How to count number of total items where a class references itself - scala

I am new to scala. I need to count Number of categories in the List, and I am trying to build a tail recursive function, without any success.
case class Category(name:String, children: List[Category])
val lists = List(
List(Category("1.2", Nil))
,Category("2", Nil),
List(Category("3.1", Nil))

Nyavro's solution can be made much faster (by several orders of magnitude) if you use Lists instead of Streams and also append elements at the front.
That's because x.children is usually a lot shorter than xs and Scala's List is an immutable singly linked list making prepend operations a lot faster than append operations.
Here is an example
import scala.annotation.tailrec
case class Category(name:String, children: List[Category])
def childCount(cats:Stream[Category], acc:Int):Int =
cats match {
case Stream.Empty => acc
case x #:: xs => childCount(xs ++ x.children, acc+1)
def childCount2(cats: List[Category], acc:Int): Int =
cats match {
case Nil => acc
case x :: xs => childCount2(x.children ++ xs, acc + 1)
def generate(depth: Int, children: Int): List[Category] = {
if(depth == 0) Nil
else (0 until children).map(i => Category("abc", generate(depth - 1, children))).toList
val list = generate(8, 3)
var start = System.nanoTime
var count = childCount(list.toStream, 0)
var end = System.nanoTime
println("count: " + count)
println("time: " + ((end - start)/1e6) + "ms")
start = System.nanoTime
count = childCount2(list, 0)
end = System.nanoTime
println("count: " + count)
println("time: " + ((end - start)/1e6) + "ms")
count: 9840
time: 2226.761485ms
count: 9840
time: 3.90171ms

Consider the following idea.
Lets define function childCount, taking collection of categories (cats) and number of children count so far (acc). To organize tail-recursive processing we take first child from collection and incrementing the acc. So we have processed first item but got some more items to process - children of first element. The idea is to put these unprocessed children to the end of children collection and call childCount again.
You can implement it this way:
def childCount(cats:Stream[Category], acc:Int):Int =
cats match {
case Stream.Empty => acc
case x #:: xs => childCount(xs ++ x.children, acc+1)
call it:
val count = childCount(lists.toStream, 0)


Recursive sorting in Scala including an exit condition

I am attempting to sort a List of names using Scala, and I am trying to learn how to do this recursively. The List is a List of Lists, with the "element" list containing two items (lastName, firstName). My goal is to understand how to use recursion to sort the names. For the purpose of this post my goal is just to sort by the length of lastName.
If I call my function several times on a small sample list, it will successfully sort lastName by length from shortest to longest, but I have not been able to construct a satisfactory exit condition using recursion. I have tried variations of foreach and other loops, but I have been unsuccessful. Without a satisfactory exit condition, the recursion just continues forever.
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.annotation.tailrec
val nameListBuffer = new ListBuffer[List[String]]
val source = Source.fromFile("shortnames.txt")
val lines = source.getLines()
for (line <- lines) {
nameListBuffer += line.split(" ").reverse.toList
def sorting(x: ListBuffer[List[String]]): Unit = {
for (i <- 0 until ((x.length)-1)) {
var temp = x(i)
if (x(i)(0).length > x(i+1)(0).length) {
x(i) = x(i+1)
x(i+1) = temp
var continue = false
while (continue == false) {
for (i <- 0 until ((x.length)-1)) {
if (x(i)(0).length <= x(i+1)(0).length) {
continue == false//want to check ALL i's before evaluating
else continue == true
Sorry about the runtime complexity it's basically an inefficient bubble sort at O(n^4) but the exit criteria - focus on that. For tail recursion, the key is that the recursive call is to a smaller element than the preceding recursive call. Also, keep two arguments, one is the original list, and one is the list that you are accumulating (or whatever you want to return, it doesn't have to be a list). The recursive call keeps getting smaller until eventually you can return what you have accumulated. Use pattern matching to catch when the recursion has ended, and then you return what you were accumulating. This is why Lists are so popular in Scala, because of the Nil and Cons subtypes and because of operators like the :: can be handled nicely with pattern matching. One more thing, to be tail recursive, the last case has to make a recursive or it won't run.
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.annotation.tailrec
// I did not ingest from file I just created the test list from some literals
val dummyNameList = List(
List("Johanson", "John"), List("Nim", "Bryan"), List("Mack", "Craig")
, List("Youngs", "Daniel"), List("Williamson", "Zion"), List("Rodgersdorf", "Aaron"))
// You can use this code to populate nameList though I didn't run this code
val source = Source.fromFile("shortnames.txt")
val lines = source.getLines()
val nameList = {
for (line <- lines) yield line.split(" ").reverse.toList
//This take one element and it will return the lowest element from the list
//of the other argument.
private def swapElem(elem: List[String], listOfLists: List[List[String]]): List[String] = listOfLists match {
case Nil => elem
case h::t if (elem(0).length > h(0).length) => swapElem(h, t)
case h::t => swapElem(elem, t)
//If the head is not the smallest element, then swap out the element
//with the smallest element of the list. I probably could have returned
// a tuple it might have looked nicer. It just keeps iterating though until
// there is no elements
private def iterate(listOfLists: List[List[String]], acc: List[List[String]]): List[List[String]] = listOfLists match {
case h::Nil => acc :+ h
case h::t if (swapElem(h, t) != h) => iterate(h :: t.filterNot(_ == swapElem(h, t)), acc :+ swapElem(h, t))
case h::t => iterate(t, acc :+ swapElem(h, t))
val sortedNameList = iterate(nameList, List.empty[List[String]])
List(Nim, Bryan)
List(Mack, Craig)
List(Youngs, Daniel)
List(Johanson, John)
List(Williamson, Zion)
List(Rodgersdorf, Aaron)

