Following the documentation here, I am trying to get i18n working on my AEM 6.2 instance:
Locale pageLang = currentPage.getLanguage(false);
ResourceBundle resourceBundle = slingRequest.getResourceBundle(pageLang);
I18n i18n = new I18n(resourceBundle);
The problem is, I always get a which seems to be just an empty fallback bundle if nothing was found. I tried to preload the bundles in the OSGi configuration, but to no avail.
Even if my own translations wouldn't work, at least it should contain the predefined translations provided with the product. Though my own show up in the tool:
Any ideas why I don't get a valid resource bundle?
EDIT: I did a simple JSP test and there it works, so it is related to Sling Models where the code resides within a #PostConstruct method where the model was adapted from the SlingHttpServletRequest
With the help of the mailing list and a snippet from it's code I was able to get this working:
Locale pageLang = currentPage.getLanguage(false);
SlingHttpServletRequest request = slingRequest;
SlingBindings bindings = (SlingBindings)slingRequest.getAttribute(SlingBindings.class.getName());
if (bindings != null) {
request = bindings.getRequest();
ResourceBundle resourceBundle = request.getResourceBundle(pageLang );
It seems that the injected request in SlingModels isn't the real request, but just a wrapper that doesn't contain the ResourceBundle. I then tried the #AemObject from which also didn't work for me and then I asked in the mailing list what could be the problem.
TLDR: Create a new AEM page called "mypage.html". Supply suffixes in the URL. Pass this suffixes to an Sling servlet. The suffixes act as URL parameters.
sample desired URL: http://localhost:4502/mypage.html/john/smith
So I created a servlet (used this guide: that can read a suffix.
#SlingServlet(paths="geometrixx/components/hompepage", selectors="name", extensions="html",methods="GET", metatype=true)
public class StaffProfileServlet extends SlingAllMethodsServlet {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CourseBookmarkServlet.class);
protected void doGet(final SlingHttpServletRequest request,
final SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
RequestPathInfo rpi = request.getRequestPathInfo();
String[] suffixes = rpi.getSuffix().split("/");
and it working fine if I access it via http://localhost:4502/content/geometrixx/
What I want to do next is create a new page called "mypage.html" and supply first and last as suffixes.
mypage will display information relevant to the person in a properly formatted page. With code above, all I get is JSON response.
Some assumptions/changes which I think is needed to achieve my goal:
I will be using paths and using request parameters (i.e. using request.getParameter("myparameter") on servlet code
I will be using AJAX to access the servlet
If my assumptions are correct, how do I access suffixes from HTL/Sightly? I understand I can get the URI via ${request.requestURI} or even Javascript. And using this value, I can then use this in my AJAX call.
But is this the AEM/Sling way of doing it? Or perhaps there is a better way to do what I want?
Thanks a lot!
You can use RequestPathInfo interface from HTL to access suffix's. ${request.requestPathInfo.suffix}
Global objects accessible through HTL -> here.
Methods accessible through request object -> here.
I am struggling to know how to implement REST in grails. the documentation says I should be able to do the following:
class User {
// lots of stuff
class UserController {
static scaffold = true;
Basically, if I try any of the following URLS, I always get 404:
gives: HTTP Status 404 - "/players/index.gsp" not found.
gives: 404, the requested resource is not available (I have users defined in bootstrap)
I also tried it with the scaffolding line commented out.
.../myapp/user does work, but gives the HTML page
Even if #Resource did work, it is not actually what I am looking for. I need custom logic for each method. I have found lots of documented different ways to do this in 2.3, but don't know if this is still the correct way for 2.4?
I found a working solution:
Remove the #Resource(uri='/users') line
Add the line: "/users"(resources:"user") to the file: urlMappings.groovy.
Et voila, works as it should have with the #Resource annotation, no other changes required.
I can only assume there is a bug in Resources annotation, or that it only works if you have no controller already defined or similar.
I am following the directions in the docs, here:
Why won't grails produce HAL-formatted output, as shown in the documentation?
I have a domain object which I have mapped with the #Resource annotation:
#Resource(uri='/documentCatalogs', formats = ['json', 'xml'], readOnly = true)
class DocumentCatalog {
String entityType
String actionCode
...and in my conf/spring/resources.groovy, I have configured the HAL JSON renderer beans:
import com.cscinfo.platform.api.formslibrary.DocumentCatalog
// Place your Spring DSL code here
beans = {
halDocumentCatalogRenderer(HalJsonRenderer, DocumentCatalog)
halDocumentCatalogCollectionRenderer(HalJsonCollectionRenderer, DocumentCatalog)
Using the debugger, I confirmed that the initialize() method on HalJsonRenderer is called and that it is constructed with the correct targetType.
