Display output from multiple variables in a for loop - powershell

I am trying to output different attributes of a Skype response group queue for documentation purpose.
I want to get Name, TimeoutThreshold, TimeoutAction , Timeouturi, OverflowThreshold, OverflowAction , OverflowCandidate as a .csv file header in row 1 and then the output to be entered in various columns from row 2.
I have tried below, but the formatting is really bad and the headers keep repeating. Can some one please help.
Also tried getting output in HTML, but no luck.
$p = Get-CsRgsQueue | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "IPL*"} | Select-Object Name
foreach ($Name in $p)
$q = Get-CsRgsQueue -Name "$Name"
$N = $q.Name
$TT = $q.TimeoutThreshold
$TA = $q.TimeoutAction.Action
$TAU = $q.TimeoutAction.uri
$OF = $q.OverflowThreshold
$OFA = $q.OverflowAction
$OFC = $q.OverflowCandidate
$out = New-Object PSObject
$out | Add-Member NoteProperty QueueName $N
$out | Add-Member NoteProperty Timeout $TT
$out | Add-Member NoteProperty TimeoutAction $TA
$out | Add-Member NoteProperty TransferURI $TAU
$out | Add-Member NoteProperty OverflowThreshhold $OF
$out | Add-Member NoteProperty OverflowAction $OFA
$out | Add-Member NoteProperty OverflowCandidate $OFC
$out | FT -AutoSize | Export-Csv C:\abc.csv -Append

I have tried below, but the formatting is really bad and the headers
keep repeating. Can some one please help.
That's because you pipe your objects through FT -AutoSize (Format-Table -AutoSize) - only ever use the Format-* cmdlets when you're about to show/present your data.
You can also save some time by only calling Get-CsRgsQueue once, piping it to ForEach-Object and finally construct a hashtable for the object properties:
Get-CsRgsQueue | Where-Object {$_.Name -like "IPL*"} | ForEach-Object {
New-object psobject -Property #{
QueueName = $_.Name
Timeout = $_.TimoutThreshold
TimeoutAction = $_.TimeoutAction.Action
TransferURI = $_.TimeoutAction.Uri
OverflowThreshhold = $_.OverflowThreshold
OverflowAction = $_.OverflowAction
OverflowCandidate = $_.OverflowCandicate
} |Export-Csv c:\abc.csv -NoTypeInformation

short solution of Mathias Jessen
Get-CsRgsQueue | where Name -like "IPL*" | %{
[pscustomobject] #{
QueueName = $_.Name
Timeout = $_.TimoutThreshold
TimeoutAction = $_.TimeoutAction.Action
TransferURI = $_.TimeoutAction.Uri
OverflowThreshhold = $_.OverflowThreshold
OverflowAction = $_.OverflowAction
OverflowCandidate = $_.OverflowCandicate
} | Export-Csv C:\result.csv -NoType


