How do I send a email on jekins for any build failure on the server - email

Our jenkins server has a lot of jobs, is there anyway to configure so that an email is sent when any build breaks? I know how to do it for each job individually, but I'd like to set up a global configuration.

We use the Email Extension Plugin.
and then configure our SMTP Server in the General Configuration.
Once this is all setup, then add a Post Build event in your Jenkins job to send an email on failure.

We ended up using this
There is a way to configure emails for all jobs at once


How to use Webhooks in rundeck to send status of the job executed

Completely new to Webhook concept and Rundeck. I have a job in rundeck where it checkes health of some servers, code being in python.
Fetch 200 Ok status after running Curl Command and using that status write a condition using python in RUNDECK
i want to use webhook to provide update via email/slack channel to 5-6 users
Created a webhook, i selected a job which it should invoke, but i didnt understand what options to be entered options section[Job Option arguments, in the form -opt1 value -opt2 "other value"]
when i click on the webhook URL it gives 404 error found.
this might be the very basic questions. sorry kindly help
i want to use webhook to provide update via email/slack channel to 5-6 users
Webhooks are used to enable third-party applications to trigger jobs. If you just want to send notifications of job status when a job is run, you don't need to use a webhook.
When you configure the job there's a "Notifications" tab. You can select when and how to send notifications. For slack specifically, there is a notification plugin you can install.
To pass options to webhook you need to pass it in this way. Here you have a good example to integrate it with python code.
UPDATE: Anyway, this answer is the way to achieve your goal.

How do I automatically trigger email notification with custom message after deployment (in CD pipeline) in VSTS

I have a CD pipeline with Azure Deploy task and I want to trigger a email notification to developers after successful deployment but with custom message. I researched on 'Send Email' task but it requires an SMTP server (say google SMTP). is there a feature within VSTS to trigger a mail?
You could use the SendGrid Email extension. You would need a SendGrip API key (hence a SendGrid account) but you can create one for free on Azure.
It would be limited to 25000 emails per month, but it should be enough. And if it isn't, you can upgrade your plan in no time
I Hope I helped you :)
It seems you are using the Send Email task developed by DutchWorkz B.V..
You can use the Send Email task developed by Rene van Osnabrugge (Xpirit) which just need to specify the email addressed, subject and email body.

Need the mail to be triggered upon success or failure of Build or release definition in VSTS

I have a requirement like whenever my build or release definition fails in VSTS it should trigger mails to all the team members including the error part.How can it possible? Please share your thoughts on this.As I don't see any information available from Google.if build fails, mail with subject "build failed" and body containing which step in definition failed and its explanation,stylecop errors,
Code analysis error,
test fails,
codecoverage results,
or simply build error.
Please suggest me.
VSTS has a build-in feature (Notifications) of sending email to corresponding users when build complete or fail, but you can’t custom the email body.
You need to use a power-shell script to get status of all the tasks in build definition. This script query the status from Apis available in VSTS.
And then use the result to prepare a custom email body and sending out this mail through a third party email sender.
There is the sample of build result: build-results-enhancer . For how to send email in a build/release pipeline you could take a look at this blog: Sending Email Notification from VSTS/TFS Build

How to disable email confirmation in gitlab

I set up a gitlab server in ubantu14.4.3SLT
in my case, I want to set up a git server for local users so I do not need user to sign in with any email confirmation.
How can I disable email confirmation in gitlab? are there any api or something simple to disable it?
This isn't a good answer. But ran across this and wanted to skip for a test instance I have. This is what I did(gitlab 10.1.0):
From the rails console:
User.all.each {|u| u.confirmed_at =;}

How can I set the Sender's address in Jenkins?

I'm sending mail from Jenkins to an anonymous SMTP relay internally. That relay then securely sends mail to exchange online via TLS on port 587. The transport works perfectly, the issue is that Microsoft requires the Sender address match the authentication credentials login name which is the same as the account email address. For example sake, say this is How can I make jenkins always send mail from
BTW when I say the transport works perfectly what I mean specifically is that I can drop a formatted e-mail file into the "Pickup" directory on the SMTP relay server and it is properly sent to any recipient provided the From address is
Jenkins uses the System Admin e-mail address as the sender address for e-mail notification. You can configure this under Manage Jenkins -> Configure System. This is under the Jenkins Location header on that page! It is not immediately obvious that this setting is tied to the e-mail notification settings, since it is not under the E-mail notification header on the configuration page.
Manage Jenkins -> Configure System -> Jenkins Location -> System Admin e-mail address
You can search the page for "Jenkins Location" to change the default value of address not configured yet to whatever you want.
There are two places to add the "E-Mail Notificaitons"
Global level
Local level (Jenkins job level)
To set the E-Mail Notification at Global Level, follow below steps -
1) Go to Manage Jenkins
2) Configure System
3) Jenkins Location
4) System Admin e-mail address
To set the E-Mail Notification at local level (per Jenkins job level), follow below steps -
1) Click on the Job name (if existing one)
2) click on the "Configure"
3) Then look for the "Post-build Action"
4) Specify the email address under "E-mail Notification".
5) Save the changes.
I'm not sure if it is what you meant, but Jenkins enables you to provide a full Sender E-mail Address for notifications. Go to Manage jenkins, then System configuration and find section called E-mail Notification.
You can provide you email address in a form of Jenkins <>.
If you need to do this without using the jenkins UI (for instance in automating a jenkins setup) - you can do so with a groovy script.
import jenkins.model.*
def jenkinsLocationConfiguration = JenkinsLocationConfiguration.get()
jenkinsLocationConfiguration.setAdminAddress("[your admin name] <[your admin email address]>")
// example format -> .setAdminAddress("Jane Doe <>")
Do note: I did not write this script (although I have tested it and it works), all credit to Peter Halliday and his website with other helpful groovy scripts here.
import javax.mail.Message.RecipientType
import javax.mail.Address
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage
msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(""))