ag-grid column headers stacked to the left - ag-grid

Only the first column header is being drawn correctly, all subsequent items in the columnDef array are drawn below it. If I populate the table with data, all column data is stacked to the left as well.
Here's what it looks like; the gray band in the row, below Country is actually moving down, as part of the framework.setTimeout() function in ag-grid.js.
The JS looks like:
gridOptions.columnDefs = [
{ headerName: 'Country', field: 'country' },
{ headerName: 'City', field: 'city' },
{ headerName: 'Jan', field: 'jan_act' },
{ headerName: 'Feb', field: 'feb_act' },
{ headerName: 'Mar', field: 'mar_act' },
{ headerName: 'Apr', field: 'apr_act' },
{ headerName: 'May', field: 'may_act' }];
var gridDiv = document.querySelector('#myGrid');
new agGrid.Grid(gridDiv, gridOptions);
I'm using ag-grid.noStyle.js v7.0.2 and think I have all dependencies loaded correctly for ag-grid. Am not using React or Angular.

Ah, found it! It's the <!DOCTYPE html> tag.
Problem was immediately resolved by changing the height of my div to pixel based, not %, e.g.
<div id="myGrid" style="height: 400px;" class="ag-fresh"></div>
Found it by going back to absolute basics after the JavaScript Datagrid example also failed to work.
Working with the CSS height property and percentage values.


Ag Grid headerClass overrides numericColumn type

I am trying to set AG Grid header style using headerClass:"ag-grid-total-header" but it overrides type: 'numericColumn' - it shows the header cell value left aligned.
{ headerName: 'Total', field: 'Total', width: 125, sortable: true, type: 'numericColumn', headerClass:"ag-grid-total-header"}
.ag-grid-total-header {
text-align:right; /* It does not work */
background-color: red; /* This works */
Is there any way to apply header style while preserving numericColumn type?
It works if I add headerComponentParams. However, the sorting does not work if I add headerComponentParams.
headerComponentParams : {
'<div class="ag-cell-label-container" role="presentation">' +
'<span ref="eText" class="ag-header-cell-text" role="columnheader"></span>' +
The header class that is used for a numeric type header is ag-numeric-header. So, apply both your class ag-grid-total-header and ag-numeric-header classes to your column. Change your column definition to:
headerName: "Price",
field: "price",
type: "numericColumn",
headerClass: ["my-header-class", 'ag-numeric-header']

AgGrid: Changing the Aggregation Header Name

Now I have a column eg name is "age"
{headerName: 'age', field: 'age', filter: 'agNumberColumnFilter', aggFunc: 'sum'}
I add a sum aggFunc on it, so the result of header name is changed to "sum(age)"
However, I still want to show "age", how can I implement this?
Thank you very much

applyTransaction remove not working with id

I'm using ag-grid in Angular9 project. I'm using Transactions to do CRUD operations in grid when my backend request resolve. I need to provide RowNodeId myself, i dont want to use object-references as i have large data set.
Thing is, i've provided the ID and i can add/update item in the grid but i'm unable to delete the item. In Doc it mentions, you only need to provide id to remove the item but i'm getting the following error.
Here's the code.
class HostAppListPage
#ViewChild('agGrid', {static: true}) grid:AgGridAngular;
this.grid.getRowNodeId = (data) => {
return data.entityId;
this.columns = [
{headerName: 'App Name', field: 'name', rowDrag: true, headerCheckboxSelection: true, checkboxSelection: true},
{headerName: 'App Id', field: 'id'},
{headerName: 'Compatibility', field: COMPATIBILITY'},
{headerName: 'Creation', field: 'createdAtToString'},
{headerName: 'Last Update', field: 'updatedAtToString'}
let ids = this.gridApi.getSelectedNodes()
// .map((row) => {
// return {id: row.entityId}
// return row.entityId;
// });
this.grid.api.applyTransaction({remove: ids});
I tried both with and without map statement, nothing worked
but my Add and Update works fine.
Replace map with following code.
.map((row) => {
return {entityId:};
it should be the the same field (entityId) which i set in getRowNodeId function.
In a typical situation, where one does not define a getRowNodeId, one should be able to do:
const removeData: any[] = [{id:}, {id:}, ...];
applyTransaction({remove: removeData});
where rowNode0, rowNode1, etc. are the nodes you want to remove.
However when you provide your own getRowNodeId callback, ag-grid will fetch the id's by applying your callback on the data you provided. Therefore, the name(s) in the data must match those used in your callback. That's why return {id: row.entityId} doesn't work, but return {entityId: row.entityId} does.
In other words, if one defines:
this.grid.getRowNodeId = (data) => {
return data.column1 + data.column5 + data.column2;
Then one would need to provide
const removeData: any[] = [
{column1: 'a1', column2: 'b1', column5: 'c1'},
{column1: 'a2', column2: 'b2', column5: 'c2'},
{column1: 'a3', column2: 'b3', column5: 'c3'},
so that ag-grid would have all the names it needs to find the id's via the given getRowNodeId.

