Optionals in Swift. Why this behavior? [duplicate] - swift

Why are implicitly unwrapped optionals not unwrapped when using string interpolation in Swift 3?
Running the following code in the playground
var str: String!
str = "Hello"
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str)")
produces this output:
The following should not be printed as an optional: Optional("Hello")
Of course I can concatenate strings with the + operator but I'm using string interpolation pretty much everywhere in my app which now doesn't work anymore due to this (bug?).
Is this even a bug or did they intentionally change this behaviour with Swift 3?

As per SE-0054, ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T> is no longer a distinct type; there is only Optional<T> now.
Declarations are still allowed to be annotated as implicitly unwrapped optionals T!, but doing so just adds a hidden attribute to inform the compiler that their value may be force unwrapped in contexts that demand their unwrapped type T; their actual type is now T?.
So you can think of this declaration:
var str: String!
as actually looking like this:
#_implicitlyUnwrapped // this attribute name is fictitious
var str: String?
Only the compiler sees this #_implicitlyUnwrapped attribute, but what it allows for is the implicit unwrapping of str's value in contexts that demand a String (its unwrapped type):
// `str` cannot be type-checked as a strong optional, so the compiler will
// implicitly force unwrap it (causing a crash in this case)
let x: String = str
// We're accessing a member on the unwrapped type of `str`, so it'll also be
// implicitly force unwrapped here
But in all other cases where str can be type-checked as a strong optional, it will be:
// `x` is inferred to be a `String?` (because we really are assigning a `String?`)
let x = str
let y: Any = str // `str` is implicitly coerced from `String?` to `Any`
print(str) // Same as the previous example, as `print` takes an `Any` parameter.
And the compiler will always prefer treating it as such over force unwrapping.
As the proposal says (emphasis mine):
If the expression can be explicitly type checked with a strong optional type, it will be. However, the type checker will fall back to forcing the optional if necessary. The effect of this behavior is that the result of any expression that refers to a value declared as T! will either have type T or type T?.
When it comes to string interpolation, under the hood the compiler uses this initialiser from the _ExpressibleByStringInterpolation protocol in order to evaluate a string interpolation segment:
/// Creates an instance containing the appropriate representation for the
/// given value.
/// Do not call this initializer directly. It is used by the compiler for
/// each string interpolation segment when you use string interpolation. For
/// example:
/// let s = "\(5) x \(2) = \(5 * 2)"
/// print(s)
/// // Prints "5 x 2 = 10"
/// This initializer is called five times when processing the string literal
/// in the example above; once each for the following: the integer `5`, the
/// string `" x "`, the integer `2`, the string `" = "`, and the result of
/// the expression `5 * 2`.
/// - Parameter expr: The expression to represent.
init<T>(stringInterpolationSegment expr: T)
Therefore when implicitly called by your code:
var str: String!
str = "Hello"
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str)")
As str's actual type is String?, by default that's what the compiler will infer the generic placeholder T to be. Therefore the value of str won't be force unwrapped, and you'll end up seeing the description for an optional.
If you wish for an IUO to be force unwrapped when used in string interpolation, you can simply use the force unwrap operator !:
var str: String!
str = "Hello"
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str!)")
or you can coerce to its non-optional type (in this case String) in order to force the compiler to implicitly force unwrap it for you:
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str as String)")
both of which, of course, will crash if str is nil.


Why is array inferring optional type for implicitly unwrapped elements? [duplicate]