Scala count number of times function returns each value, functionally

I want to count up the number of times that a function f returns each value in it's range (0 to f_max, inclusive) when applied to a given list l, and return the result as an array, in Scala.
Currently, I accomplish as follows:
def count (l: List): Array[Int] = {
val arr = new Array[Int](f_max + 1)
l.foreach {
el => arr(f(el)) += 1
return arr
So arr(n) is the number of times that f returns n when applied to each element of l. This works however, it is imperative style, and I am wondering if there is a clean way to do this purely functionally.
Thank you
how about a more general approach:
def count[InType, ResultType](l: Seq[InType], f: InType => ResultType): Map[ResultType, Int] = {
l.view // create a view so we don't create new collections after each step
.map(f) // apply your function to every item in the original sequence
.groupBy(x => x) // group the returned values
.map(x => x._1 -> x._2.size) // count returned values
val f = (i:Int) => i
count(Seq(1,2,3,4,5,6,6,6,4,2), f)
l.foldLeft(Vector.fill(f_max + 1)(0)) { (acc, el) =>
val result = f(el)
acc.updated(result, acc(result) + 1)
Alternatively, a good balance of performance and external purity would be:
def count(l: List[???]): Vector[Int] = {
val arr = l.foldLeft(Array.fill(f_max + 1)(0)) { (acc, el) =>
val result = f(el)
acc(result) += 1

Using array.exists() in Scala

I am new to Scala and functional programming. I'm creating a tic-tac-toe game (Day 1 of 'Seven Languages in Seven Weeks' (book)) and I'd like to know how to do 'check if won' method in a functional way.
I want to make the 'checkrow' part (first part) like the 'checkcolumn' (second part) part, but what I'm trying is not working.
Here my (working) code:
def checkGame() {
for (y <- board.indices) {
// checks a row
for (x <- board(0).indices) {
// checks a column
if(!board.exists(y => y(x) != 'x')){
println("You have won mate! (column: " + x + ")")
def checkRow(y: Integer) {
var isWon = true
for (x <- board(y).indices) {
if (board(y)(x) != 'x') {
isWon = false
if (isWon) println("You have won mate! (row: " + y + ")")
Note: board is a 2 dimensional array.
What I got so far (doesn't work):
if(!board.exists(x => x(y) != 'x')){
println("You have won mate! (row: " + x + ")")
The whole point of having higher-order functions such as exists is to avoid having to traverse your Array using indices.
Here is how I'd do it:
def wonRow(row: Array[Char]): Boolean = row.forall(c => c == 'x')
This uses the forall method, that checks if ALL the elements of the array satisfy the predicate (here, all the elements must be 'x').
def wonSomeRow(board: Array[Array[Char]]: Boolean = board.exists(row => wonRow(row))
Here, we consider that some row makes a win if ANY element of the array (so any row) satisfies the predicate (here, to be a winning row)
For columns, this is somehow more intricate, so the easiest way is to do as you started:
def wonColumn(board: Array[Array[Char]], col: Int) = board.forall(row => row(i) == 'x')
def wonSomeColumn(board: Array[Array[Char]]) = (0 until board(0).size).exists(i => wonColumn(board, i))
However, I would strongly suggest that you replace board(0).size by some constant at the top of your code, to avoid getting some error. Indeed, this assumes that
1) board has a first row
2) all row in board have at list size board(0).size
Of course, these two assumptions are ok in a Tic-Tac-Toe, but in functional programming, such compile-time assumptions should rather be put in the type system, to be verified at compile time. However, this would make quite a step to start functional programming with this kind of things (just know that they exist).
I just remembered there is a method transpose on arrays, so you can just do (for columns)
def wonSomeCol(board: Array[Array[Char]]) = wonSomeRow(board.transpose)
Well... one functional approach can be the use of foldLeft. Here you start with two Sets of Int, each for winRows and winColumns with all rows and columns.
Then, you fold over the gameboard to eliminate the rows and columns which do not satisfy the victory condition.
def findVictoryRowsAndColumns(board: Array[Array[Char]], height: Int, width: Int): (Set[Int], Set[Int]) = {
val winRowsInit = (1 to height).toSet
val winColumnsInit = (1 to width).toSet
val (winRows, winColumns) = board.zipWithIndex.foldLeft((winRowsInit, winColumnsInit))({
case ((winRows1, winColumns1), (row, rowIndex)) => row.zipWithIndex.foldLeft(winRows1, winColumns1)({
case ((winRows2, winColumns2), (cell, columnIndex)) => cell match {
case 'x' => (winRows2, winColumns2)
case _ => (winRows2 - rowIndex, winColumns2 - columnIndex)
(winRows, winColumns)
def checkGame(board: Array[Array[Char]], height: Int, width: Int): Unit = {
val (winRows, winColumns) = findVictoryRowsAndColumns(board, height, width)
winRows.foreach(i => println("You have won in Row : " + i))
winColumns.foreach(i => println("You have won in Column : " + i))

