while loop until certain condition on the function value is met - matlab

I'm trying to fit some data with Matlab, using the least square method.
I found best fit parameters, and I want to determine the uncertainty on them now.
To determine the uncertainty on the first parameter, say a, we have seen in course that one should apply a variation to one parameter, until the difference between the function (evaluated at that variation) minus the original function value equals 1.
That is, I have a vector called [bestparam] in my Matlab code, containing the four parameters a, b, c and d.
I also have a function defined in another file, called chi-square, which I evaluated at the best parameters.
I now want to apply a small variation to the parameter a, and keep doing this until chi-square(a + variation) - chi-square = 1. The difference must be exactly one. I implemented for this the following code:
i = 0;
a_new = a + i;
%small variation on the parameter a
new_param = [a_new b c d];
%my new parameters at which I want the function chisquare to be evaluated
newchisquare = feval(#chisquare, [new_param], X, Y, dY);
%the function value
while newchisquare - chisquarevalue ~= 1
i = i + 0.0001;
a_new = a_new + i;
new_param = [a_new b c d];
newchisquare = feval(#chisquare, [new_param], X, Y, dY);
But when I execute this loop, it never stops running. When I change the condition to < 1, i.e. that the difference should be larger than one, then it does stop after like 5 seconds. But then the difference between the function values is no longer exactly one. For example, my original function value is 63.5509 and the new one is then 64.6145 which is not exactly 1 larger.
So is there some way to implement the code, and to keep updating the parameter a until the difference is exactly one? Help is appreciated.

Performing numerical methods I wouldn't recommend using operations like == or ~= unless you are sure that you are comparing two integers. Only small deviations of your value may cause your code to never stop. You can apply some tolerance treshold to make your code stop if it is approximately correct:
TOL = 1e-2;
while (abs(newchisquare - chisquarevalue) <= 1 - TOL)
% your code