In Xcode 8 release version, i found a strange scene.
Here is the code,
let implicitlyUnwrappedOptionalString: String! = "implicitlyUnwrappedOptionalString"
let foo = implicitlyUnwrappedOptionalString
and here is the result:
These above shows that when i assign a implicitly unwrapped optional to a variable without a explicit type, the type will be inferred to an optional type, not the type which it originally is, aka implicitly unwrapped optional.
My Xcode has been updated to 8. Anyone can verify the behavior in Xcode 7.x?
The change is due to the Swift version changing or the Xcode?
This is a consequence of SE-0054 Abolish ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional type which has been implemented in Swift 3. Extract from that proposal (emphasis added):
However, the appearance of ! at the end of a property or variable declaration's type no longer indicates that the declaration has IUO type; rather, it indicates that (1) the declaration has optional type, and (2) the declaration has an attribute indicating that its value may be implicitly forced. ...
If the expression can be explicitly type checked with a strong optional type, it will be. However, the type checker will fall back to forcing the optional if necessary. The effect of this behavior is that the result of any expression that refers to a value declared as T! will either have type T or type T?. For example, in the following code:
let x: Int! = 5
let y = x
let z = x + 0
… x is declared as an IUO, but because the initializer for y type checks correctly as an optional, y will be bound as type Int?. However, the initializer for z does not type check with x declared as an optional (there's no overload of + that takes an optional), so the compiler forces the optional and type checks the initializer as Int.
In your case, the assignment
let foo = implicitlyUnwrappedOptionalString
makes foo a strong optional, as in the example let y = x
from the proposal.
You could make foo an IUO by adding an explicit type annotation
let foo: String! = implicitlyUnwrappedOptionalString
but generally you should try to get rid from IUOs in your code,
as stated in the same proposal:
Except for a few specific scenarios, optionals are always the safer bet, and we’d like to encourage people to use them instead of IUOs.

Concatenating optionals strings [duplicate]

Why are implicitly unwrapped optionals not unwrapped when using string interpolation in Swift 3?
Running the following code in the playground
var str: String!
str = "Hello"
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str)")
produces this output:
The following should not be printed as an optional: Optional("Hello")
Of course I can concatenate strings with the + operator but I'm using string interpolation pretty much everywhere in my app which now doesn't work anymore due to this (bug?).
Is this even a bug or did they intentionally change this behaviour with Swift 3?
As per SE-0054, ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T> is no longer a distinct type; there is only Optional<T> now.
Declarations are still allowed to be annotated as implicitly unwrapped optionals T!, but doing so just adds a hidden attribute to inform the compiler that their value may be force unwrapped in contexts that demand their unwrapped type T; their actual type is now T?.
So you can think of this declaration:
var str: String!
as actually looking like this:
#_implicitlyUnwrapped // this attribute name is fictitious
var str: String?
Only the compiler sees this #_implicitlyUnwrapped attribute, but what it allows for is the implicit unwrapping of str's value in contexts that demand a String (its unwrapped type):
// `str` cannot be type-checked as a strong optional, so the compiler will
// implicitly force unwrap it (causing a crash in this case)
let x: String = str
// We're accessing a member on the unwrapped type of `str`, so it'll also be
// implicitly force unwrapped here
But in all other cases where str can be type-checked as a strong optional, it will be:
// `x` is inferred to be a `String?` (because we really are assigning a `String?`)
let x = str
let y: Any = str // `str` is implicitly coerced from `String?` to `Any`
print(str) // Same as the previous example, as `print` takes an `Any` parameter.
And the compiler will always prefer treating it as such over force unwrapping.
As the proposal says (emphasis mine):
If the expression can be explicitly type checked with a strong optional type, it will be. However, the type checker will fall back to forcing the optional if necessary. The effect of this behavior is that the result of any expression that refers to a value declared as T! will either have type T or type T?.
When it comes to string interpolation, under the hood the compiler uses this initialiser from the _ExpressibleByStringInterpolation protocol in order to evaluate a string interpolation segment:
/// Creates an instance containing the appropriate representation for the
/// given value.
/// Do not call this initializer directly. It is used by the compiler for
/// each string interpolation segment when you use string interpolation. For
/// example:
/// let s = "\(5) x \(2) = \(5 * 2)"
/// print(s)
/// // Prints "5 x 2 = 10"
/// This initializer is called five times when processing the string literal
/// in the example above; once each for the following: the integer `5`, the
/// string `" x "`, the integer `2`, the string `" = "`, and the result of
/// the expression `5 * 2`.
/// - Parameter expr: The expression to represent.
init<T>(stringInterpolationSegment expr: T)
Therefore when implicitly called by your code:
var str: String!
str = "Hello"
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str)")
As str's actual type is String?, by default that's what the compiler will infer the generic placeholder T to be. Therefore the value of str won't be force unwrapped, and you'll end up seeing the description for an optional.
If you wish for an IUO to be force unwrapped when used in string interpolation, you can simply use the force unwrap operator !:
var str: String!
str = "Hello"
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str!)")
or you can coerce to its non-optional type (in this case String) in order to force the compiler to implicitly force unwrap it for you:
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str as String)")
both of which, of course, will crash if str is nil.

