Hyperledger on Bluemix: Failed to launch chaincode spec(Could not get deployment transaction - ibm-cloud

I'm running a simple Hyperledger network on Bluemix. I can deploy, and invoke, but not query. The chaincode function, Init sets up a value for var, "abc" ... stub.PutState("abc", []byte(strconv.Itoa(Aval)))
I should be able to query "abc" as validation the code is ready to use. Instead, I'm seeing this error:
"... Error:Failed to launch chaincode spec(Could not get deployment
transaction for - LedgerError - ResourceNotFound:
ledger: resource not found)"
The query json is:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "query",
"params": {
"type": 1,
"chaincodeID": {
"name": "my chaincode id"
"ctorMsg": {
"function": "read",
"args": [
"secureContext": "user_type1_3"
"id": 0

The following is the list of probable causes of the error
Could not get deployment transaction for - LedgerError -
ResourceNotFound: ledger: resource not found
1. Chaincode did not get deployed correctly. To check if the
chaincode was deployed correctly, you need to check the peer logs to
see if there were any errors when the deploy transaction was sent.
2. Chaincode got deployed correctly, but the consensus mechanism hasnt
yet completed. You should ideally wait for a few minutes after
deploying a chaincode before you try to query it.
3. The Chaincode got deployed, but the chaincode ID/name specified
while trying to send a query is incorrect. You need to make sure you
use the same chaincode ID that comes in the response when you deploy
a chaincode.


Deploying azure storage fileServices/shares - error: The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format

As part of a durable function app deployment, I am deploying azure storage.
On deploying the fileServices/shares, I am getting the following error:
error": {
"code": "InvalidHeaderValue",
"message": "The value for one of the HTTP headers is not in the correct format.\nRequestId:6c0b3fb0-701a-0058-0509-a8af5d000000\nTime:2022-08-04T13:49:24.6378224Z"
I would appreciate any advice as this is eating up a lot of time and I am no closer to resolving it.
Section of arm template for the share deployment is below:
"type": "Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices/shares",
"apiVersion": "2021-09-01",
"name": "[concat(parameters('storageAccount1_name'), '/default/FuncAppName')]",
"dependsOn": [
"[resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/fileServices', parameters('storageAccount1_name'), 'default')]",
"[resourceId('Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts', parameters('storageAccount1_name'))]"
"properties": {
"accessTier": "TransactionOptimized",
"shareQuota": 5120,
"enabledProtocols": "SMB"
Answer to this: removing the property "accessTier": "TransactionOptimized" resolves the issue. The default value for this is TransactionOptimized.
Although the template exported from azure portal includes this property, deployment fails if this parameter is present.

Azure Service Fabric gets terminated in local cluster when running tests

So we are using Azure Service Fabric and gets a weird behavior when trying to run API tests against my local development cluster.
Every time I start the test the app gets terminated, sometimes it gets restarted again but most often it just stays terminated (and even deleted from the cluster).
I guess its somehow connected against that when I run the API test it will run and build stuff that the service fabric is using, but since the outcome is different depending on something (maybe the sun?) it feels like I am either missing something or experience a bug with service fabric.
Do anyone have any idea? Consider me as a noob and assume that I have done something wrong myself (I am doing that atleast).
There was a question on how we do run our tests:
Starts 2 instances of Visual Studio
Open the same .sln in both of them
Start the Service Fabric project.
Wait until cluster reports OK.
Run api test through a unit test (both service bus tests and REST tests) with Resharper test runner
Now we get the messages that is attached in diagnostics.
Event #1
"Timestamp": "2018-10-16T08:14:03.0590414+02:00",
"ProviderName": "Microsoft-ServiceFabric",
"Id": 23083,
"Message": ApplicationHostTerminated: ApplicationId=fabric:/<MyService>, ServiceName=fabric:/<MyService>, ServicePackageName=<MyPackage>, ServicePackageActivationId=8f36ac97-9271-4a49-94ce-dd296aebffa5, IsExclusive=True, CodePackageName=Code, EntryPointType=Exe, ExeName=MyExe, ProcessId=24568, HostId=d2a820b5-5b4d-42af-ae87-350028a3fa72, ExitCode=3221225786, UnexpectedTermination=False, StartTime=10/16/2018 08:12:14. ",
"ProcessId": 22660,
"Level": "Informational",
"Keywords": "0x4000000000000001",
"EventName": "Hosting",
"ActivityID": null,
"RelatedActivityID": null,
"Payload": {
"eventInstanceId": "\"07f15452-2f75-49e3-ad5d-d16ea49bdc8f\"",
"applicationName": "MyAppName",
"ServiceName": "fabric:/MyServiceName",
"ServicePackageName": "MyPackageName",
"ServicePackageActivationId": "8f36ac97-9271-4a49-94ce-dd296aebffa5",
"IsExclusive": true,
"CodePackageName": "Code",
"EntryPointType": 1,
"ExeName": "MyExe",
"ProcessId": 24568,
"HostId": "d2a820b5-5b4d-42af-ae87-350028a3fa72",
"ExitCode": 3221225786,
"UnexpectedTermination": false,
"StartTime": "\"\/Date(1539670334917)\/\""
Event #2
"Timestamp": "2018-10-16T08:14:02.3557708+02:00",
"ProviderName": "Microsoft-ServiceFabric",
"Id": 29625,
"Message": "Application deleted: Application = fabric:/MyApp, Application Type = MyServiceType ",
"ProcessId": 22660,
"Level": "Informational",
"Keywords": "0x4000000000000001",
"EventName": "CM",
"ActivityID": null,
"RelatedActivityID": null,
"Payload": {
"eventInstanceId": "\"ca608cec-8d55-4606-a331-8ebfcfff8fa6\"",
"applicationName": "fabric:/MyAppName",
"applicationTypeName": "MyAppTypeName",
"applicationTypeVersion": "1.0.0"
I think you can experience a side effect of Application Debug Mode set for your .sfproj.
By default Application Debug Mode is set to Refresh Application (which if you are using 5-node cluster is automatically changed to Remove Application) or Remove Application debug mode. This instructs Visual Studio to recreate the application for each debugging session and remove it when session ends.
Changing it to Keep Application should prevent the Visual Studio from recreating the application during debugging session.