Make vector of elements less than each element of another vector

I have a vector, v, of N positive integers whose values I do not know ahead of time. I would like to construct another vector, a, where the values in this new vector are determined by the values in v according to the following rules:
- The elements in a are all integers up to and including the value of each element in v
- 0 entries are included only once, but positive integers appear twice in a row
For example, if v is [1,0,2] then a should be: [0,1,1,0,0,1,1,2,2].
Is there a way to do this without just doing a for-loop with lots of if statements?
I've written the code in loop format but would like a vectorized function to handle it.
The classical version of your problem is to create a vector a with the concatenation of 1:n(i) where n(i) is the ith entry in a vector b, e.g.
b = [1,4,2];
gives a vector a
a = [1,1,2,3,4,1,2];
This problem is solved using cumsum on a vector ones(1,sum(b)) but resetting the sum at the points 1+cumsum(b(1:end-1)) corresponding to where the next sequence starts.
To solve your specific problem, we can do something similar. As you need two entries per step, we use a vector 0.5 * ones(1,sum(b*2+1)) together with floor. As you in addition only want the entry 0 to occur once, we will just have to start each sequence at 0.5 instead of at 0 (which would yield floor([0,0.5,...]) = [0,0,...]).
So in total we have something like
% construct the list of 0.5s
a = 0.5*ones(1,sum(b*2+1))
% Reset the sum where a new sequence should start
a(cumsum(b(1:end-1)*2+1)+1) =a(cumsum(b(1:end-1)*2+1)+1)*2 -(b(1:end-1)+1)
% Cumulate it and find the floor
a = floor(cumsum(a))
Note that all operations here are vectorised!
You can do a benchmark using the following code
function SO()
b =randi([0,100],[1,1000]);
t1 = timeit(#() Nicky(b));
t2 = timeit(#() Recursive(b));
t3 = timeit(#() oneliner(b));
if all(Nicky(b) == Recursive(b)) && all(Recursive(b) == oneliner(b))
disp("All methods give the same result")
disp("Something wrong!")
disp("Vectorised time: "+t1+"s")
disp("Recursive time: "+t2+"s")
disp("One-Liner time: "+t3+"s")
function [a] = Nicky(b)
a = 0.5*ones(1,sum(b*2+1));
a(cumsum(b(1:end-1)*2+1)+1) =a(cumsum(b(1:end-1)*2+1)+1)*2 -(b(1:end-1)+1);
a = floor(cumsum(a));
function out=Recursive(arr)
function local_out=myfun(arr)
if isscalar(arr)
if arr
local_out=sort([0,1:arr,1:arr]); % this is faster
function b = oneliner(a)
b = cell2mat(arrayfun(#(x)sort([0,1:x,1:x]),a,'UniformOutput',false));
Which gives me
All methods give the same result
Vectorised time: 0.00083574s
Recursive time: 0.0074404s
One-Liner time: 0.0099933s
So the vectorised one is indeed the fastest, by a factor approximately 10.
This can be done with a one-liner using eval:
a = eval(['[' sprintf('sort([0 1:%i 1:%i]) ',[v(:) v(:)]') ']']);
Here is another solution that does not use eval. Not sure what is intended by "vectorized function" but the following code is compact and can be easily made into a function:
a = [];
for i = 1:numel(v)
a = [a sort([0 1:v(i) 1:v(i)])];
Is there a way to do this without just doing a for loop with lots of if statements?
Sure. How about recursion? Of course, there is no guarantee that Matlab has tail call optimization.
For example, in a file named filename.m
function out=filename(arr)
function local_out=myfun(arr)
if isscalar(arr)
if arr
local_out=sort([0,1:arr,1:arr]); % this is faster
in cmd, type
You can take off the parent function. I added it just hoping Matlab can spot the recursion within filename.m and optimize for it.
would like a vectorized function to handle it.
Sure. Although I don't see the point of vectorizing in such a unique puzzle that is not generalizable to other applications. I also don't foresee a performance boost.
For example, assuming input is 1-by-N. In cmd, type
In R2018a
>> clear all
>> in=randi([0,100],[1,100]); N=10000;
>> T=zeros(N,1);tic; for i=1:N; filename(in) ;T(i)=toc;end; mean(T),
ans =
>> T=zeros(N,1);tic; for i=1:N; cell2mat(arrayfun(#(x)sort([0,1:x,1:x]),in,'UniformOutput',false)); T(i)=toc;end; mean(T),
ans =
Ofc, I tested with a few more different inputs. The 'vectorized' method is always about twice as long.
Conclusion: Recursion is faster.

Calling if else output to other script

I have written a function called "tension.m" in which I have used if else condition as shown below.
function [T,T_earlyvalues,T_latervalues] = tension(u,sigma,G,N,K)
%the values of sigma,G,N,K can be taken arbitrary.
sigma=2; G=3;N=8;K=1; v=1;
if u<w
T =v*sqrt(sigma+G^2/(N-K));
Now in another script "myvalues.m" I need to call T_earlyvalues and T_latervalues separately.
%have some coding before this part
sigma0=2400; lambda=1.3; v=2; sigma=2; G=3;N=8;K=1;
%have some coding after this part
How could I call the said values which are under if-else statement from tension.m function to myvalues.m script?
You have defined the tension function such that it returns three outputs.
If you call that function by requiring only one output, the function returns the first value, in your case, T
This implies that
shoud work since T is the first output parameter
are not working, since, actually tension returns the first value (T, whjikle you are expecting the second and the third respectively.)
You can cahnge the two above calls this way:
The ~ allows to avoid the function return the output paraemter.
You can find additional information here
Notice that in your function T_earlyvalue is not set in the else block, same for T_latervalue in the if block.
This will generate an error such as
Output argument T_earlyvalue (and maybe others) not assigned during call to tension
Output argument T_latervalues (and maybe others) not assigned during call to tension
You can initialize the output values to default values, at the beginning of the function, for example:
You can then use these special values (or any other you want to use) to trace, for example, if the if block has been executed or the else.
There seem to be a number of issues here, not the least of which is some confusion about how output argument lists work when defining or calling functions. I suggest starting with this documentation to better understand how to create and call functions. However, this issue is somewhat moot because the larger problem is how you are using your conditional statement...
You are trying to pass a vector u to your function tension, and from what I can tell you want to return a vector T, where the values of T for u < w are computed with a different formula than the values of T for u >= w. Your conditional statement will not accomplish this for you. Instead, you will want to use logical indexing to write your function like so:
function [T, index] = tension(u, sigma, G, N, K)
T = zeros(size(u)); % Initialize T to a vector of zeroes
w = 2.2;
index = (u < w); % A logical vector, with true where u < w, false where u >= w
T(index) = u(index)*v*sqrt(sigma+G^2/(N-K)); % Formula for u < w
T(~index) = 2*(u(~index)-v)*sqrt(sigma+G^2/(N+K)); % Formula for u >= w
Now you can call this function, capturing the second output argument to use for identifying "early" versus "late" values:
sigma0 = 2400; lambda = 1.3; v = 2; sigma = 2; G = 3; N = 8; K = 1;
u = 0:0.01:5;
[T, earlyIndex] = tension(u, sigma, G, N, K); % Call function
T_earlyvalues = T(earlyIndex); % Use logical index to get early T values
T_latervalues = T(~earlyIndex); % Use negated logical index to get later T values
And you can then use the subvectors T_earlyvalues and T_latervalues however you like.

Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals error within Matlab decay program

I am having issues with a code of mine dealing with decay. The error "Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals" continues to occur no matter how many times I attempt to fix the line of code: M=M(t)+h.*F
Here is the complete code so that it may be easier to solve the issue:
M=#(t) M*exp(-4.5*t);
while h<=.5
while i<=n
Thanks for any help.
In the start, you're setting M = 5000;. In the following line, you're creating an anonymous function also called M:
M=#(t) M*exp(-4.5*t);
Now, your initial M = 5000 variable has been overwritten, and is substituted by the function:
M(t) = 5000 * exp(-4.5*t); %// Note that the first M is used to get 5000
Thereafter you do F = -4.5*M(t). I don't know what the value t is here, but you're giving F the value -4.5 * 5000 * exp(-4.5*t), for some value of t. You are not creating a function F.
In the first iteration of the loop, M=M(t)+h.*F; is interpreted as:
M = 5000 * exp(-4.5*0) + 0.1*F %// Where F has some value determined by previous
%// the function above and the previous value of t
%// -4.5*0 is because t = 0
M is now no longer a function, but a single scalar value. The next iteration t = 0.1. When you do: M=M(t)+h.*F; now, it interprets both the first and second M as a variable, not a function. t is therefore used as an index, instead of being an input parameter to the function M (since you have overwritten it).
When you are writing M(t), you are trying to access the 0.1'th element of the 1x1 matrix (scalar) M, which obviously isn't possible.
Additional notes:
The outer while loop has no purpose as it stands now, since i isn't reset after the inner loop. When you're finished with the first iteration of the outer loop, i is already >n, so it will never enter the inner loop again.
You shouldn't mix variable and function names (as you do with M. Use different names, always. Unless you have a very good reason not to.
data_out=[t,M]; is a growing vector inside a loop. This is considered very bad practice, ans is very slow. It's better to pre-allocate memory for the vector, for instance using data_out = zeros(k,1), and insert new values using indexes, data_out(ii) = M.
It's recommended not to use i and j as variable names in MATLAB as these also represent the imaginary unit sqrt(-1). This might cause some strange bugs if you're not paying attention to it.
You can almost certainly do what you're trying to do without loops. However, the function you have written is not functioning, and it's not explained all too well what you're trying to do, so it's hard to give advice as to how you can get what you want (but I'll give it a try). I'm skipping the dlmwrite-part, because I don't really understand what you want to output.
M = 5000;
t0 = 0;
tmax = 20;
h = 0.1; %// I prefer leading zeros in decimal numbers
t = t0: h: tmax;
data_out = M .* exp(-4.5 * t);
The problem is caused by M(t) in your code, because t is not an integer or logical (t=1,1.1,1.2,...)
You need to change your code to pass an integer as a subscript. Either multiply t by 10, or don't use the matrix M if you don't need it.