The returns is not conform to the method return type but it still works [duplicate]

Why are implicitly unwrapped optionals not unwrapped when using string interpolation in Swift 3?
Running the following code in the playground
var str: String!
str = "Hello"
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str)")
produces this output:
The following should not be printed as an optional: Optional("Hello")
Of course I can concatenate strings with the + operator but I'm using string interpolation pretty much everywhere in my app which now doesn't work anymore due to this (bug?).
Is this even a bug or did they intentionally change this behaviour with Swift 3?
As per SE-0054, ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T> is no longer a distinct type; there is only Optional<T> now.
Declarations are still allowed to be annotated as implicitly unwrapped optionals T!, but doing so just adds a hidden attribute to inform the compiler that their value may be force unwrapped in contexts that demand their unwrapped type T; their actual type is now T?.
So you can think of this declaration:
var str: String!
as actually looking like this:
#_implicitlyUnwrapped // this attribute name is fictitious
var str: String?
Only the compiler sees this #_implicitlyUnwrapped attribute, but what it allows for is the implicit unwrapping of str's value in contexts that demand a String (its unwrapped type):
// `str` cannot be type-checked as a strong optional, so the compiler will
// implicitly force unwrap it (causing a crash in this case)
let x: String = str
// We're accessing a member on the unwrapped type of `str`, so it'll also be
// implicitly force unwrapped here
But in all other cases where str can be type-checked as a strong optional, it will be:
// `x` is inferred to be a `String?` (because we really are assigning a `String?`)
let x = str
let y: Any = str // `str` is implicitly coerced from `String?` to `Any`
print(str) // Same as the previous example, as `print` takes an `Any` parameter.
And the compiler will always prefer treating it as such over force unwrapping.
As the proposal says (emphasis mine):
If the expression can be explicitly type checked with a strong optional type, it will be. However, the type checker will fall back to forcing the optional if necessary. The effect of this behavior is that the result of any expression that refers to a value declared as T! will either have type T or type T?.
When it comes to string interpolation, under the hood the compiler uses this initialiser from the _ExpressibleByStringInterpolation protocol in order to evaluate a string interpolation segment:
/// Creates an instance containing the appropriate representation for the
/// given value.
/// Do not call this initializer directly. It is used by the compiler for
/// each string interpolation segment when you use string interpolation. For
/// example:
/// let s = "\(5) x \(2) = \(5 * 2)"
/// print(s)
/// // Prints "5 x 2 = 10"
/// This initializer is called five times when processing the string literal
/// in the example above; once each for the following: the integer `5`, the
/// string `" x "`, the integer `2`, the string `" = "`, and the result of
/// the expression `5 * 2`.
/// - Parameter expr: The expression to represent.
init<T>(stringInterpolationSegment expr: T)
Therefore when implicitly called by your code:
var str: String!
str = "Hello"
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str)")
As str's actual type is String?, by default that's what the compiler will infer the generic placeholder T to be. Therefore the value of str won't be force unwrapped, and you'll end up seeing the description for an optional.
If you wish for an IUO to be force unwrapped when used in string interpolation, you can simply use the force unwrap operator !:
var str: String!
str = "Hello"
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str!)")
or you can coerce to its non-optional type (in this case String) in order to force the compiler to implicitly force unwrap it for you:
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str as String)")
both of which, of course, will crash if str is nil.