I send a rest call using Postman:
Accept application/hal+json
And I get back a response which is regular JSON and doesn't contain any links:
"class": "com.cscinfo.platform.api.formslibrary.DocumentCatalog",
"id": 3,
"actionCode": "WITH",
"entityType": "LLP",
What did I miss? Is there some plugin or configuration setting I have to enable for this behavior? Is there some additional mapping property somewhere that's not documented?
Figured it out! There are multiple aspects of the fix...
I had to add "hal" as one of the listed formats in the #Resource annotation:
#Resource(uri='/documentCatalogs', formats = ['json', 'xml', 'hal'])
Some hunting around in the debugger revealed that Grails will blithely ignore the Accept header, based on the UserAgent string that is sent from the client. (In my case, since I'm using Postman, it was the Google Chrome UA string.)
One workaround for the Accept header issue is to add ".hal" to the end of the URL:
This isn't a very good solution IMO, since the HAL URLs generated by the renderer don't end in ".hal" by default.
A better solution is to fix Grails' handling of the accept header by updating the config. In Config.groovy, you will see a line that says:
grails.mime.disable.accept.header.userAgents = ['Gecko', 'WebKit', 'Presto', 'Trident']
Change it to:
grails.mime.disable.accept.header.userAgents = ['None']
This forces Grails to honor the Accept header, regardless of the user agent.
Hope this helps somebody else who's hitting the same issue.
P.S. It's really helpful to put a breakpoint in the ResponseMimeTypesApi#getMimeTypesFormatAware(...) method.
I have an interface that extends the class, which I use for retrieving i18n messages in my GWT application. It looks like this:
public interface MyMessages extends {
#DefaultMessage("Hello world")
String message1();
#DefaultMessage("Hello again")
String message2();
Normally, I create an instance of it using GWT.create() like so:
private MyMessages messages = GWT.create(MyMessages.class);
However, this does not work with server-side code, only client-side code (it throws an error saying that GWT.create() is only usable in client-side code).
The answer to a similar question points to a separate library that you can download which will let you access the i18n messages on the server, but I don't want to download any extra libraries (this seems like a simple problem, there must be a simple solution).
In summary: How can I access my i18n messages in server-side code? Thanks.
On the server side you can use the standard Java localization tools like ResourceBundle.
Look here for a tutorial how to use it.
// Create a ResourceBundle out of your property files
ResourceBundle labels =
ResourceBundle.getBundle("LabelsBundle", currentLocale);
// Get localized value
String value = labels.getString(key);
The GWT specific way of creating an interface out of your property files and providing implementations via deferred binding can not be used on sever side Java.
If you are fearless and willing to spend the time, you can implement a code generation step to read your property files and generate implementation classes for your message interface. That's exactly what the Google GWT compiler does behind the scene.
I agree with Michael.. I was having this problem of trying to "localize" messages generated on the server.... but I decided to instead just throw an Exception on the server (because it is an error message which should only happen exceptionally) which contains the message code, which the client code can then look up and show the correct localized message to the user.
There's a great library for GWT internationalization gwt-dmesg. It allows you to 'share' .properties files between clent and server. However, project looks to be abandoned by author and you must recompile it manually for use with GWT versio >= 2.1.0.
GWT.create() can only be used in client-side code.
The good thing to do is that you provide your own I18NProvider class/interface, from which then you can extend to server side I18N factory and client side I18N factory read the same resource bundle.
After that you can simply use it all over your system, unify your code.
Hope that helps.
Following vanje's answer, and considering the encoding used for the properties files (which can be troublesome as ResourceBundle uses by default "ISO-8859-1", here is the solution I came up with:
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
public class MyResourceBundle {
// feature variables
private ResourceBundle bundle;
private String fileEncoding;
public MyResourceBundle(Locale locale, String fileEncoding){
this.bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("", locale);
this.fileEncoding = fileEncoding;
public MyResourceBundle(Locale locale){
this(locale, "UTF-8");
public String getString(String key){
String value = bundle.getString(key);
try {
return new String(value.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), fileEncoding);
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
return value;
The way to use this would be very similar than the regular ResourceBundle usage:
private MyResourceBundle labels = new MyResourceBundle("es", "UTF-8");
String label = labels.getString(key)
Or you can use the alternate constructor which uses UTF-8 by default:
private MyResourceBundle labels = new MyResourceBundle("es");
I have my Wicket 1.4 code to have a link to download a file which is generated programatically:
protected class MyWebResource extends WebResource {
public IResourceStream getResourceStream() {
return new StringResourceStream(myString, "text/plain");
ResourceLink<?> downloadLink =
new ResourceLink<Object>("downloadLink", new MyWebResource());
Everything was good. Now I've upgrade to Wicket 1.5. Now WebResource doesn't exist any more.
I've searched the web for ages, surely this must be a simple problem which has a simple solution? Alas I can't find it.
The replacement is AbstractResource. Basically you should create ResourceResponse and do what you did in its WriteCallback.
See the specializations of AbstractResource in Wicket's code for examples.
See as well.