3 tier Architecture using EF5 with Database-first approch in MVC 4 - entity-framework

I am new to MVC and EF.
I use to follow 3 tier architecture before with asp.net with BO,BLL,DAL,UI(asp.net webform).
I want to follow same with MVC4 in UI layer, in replace of webform.
I have generated my entity from database in DAL but now I am confused what is the use of BO layer now ?
Because all my entity are in DAL layer itself.
Also I will create Viewmodel classes in model folder so don't know how the flow will go now.
I am confused about the architecture now, please suggest if I am doing it correct or not, or is there any different approach I have to take for best practice,
PS: I don't wanna use single layer in my project. I think EF save our time by creating BO classes and enable sp used as functions and we don't have to use Ado.net repetitive code again and again.

As finally no help I got from 29 views counts, So I opted to create BO again from my project, DAL consist of E.F and UI have Viewmodels and ViewmodalList.

In your case, DAL should .edmx files. And if you want to use repository patterns you can add there.
In Business Logic layer, you will add your services. Where you are actually performing database operations.
You can declare another layer for interfaces as well. Or you can use Business logic layer for it.


Entity Framework 6 Database-First and Onion Architecture

I am using Entity Framework 6 database-first. I am converting the project to implement the onion architecture to move towards better separation of concerns. I have read many articles and watched many videos but having some issues deciding on my solution structure.
I have 4 projects: Core, Infrastructure, Web & Tests.
From what I've learned, the .edmx file should be placed under my "Infrastructure" folder. However, I have also read about using the Repository and Unit of Work patterns to assist with EF decoupling and using Dependency Injection.
With this being said:
Will I have to create Repository Interfaces under CORE for ALL entities in my model? If so, how would one maintain this on a huge database? I have looked into automapper but found issues with it presenting IEnumererables vs. IQueryables but there is an extension available it has to hlep with this. I can try this route deeper but want to hear back first.
As an alternative, should I leave my edmx in Infrastructure and move the .tt T4 files for my entities to CORE? Does this present any tight coupling or a good solution?
Would a generic Repository interface work well with the suggestion you provide? Or maybe EF6 already resolves the Repository and UoW patterns issue?
Thank you for looking at my question and please present any alternative responses as well.
I found a similar post here that was not answered:
EF6 and Onion architecture - database first and without Repository pattern
Database first doesn't completely rule out Onion architecture (aka Ports and Adapters or Hexagonal Architecture, so you if you see references to those they're the same thing), but it's certainly more difficult. Onion Architecture and the separation of concerns it allows fit very nicely with a domain-driven design (I think you mentioned on twitter you'd already seen some of my videos on this subject on Pluralsight).
You should definitely avoid putting the EDMX in the Core or Web projects - Infrastructure is the right location for that. At that point, with database-first, you're going to have EF entities in Infrastructure. You want your business objects/domain entities to live in Core, though. At that point you basically have two options if you want to continue down this path:
1) Switch from database first to code first (perhaps using a tool) so that you can have POCO entities in Core.
2) Map back and forth between your Infrastructure entities and your Core objects, perhaps using something like AutoMapper. Before EF supported POCO entities this was the approach I followed when using it, and I would write repositories that only dealt with Core objects but internally would map to EF-specific entities.
As to your questions about Repositories and Units of Work, there's been a lot written about this already, on SO and elsewhere. You can certainly use a generic repository implementation to allow for easy CRUD access to a large set of entities, and it sounds like that may be a quick way for you to move forward in your scenario. However, my general recommendation is to avoid generic repositories as your go-to means of accessing your business objects, and instead use Aggregates (see DDD or my DDD course w/Julie Lerman on Pluralsight) with one concrete repository per Aggregate Root. You can separate out complex business entities from CRUD operations, too, and only follow the Aggregate approach where it is warranted. The benefit you get from this approach is that you're constraining how the objects are accessed, and getting similar benefits to a Facade over your (large) set of database entities.
Don't feel like you can only have one dbcontext per application. It sounds like you are evolving this design over time, not starting with a green field application. To that end, you could keep your .edmx file and perhaps a generic repository for CRUD purposes, but then create a new code first dbcontext for a specific set of operations that warrant POCO entities, separation of concerns, increased testability, etc. Over time, you can shift the bulk of the essential code to use this, while still keeping the existing dbcontext so you don't lose and current functionality.
I am using entity framework 6.1 in my DDD project. Code first works out very well if you want to do Onion Architecture.
In my project we have completely isolated Repository from the Domain Model. Application Service is what uses repository to load aggregates from and persist aggregates to the database. Hence, there is no repository interfaces in the domain (core).
Second option of using T4 to generate POCO in a separate assembly is a good idea. Please remember that your domain model (core) should be persistence-ignorant.
While generic repository are good for enforcing aggregate-level operations, I prefer using specific repository more, simply because not every Aggregate is going to need all of those generic repository operations.

