process has finished in order to move on (in this case, at the push()). I tried the above with $| both set and unset.
So, the essence of my question is: Is there a way to capture the standard output of a running background process in perl?
maybe you could try
open(my $step3, " [options] |");
last if /step 3 finished successfully/;
instead of while(1) ?
The approach of using open and reading from the pipehandle is the a correct approach. If Nahuel's suggestion of reading from the handle in scalar context doesn't help, you could still be suffering from buffering.
$| changes the buffering behavior of Perl's output, but not the behavior of any external programs called from Perl. You have to use an external program that doesn't buffer its output. In this case, I believe this is possible by passing the -u option to python:
open(my $step3, "|-", "python -u [more options]");