Combining multiple Lists of arbitrary length

I am looking for an approach to join multiple Lists in the following manner:
ListA a b c
ListB 1 2 3 4
ListC + # * § %
Resulting List: a 1 + b 2 # c 3 * 4 § %
In Words: The elements in sequential order, starting at first list combined into the resulting list. An arbitrary amount of input lists could be there varying in length.
I used multiple approaches with variants of zip, sliding iterators but none worked and especially took care of varying list lengths. There has to be an elegant way in scala ;)
val lists = List(ListA, ListB, ListC)
It's pretty self-explanatory. It just zips each value with its position on its respective list, sorts by index, then pulls the values back out.
Here's how I would do it:
class ListTests extends FunSuite {
test("The three lists from his example") {
val l1 = List("a", "b", "c")
val l2 = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
val l3 = List("+", "#", "*", "§", "%")
// All lists together
val l = List(l1, l2, l3)
// Max length of a list (to pad the shorter ones)
val maxLen =
// Wrap the elements in Option and pad with None
val padded = { list => ++ Stream.continually(None).take(maxLen - list.size) }
// Transpose
val trans = padded.transpose
// Flatten the lists then flatten the options
val result = trans.flatten.flatten
// Viola
assert(List("a", 1, "+", "b", 2, "#", "c", 3, "*", 4, "§", "%") === result)
Here's an imperative solution if efficiency is paramount:
def combine[T](xss: List[List[T]]): List[T] = {
val b = List.newBuilder[T]
var its =
while (!its.isEmpty) {
its = its.filter(_.hasNext)
its.foreach(b +=
You can use padTo, transpose, and flatten to good effect here:, None)).transpose.flatten.flatten
Here's a small recursive solution.
def flatList(lists: List[List[Any]]) = {
def loop(output: List[Any], xss: List[List[Any]]): List[Any] = (xss collect { case x :: xs => x }) match {
case Nil => output
case heads => loop(output ::: heads, xss.collect({ case x :: xs => xs }))
loop(List[Any](), lists)
And here is a simple streams approach which can cope with an arbitrary sequence of sequences, each of potentially infinite length.
def flatSeqs[A](ssa: Seq[Seq[A]]): Stream[A] = {
def seqs(xss: Seq[Seq[A]]): Stream[Seq[A]] = xss collect { case xs if !xs.isEmpty => xs } match {
case Nil => Stream.empty
case heads => heads #:: seqs(xss collect { case xs if !xs.isEmpty => xs.tail })
Here's something short but not exceedingly efficient:
def heads[A](xss: List[List[A]]) =
def interleave[A](xss: List[List[A]]) = Iterator.
iterate(heads(xss)){ case (_, tails) => heads(tails) }.
takeWhile(! _.isEmpty).
Here's a recursive solution that's O(n). The accepted solution (using sort) is O(nlog(n)). Some testing I've done suggests the second solution using transpose is also O(nlog(n)) due to the implementation of transpose. The use of reverse below looks suspicious (since it's an O(n) operation itself) but convince yourself that it either can't be called too often or on too-large lists.
def intercalate[T](lists: List[List[T]]) : List[T] = {
def intercalateHelper(newLists: List[List[T]], oldLists: List[List[T]], merged: List[T]): List[T] = {
(newLists, oldLists) match {
case (Nil, Nil) => merged
case (Nil, zss) => intercalateHelper(zss.reverse, Nil, merged)
case (Nil::xss, zss) => intercalateHelper(xss, zss, merged)
case ( (y::ys)::xss, zss) => intercalateHelper(xss, ys::zss, y::merged)
intercalateHelper(lists, List.empty, List.empty).reverse

How to find students with the best grades in a list?