Full encapsulation of the Entity Framework

I'm developping a line of business application using WPF as a presentation layer (of course with MVVM).
I'm using ADO.Net Entity Framework to map the DataBase.
I don't want to use entities directly in code (in the business layer). I want to separate my project into 3 layers:
Presentation layer
Business Layer
Data Access Layer
According to this post I want to implement a full encapsulation of the Entity Framework to provide a separation of concerns and to not be dependant on EF as ORM in the future.
Can you help me by giving me some exemples to encapsulate the EF and how to implement this in code.
Regarding this
I want to implement a Full encapsulation of the Entity Framework. to
provide a separation of concerns and to not be dependant on EF in the
future as ORM
Normally, you will create yourself a lot of problems if you go that route. If you choose EF, you really should make full use of the features, not hiding that behind another abstraction.
EF itself is already an abstraction layer over DB, there is no need to create another abstraction on top of that.
I would take a look at this post wich implements UnitOfWork and Repository patterns to implement what, I understand, you want to achieve.
There is one way of doing it, using POCO. Entity Framework 4.0 comes with the support of POCO (Plain CLR Objects). But POCO has its own complexities, when u have to deal with Relationship and associations. You can refer to the blog by Julie Lerman (a nice article)

Entity framework and Business Layer / logic

im doing some self-study on architecture of a MVVM-light - EF Application
im trying to build a product/Receipt like app.
I have a Db/EF with a Product and Receipt Table/Entity in a many to many relation.
then i have a DAL wich simply uses Linq to do simple CRUD.
the question is where and how to put my business logic in this app.
a couple of ideas came to mind
option 1
-make a ReceiptBo (Receipt business object)
wich inherit the Entity Receipt class and Icollection(ProductBo)
the ReceiptBo class would be responsible for adding Product,calculating total and subtotal and calling the Dal for inserting.
maby this option seemed a little overkill.
option 2
-put the calculating methods in the generated Entity objects by using partial classes
and simply using the BuisnessLayer to call the Dal.
this would make the Buisnesslayer Classes obsolete in my opinion and im not sure that Entity classes should be used for Business logic at all ?
option 3
-make the Business Classes but dont bother using inheritance, just add products to the Entity's and do the calculations there and call the Dal for insert.
wich seems simple but not very elegant.
option 4
-none of the above and im clueless
right now im not using WCF but the idea is that i want to make this app loosly coupled so that it would be easy to implement it and further extend it.
also im a little confused about what an Business layer is. in some examples it is more used like a Dal that also does the computing, then others say this is not done.
some help would be great. thx
ps: sorry for my bad english
Really, I would go simple here and choose a common multi-tier architecture designed as follows:
a data access layer (basically, your Entity Framework model along with all your entities)
a business layer that exposes methods to access to your entities (CRUD methods + any custom method that run some logic)
a service layer that exposes stateless methods through WCF (service+data contract)
the presentation layer (in your case using MVVM pattern)
Views (XAML pages)
ViewModels (C# classes)
Model is represented here by the entities that are exposed through WCF by the service layer
I wouldn't add any method directly in the entities. All methods are defined in the business layer, and exposed by the service layer.
Usually I keep my business logic in my ViewModels, not my Models, and I view EF objects as Models. At most, they'll have some basic data validation, such as verifying length or required fields.
For example, an EditRecieptViewModel would validate business rules such as verifying values are in a specific range, or verifying that users have access to edit the object, or performing some custom calculations when a value changes.
Also, don't forget that ViewModels should reflect the View, not a Model, so not every Model will have a ViewModel of its own