Powershell - Export-CSV outside loop only last line is printed/exported

Is it possible to adjust this code to export all lines outside foreach loop:
This works fine (inside loop):
$vms = Get-VM | Where { $_.State –eq ‘Running’ } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
foreach($vm in $vms) {
# Get network interface details
$out = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -vmname $vm | select VMName, MacAddress, IPAddresses
$vm_name = $out.VMName | Get-Unique
$ip = ($out.IPAddresses | ForEach-Object {
$_ | ? {$_ -notmatch ':'}
}) -join " "
# If more than 1 MAC , put it in same row separated by space (00:15:5D:58:12:5E 00:15:5D:58:12:5F )
$mac = ($out.MacAddress | ForEach-Object {
}) -join ' '
$results = #()
$comp = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
$obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VM NAME" -Value $vm_name
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IP ADDRESS" -Value $ip
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "MAC ADDRESS" -Value $mac
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "HYPER-V HOST" -Value $comp
$results += $obj
Write-Output $results
$results| Export-Csv -Path "c:\1.csv" -NoTypeInformation -append
However, when i move $results| Export-Csv -Path "c:\1.csv" -NoTypeInformation -append outside loop,
only one (last) line is saved to CSV
Inside loop, $results variable contains all lines, when i move this variable outside loop write-host $results only one (last) line is printed
For what it's worth, your code can be condensed quite a bit. Many of your steps are not necessary:
$results = Get-VM | Where State –eq Running | Get-VMNetworkAdapter | ForEach-Object {
'VM NAME' = $_.VMName
'IP ADDRESS' = ($_.IPAddresses -notmatch ':') -join ' '
'MAC ADDRESS' = ($_.MacAddress -replace '(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)','$1:$2:$3:$4:$5:') -join ' '
$results | Export-Csv -Path "c:\1.csv" -NoTypeInformation
You can pipe the VMs that Get-VM returns directly into Get-VMNetworkAdapter
If you filter on a single property you don't need a script block for Where-Object. Where State -eq Running is a bit easier to write and read than Where { $_.State -eq 'Running' }.
$_.IPAddresses -notmatch ':' Operators like -notmatch work on arrays. 'a','b','0','c' -notmatch '\d' will return 'a','b','c'.
The same goes for -replace. 'a0','b1','c2' -replace '\d','' will return return 'a','b','c'. No foreach loops necessary at all.
$env:COMPUTERNAME should be faster than using WMI to get the computer name
Any object you create in a script block (like the ForEach-Object {...} script block) that you do not assign to a variable will be in the script block's output. This is why $results = ... | ForEach-Object {...} works. There is no need to explicitly create arrays with #() and add values to them.
Casting a hash table to [pscustomobject] is much easier than using Add-Member.
Figured it out:
moved $results variable outside loop (make it "global")
$vms = Get-VM | Where { $_.State –eq ‘Running’ } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$results = #()
foreach($vm in $vms) {
# Get network interface details
$out = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -vmname $vm | select VMName, MacAddress, IPAddresses
# Remove duplicate VM names
$vm_name = $out.VMName | Get-Unique
# In case more than 1 IP, put it in same row separated by space (,
$ip = ($out.IPAddresses | ForEach-Object {
$_ | ? {$_ -notmatch ':'}
}) -join " "
# If more than 1 MAC , put it in same row separated by space (00:15:5D:58:12:5E 00:15:5D:58:12:5F )
$mac = ($out.MacAddress | ForEach-Object {
}) -join ' '
$comp = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
$obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VM NAME" -Value $vm_name
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IP ADDRESS" -Value $ip
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "MAC ADDRESS" -Value $mac
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "HYPER-V HOST" -Value $comp
$results += $obj
$results| Export-Csv -Path "c:\1.csv" -NoTypeInformation