Swift 3 incorrect string interpolation with implicitly unwrapped Optionals

Why are implicitly unwrapped optionals not unwrapped when using string interpolation in Swift 3?
Running the following code in the playground
var str: String!
str = "Hello"
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str)")
produces this output:
The following should not be printed as an optional: Optional("Hello")
Of course I can concatenate strings with the + operator but I'm using string interpolation pretty much everywhere in my app which now doesn't work anymore due to this (bug?).
Is this even a bug or did they intentionally change this behaviour with Swift 3?
As per SE-0054, ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<T> is no longer a distinct type; there is only Optional<T> now.
Declarations are still allowed to be annotated as implicitly unwrapped optionals T!, but doing so just adds a hidden attribute to inform the compiler that their value may be force unwrapped in contexts that demand their unwrapped type T; their actual type is now T?.
So you can think of this declaration:
var str: String!
as actually looking like this:
#_implicitlyUnwrapped // this attribute name is fictitious
var str: String?
Only the compiler sees this #_implicitlyUnwrapped attribute, but what it allows for is the implicit unwrapping of str's value in contexts that demand a String (its unwrapped type):
// `str` cannot be type-checked as a strong optional, so the compiler will
// implicitly force unwrap it (causing a crash in this case)
let x: String = str
// We're accessing a member on the unwrapped type of `str`, so it'll also be
// implicitly force unwrapped here
But in all other cases where str can be type-checked as a strong optional, it will be:
// `x` is inferred to be a `String?` (because we really are assigning a `String?`)
let x = str
let y: Any = str // `str` is implicitly coerced from `String?` to `Any`
print(str) // Same as the previous example, as `print` takes an `Any` parameter.
And the compiler will always prefer treating it as such over force unwrapping.
As the proposal says (emphasis mine):
If the expression can be explicitly type checked with a strong optional type, it will be. However, the type checker will fall back to forcing the optional if necessary. The effect of this behavior is that the result of any expression that refers to a value declared as T! will either have type T or type T?.
When it comes to string interpolation, under the hood the compiler uses this initialiser from the _ExpressibleByStringInterpolation protocol in order to evaluate a string interpolation segment:
/// Creates an instance containing the appropriate representation for the
/// given value.
/// Do not call this initializer directly. It is used by the compiler for
/// each string interpolation segment when you use string interpolation. For
/// example:
/// let s = "\(5) x \(2) = \(5 * 2)"
/// print(s)
/// // Prints "5 x 2 = 10"
/// This initializer is called five times when processing the string literal
/// in the example above; once each for the following: the integer `5`, the
/// string `" x "`, the integer `2`, the string `" = "`, and the result of
/// the expression `5 * 2`.
/// - Parameter expr: The expression to represent.
init<T>(stringInterpolationSegment expr: T)
Therefore when implicitly called by your code:
var str: String!
str = "Hello"
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str)")
As str's actual type is String?, by default that's what the compiler will infer the generic placeholder T to be. Therefore the value of str won't be force unwrapped, and you'll end up seeing the description for an optional.
If you wish for an IUO to be force unwrapped when used in string interpolation, you can simply use the force unwrap operator !:
var str: String!
str = "Hello"
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str!)")
or you can coerce to its non-optional type (in this case String) in order to force the compiler to implicitly force unwrap it for you:
print("The following should not be printed as an optional: \(str as String)")
both of which, of course, will crash if str is nil.

dynamicType of optional chaining not the same as assignment

Optional chaining returns always an optional value.
To reflect the fact that optional chaining can be called on a nil value, the result of an optional chaining call is always an optional value, even if the property, method, or subscript you are querying returns a nonoptional value.
The Swift Programming Language
Why the heck does in a playground the type not optional?
let stringOptEmpty: String? = ""
stringOptEmpty?.isEmpty // is true
stringOptEmpty?.isEmpty.dynamicType // Bool.Type
But the following code is
let isOk = stringOptEmpty?.isEmpty.dynamicType
isOk.dynamicType // Optional<Bool.Type>.Type
The playground sidebar/column will dynamically resolve expressions in the playground, be it values assigned to variables (mutables/immutables) or just "free-floating" non-assigned values.
Your first example applies dynamicType to a value, which will resolve to the type of that specific value (true.dynamicType: Bool.Type).
Your second example, on the other hand, applies dynamicType to a variable (an immutable, but I'll use variable here to differ from value), which must have a concrete type, and hence will resolve to a type that can hold any kind of wrapped values (true or false) as well as nil (here, nil is, specifically, Optional<Bool.Type>.None), no matter what value the variable actually holds. Hence, the dynamicType will resolve to Optional<Bool.Type>.Type in your second example.
The value displayed in the playground sidebar/column generally follows the following display rules:
For an assignment expression, the value shown in the sidebar is the value assigned, e.g.
var a = 4 // shows '4'
a = 2 // shows '2'
let b: () = (a = 3)
/* shows '()': the _value_ assigned to 'b', which is the _result_
of the assignment 'a = 3', to which a _side effect_ is that 'a'
is assigned the value '3'. */
For an expression that contains no assignment, the value shown in the sidebar is generally the result of the expression, e.g.
true // shows 'true'
1 > 3 // shows 'false'
let c = 3
c // shows '3'
c.dynamicType // shows 'Int.Type'
In your first example (lines 2-3), we have no assignment, and the playground will dynamically resolve the value(/result) of the expression prior to resolving the dynamicType of that value. Since we're dealing with optionals, the value is either simply the value of the wrapped type (in this case, true), or the value is a type specific .None. Even if the playground shows e.g. the result of let a: Int? = nil as just nil in the sidebar, the value shown is in fact not the same .None (nil) as for say let b: String = nil
For let a: Int? = nil, the value of a is in fact Optional<Int.Type>.None,
whereas for let b: String? = nil, the value of b is Optional<String.Type>.None
With this in mind, it's natural that the resolved dynamicType of a non-nil value will be the concrete wrapped type (in your example, Bool.Type is naturally the type of true), whereas the resolved dynamicType of a nil value will include both the general optional and the wrapped type information.
struct Foo {
let bar: Bool = true
var foo: Foo? = Foo()
/* .Some<T> case (non-nil) */
foo?.bar // true <-- _expression_ resolves to (results in) the _value_ 'true'
foo?.bar.dynamicType // Bool.Type <-- dynamic type of the _result of expression_
true.dynamicType // Bool.Type <-- compare with this
/* .None case (nil) */
foo = nil
foo?.bar.dynamicType // nil <-- _expression_ resolves to the _value_ 'Optional<Foo.Type>.None'
// Optional<Foo.Type>.Type <-- compare with this
Now, if you assign the values to a variable, naturally the variable must have a concrete type. Since the value we assign at runtime can be either .None or .Some<T>, the type of the variable must be one that can hold values of both these cases, hence, Optional<T.Type> (disregarding of whether the variable holds nil or a non-nil value). This is the case which you've shown in your second example: the dynamicType of the variable (here, immutable, but using variable to differ from value) isOk is the type that can hold both .None and .Some<T>, no matter what the actual value of the variable is, and hence dynamicType resolves to this type; Optional<Bool.Type>.Type.
Wrapping expressions in parantheses escapes the runtime introspection of the Swift Playground?
Interestingly, if an expression is wrapped in parantheses prior to applying .dynamicType, then the playground sidebar resolves .dynamicType of the wrapped expression as the type of the expression, as if its actual value was unknown. E.g., (...) in (...).dynamicType is treated as a variable with a concrete type rather than a runtime-resolved value.
/* .Some case (non-nil) */
foo?.bar // true
(foo?.bar).dynamicType /* Optional<Bool>.Type <-- as if (...)
is a _variable_ of unknown value */
/* .None case (nil) */
foo = nil
(foo?.bar).dynamicType /* Optional<Bool>.Type <-- as if (...)
is a _variable_ of unknown value */
We can further note that any lone expression wrapped in parantheses in the playground will not resolve to anything at all (in the sidebar). It's as if we escape the sidebar:s runtime introspection if wrapping expressions in parantheses (which would explain why the dynamicType of expressions wrapped in parantheses will resolve as if the playground cannot make use runtime information of these expressions)
var a = 4 // shows '4'
(a = 2) // shows nothing; can't expand or get details in sidebar
Tbh, I cannot explain why this is, and will categorize it as a peculiarity of the Swift playground.