Restrict one user to see other users courses - moodle

I am kind of new to Moodle, but I am looking for the following:
I created two user(User1 and user2) from admin and both users have their own courses.
Structure is like:-
Admin have two Users:- User1 and User2
user1 have three course C1,C2,C3
user2 have two course C4,C5
And user1 and user2 should not see each others courses. Also, when the user clicks "All courses" he/she should still only see the assigned courses.

I found a plugin for helped me to resolve all my issue. Hope it will help others too.
for demo you can visit
Iomad is completely free. Like Moodle, anyone is free to download and use the software

You may have to define a role for each user in Settings > Site administration > Users > Permissions > Define roles Assign system
There are more than a lot settings if you scroll down on create new role page.
And then assign that role to the each user from Settings > Site administration > Users > Permissions > Assign system roles
Though I am not entirely sure that this method will work as expected.
But this could be one of the options.


Fellow Project Administrator Cannot Delete User Stories (But I can)

I have an Administrator in an Administrative group with the Boards Permissions all set to "Allow (inherited)".
He cannot delete a User Story he created.
We both inherit the permissions from the same "Project Administrators" group.
I can delete stories as expected, but he doesn't even have the option in the drop-down.
Any idea why that would be?
UPDATE: I had a co-worker who is also an administrator with the same permissions as the affected Admin, and they were able to create and delete stories. So now we've verified that 2/3 of the Admins tested with this setting are able to delete, but the other is not. The affected admin doesn't even have delete as an option when selecting "…" for an item.
I found the solution.
Under Organization Settings > Users, the user in question was listed as a Stakeholder.
I had to promote him to Basic.
This solved the problem, and it might not be discoverable as the cause of the problem if a Project admin is not also an Org admin.

Provide all users with ability to edit their own specific attributes in Active Directory

I've been working on a project that allows users in our domain to edit 3 Active Directory Attributes on their own Object, this has been written in Python and the only issue I have now is user permissions on these attributes.
Two of these are custom, the third is the Location(physicalOfficeDeliveryAddress).
I have looked everywhere and only found documentation on how to give permission for users in a group for these attributes but for ALL users or limited by group.
I'm looking to apply the permission under the Identity Reference: NT AUTHORITY\SELF so that users may only edit their own attributes.
In less words, I'm looking to write a script that will delegate permissions for three specific attributes to ALL users in the domain but only for themselves(NT AUTH\SELF).
I have a loop that will perform it for each user, I just have hit a brick wall in what to include in the loop..
Any help would be appreciated.
NT AUTHORITY\SELF is one of Windows' well-known SIDs, with a SID of S-1-5-10.
So you do it the same way you would for any other account, but grant the permissions to S-1-5-10 instead.
If you show us the code you're working with, we might be able to help you with where to plug in that value, if you need.

Giving course management permission to teacher in Moodle CMS

I want to give course management(Add new course) permission to teacher in Moodle CMS.
Admin already have this permission under Site Administration. How will I give this permission to Teacher. Thanks in advance.
Besides admin, there is two system-wide roles: Manager & Course creator.
By the sounds of it, you want the teachers to have the role as Course Creators, so they can create their own courses.
You can apply this role manually at:
Site administration -> Users -> Permissions -> Assign system roles
And then click 'Course creator' to assign this role to users.
Preben is correct, however if you give teachers the 'Course Creators' role they will also get a lot of other permissions you may not want them to have.
Go to:
Site administration -> Users -> Permissions -> Define Roles
Edit the 'teacher' role (by clicking on the cog) then in the permission search bar look for:
Change from default 'Not set' to 'Allow'. Teacher will basically be the same role with the added ability to create courses.

Alfresco Share - Can't find people as site manager after bulk upload

I create a lot of users (~350) using User CSV Uploader (/alfresco/service/api/people/upload) and then as site maneger i tried to invite some of this users, but i can't find them.
create a list of users (using CSV template) - OK
upload the list - OK
check if the users exist - OK
as site manger and alfresco_administrator when i go to http//mydomain/share/page/site/mysite/invite and search for user (let's say TESTUSER) the user is listed and is allowed to be invited
as site manager (not alfresco_administrator) when i go to http//mydomain/share/page/site/mysite/invite and search for user TESTUSER the user is not listed
The user TESTUSER exist and was created using CSV upload.
I creat manualy another user TESTUSER2 and i follow steps 3,4 and 5. In this case this user TESTUSER2 is listed in both case.
My question is: There is a possibility to "reindex" all user or i need to create ~300 users manualy.
Right now LDAP or AD is not an option.
Alfresco 4.2c/Centos 6.4/SOLR (full reindex after 2 days)
Thank You!
are you able to find the persons via people finder /share/page/people-finder?
If not, are you able to find the persons when appending [hint:useCQ] (forces usage of DB instead of SearchIndex) to your people search term?
If you find the persons using this hint, then your Solr Index is not in sync.

SugarCRM - how to make users see only child users?

I want to change the behaviour of Sugar CRM community version. Here's what sugar currently does:
Admin logs into Sugar
Admin clicks on Admin tab
Admin creates a new user named George with admin access
Under user information section, Admin makes George report to Admin (in the database, it will show users.report_to_id is the admin's user_id)
Admin saves and logs out
George logs in with his password
George goes to admin tab.
George goes to list users page and sees all users, including Admin, the person he is supposed to report to.
I want to change step 8 such that George is not allowed to see the user he "reports to". George should only be able to see child users and descendants of those child users. George should not be able to see anyone above him.
How can I achieve this? will sugar support this feature?
#John - You need to look at creating roles under role management.
Role management allows you to enable / disable rights.
I learned that this requires a lot of code customization. Here's a thread that explains it