Get cellEditorParams Values from Server side API

Can somebody suggest a way to get values in cellEditorParams from an api for agRichSelectCellEditor.
what i have is
headerName: "Name",
field: "Name",
cellRenderer: 'keyValueCellRenderer',
cellEditor: 'agRichSelectCellEditor',
cellEditorParams: (params) => {
let url ='/customers/new-customers;
if ( &&
url = url + '?type=' +;
// get data from url and have it pushed to editor select list
keyCreator: keyValueFilter,
filter: 'agSetColumnFilter',
editable: true, sortable: true
function keyValueFilter(param) {
return && ? : ''
I have seen example for 'Reference Data' on ag-grid but that seems simple as data are already available before editing.
This code is in plain javascript but a solution in angular would be fine too.
Code (sorry it working in editor, not sure how use stackblitz )

How to format data before displaying it on ag-grid

I've just discovered ag-grid. I'm using it on angular2+ and loading data from api. One of fields is date, but its in ISO format. I've been trying to format it, is there any way to do it, is it possible to add pipe or some other way? Usually i do it like this {{ someISODate | date: 'dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm'}}. Do i really have to format it manually in component before displaying it? Also I was wondering if its possible to add two fields under one column. Why? Well i have column author, and in data that im getting from api i have author.firstname and author.lastname, and now I wanna display both fields in same column. Any hints or examples are more than welcomed.
columnDefs = [
{headerName: 'Datum kreiranja', field: 'createdAt' }, //<-- wanna format it
{headerName: 'Vrsta predmeta', field: '' },
{headerName: 'Opis', field: 'description'},
{headerName: 'Kontakt', field: ''},
{headerName: 'Autor', field: 'author.firstname'}, //<-- wanna display author.lastname in same cell
{headerName: 'Status', field: ''}
You can do this by using cellRenderer (or valueFormatter as pointed in the UPDATE) and moment library.
headerName: 'Datuk kreiranja', field: 'createdAt',
cellRenderer: (data) => {
return moment(data.createdAt).format('MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm')
If you don't want to use moment, then below is how you can do it.
cellRenderer: (data) => {
return data.value ? (new Date(data.value)).toLocaleDateString() : '';
For Author field as well,
cellRenderer: (data) => {
return + ' ' +;
Reference: ag-grid: Cell Rendering
As suggested by #Mariusz, using valueFormatter makes more sense in this scenario. As per documentation, Value Formatter vs Cell Renderer
value formatter's are for text formatting and cell renderer's are for
when you want to include HTML markup and potentially functionality to
the cell. So for example, if you want to put punctuation into a value,
use a value formatter, but if you want to put buttons or HTML links
use a cell renderer.
You can use valueFormatter
{headerName: 'Datuk kreiranja', field: 'createdAt', valueFormatter: this.dateFormatter},
Create a small function:
dateFormatter(params) {
return moment(params.value).format('MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm');
First of all thanks to Paritosh.
The issue I was facing is the date field I was receiving from API is on the below format
I have followed Paritosh solution using cellrenderer along with moment library but the value was always formatted to today's date for some reason.
The below solution is using valueFormatter with moment library.
This is for Angular2+ version. The job is really simple
In your .ts file:
import * as moment from 'moment';
headerName: 'End Date',
field: 'endDateUTC',
minWidth: 80,
maxWidth: 100,
valueFormatter: function (params) {
return moment(params.value).format('D MMM YYYY');
And the output you will get is:
End date:
29 APR 2020
Please feel free to change the date format you need.
Hope this will be helpful to some one.
I just want to expand on Vishwajeet's excellent answer from April 2019. Here's how I would use his code, and which import commands would be required:
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, LOCALE_ID, Inject } from '#angular/core';
constructor(#Inject(LOCALE_ID) private locale: string)
columnDefs = [
{ headerName: 'Last name', field: 'lastName' },
{ headerName: 'First name', field: 'firstName' },
{ headerName: 'DOB', field: 'dob', cellRenderer: (data) => { return formatDate(data.value, 'd MMM yyyy HH:mm', this.locale); }},
{ headerName: 'Policy start', field: 'policyStartDate', cellRenderer: (data) => { return formatDate(data.value, 'd MMM yyyy HH:mm', this.locale); } },
{ headerName: 'Policy end', field: 'policyEndDate', cellRenderer: (data) => { return formatDate(data.value, 'd MMM yyyy HH:mm', this.locale); } }
And your agGrid would contain something like this:
This works really nicely, but I decided to move the date formatting into it's own cell renderer for a few reasons:
The code above will display null values as "1 Jan 1970 01:00"
You would need to repeat this code, plus the imports and #Inject, into any control which uses it.
