i am using featherlight.js for image galleries and used this code for captions:
$.featherlightGallery.prototype.afterContent = function() {
var caption = this.$currentTarget.find('img').attr('alt');
$('<div class="caption">').text(caption).appendTo(this.$instance.find('.featherlight-content'));
now a client wants to add a second caption which contains only copyright-information on the right side of gallery-images. is it possible to have two captions, one named .caption and the second maybe .copyright?
I already tried with "data-caption=" and a simple copy of the above js-initial but it failed.
any ideas?
thank you in advance and merry christmas!
You could use a data attribute.
$.featherlightGallery.prototype.afterContent = function() {
var caption = this.$currentTarget.find('img').attr('alt');
$('<div class="caption">').text(caption).appendTo(this.$instance.find('.featherlight-content'));
var copyright = this.$currentTarget.find('img').data('copyright');
$('<div class="copyright">').text(copyright).appendTo(this.$instance.find('.featherlight-content'));
Then in your markup add
<img src="..." alt="my caption text" data-copyright="my copyright text">
and in your css
.copyright {
float: right;
or something to suit.
If you need it to be conditional you can check for the defined-ness and/or length of the data-copyright attribute.
I am able to do this using an ID prefix as the selector, but I need to be able to do it with classes instead. It's an each function for opening up different modal windows on the same page. I need to avoid using ID names because I have some modal windows that will have multiple links on the same page, and when using IDs, only the first link will work.
So here's the function as it works with IDs:
$('div[id^=ssfamodal-help-]').each(function() {
var sfx = this.id,
mdl = $(this),
lnk = $('.link-' + sfx),
cls = $('.ssfamodal-close'),
con = $('.ssfamodal-content');
mdl.click(function() {
con.click(function() {
return false;
and I'm trying to change it to classes instead, like:
$('div[class^=ssfamodal-help-]').each(function() {
var sfx = this.attr('class'),
But I cannot get it to work without using IDs. Is it possible?
EDIT Fixed error with semi-colon at end of Vars, and updated Fiddle with the fix. Still not working though.
Here's a Fiddle
** UPDATE **
To be clearer, I need to be able to refer to the same modal more than once on the same page. E.g.:
When using classes get rid of the ID habit :
className1, className2, className3 ... etc
simply use
<div class="ssfamodal-help-base ssfamodal-backdrop">
<div id="help-content" class="ssfamodal-content">
<span class="ssfamodal-close">[x]</span>
<div class="ssfamodal-help-base ssfamodal-backdrop">
<div id="help-content" class="ssfamodal-content">
<span class="ssfamodal-close">[x]</span>
Howdy Ho
<span class="link-ssfamodal-help-base">One</span>
<span class="link-ssfamodal-help-base">Two</span>
var $btn = $('.link-ssfamodal-help-base'),
$mod = $('.ssfamodal-help-base'),
$X = $('.ssfamodal-close');
$btn.click(function(i) {
var i = $('[class^="link-"]').index(this); // all .link-** but get the index of this!
// Why that?! cause if you only do:
// var i = $('.link-ssfamodal-help-base').index();
// you'll get // 2
// cause that element, inside a parent is the 3rd element
// but retargeting it's index using $('className').index(this);
// you'll get the correct index for that class name!
$('.ssfamodal-help-base').eq(i).show() // Show the referenced element by .eq()
.siblings('.ssfamodal-help-base').hide(); // hide all other elements (with same class)
From the DOCS:
Here I created a quite basic example on how you can create a jQuery plugin of your own to handle modals: http://jsbin.com/ulUPIje/1/edit
feel free to use and abuse.
The problem is that class attributes can consist of many classes, rather than IDs which only have one value. One solution, which isn't exactly clean, but seems to work is the following.
$('div').filter(function () {
var classes = $(this).attr('class').split(/\s+/);
for (var i = 0; i < classes.length; i++)
if (classes[i].indexOf('ssfamodal-help-') == 0)
return true;
return false;
}).each(function() {
// code
Or, equivalently
$('div').filter(function () {
return $(this).attr('class').split(/\s+/).some(function (e) {
return e.indexOf('ssfamodal-help-') == 0;
}).each(function() {
// code
If there is one-to-one relationship between the modal helps and the modal links which it appears there is...can simplfy needing to match class values by using indexing.