SAP Hana Service Layer Error "Unknown entity" accessing the service via Postman

I created the "UDO" & "UDT", register it using object registration wizard but whenever I try to access the table via Service Layer I am getting the following error can you one please let me know some solution on this :
"error": {
"code": -1000,
"message": {
"lang": "en-us",
"value": "Unknown entity."
Restart the service, and try again
/etc/init.d/b1s restart
Stop the service for about 2 minutes and then start it again:
/etc/init.d/b1s stop
/etc/init.d/b1s start

IBM Blockchain (Hyperledger) - "Error when deploying chaincode"

I'm following the instructions to deploy some chaincode to the IBM Hyperledger Blockchain, using the swagger API on the IBM Bluemix dashboard.
In order to deploy some chaincode, I need to submit a JSON request, which contains the path to the chaincode repository:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "deploy",
"params": {
"type": 1,
"chaincodeID": {
"path": "https://github.com/series0ne/learn-chaincode/tree/master/finished"
"ctorMsg": {
"function": "init",
"args": [
"Hello, world"
"secureContext": "user_type1_0"
"id": 0
I have logged in user_type1_0 before attempting to deploy, but this is the result I get:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": -32001,
"message": "Deployment failure",
"data": "Error when deploying chaincode: Error getting chaincode package bytes: Error getting code 'go get' failed with error: \"exit status 1\"\npackage github.com/series0ne/learn-chaincode/tree/master/finished: cannot find package \"github.com/series0ne/learn-chaincode/tree/master/finished\" in any of:\n\t/opt/go/src/github.com/series0ne/learn-chaincode/tree/master/finished (from $GOROOT)\n\t/opt/gopath/_usercode_/424324290/src/github.com/series0ne/learn-chaincode/tree/master/finished (from $GOPATH)\n\t/opt/gopath/src/github.com/series0ne/learn-chaincode/tree/master/finished\n"
"id": 0
Any ideas?
P.S. Currently running commit level 0.6.1 of the Hyperledger blockchain on Bluemix.
Try stripping out the 'tree/master' portion of your deployment url. Notice that the example linked below does not include this portion of the url:
This url is going to be passed into a go get <url> command inside the peer, which will download the chaincode so that it can be compiled. So, this url must match the format accepted by this command.
I tried using the Learn Chaincode example based on the advice from Dale to change the address of the repository from https://github.com/GitHub_ID/learn-chaincode/tree/master/finished to https://github.com/GitHub_ID/learn-chaincode/finished. The Blockchain network used for this test was running on Bluemix with version 0.6.1 of the Hyperledger Fabric. With the modified path, it was possible to use the APIs tab within the interface for the Blockchain network to deploy the chaincode.
Following are some things to check.
The v2.0 branch from https://github.com/IBM-Blockchain/learn-chaincode should be used with a Blockchain network running Hyperledger Fabric version 0.6.1. Is your personal fork even with the v2.0 branch from https://github.com/IBM-Blockchain/learn-chaincode?
Was the chaincode deployment issued from the same validating peer used to register the user_type1_0 user? The validating peer can be selected at the top of the APIs tab. There is a note in the Learn Chaincode instructions indicating that the same validating peer must register the user and deploy the chaincode.
Your go get is command either not able to access Location of your package due to ACL or its parameters are invalid as per IBM doc. Please recheck its format

“Error getting chaincode package bytes” in car-lease-demo deploy via REST-chaincodeID path

I'm trying to deploy car-lease-demo in Bluemix Services and I cant find the right path for chaincodeID in swaggerApi. I've used the github repo from IBM but it outputs this error:
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": -32001,
"message": "Deployment failure",
"data": "Error when deploying chaincode: Error getting chaincode package bytes: Error getting code 'go get' failed with error: \"exit status 1\"\npackage github.com/IBM-Blockchain/car-lease-demo/Chaincode/vehicle_code: cannot find package \"github.com/IBM-Blockchain/car-lease-demo/Chaincode/vehicle_code\" in any of:\n\t/opt/go/src/github.com/IBM-Blockchain/car-lease-demo/Chaincode/vehicle_code (from $GOROOT)\n\t/opt/gopath/_usercode_/798513695/src/github.com/IBM-Blockchain/car-lease-demo/Chaincode/vehicle_code (from $GOPATH)\n\t/opt/gopath/src/github.com/IBM-Blockchain/car-lease-demo/Chaincode/vehicle_code\n"
"id": 3
I've found this
source and checked the JSON tab but the package that is referred in the beginning is not working.
Any idea which is the correct path for the chaincodeID to deploy car-lease-demo chaincode in BMX?
I'm using BMX v0.6
As it says in the error message the go get <chaincode path> failed during the chaincode deploy. This is because the chaincode path in your deploy request is wrong. The correct chaincode path for this chaincode is:
That said, before you try deploying a chaincode from the web in this manner, you can check if the go chaincode is accessible over the web by doing a:
go get <public chaincode path>