It repeats the logic each time, so if you wanted to change the date format throughout your application, it's harder to do. Also, if a future version of Angular broke that date formatting, you'd need to apply a fix for each occurrence.
So, let's move it into it's own cell renderer.
My DateTimeRenderer.ts file looks like this:
import { Component, LOCALE_ID, Inject } from '#angular/core';
import { ICellRendererAngularComp } from 'ag-grid-angular';
import { ICellRendererParams } from 'ag-grid-community';
import { formatDate } from '#angular/common';
selector: 'datetime-cell',
template: `<span>{{ formatTheDate(params.value) }}</span>`
export class DateTimeRenderer implements ICellRendererAngularComp {
public params: ICellRendererParams;
constructor(#Inject(LOCALE_ID) public locale: string) { }
agInit(params: ICellRendererParams): void {
this.params = params;
formatTheDate(dateValue) {
// Convert a date like "2020-01-16T13:50:06.26" into a readable format
if (dateValue == null)
return "";
return formatDate(dateValue, 'd MMM yyyy HH:mm', this.locale);
public onChange(event) {[this.params.colDef.field] = event.currentTarget.checked;
refresh(params: ICellRendererParams): boolean {
return true;
In my app.module.ts file, I need to import this Component:
import { DateTimeRenderer } from './cellRenderers/DateTimeRenderer';
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
And now, back in my Component which uses the agGrid, I can remove LOCALE_ID, Inject from this line:
import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild, LOCALE_ID, Inject } from '#angular/core';
..remove it from our constructor...
..import our new renderer...
import { DateTimeRenderer } from './cellRenderers/DateTimeRenderer';
..and change the columnDefs to use the new renderer:
columnDefs = [
{ headerName: 'Last name', field: 'lastName' },
{ headerName: 'First name', field: 'firstName' },
{ headerName: 'DOB', field: 'dob', cellRenderer: 'dateTimeRenderer' },
{ headerName: 'Policy start', field: 'policyStartDate', cellRenderer: 'dateTimeRenderer' },
{ headerName: 'Policy end', field: 'policyEndDate', cellRenderer: 'dateTimeRenderer' }
frameworkComponents = {
dateTimeRenderer: DateTimeRenderer
And I just need to make sure my agGrid knows about this new frameworkComponents section:
[frameworkComponents]="frameworkComponents" >
And that's it.
Again, the nice thing about this is I can use this date formatter anywhere throughout my code, and all the logic is in one place.
It's just shocking that, in 2020, we actually need to write our own date formatting function for an up-to-date grid like agGrid... this really should've been included in the agGrid libraries.
For Angular, if you want to do this without moment.js you can try something like below:
import { Component, OnInit, Inject, LOCALE_ID } from '#angular/core';
import { formatDate } from '#angular/common';
selector: 'app-xyz'
export class xyzComponent implements OnInit {
constructor( #Inject(LOCALE_ID) private locale: string ) {
columnDefs = [
{headerName: 'Submitted Date', field: 'lastSubmittedDate', cellRenderer: (data) => {
return formatDate(data.value, 'dd MMM yyyy', this.locale);
This component is using format date of angular/common
(Working & Optimized solution for date formatting is here!)
Tested on Angular 8 with dynamic data where date is coming like 2019-11-16T04:00:00.000Z.
In Ag-grid if you use valueFormatter, then no need of including "field:'Order Date'".
Also following Ragavan Rajan's answer. So you need to install moment.js in your angular CLI.
Working code and installation is below:
//Install moment.js in angular 8 cli.(no need of --save in latest versions
npm install moment
//In your component.ts
import * as moment from 'moment';
//Inside your colDef of ag-grid
headerName: "Effective Date",
field: "effectiveDate",
valueFormatter: function (params){
return moment (params.value).format ('DD MMM, YYYY');
* This will display formatted date in ag-grid like 16 Nov, 2019.
* field name's value is from server side.(column name).
If you are using AdapTable then you can do it via their Format Column function which can be applied either at design-time or run-time. And there you can choose pretty much any DateTime format that you want.
if you have two subfields like "Start Date" and "End Date" then you are supposed to do like this:
headerName: "Date Range",
children: [
field: 'StartDate',
cellRenderer: (data) => {
return data ? (new Date(data.value)).toLocaleDateString() : '';
field: 'EndDate',
cellRenderer: (data) => {
return data ? (new Date(data.value)).toLocaleDateString() : '';
I'm Using Angular 10, And I achieved the date formatting by using cellRenderer and DatePipe
field: "fieldName",
cellRenderer: (res) => {
const datepipe : DatePipe = new DatePipe("en-US");
var x = datepipe.transform('T')[0],"yyyy-MM-dd");
return x;
Split('T') is used because when you call the Api, date comes in this format
Try this:
headerName: 'Order Date',
field: 'OrderDate',
valueFormatter: function (params) {
var nowDate = new Date(parseInt(params.value.substr(6)));
return nowDate.format("yyyy-mm-dd");