Suppose, I have a list of Students. Students have fields like name, birth date, grade, etc. How would you find Students with the best grade in Scala?
For example:
List(Student("Mike", "A"), Student("Pete", "B"), Student("Paul", A))"
I want to get
List(Student("Mike", "A"), Student("Paul", A))
Obviously, I can find the max grade ("A" in the list above) and then filter the list
students.filter(_.grade == max_grade)
This solution is O(N) but runs over the list twice. Can you suggest a better solution?
Running over the list twice is probably the best way to do it, but if you insist on a solution that only runs over once, you can use a fold (here works on empty lists):
(List[Student]() /: list){ (best,next) => best match {
case Nil => next :: Nil
case x :: rest =>
if (betterGrade(x,next)) best
else if (betterGrade(next,x)) next :: Nil
else next :: best
If you are unfamiliar with folds, they are described in an answer here. They're a general way of accumulating something as you pass over a collection (e.g. list). If you're unfamiliar with matching, you can do the same thing with isEmpty and head. If you want the students in the same order as they appeared in the original list, run .reverse at the end.
Using foldLeft you traverse the list of students only once :
scala> students.foldLeft(List.empty[Student]) {
| case (Nil, student) => student::Nil
| case (list, student) if (list.head.grade == student.grade) => student::list
| case (list, student) if (list.head.grade > student.grade) => student::Nil
| case (list, _) => list
| }
res17: List[Student] = List(Student(Paul,A), Student(Mike,A))
There are already 6 answers, but I still feel compelled to add my take:
case class Lifted(grade: String, students: List[Student]) {
def mergeBest(other: Lifted) = grade compare other.grade match {
case 0 => copy(students = other.students ::: students)
case 1 => other
case -1 => this
This little case class will lift a Student into an object that keeps track of the best grade and a list cell containing the student. It also factors out the logic of the merge: if the new student has
the same grade => merge the new student into the result list, with the shorter one at the front for efficiency - otherwise result won't be O(n)
higher grade => replace current best with the new student
lower grade => keep the current best
The result can then be easily constructed with a reduceLeft:
val result = { => Lifted(s.grade, List(s)))
.reduceLeft((l1, l2) => l1.mergeBest(l2))
// result: List[Student] = List(Student(Paul,A), Student(Mike,A))
PS. I'm upvoting your question - based on the sheer number of generated response
You can use filter on the students list.
case class Student(grade: Int)
val students = ...
val minGrade = 5
students filter ( _.grade < minGrade)
Works just fine also for type String
After sorting, you can use takeWhile to avoid iterating a second time.
case class Student(grade: Int)
val list = List(Student(1), Student(3), Student(2), Student(1), Student(25), Student(0), Student (25))
val sorted = list.sortWith (_.grade > _.grade)
sorted.takeWhile (_.grade == sorted(0).grade)
It still sorts the whole thing, even grades 1, 3, 0 and -1, which we aren't interested in, before taking the whipped cream, but it is short code.
A second approach, which can be performed in parallel, is, to split the list, and take the max of each side, and then only the higher one, if there is - else both:
def takeMax (l: List[Student]) : List [Student] = l.size match {
case 0 => Nil
case 1 => l
case 2 => if (l(0).grade > l(1).grade) List (l(0)) else
if (l(0).grade < l(1).grade) List (l(1)) else List (l(0), l(1))
case _ => {
val left = takeMax (l.take (l.size / 2))
val right= takeMax (l.drop (l.size / 2))
if (left (0).grade > right(0).grade) left else
if (left (0).grade < right(0).grade) right else left ::: right }
Of course we like to factor out the student, and the method to compare two of them.
def takeMax [A] (l: List[A], cmp: ((A, A) => Int)) : List [A] = l.size match {
case 0 | 1 => l
case 2 => cmp (l(0), l(1)) match {
case 0 => l
case x => if (x > 0) List (l(0)) else List (l(1))
case _ => {
val left = takeMax (l.take (l.size / 2), cmp)
val right= takeMax (l.drop (l.size / 2), cmp)
cmp (left (0), right (0)) match {
case 0 => left ::: right
case x => if (x > 0) left else right }
def cmp (s1: Student, s2: Student) = s1.grade - s2.grade
takeMax (list, cmp)