How to add header to a CSV file initially with PowerShell

I want to add headers to a CSV file initially. The reason I want to add the headers initially is for some rows, some column values might be empty.
As per Microsoft documentation, the export-csv only takes headers/columns which is present in first row.
When you submit multiple objects to Export-CSV, Export-CSV organizes the file >based on the properties of the first object that you submit. If the remaining >objects do not have one of the specified properties, the property value of >that object is null, as represented by two consecutive commas. If the >remaining objects have additional properties, those property values are not >included in the file.
What I have tried so far:
$csvContents =#()
foreach ($item in $items) {
$row = New-Object System.Object # Create an object to append to the array
$row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "header1" -Value "value1"
$row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "header2" -Value "value2"
$row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "header3" -Value "value3"
$csvContents += $row # append the new data to the array
$csvContents | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation -Path $ResultCsvPath
The problem is for example Item1 may have only header1 and header3, means these columns are dynamic. So after export the result csv will only contain header1 and header3 only and header2 will be missing.
What I expect is that I want to add header1, header2, header3 initially.
With large collections this may take up some time, but here's something that might work for you:
Suppose this is your collection
$obj = #(
'header1' = 'value1'
'header3' = 'value3'
'header1' = 'value1'
'header2' = 'value2'
'header3' = 'value3'
'header1' = 'value1'
'header2' = 'value2'
'header3' = 'value3'
Then you can add the missing properties like:
# Try and find all headers by looping over all items.
# You could change this to loop up to a maximum number of items if you like.
# The headers will be captured in the order in which they are found.
$headers = $obj | ForEach-Object {($_.PSObject.Properties).Name} | Select-Object -Unique
# Find the missing headers in the first item of the collection
# and add those with value $null to it.
$headers | Where-Object { ($obj[0].PSObject.Properties).Name -notcontains $_ } | ForEach-Object {
$obj[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_ -Value $null
# output on console
# output to csv file
$obj | Export-Csv -Path 'D:\test.csv' -NoTypeInformation
header1 header3 header2
------- ------- -------
value1 value3
value1 value2
value1 value3 value2
Make sure if the data is missing for the column in a row that you use a $null value. I just tested this and get the output you are expecting.
$row = New-Object System.Object # Create an object to append to the array
$row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "header1" -Value "value1"
$row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "header2" -Value $null
$row | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "header3" -Value "value3"
$row | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation test.csv
Output (from CSV)
Depending on how complex you want to go, Ive done something similar to this in the past (I;ve changed it to use [pscustomobject] too):
$csvcontents = $items | foreach-object {
If (-not $_.Header1) { $value1 = '' } Else { $value1 = $_.Value1 }
If (-not $_.Header2) { $value2 = '' } Else { $value1 = $_.Value2 }
If (-not $_.Header3) { $value3 = '' } Else { $value1 = $_.Value3 }
[pscustomobject]#{header1 = $_.value1;header2=$value2;$header3=$value3}
Disclaimer, not tested the above, but it gives you the gist of the idea.
Please find here an example creating a CSV based of a generated directory output:
$basedir = "E:\20220205MassUpload1"
$picDir = "$($baseDir)\pics"
$res=ls $picDir
$outputArray = #()
foreach($line in $res) {
$name = $($line.name).Replace(".png","")
$outputArray += (
Title = "$name"
Brand = 'Brand'
$outputArray | Export-csv -NoTypeInformation "$basedir\upload.csv"
What it does it, take a list of all elements in a directory.
Create a "pscustomobject" for each result and create the values for the column, some are "fixed" and some "calculated".
Last the Array will be piped to a CSV.
I'm sure the other methods are the "right" way to do it, but I stumbled on a much easier way at some point in the past.
When I start a new CSV, I use something like this:
$vOutputFileName = ".\DDG-Info.csv"
"Name,DisplayName,RecipientFilter" | Out-File $vOutputFileName -encoding ASCII
Then in the script, I do the same thing:
$vOutput = "$vDDGName,$vDisplayName,$vRF"
"$vOutput" | Out-File $vOutputFileName -Append -encoding ASCII
Seems to work just fine, no messing around with explicitly creating objects etc.

