Getting error while running "yo jhipster-ionic" - ionic-framework

I am new in jhpster-ionic, following this link:
Everything was fine until I ran this command:
"yo jhipster-ionic --force" in an empty folder.
After running this command, I am getting this error:
Can anyone please help?

Install the dependencies of generator-jhipster-ionic. Change directories to D:\works\jhipster\chharkoi2\chharkoi2\node_modules\generator-jhipster-ionic and run npm install. These dependencies are normally installed when you install a package through npm.


How do I fix an error: Unknown plugin "flow-react-proptypes" in react native?

I'm trying to use in a react-native project and am getting the following runtime error
Unknown plugin "flow-react-proptypes" specified in
I tried yarn add babel-plugin-flow-react-proptypes -D but that didn't seem to fix it.
React-native version 0.41.2, iOS
Im not familiar with yarn but from that repo packaje.json we can see that babel-plugin-flow-react-proptypes is listed as devDependency so it won't get installed when installing the package from npm.
Try installing it in your node_modules folder (if that's not what you already did with yarn) or go into node_modules/react-native... And execute npm install.

Running Testrpc and truffle from powershell not working

I was installing some modules/packages needed for Ethereum development and I previously installed truffle and testrpc, and I could run them fine from PowerShell. I am now suddenly unable to run either as it says 'testrpc' is not recognised as a cmdlet, and 'truffle' is not recognised as a cmdlet. I would appreciate some help on how/why this happened and how to fix it. I also tried restarting my device but that did not help.
Error produced when I run the script/command
If it was working alright previously, uninstalling and reinstalling truffle should work.
npm uninstall -g truffle
npm install -g truffle
In case this does not work, below will work.
run npm init #this will make a new npm project particularly package.json
run npm i truffle #this will download node modules
run ./node_modules/.bin/truffle init #this will create a truffle project

Missing Module in gulpfile 'clone-stats'

I am working with ionic and my ionic build android command isn't working.
The error message I get is "Uh oh! Looks like you're missing a module in your gulp file: Cannot find module 'clone-stats'
Do you need to run 'npm install'?
I highlighted my steps in the image below:
I have no idea what 'clone-stats' is and why it is missing. It was working yesterday.
I have tried to reinstall ionic. I tried npm install -g. I tried removing and adding the android platform back. ionic serve gives me the same error.
I am not familiar with gulp. Does anybody know the problem?
You have required to install 'clone-stats' module.
open terminal
go to your project folder and type npm install clone-stats.
if you facing permission error then use sudo npm install clone-stats
hope it's work for you..

How to verify facebook jest is installed successfully

I followed the instructions to install Facebook jest on :
npm install --save-dev jest-cli
After the install command I typed jest in the terminal, and press enter but It popped:
bash: jest: command not found.
But when I run the getting started sample by using npm test in the terminal, it worked well.
So, how can I verify that Facebook jest is installed successfully?
Ways to install a package in npm
In node.js you have two ways to install a package: globally or locally.
The sintax is the following:
// globally
npm install -g [package_name]
// locally
npm install --save-dev [package_name]
So, now what it happens is that you run the local one which downloads the package in node_modules under your project folder.
To check you installed jest properly so you can check on your node_modules if there is a jest folder.
How to check if jest is installed
In addition to that npm is creating a shortcut in you local node_modules under the directory .bin son in there you should find a link to jest.
You can test that like that:
cd your_project_folder
Why npm test works?
The reason why npm test works is because when you run it npm is going to look for the commands globally and locally.

protractor cant find cli.js file

I just installed protractor and the default repo along with webdriver. Every time I run protractor I get this error
throw err;
Error: Cannot find module '/usr/local/lib/node_modules/protractor/lib/cli.js'
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15)
at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25)
at Function.Module.runMain (module.js:497:10)
at startup (node.js:119:16)
at node.js:901:3
Not sure how to fix this... any clues?
Try to use the following solution :
under Configuration , use this for javascript file = /usr/lib/node_modules/protractor/lib/cli.js
I faced similar issue , it got resolved . I am using WebStorm in linux environment .
Make sure you installed protractor on the global position , by using this command :
sudo npm install -g protractor
sudo webdriver-manager update
webdriver-manager start
Got stuck similarly ... this worked for me.
Make sure to have "node_modules" & "node_modules/.bin" in the project folder, you can generate them by
running "npm install protractor" on the project root folder and then get rid of it "protractor" folder by running "npm uninstall protractor".