I am trying to use the worldmap plugin of grafana with table data as datasource (in my case influxdb) which got supported with the newest version. link
But sadly I am not able to get it working. I use the same query as in the docu of the plugin but no points are shown in my worldmap. Here are the screenshots of my query:
I desperately need help. Can someone please show me an example how Geomap works with Opentsdb time series? I am using Grafana V8.1.5.
Here is my query result in Time Series format.
How can I make it work in Geomap?
I tried to change options in Geomap setting. But no luck.
It seems geomap doesn't work with Opentsdb. I managed to apply Worldmap plugin (https://www.metricfire.com/blog/grafana-worldmap-panel/) with Opentsdb.
Even with worldmap panel, I can only use country as location data, no luck with geohash or coordinates.
I would like to get a table in my grafana dashboard that lists all annotations shown on the dashboard (gathered via dashboard configuration and (if possible) also the ones contained in panels.
Any idea? I cannot find a detailed documentation on that...
I have a struggle to present my data with radar graph plugin for Grafana. My goal is to obtain something like in this picture:
Single branch represents an object. Points on the branch represent object's properties.
Can anybody support me with a simple instruction?
Edit 1.
I've tried to set it like it is in the link.
It is not clear which kind of radar plugin are you using. Did you try https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins/snuids-radar-panel and did you read plugin documentation ?
Snuids radar seems to be slightly broken in the latest versions of Grafana and InfluxDB.
To get the above working (albeit not 100%) you need to use a time-series format.
See https://github.com/snuids/grafana-radar-panel/issues/22 for the issue.
I used this example in order to create a simple Kibana dashboard with a streaming data. So, the example runs a Flink program to simulate a streaming data flow and to save it into Elasticsearch in real time (version 1.7.3). The dashboard is created in Kibana 4.1.3.
The problem is that the map is not visible in Kibana dashboard. See this screenshot.
I followed Readme step by step, but for some reason the example SlidingArravalCount.scala is not working properly. Also, since this is a streaming data (simulated), I expected to see a dynamically updated map in which the colors of rectangles are changing in real-time, but I see a static image all the time. To see updates, I should click on Refresh button. Is it possible to setup an automatic refresh in Kibana 4.1.3?
Also, my visualization Map is not shown in a Dashboard.
I've been trying to stream an Orientdb (v. 2.2.3) graph to Gephi (v. 0.9.1) for visualization.
The data loads and it's visible in the data laboratory. But the graph isn't displayed. I think the problem may be that the Gephi Id field is populated by Orientdb record id (e.g. #18:0) not an integer.
I'm using this URL
Has anyone experienced this issue, and is there a solution?
I'm new to both of these platforms.
I've just tried with Gephi 0.9.1 (last available) and the nodes are correctly loaded, but they are not displayed. This is a bug in Gephi, not OrientDB: https://github.com/gephi/gephi/issues/1447.