Script output that will work on the console as well as with Export-Csv

I'm working on a basic PowerShell script that inputs a pair of dates then gets all accounts with passwords expiring between those times. I'd like to output the data to the console in a way that is compatible with Export-Csv. That way the person running the script can either just view in the console, or get a file.
Here is my script:
[string]$StartDate = $(throw "Enter beginning date as MM/DD/YY"),
[string]$EndDate = $(throw "Enter end date as MM/DD/YY")
$start = Get-Date($StartDate)
$end = Get-Date($EndDate)
$low = $start.AddDays(-150)
$high = $end.AddDays(-150)
$passusers = Get-ADUser -Filter { PasswordLastSet -gt $low -and PasswordLastSet -lt $high -and userAccountControl -ne '66048' -and userAccountControl -ne '66080' -and enabled -eq $true} -Properties PasswordLastSet,GivenName,DisplayName,mail,LastLogon | Sort-Object -Property DisplayName
$accts = #()
foreach($user in $passusers) {
$passLastSet = [string]$user.PasswordLastSet
$Expiration = (Get-Date($passLastSet)).addDays(150)
$obj = New-Object System.Object
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Name -Value $user.DisplayName
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Email -Value $user.mail
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Expiration -Value $expiration
$accts += $obj
Write-Output ($accts | Format-Table | Out-String)
This prints to the console perfectly:
Name Email Expiration
---- ----- ----------
Victor Demon demonv#nsula.edu 1/3/2016 7:16:18 AM
However when called with | Export-Csv it doesn't:
#TYPE System.String
I've tried multiple variations using objects, and data tables, however it seems like I can only get it to work for console or for CSV, not for both.
Write-Output ($accts | Format-Table | Out-String)
That way your users can run your script any way they like, e.g.
.\your_script.ps1 | Format-Table
.\your_script.ps1 | Format-List
.\your_script.ps1 | Export-Csv
.\your_script.ps1 | Out-GridView
Format-Table | Out-String converts your output to a single string whereas Export-Csv expects a list of objects as input (the object properties then become the columns of the CSV). If Export-Csv is fed a string, the only property is Length, so you get a CSV with one column and one record.
$accts | ConvertTo-Csv | Tee -File output.csv | ConvertFrom-Csv

Export powershell script to CSV

I have a small script which retrieves the LastLogonTimestamp and the SAMAccount for all users in a particular OU in AD and converts the timestamp to a date and extracts just the date from the string. That part works fine. I then would like to output that to a CSV so it may be opened in Excel and be perfectly formated into columns and look all pretty.
I have tried ConvertTo-Csv and Export-Csv but have been uncuccessful. The problem is I am new to Powershell. This is my first script and I don't fully understand how this works. My script is probably terribly messy and illogical but it does the job so far.
Please help. Thanks.
$userlist = Get-ADUser -SearchBase "OU=IT,DC=whatever,DC=com,DC=au" -Filter * -Properties * | Select-Object -Property Name,LastLogonTimestamp,SAMAccountName | Sort-Object -Property Name
$userlist | ForEach-Object {
$last = $_.LastLogonTimestamp;
$ADName = $_.SAMAccountName;
$tstamp = w32tm /ntte $last;
if($tstamp.Length -lt "40"){}else
$ADDate = [DateTime]::Parse($tstamp.Split('-')[1]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
write-host $ADDate;
write-host $ADName;
You will have to create objects for each user and pipe those to the Export-CSV cmdlet:
$usersList | %{
# current logic
$user = new-object psobject
$user | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name LastLogon -value $last
$user | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name ADName -value $ADName
$user | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name ADDate -value $ADDate
} | export-csv test.csv -notype
Alternative syntax for populating the object:
$properties = #{"LastLogon" = $last; "ADName" = $ADName; "ADDate" = $ADDate}
$user = new-object psobject -property $properties

Powershell - Exporting to CSV question

I'm trying to export just the numerical value for two performance counters to CSV. I've been able to get something built together but I still need some assistance.
$counter1 = "\\ygex01wal\SMTP Server(_total)\Messages Received Total"
$counter2 = "\\ygex01wal\SMTP Server(_total)\Messages Sent Total"
$data1 = Get-Counter $counter1
$data1cooked = $data1.countersamples | Select-Object cookedvalue
$data2 = Get-Counter $counter2
$data2cooked = $data2.countersamples | Select-Object cookedvalue
$object = New-Object PSObject
add-member -InputObject $object Noteproperty 'Received' $data1cooked
add-member -InputObject $object Noteproperty 'Sent' $data2cooked
$object | Export-Csv c:\csv.csv -NoTypeInformation
My csv ends up looking like:
I would prefer it to look like
Any suggestions on how I can get there?
Add the -expandproperty parameter to the select-object cmdlet.
$data1 = Get-Counter $counter1
$data1cooked = $data1.countersamples | Select-Object -expandproperty cookedvalue
$data2 = Get-Counter $counter2
$data2cooked = $data2.countersamples | Select-Object -expandproperty cookedvalue
Here's a blog post about that parameter: