Getting referenced tables in Postgres - postgresql

I have a list of foreign keys. I'd like to find out the tables where these FK's point to and the actual key the point to.
I've got a list of FK's like so:
columnName0, columnName1, columnName2
Foreign key references
columnName0 references table0.idTable0
columnName1 references table1.idTable1
columnName2 references table2.idTable2
Some sample tables:
idTable0, PK
idTable1, PK
idTable2, PK
A sample result:
| column | referenced_column | referenced_table |
| columnName0 | idTable0 | table0 |
| columnName1 | idTable1 | table1 |
| columnName2 | idTable2 | table2 |
I'm trying to translate something I do in MySQL like this:
REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME AS referenced_column,
I'm going to have to use straight-up queries (unfortunately, no stored procedures).

You can query pg_constraint. For column names you should lookup pg_attribute. A foreign key may be based on multiple columns, so conkey and confkey of pg_constraint are arrays. You have to unnest the arrays to get a list of column names. Example:
conrelid::regclass table_name,
a1.attname column_name,
confrelid::regclass referenced_table,
a2.attname referenced_column,
conname constraint_name
from (
select conname, conrelid::regclass, confrelid::regclass, col, fcol
from pg_constraint c,
lateral unnest(conkey) col,
lateral unnest(confkey) fcol
where contype = 'f' -- foreign keys constraints
) s
join pg_attribute a1 on a1.attrelid = conrelid and a1.attnum = col
join pg_attribute a2 on a2.attrelid = confrelid and a2.attnum = fcol;
table_name | column_name | referenced_table | referenced_column | constraint_name
products | image_id | images | id | products_image_id_fkey
(1 row)
In Postgres 9.4 or later the function unnest() may have multiple arguments and the inner query may look like this:
select conname, conrelid::regclass, confrelid::regclass, col, fcol
from pg_constraint c,
lateral unnest(conkey, confkey) u(col, fcol)
where contype = 'f' -- foreign keys constraints


Liquibase insert select where not exists

I want to insert into table1 multiple rows from table2. The problem is that I have a field of same name in table2 and table1 and I don't want to insert data if there's already a record with same value in this field. Now I have something like this:
insert into table1 (id, sameField, constantField, superFied)
select gen_random_uuid(), "sameField", 'constant', "anotherField"
from table2;
And I assume I need to do something like this:
insert into table1 (id, sameField, constantField, superFied)
select gen_random_uuid(), "sameField", 'constant', "anotherField"
from table2
where not exists ... ?
What I need to write instead of ? if I want this logic: check if there's already same value in sameField in table1 when selecting sameField from table2? DBMS is Postgres.
You can use a sub-query to see whether the record exists. You will need to define the column(s) which should be unique.
create table table2(
id varchar(100),
sameField varchar(25),
constant varchar(25),
superField varchar(25)
insert into table2 values
2 rows affected
create table table1(
id varchar(100),
sameField varchar(25),
constant varchar(25),
superField varchar(25)
insert into table1 values
1 rows affected
insert into table1 (id, sameField, constant, superField)
select uuid_in(md5(random()::text || clock_timestamp()::text)::cstring),
t2.sameField, 'constant', t2.superField
from table2 t2
where sameField not in (select sameField from table1)
1 rows affected
select * from table1;
select * from table2;
id | samefield | constant | superfield
:----------------------------------- | :-------- | :-------- | :---------
4cf10b1c-7a3f-4323-9a16-cce681fcd6d8 | same1 | constant1 | super1
d8cf27a0-3f55-da50-c274-c4a76c697b84 | same2 | constant | super2
id | samefield | constant | superfield
:----------------------------------- | :-------- | :-------- | :---------
c8a83804-9f0b-4d97-8049-51c2c8c54665 | same1 | constant1 | super1
3a9cf8b5-8488-4278-a06a-fd75fa74e206 | same2 | constant2 | super2
db<>fiddle here