For this reason you don't need unique class names, rather they just overcomplicate things. Following assumes classes stay unique however
var $helps=$('div[id^=ssfamodal-help-]');
var $help_links=$('div[id^=link-ssfamodal-help-]');
var linkIndex= $help_links.index(this);
$helps.hide().eq( linkIndex ).show();
/* not sure if this is what's wanted, but appeared original code had it*/
/* close buttons using traverse*/
$(this).closest('div[id^=ssfamodal-help-]' ).hide();
Also believe that this code is a little more readable than original apporach
Can you try this,
$('div[class^=ssfamodal-help-]').each(function() {
var sfx = $(this).attr('class');
/*console log:
ssfamodal-help-base ssfamodal-backdrop
ssfamodal-help-base2 ssfamodal-backdrop
Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/xAssR/51/
why don't you write like
$('div.classname').each(function() {
// you can write your desired code here
var sfx = this.attr('class');
var aa= this.attr('id');
$('.classname').each(function() {
// you can write your desired code here
var sfx = this.attr('class');
var aa= this.attr('id');
where classname is the name of the class used for the div in html
I found this script online that add a pin it button to fancybox v2. Here is the working example:
Im working on a site on the Hubspot CMS. For those who are familiar, Fancybox 1.3.4 comes included with Hubspot. And you really don't get editing access to any of the files or scripts associated with it.
The Fancybox works as a gallery module (or widget) so users can just upload images.
I was wondering if there is a way to modify this original script to work with how fancybox 1 is implemented on my site.
Here is my page:
Here is the script:
<script type="text/javascript">
//NOTE: this uses fancybox 2
$(document).ready(function() {
//set the next and previous effects so that they make sense
//the elastic method is confusing to the user
nextEffect: 'fade',
prevEffect: 'fade',
//set the position of the title
helpers : {
title: {
// title position options:
// 'float', 'inside', 'outside' or 'over'
type: 'inside'
beforeShow: function () {
//if you already have titles
//on your fancybox you can append
if(this.title) {
//set description to current title
//this will set what posts
var description = this.title;
//add pinterest button for title
this.title = '<a href="http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url='+
//put the path to the image you want to share here
'&description='+description+'" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="horizontal">'+
'<img border="0" src="http://assets.pinterest.com/images/PinExt.png" title="Pin It" align="absmiddle"/></a>'
//add title information
//if you don't already have titles
//you can just make the title the pinterest button
} else {
//add pinterest button for title
this.title = '<a href="http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url='+
'&description=Pin from ScottGale.com" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="horizontal">'+
'<img border="0" src="http://assets.pinterest.com/images/PinExt.png" title="Pin It" /></a>';
Any help is greatly appreciated!
This is an example of how to add the Pinterest button to your fancybox's (v1.3.4) title using the options titlePosition and titleFormat. If your anchor has a title then it will be displayed along the button, otherwise the button will be displayed alone.
This script is based on the script your found for v2.x but tweaking to options for v1.3.4.
"titlePosition": "inside",
"titleFormat": function () {
return this.title ?
'<div class="myPint" style="height: 26px"><a href="http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url='+
'&description='+this.title+'" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="horizontal">'+
'<img border="0" src="http://assets.pinterest.com/images/PinExt.png" title="Pin It" align="absmiddle"/></a>'+
'<div class="myPint" style="height: 26px"><a href="http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url='+
'&description=Pin from ScottGale.com" class="pin-it-button" count-layout="horizontal">'+
'<img border="0" src="http://assets.pinterest.com/images/PinExt.png" title="Pin It" /></a>'+
'<span> </span></div>'
NOTE : this is for fancybox v1.3.4
EDIT (Jan 30, 2014) :
New JSFIDDLE using CDN for fancybox files to avoid possible 403 forbidden errors while serving the files from fancybox.net server.
I have a construction:
<div id="div">
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" id="svg">
<image x="2cm" y="2cm" width="5cm" height="5cm" id="img" xlink:href="pic.jpg"></image>
I want to get pic.jpg url and I need to begin from the most outer div, not exactly from the source <image> element:
var div = document.getElementById("div");
var svg = div.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg')[0];
var img = svg.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'image')[0];
var url = img.getAttribute('xlink:href'); // Please pay attention I do not use getAttributeNS(), just usual getAttribute()
alert(url); // pic.jpg, works fine
My question is what is the right way to get such kind of attributes from element like SVG and its children?
Because before I tried to do this way and it also worked fine in Chrome (I didn't try other browsers):
var svg = div.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0]; // I do not use NS
var img = svg.getElementsByTagName('image')[0];
var url = img.getAttribute('xlink:href'); // and do not use getAttributeNS() here too
alert(url); // pic.jpg, works fine
But when I tried to use getAttributeNS() I got blank result:
var svg = div.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg')[0];
var img = svg.getElementsByTagNameNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'image')[0];
// Please pay attention I do use getAttributeNS()
var url = img.getAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'xlink:href');
alert(url); // but I got black result, empty alert window
The correct usage is getAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href');
From http://codemirror.net/doc/manual.html, I only find getRange(),
undo(), redo() etc, and I can't find cut(), copy() and paste API,
and more when I try to run editor.execCommand("cut"), I get the error.
Could you help me? Thanks!
Using clipboard.js, you can define the text() function to grab the value of the CodeMirror's inner document.
