I am attempting to get events to show up in the Google Knowledge panel for a business. I have created an organization SD JSON object in the header of the business homepage and delegated the events to another website with proper event markup (microdata) on the page.
I used the following documentation
I have had Google reindex the page and the structured data object shows up in the cached version of the website. I have also waited 3 days before posting here to ensure it had time to get captured by Google and related in searches.
I would like to know if there is something wrong with the following markup, etc in order to get the delegated events to show up in the Google Knowledge panel.
<script type="application/ld+json">
"legalName":"Diversified Design and Manufacturing",
"address":"165 Boro Line Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406",
"telephone":"(610) 337-1969",
"event": "http://www.burbio.com/groups/diversified-design-and-manufacturing"
Also I noticed most release notes and documentation refers to MusicGroups, etc. Is event delegation supported for Organization type SD objects?
Google provides the following information for trouble-shooting events:
Troubleshooting events in Knowledge Graph cards
Knowledge Graph card display is governed by a complex algorithm, so if you don’t see your artist or your artist’s events in the Knowledge Graph card, try these steps:
Make sure that the artist is in both Wikipedia and MusicBrainz, and that the artist's official home page is recorded properly on both those sites.
For events missing from a Knowledge Graph card, check that the events
are shown correctly with no errors in the Structured Data Testing
If all fields look correct, report the missing events using the Feedback link under the Knowledge Graph card in Google search.
Please report it asgeneral feedback and be sure to use the term events in your description of the problem.
It also states that event information should come from the *ticket seller's website** and that you cannot use delegation to link to your own website.
Firstly, it appears only certain artists are expected to appear in Knowledge Graph Events.
Secondly, your structured data does not contain any information about the specific event, eg start or end time, location or name. The event field must be of type http://schema.org/Event OR a hyperlink to a webpage with http://schema.org/Event markup - the link you included does not refer to any specific event.
If the destination does not contain http://schema.org/Event structured data you can include it manually by nesting it inside http://schema.org/Organization (not delegate) event data inside the Organization as follows:
<script type="application/ld+json">
"legalName":"Diversified Design and Manufacturing",
"address":"165 Boro Line Road, King of Prussia, PA 19406",
"telephone":"(610) 337-1969",
"event": {
"#context": "http://schema.org/",
"#type": "Event",
"name": "Chinese New Year Festival",
"url": "http://chinesenewyear-2017.org/festival"
"startDate": "2016-01-28T06:00",
"description": "The best Chinese New Year party in 2017",
"location": {
"#type": "Place",
"name": "Missoula, MT",
"url": "http://www.missoula.com/",
"address": {
"#type": "PostalAddress",
"addressLocality": "Missoula",
"addressRegion": "MT"
Google requires certain fields to be included, such as startDate, Location, see at the bottom of this page from google's documentation
Finally, in your example code the email field contains a website URL - not an email address.
my goal is to show TripAdvisor score rank inside my app alongside other ranking system. Keep in mind that my application is a B2B app, not B2C.
What i can not understand even after reading the developer documentation is what kind of API should i eventually ask for.
The Content API is only for B2C purposes...but, apparently, it is the only one that send me in response the actual TripAdvisor rating (the only thing i actually want from all TripAdvisor information).
Has anyone implemented TripAdvisor in an OTA (online travel agency) application and can guide me on which APIs to request?
Thank you in advice
I have not implemented TripAdvisor ratings in a B2B system, but helped on a B2C project that used Tripadvisor data.
Your findings regarding Content API is correct, this is the only API where you find ratings.
Rating is TripAdvisor "selling point", so this data protected and can only be used by following their presentation terms. Check out how here: https://developer-tripadvisor.com/content-api/display-requirements/
You have 6 months implementation time and have to get Tripadvisor approval, or they cancel your API key. By using their API you commit not to store any data retrieved from their API.
Quick guide to use their API: https://developer-tripadvisor.com/content-api/documentation/
Call the locator_mapper to get possible location_id(s)
It returns a JSON with possible locations,
"data": [
"location_id": "89575",
Then call location with the id to get ratings: http://api.tripadvisor.com/api/partner/2.0/location/89575?key=[YOUR_KEY_HERE]
"review_rating_count": {
"1": "18",
"2": "22",
"3": "63",
"4": "269",
"5": "1408"
Use this data, together with the presentation and links back to tripadvisor to comply with their license.
I have been receiving promotional emails with an image along with the subject line. i have seen this only in Gmail.
Not emojis, but image preview right below the subject line portion in the inbox preview
The emails are much more catchy with this. I have been checking google for a while to see what this feature is called but could not find any clue on the same.
Any information on this is Greatly appreciated.
Gmail Promotion Annotation
Since 2018 you can, indeed, add images with a preview in Gmail by using JSON-LD markup in the email's head.
Gmail Promotions Tabs can have/show:
Deal Badges with Dates Frames
Discount Code within a Badge Design
The customization is quite strict, as of now, but the google guidelines are commented in the code snippet below:
<script type="application/ld+json">
"#context": "http://schema.org/",
"#type": "Organization",
// WARNING: Before sending email, either point the logo
// at your own image or delete the logo annotation.
// If showing a logo, we recommend using an https URL.
// It's not a requirement today, but may be in the future.
"logo": "https://www.gstatic.com/images/branding/product/1x/googleg_48dp.png"
"#context": "http://schema.org/",
"#type": "EmailMessage",
// Use this optional alternative subject line to avoid duplicate text
// between the subject, deal badge, and discount code.
"subjectLine": "[Important] Please add subject line in annotation"
"#context": "http://schema.org/",
"#type": "DiscountOffer",
// Describe your discount, this will be shown as a badge (eg "25% off" or "free
"description": "20% off",
"discountCode": "PROMO",
"availabilityStarts": "2019-07-21T03:42:38-07:00",
"availabilityEnds": "2019-07-24T03:42:38-07:00"
// Promotion card with single image.
// We recommend using an https URL. It's not a requirement today, but may be in
the future.
// Any image size will work and will just be cropped automatically.
// GIF & WEBP images are not supported and will be filtered out.
// Sample image is 538x138, 3.9 aspect ratio
"#context": "http://schema.org/",
"#type": "PromotionCard",
"image": "https://www.google.com/gmail-for-marketers/promo-tab/markup-
Resources for this answer can be found in Google Developers Documentation:
Promotion Tab Documentation
enter image description here
This is the image of gmail inbox preview for product listing.
Add a Event onmouseover=FuntionName() to each GridView row, and show the popup which will include the message. But get it from client side
I need to store the link to a file attached to a direct message (for a page, retrieved with "/conversations"). How can I do that?
I know how to get the link of an image. The JSON-object for an image ("attachments") contains the tag "image_data", which contains the tags "url" and "preview_url" for accessing the image.
For attached files (in my case e.g. a PDF), FB only sends "id", "mime_type", "name" and "size", but no additional data. Example:
"id": "m_id.158623824339344"
"attachments": {
"data": [
"id": "7b84fd4c0f18fb4060ae0fe0dcfeb42e",
"mime_type": "application/pdf",
"name": "Attachment1.pdf",
"size": 80798
But when I log into FB as a user and click the attachment in the browser, I get this link:
By trial and error I found out that it is possible to access the file without the "hash" and "ext"-part. This means that in theory I am able to generate this link in my application ("attach_id" and "mid" are provided with the message and I know my pageid).
But this seems to be very unreliable. This link might change anytime, breaking my application.
I searched a lot but couldn't find any documentation about this. Does anybody know a better solution? Or can someone point me to some documentation regarding this issue?
Thanks a lot!
Sorry this is not available as of v2.5.
If this becomes a new feature in the future, you should be able to find it in the documentation:
We're working on developing a program that will (hopefully) automatically swap out creative with new creative once a certain like threshold is met (i.e. if 100 people like the page, something new appears). Can we add coding so our system is able to tell how many "likes" are generated? I know that the number of likes are displayed, I'm just not sure if there is a way for a program to actually read how many likes there are.
I don't see if in any of the Facebook attributes in the developer's platform.
What you'll have to do is acquire an access token for your page and then query the facebook platform for the number of likes periodically (possibly with a cron job of sorts).
You can read more about how to get the page access token at this URL
Facebook has given us a great took to help us mine all the data it holds - its called the Graph API Explorer and with it you can see what data will be returned when you query the API. When you query the API with only the page_id you'll get a response similar to this :
"id": "XXXXXXXXX",
"name": "My Awesome Page",
"picture": "foo.jpg",
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/pages/XXXXXXXX",
"likes": 345,
"category": "Product/service",
"website": "XXXXXXX",
"founded": "2011",
"description": "...",
For more information about how to use the Graph API you can see this link :
Facebook does provide good documentation:
As you can see there, there is a field "likes" containing the number (count) of likes for a page.
I want to get some data from companies' Facebook pages, but I don't know what kind of data I can expect. Here is just a small set of properties I can use, although I can see that I can get more according to their official example:
"id": "19292868552",
"name": "Facebook Platform",
"picture": "http://profile.ak.fbcdn.net/hprofile-ak-snc4/50414_19292868552_7650_s.jpg",
"link": "http://www.facebook.com/platform",
"category": "Product/service",
"website": "http://developers.facebook.com",
"username": "platform",
"founded": "May 2007",
"company_overview": "Facebook Platform enables anyone to build social applications on Facebook and the web.",
"mission": "To make the web more open and social.",
"fan_count": 1522363
On the official site it is written:
Pages in specific categories have
additional fields depending on
But what does that mean? Is there a finite set of properties that can be put on a page, or can a company choose what they want to put? Where can I get the complete list of fields that can be on a page?
When you create a page inside Facebook, it lets you choose which type of page you want to create e.g. product, service, company, etc.
Depending on the category that you choose, I guess that there will be some instrinsic information fields for your page. Anyway, I don't think that one category is much different than the others, you should be fine with the standard fields that you have outlined in your question.