EaselJS Is it possible to modify a Spritesheet at runtime? - easeljs

I am loading spritesheets individually for each sprite on demand using PreloadJS. Some of the spritesheets don't have certain animations (I lack the images). I would like to use a "Default Image" if the spritesheet doesn't contain a particular animation.
It would be ideal if I could add the Default Image to the spritesheet at runtime and that way when gotoAndPlay("Missing Animation") is called the Default Image will be available instead of nothing.

This functionality is not natively implemented in EaselJS, but it should be easy for you to implement it yourself.
Instead of appending a image to the original bitmap that was used as the spritesheet source image, you can make your own gotoAndStop function, and check if the image exists or not by checking if mySprite.spritesheet.animations.indexOf("Missing Animation Name") is less than zero. If it is, display a bitmap object containing the default image you want.


How to modify a bound texture in OpenGL ES 1.1

My platform is iPhone - OpenGL ES 1.1
I'm looking for the tutorial about modifying or drawing to a texture.
For example:
I have a background texture: (Just blank blue-white gradiant image)
and a object texture:
I need to draw the object to background many times so to optimize the performance I want to draw it to the background texture like this:
does anyone know the fastest way to do this ?
Thanks a lot !
Do you want to draw it into the background texture, and then keep that, or overlay it, or what? I'm not entirely sure the question.
To draw onto the background and then reuse that, you'll want to create another texture, or a pbuffer/fbo, and bind that. Draw a full-screen quad with your background image, then draw additional quads with the overlays as needed. The bound texture should then have the results, composited as necessary, and can be used as a texture or copied into a file. This is typically known as render-to-texture, and is commonly used to combine images or other dynamic image effects.
To optimize the performance here, you'll want to reuse the texture containing the final results. This will reduce the render cost from whatever it may have been (1 background + 4 faces) to a single background draw.
Edit: This article seems to have a rather good breakdown of OpenGL ES RTT. Some good information in this one as well, though not ES-specific.
To overlay the decals, you simply need to draw them over the background. This is the same drawing method as in RTT, but without binding a texture as the render target. This will not persist, it exists only in the backbuffer, but will give the same effect.
To optimize this method, you'll want to batch drawing the decals as much as possible. Assuming they all have the same properties and source texture, this is pretty easy. Bind all the textures and set properties as needed, fill a chunk of memory with the corners, and just draw a lot of quads. You can also draw them individually, in immediate mode, but this is somewhat more expensive.

Openg GL ES draw offscreen to provide the contents for a CALayer

Is it is possible use Open GL ES to draw offscreen to create a CGImageRef to use as content for a CALayer.
I intend to alter the image only once. In detail I'm looking for an efficient way to change only the hue of an image without changing the brightness as well. The other solution might be to create a pixel buffer and to change the data directly but it seems computationally expensive.
Although it's not something I've done, it should be possible.
If you check out the current OpenGL ES template in Xcode, especially EAGLView.m, you'll see that the parts that bind the OpenGL context in there to the screen are:
line 77, [context renderbufferStorage:GL_RENDERBUFFER fromDrawable:(CAEAGLLayer *)self.layer];, which tells the CAEAGLLayer to provide sufficient details to the framebuffer object there being created so that it can be displayed on screen.
line 128, success = [context presentRenderbuffer:GL_RENDERBUFFER];, which gives the CAEAGLLayer the nod that you've drawn a whole new frame and it should present that when possible.
What you should be able to do is dump the CAEAGLLayer connection entirely (and, therefore, you don't need to create a UIView subclass), use glRenderbufferStorage or glRenderbufferStorageMultisampleAPPLE to allocate a colour buffer for your framebuffer instead (so that it has storage, but wherever OpenGL feels like putting it), do all your drawing, then use glReadPixels to get the pixel contents back.
From there you can use CGDataProviderCreateWithData and CGImageCreate to convert the raw pixel data to a suitable CGImageRef.
The GPU stuff should be a lot faster than you can manage on the CPU normally, but your main costs are likely to be the upload and the download. If you don't actually need it as a CGImageRef other than to show it on screen, you'll be better just using a CAEAGLLayer toting UIView subclass. They act exactly like any other view — updating if and when you push new data, compositing in exactly the same way — so there's no additional complexity. The only disadvantage, if you're new, is that most tutorials and sample code on OpenGL tend to focus on setting things up to be full screen, updating 60 times a second, etc, that being what games want.

Continuously drawing into an iPhone bitmap object? What am I missing?