How do I list all identity columns in a table

What query should I use to list all GENERATED { ALWAYS | BY DEFAULT } AS IDENTITY columns in given table in PostgreSQL database?
I would like also like to see whether the column is GENERATED ALWAYS or GENERATED BY DEFAULT.
You can get the list of all generated columns by looking in the pg_attribute table under the attgenerated column:
postgres=# create table abc (
height_cm numeric,
height_in numeric GENERATED ALWAYS AS (height_cm / 2.54) STORED);
postgres=# select attname, attidentity, attgenerated
from pg_attribute
where attnum > 0
and attrelid = (select oid from pg_class where relname = 'abc');
attname | attidentity | attgenerated
id | a |
height_cm | |
height_in | | s
(3 rows)
Identity columns are identified in attidentity. More information in the PostgreSQL documentation

Show only list of tables without child partitions

I would like to show only the list of top level tables without child partitioned tables in PostgreSQL. (Currently using PostgreSQL 12.)
\dt in psql gives me all tables, including partitions of tables. I see this:
postgres=# \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | tablea | table | me
public | partitionedtable1 | partitioned table | me
public | partitionedtable1_part1 | table | me
public | partitionedtable1_part2 | table | me
public | partitionedtable1_part3 | table | me
public | tableb | table | me
But I want a list like this, without child partitions of the parent partitioned table:
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | tablea | table | me
public | partitionedtable1 | partitioned table | me
public | tableb | table | me
Query to get all ordinary tables, including root partitioned tables, but excluding all non-root partitioned tables:
SELECT n.nspname AS "Schema"
, c.relname AS "Name"
, CASE c.relkind
WHEN 'p' THEN 'partitioned table'
WHEN 'r' THEN 'ordinary table'
-- more types?
ELSE 'unknown table type'
END AS "Type"
, pg_catalog.pg_get_userbyid(c.relowner) AS "Owner"
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relkind = ANY ('{p,r,""}') -- add more types?
AND NOT c.relispartition -- exclude child partitions
AND n.nspname !~ ALL ('{^pg_,^information_schema$}') -- exclude system schemas
ORDER BY 1, 2;
The manual about relispartition:
... True if table or index is a partition
pg_get_userbyid() is instrumental to get the name of the owning role.
There are more types of "tables" in Postgres 12. The manual about relkind:
r = ordinary table, i = index, S = sequence, t = TOAST table,
v = view, m = materialized view, c = composite type, f =
foreign table, p = partitioned table, I = partitioned index
Postgres 12 also added the meta-command \dP to psql:
The manual:
\dP[itn+] [ pattern ]
Lists partitioned relations. If pattern is specified, only entries whose name matches the pattern are listed. The modifiers t (tables) and i (indexes) can be appended to the command, filtering the kind of relations to list. By default, partitioned tables and indexes are listed.
If the modifier n (“nested”) is used, or a pattern is specified, then non-root partitioned relations are included, and a column is shown displaying the parent of each partitioned relation.
So \dPt gets all root partitioned tables - but not ordinary tables.
Version 1
I can't test this right now, but this ought to give you only top-level tables that are partitioned
select relname
from pg_class
where oid in (select partrelid from pg_partitioned_table);
You should be able to refine/expand that to get more details.
Version 2
Here's a comically verbose solution:
partition_parents as (
select relnamespace::regnamespace::text as schema_name,
relname as table_name,
'partition_parent' as info,
from pg_class
where relkind = 'p'), -- The parent table is relkind 'p', the partitions are regular tables, relkind 'r'
unpartitioned_tables as (
select relnamespace::regnamespace::text as schema_name,
relname as table_name,
'unpartitioned_table' as info,
from pg_class
where relkind = 'r'
and not relispartition
) -- Regular table
select * from partition_parents where schema_name not in ('information_schema','pg_catalog','api','extensions') -- Whatever you've got for schemas
select * from unpartitioned_tables where schema_name not in ('information_schema','pg_catalog','api','extensions') -- Whatever you've got for schemas
order by 1,2,3
You should be able to cut the size of that way down to match what you really want. Someone here who really gets the system catalogs should likely be able to provide a more concise version. In the plus column, it's kind of nice to add in the "partition_parent" versus "unpartitioned_table" detail, as above.
If you don't have to use a \d* shortcut, this query should work (though you'll need to filter out schemas not in your search_path):
SELECT relname FROM pg_class WHERE relkind IN ('r','p') AND NOT relispartition;
--do some test in greenplum 6.14
--to find normal table ,partition table
WHEN t3.tablename IS NULL
AND t2.tablename IS NULL THEN
WHEN t3.tablename IS NOT NULL
AND t2.tablename IS NULL THEN
'p-root' ELSE'p-child'
END AS tabletype,
pg_tables t1
LEFT JOIN pg_partitions t2 ON t1.tablename = t2.partitiontablename
AND t1.schemaname = t2.partitionschemaname
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT schemaname, tablename FROM pg_partitions WHERE schemaname IN ( 'public', 'ods', 'tmp' ) ) t3 ON t1.tablename = t3.tablename
AND t1.schemaname = t3.schemaname
ROW_NUMBER ( ) OVER ( PARTITION BY schemaname, objname ORDER BY statime DESC ) AS rn
classname = 'pg_class'
AND schemaname IN ( 'public', 'ods', 'tmp' )
AND actionname IN ( 'CREATE', 'ALTER' )
) n
n.rn = 1
) t4 ON t1.schemaname = t4.schemaname
AND t1.tablename = t4.objname
t1.schemaname IN ( 'public', 'ods', 'tmp' )
) o
tabletype IN ( 'r', 'p-root' )