Integration via trapezoidal sums in MATLAB

I need help finding an integral of a function using trapezoidal sums.
The program should take successive trapezoidal sums with n = 1, 2, 3, ...
subintervals until there are two neighouring values of n that differ by less than a given tolerance. I want at least one FOR loop within a WHILE loop and I don't want to use the trapz function. The program takes four inputs:
f: A function handle for a function of x.
a: A real number.
b: A real number larger than a.
tolerance: A real number that is positive and very small
The problem I have is trying to implement the formula for trapezoidal sums which is
Δx/2[y0 + 2y1 + 2y2 + … + 2yn-1 + yn]
Here is my code, and the area I'm stuck in is the "sum" part within the FOR loop. I'm trying to sum up 2y2 + 2y3....2yn-1 since I already accounted for 2y1. I get an answer, but it isn't as accurate as it should be. For example, I get 6.071717974723753 instead of 6.101605982576467.
Thanks for any help!
function t=trapintegral(f,a,b,tol)
format compact; format long;
syms x;
oldtrap = ((b-a)/2)*(f(a)+f(b));
n = 2;
h = (b-a)/n;
newtrap = (h/2)*(f(a)+(2*f(a+h))+f(b));
while (abs(newtrap-oldtrap)>=tol)
oldtrap = newtrap;
for i=[3:n]
dx = (b-a)/n;
trapezoidsum = (dx/2)*(f(x) + (2*sum(f(a+(3:n-1))))+f(b));
newtrap = trapezoidsum;
t = newtrap;
The reason why this code isn't working is because there are two slight errors in your summation for the trapezoidal rule. What I am precisely referring to is this statement:
trapezoidsum = (dx/2)*(f(x) + (2*sum(f(a+(3:n-1))))+f(b));
Recall the equation for the trapezoidal integration rule:
Source: Wikipedia
For the first error, f(x) should be f(a) as you are including the starting point, and shouldn't be left as symbolic. In fact, you should simply get rid of the syms x statement as it is not useful in your script. a corresponds to x1 by consulting the above equation.
The next error is the second term. You actually need to multiply your index values (3:n-1) by dx. Also, this should actually go from (1:n-1) and I'll explain later. The equation above goes from 2 to N, but for our purposes, we are going to go from 1 to N-1 as you have your code set up like that.
Remember, in the trapezoidal rule, you are subdividing the finite interval into n pieces. The ith piece is defined as:
x_i = a + dx*i; ,
where i goes from 1 up to N-1. Note that this starts at 1 and not 3. The reason why is because the first piece is already taken into account by f(a), and we only count up to N-1 as piece N is accounted by f(b). For the equation, this goes from 2 to N and by modifying the code this way, this is precisely what we are doing in the end.
Therefore, your statement actually needs to be:
trapezoidsum = (dx/2)*(f(a) + (2*sum(f(a+dx*(1:n-1))))+f(b));
Try this and let me know if you get the right answer. FWIW, MATLAB already implements trapezoidal integration by doing trapz as #ADonda already pointed out. However, you need to properly structure what your x and y values are before you set this up. In other words, you would need to set up your dx before hand, then calculate your x points using the x_i equation that I specified above, then use these to generate your y values. You then use trapz to calculate the area. In other words:
dx = (b-a) / n;
x = a + dx*(0:n);
y = f(x);
trapezoidsum = trapz(x,y);
You can use the above code as a reference to see if you are implementing the trapezoidal rule correctly. Your implementation and using the above code should generate the same results. All you have to do is change the value of n, then run this code to generate the approximation of the area for different subdivisions underneath your curve.
Edit - August 17th, 2014
I figured out why your code isn't working. Here are the reasons why:
The for loop is unnecessary. Take a look at the for loop iteration. You have a loop going from i = [3:n] yet you don't reference the i variable at all in your loop. As such, you don't need this at all.