what is the best practice approach for n-tier application development with entity framework?

I am building an application using entity framework. I am using the T4 template to generate self tracking entities.
Currently, I am thinking of creating the entity framework code in a separate project. In this same project, I would have partial classes with additional methods for the entities.
I am thinking of creating a separate project for a service layer (WCF) with methods for the upper/presentation tier. The WCF layer will reference the entity framework project. The methods in the WCF layer will return the entities or accept the entities as the parameters.
I am thinkg of creating a third project for the presentation layer (ASP.net), this will make calls to the WCF service but will also need to reference the entities as the WCF methods take these types as the parameters/return types.
In short, i want to use the STE entities generated by the T4 template as a DTO to be used in all layers.
I was originally thinking of creating a business logic layer that maps to each entities. Example: If i have a customer class, the Business Layer would have a CustomerBLL class and then methods in the customerBLL will be used by the service layer. I was also trying to create a DTO in this business layer. I however found that this approach is very time consuming and i do not see a major benefit as it would create more maintenance work.
What is the best practice for n-tier application development using entity framework 4?
You should separate your entities and their persistence logic into separate projects. That way your Presentation layer will only need to reference the project containing the entities and be persistence ignorant.
I guess the projects breakdown as the following would be a nice approach (at least it has worked out well for me :))
Entities in one project
Persistence logic in another project (Repositories, Unit of Work
WCF in one project
Presentation layer
Hope it helps.

Where "ADO.NET Entity Framework" files in 3 layer architecture?

If I use ADO.NET Entity Framework in our project and we depend on a 3-layer architecture pattern that we have ( presentation layer - business layer - data access layer ) a project for each layer.
So when I make an entity model file where can I put it in the DAL or BL? If I put it in the DAL and from the presentation layer want to access a domain object in it through the business layer so we need to add a reference to the DAL in the presentation layer. Also, how do I get that type of an object as it is created in the DAL? On the other hand should I put the entity model file in the business layer? Which is the better and why?
Ideally, the EntityFramework generated code makes up your data layer. You would basically have some repetition then in your business layer if you needed the same sorts of objects in your business layer as you have in your data layer. Unfortunately, EntityFramework doesn't really help you at all with your business layer.
Now, you'll also read things about EntityFramework that say you can/should use it as a combined data/business layer. That violates Separation of Concerns, so I would guide you away from it, but I'm sure a ton of people do it anyway. If you wanted to move from EntityFramework to NHibernate some day, you'd be best off trying to isolate your ORM from the rest of your code base and minimize any coupling to the ORM (often through implementing something like a Repository pattern).
People who talk the language of MVC will often use EntityFramework as the Model and may or may not distinguish between a data layer and a business layer (which generally would both live in the Model). Even if you use MVC, I still believe you should decouple your data access from your business rules and business logic.
You can place the entities in a separate class library project, for example: Common Entity Library. This library can be referenced in any other app layers. You can then work with collections across application domain.
As I see it the Entity Framework is your DAL. It provides the needed tools to abstract the Model objects exposed by the Entity Framework from the persistance services of a backend database.
The Entity Framework straddles both the Business Layer and the DAL from this old three layer pattern. My advice is if you going with the Entity Framework is stop thinking in terms of Presentation->Business->Data and think more in terms of View->Model.