Store a reference to the (<textarea>) editor's selector for convenience.
var editorSelector = '#editor' // or '#editor + .CodeMirror';
Instantiate a new ClipBoard object with reference to your button.
new Clipboard('.clip-btn-native', {
text: function(trigger) {
return getCodeMirrorNative(editorSelector).getDoc().getValue();
Retrieve a CodeMirror Instance via native JavaScript.
function getCodeMirrorNative(target) {
var _target = target;
if (typeof _target === 'string') {
_target = document.querySelector(_target);
if (_target === null || !_target.tagName === undefined) {
throw new Error('Element does not reference a CodeMirror instance.');
if (_target.className.indexOf('CodeMirror') > -1) {
return _target.CodeMirror;
if (_target.tagName === 'TEXTAREA') {
return _target.nextSibling.CodeMirror;
return null;
Please see complete; in-depth demo over at JSFiddle.
There are no CodeMirror APIs for cut/copy/paste because browser security restrictions forbid JavaScript from accessing the clipboard programmatically. Paste could be used to steal private data and Cut/Copy can be used as a more elaborate attack vector.
The browser's own native code handles user gestures that access the clipboard (keyboard shortcuts and context menu items), based solely on the currently selected text or focused text field.
This SO thread has a good summary of attempts to work around these restrictions. CodeMirror's approach is the first bullet: it uses a hidden textarea to ensure that user clipboard gestures work, but that still doesn't support programmatic APIs.
But there is a partial workaround: use a small Flash widget (this is the 2nd bullet in the thread above). Flash relaxes the restrictions on Copy/Cut (but not Paste) a bit. It still has to be triggered by some user event, but it could be something like clicking a button in your HTML UI. Wrappers like ZeroClipboard and Clippy make it simple to access to these capabilities without needing to know Flash. You'd need to write a little glue code to pull the appropriate string from CodeMirror when copying, but it shouldn't be too bad.
Add a hidden contenteditable div to your textarea editor wrapper. Contenteditable divs respect new lines and tabs, which we need when copying code.
Here is my CodePen demo
var content = $('.content');
var toCopy = content.find('.copy-this');
// initialize the editor
var editorOptions = {
autoRefresh: true,
firstLineNumber: 1,
lineNumbers: true,
smartIndent: true,
lineWrapping: true,
indentWithTabs: true,
refresh: true,
mode: 'javascript'
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(content.find(".editor")[0], editorOptions);
content[0].editor = editor;
// set editors value from the textarea
var text = content.find('.editor').text();
// setting with editor.getValue() so that it respects \n and \t
$(document).on('click', '.copy-code', function() {
var content = $(this).closest('.content');
var editor = content[0].editor;
var toCopy = content.find('.copy-this')[0];
var innerText = toCopy.innerText // using innerText here because it preserves newlines
// write the text to the clipboard
.content {
position: absolute;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
.CodeMirror {
height: fit-content !important;
.copy-code {
background: #339af0;
width: fit-content;
cursor: pointer;
<!-- resources -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.35.0/codemirror.css" />
<script src="https://codemirror.net/lib/codemirror.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/codemirror/5.40.0/mode/javascript/javascript.min.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="content">
<!-- button to copy the editor -->
<div class="copy-code" title="copy code">copy</div>
<!-- add contenteditable div as it respects new lines when copying unlike textarea -->
<div class="copy-this" contenteditable style="display: none"></div>
<textarea class="editor" style="display: none;">// here is a comment
// here is another comment
Looking for some insight into this problem.
I have dynamically generated links on a page that launch a lightbox ie they use a rel="lightbox[...]" I'm also putting a class on the hyperlink to make a tooltip work.
<a id="a_-1_6" class="Tips2" href="/media/63/forest_150.jpg" rel="lightbox[examples]" data-title="Tractor" data-desc="description..." data-rel="std" title="" style="opacity: 1; visibility: visible;">
And in the dom ready event
var Tips2 = new Tips($$('.Tips2'), {
initialize: function() { this.tip.fade('hide'); },
onShow: function(tip) { tip.fade('in'); },
onHide: function(tip) { tip.fade('out'); }
This all works fine except the tip uses the rel attribute to store data, i'm presuming as its a pre-html5 - so my question is would this mean I need to make my own version of the Tips class in mootools to work off the data.* attributes? I'd like to see I'm not barking up the wrong tree before I try that.
Could you make another element inside the Ahref, like:
<a id="a_-1_6" href="/media/63/forest_150.jpg" rel="lightbox[examples]" data-title="Tractor" data-desc="description..." data-rel="std" title="" style="opacity: 1; visibility: visible;">
<span class="Tips2">blah</span>
This way, you can avoid the conflict.
Tips' documentation states that you can change which property is checked for the tip text. By default, it is rel or href, but you can change it when initializing the new Tip:
var Tips2 = new Tips($$('.Tips2'), {
initialize: function() { this.tip.fade('hide'); },
onShow: function(tip) { tip.fade('in'); },
onHide: function(tip) { tip.fade('out'); },
text: 'data-text' // Will now check the data-text property for tooltip text