You are not computing successive intervals properly. What you need to do is when you compute the trapezoidal sum for the nth subinterval, you then increment this value of n, then compute the trapezoidal rule again. This value is not being incremented properly in your while loop, which is why your area is never improving.
You need to save the previous area inside the while loop, then when you compute the next area, that's when you determine whether or not the difference between the areas is less than the tolerance. We can also get rid of that code at the beginning that tries and compute the area for n = 2. That's not needed, as we can place this inside your while loop. As such, this is what your code should look like:
function t=trapintegral(f,a,b,tol)
format long; %// Got rid of format compact. Useless
%// n starts at 2 - Also removed syms x - Useless statement
n = 2;
newtrap = ((b-a)/2)*(f(a) + f(b)); %// Initialize
oldtrap = 0; %// Initialize to 0
while (abs(newtrap-oldtrap)>=tol)
oldtrap = newtrap; %//Save the old area from the previous iteration
dx = (b-a)/n; %//Compute width
%//Determine sum
trapezoidsum = (dx/2)*(f(a) + (2*sum(f(a+dx*(1:n-1))))+f(b));
newtrap = trapezoidsum; % //This is the new sum
n = n + 1; % //Go to the next value of n
t = newtrap;
By running your code, this is what I get:
trapezoidsum = trapintegral(#(x) (x+x.^2).^(1/3),1,4,0.00001)
trapezoidsum =
Look at the way I defined your function. You must use element-by-element operations as the sum command inside the loop will be vectorized. Take a look at the ^ operations specifically. You need to prepend a dot to the operations. Once you do this, I get the right answer.
Edit #2 - August 18th, 2014
You said you want at least one for loop. This is highly inefficient, and whoever specified having one for loop in the code really doesn't know how MATLAB works. Nevertheless, you can use the for loop to accumulate the sum term. As such:
function t=trapintegral(f,a,b,tol)
format long; %// Got rid of format compact. Useless
%// n starts at 3 - Also removed syms x - Useless statement
n = 3;
%// Compute for n = 2 first, then proceed if we don't get a better
%// difference tolerance
newtrap = ((b-a)/2)*(f(a) + f(b)); %// Initialize
oldtrap = 0; %// Initialize to 0
while (abs(newtrap-oldtrap)>=tol)
oldtrap = newtrap; %//Save the old area from the previous iteration
dx = (b-a)/n; %//Compute width
%//Determine sum
%// Initialize
trapezoidsum = (dx/2)*(f(a) + f(b));
%// Accumulate sum terms
%// Note that we multiply each term by (dx/2), but because of the
%// factor of 2 for each of these terms, these cancel and we thus have dx
for n2 = 1 : n-1
trapezoidsum = trapezoidsum + dx*f(a + dx*n2);
newtrap = trapezoidsum; % //This is the new sum
n = n + 1; % //Go to the next value of n
t = newtrap;
Good luck!

Order of convergence Newton

Hello I have written this to determine a root using Newton's method. The algorithm works. I also tried to implement an Experimental order of convergence EOC. It also works but I get the result that the order of convergence for Newton's method is 1 when in fact it is 2.
function [x,y,eoc,k]=newnew(f,df,x0,xe,eps,kmax)
x = x0;
y = feval(f,x);
for m=1:kmax
z = -y/feval(df,x);
x = x + z;
y = feval(f,x);
k = m;
for n=m
for n=m+1
if abs(y)<eps
disp('no convergence');
what is wrong?
When you say Ek=abs(x-xe) and Exp=abs(x-xe), they are exactly the same thing! That's why eoc evaluates to 1 every time.
Notice that you have no n in those equations. In fact, you don't need those extra for n=m loops either. Inside the for m=1:kmax loop, m is a single value not an array.
eoc needs to be calculated by comparing the previous loop iteration to the current one (since it doesn't make much sense to compare to a future loop iteration which hasn't happened yet). Because this looks like homework, I won't give you any code.. but this is a very strong hint.