How to query the type of an existing index in Postgres?

The pg_index table gives info on indexes, it doesn't seem to have a column describing the index type (btree, hash, gin, etc...)
What is the correct way of knowing an existing index type?
The access method of an index is defined in the catalog pg_am, pointed by the column relam of the catalog pg_class, e.g.:
select c.relname, a.amname
from pg_index i
join pg_class c on c.oid = i.indexrelid
join pg_am a on a.oid = c.relam
where relnamespace = 'public'::regnamespace;
relname | amname
array_test_arr_idx | gin
students_topics_pkey | btree
images_pkey | btree

PostgreSQL: duplicate key value violates unique constraint on UPDATE command

When doing an UPDATE query, we got the following error message:
ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "tableA_pkey"
DETAIL: Key (id)=(47470) already exists.
However, our UPDATE query does not affect the primary key. Here is a simplified version:
UPDATE tableA AS a
items = (
SELECT array_to_string(
SELECT b.value
FROM tableB b
WHERE b.a_id =
a.end_at BETWEEN now() AND now() - interval '1 day';
We ensured the primary key sequence was already synced:
\d tableA_id_seq
Which produces:
Column | Type | Value
sequence_name | name | tableA_id_seq
last_value | bigint | 50364
start_value | bigint | 1
increment_by | bigint | 1
max_value | bigint | 9223372036854775807
min_value | bigint | 1
cache_value | bigint | 1
log_cnt | bigint | 0
is_cycled | boolean | f
is_called | boolean | t
Looking for maximum table index:
select max(id) from tableA;
We got a lower value:
(1 row)
Have you any idea on why such a behavior? If we exclude the problematic id, it works.
Another strange point is that replacing the previous UPDATE by:
UPDATE tableA AS a
items = (
SELECT array_to_string(
SELECT b.value
FROM tableB b
WHERE b.a_id =
WHERE = 47470;
It works well. Are we missing something?
EDIT: triggers
I have no user-defined triggers on this table:
SELECT t.tgname, c.relname
FROM pg_trigger t
JOIN pg_class c ON t.tgrelid = c.oid
c.relname = 'tableA'
t.tgisinternal = false
Which returns no row.
Note: I am using psql (PostgreSQL) 9.3.4 version.
Not really sure what was the cause. However, deleting the two (non vital) records corresponding to already existing ids (?) solved the issue.