I am pretty sure this is a straightforward problem I must be confused about (I am a total newbie on the iPhone): I am trying to continuously draw shapes using the CG APIs into a bitmap object, and to always show an up-to-date version of that bitmap on the screen, inside a UIScrollView object so the user can pan, zoom, etc.
Using UIView with drawRect is no good because this is an ongoing thing -- I have a separate thread where all the drawing commands are issued, and I need them to be applied and accumulated on that same framebuffer (kind of like a web page rendering engine). What I keep seeing is that all GCContext APIs related to images seem to CREATE a brand new image whenever you want it rendered to the screen. That sounds bad because it forces the creation of another copy of the image.
I guess I am looking for a way to create an off-screen bitmap, render to it as much as I want using Core Graphics, and whenever I want to, blt that image to the screen, but still retaining the ability to keep drawing to it and blt it to the screen again, later on.
Thanks in advance!
You could use a CGLayer. Create it once with CGLayerCreateWithContext() and later retrieve the layer's context with CGLayerGetContext() whenever you need to draw into it.
To draw the layer into another graphics context, call CGContextDrawLayerAtPoint() or CGContextDrawLayerInRect().

Fastest iPhone Blit Routine?

I have a UIView subclass onto which I need to blit a UIImage. There are several ways to skin this cat depending on which series of APIs you prefer to use, and I'm interested in the fastest. Would it be UIImage's drawAtPoint or drawRect? Or perhaps the C-based CoreGraphics routines, or something else? I have no qualms about altering my source image data format if it'll make the blitting that much faster.
To describe my situation my app has anywhere from ~10 to ~200 small UIViews (64x64), a subset of which will need to be redrawn based on user interaction. My current implementation is a call to drawAtPoint inside my UIView subclass' drawRect routine. If you can think of a better way to handle this kind of scenario, I'm all ears (well, eyes).
Using an OpenGL view may be fastest of all. Keep an age cache of images (or if you know a better way to determine when certain images can be removed from the cache, by all means use that) and preload as many images as you can while the app is idle. It should be very quick, with almost no Objective-C calls involved (just -draw)
While not a "blit" at all, given the requirements of the problem (many small images with various state changes) I was able to keep the different states to redraw in their own separate UIImageView instances, and just showed/hid the appropriate instance given the state change.
Since CALayer is lightweight and fast I would get a try.
The fastest blit implementation you are going to find is in my AVAnimator library, it contains an ARM asm implementation of a blit for a CoreGraphics buffer, have a look at the source. The way you could make use of it would be to create a single graphics context, the size of the whole screen, and then blit your specific image changes into this single graphics context, then create a UIImage from that and set it as the image of a UIImageView. That would involve 1 GPU upload per refresh, so it will not depend on how many images you render into the buffer. But, you will likely not need to go that low level. You should first try making each 64x64 image into a CALayer and then update each layer with the contents of an image that is the exact size of the layer 64x64. The only tricky thing is that you will want to decompress each of your original images if they come from PNG or JPEG files. You do that by creating another pixel buffer and rendering the original image into the new pixel buffer, that way all the PNG or JPEG decompression is done before you start setting CALayer contents.

iPhone, how do you draw from a texturepage using coregraphics?

I'm trying to work out how to draw from a TexturePage using CoreGraphics.
Given a texture page (CGImageRef) which contains multiple 64x64 packed textures, how do I render sub areas from that page onto the device context.
CGContextDrawImage seems to only take a destination rect. I noticed CGImageCreateWithImageInRect, however this creates a new image. I don't want a new image I simply want to draw from the original image.
I'm sure this is possible, however I'm new to iPhone development.
Any help much appreciated.
What's wrong with CGImageCreateWithImageInRect?
CGImageRef subImage = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(image, srcRect);
if (subImage) {
CGContextDrawImage(context, destRect, subImage);
Edit: Wait a minute. Use CGImageCreateWithImageInRect. That is what it's for.
Here are the ideas I wrote up initially; I will leave them in case they're useful.
See if you can create a sub-image of some kind from another image, such that it borrows the original image's buffer (much like some substring implementations). Then you could draw using the sub-image.
It might be that Core Graphics is intended more for compositing than for image manipulation, so you may have to use separate image files in your application bundle. If the SDK docs don't particularly recommend what you're doing, then I suggest you go that route since it seems the most simple and natural way to do it.
You could use OpenGLES instead, in which case you can specify the texture coordinates of polygon vertices to select just that section of your big texture.