Update for MongoCollection<Documnet> - mongodb

I am trying to update the document but I am not able to do it.
I tried using update() as well as updateOne() methods..None of it worked.
public boolean updateDocument(String docId, String JSONString) {
MongoCollection<Document> collection = getCollection("abc");
DBObject queryObject = (DBObject)(collection.find(eq("_id","docId")).first());
return false;
else {
DBObject updateObject = (DBObject)JSON.parse(JSONString);
collection.update(queryObject, updateObject);
return true;
}catch (Exception e) {
return false;
The Error is coming like this : The method update(dbObject,dbObject) is undefined for the type MongoCollection
I can use updateOne is applicable for Bson arguments but I need to use for DbObjects..
Can anyone can suggest any solution?

I tried this and worked..I needed to use MongoCollection type beacuse in the whole class I have specifed with this only.
public boolean updateDocument(String docId, String JSONString) {
MongoCollection<Document> collection = getCollection("123");
Document queryObject = collection.find(eq("_id",docId)).first(); //finding the document then converting to DBObject type
return false;
else {
Document updatedoc = new Document();
updatedoc = Document.parse(JSONString);
collection.updateOne(queryObject,updatedoc );
return true;
}catch (Exception e) {
return false;


What do I return in a async task when an exception occurs

I have the following code...
public async Task<User> GetUserAsync(string name)
await using var db = new ApplicationDbContext(new DbContextOptions<ApplicationDbContext>());
return await db.User.SingleAsync(x => x.Name == name);
catch (Exception e)
//return new User();
I wonder what I would return if there is an exception because the query does not find a match from the database? Do I return a empty user object or what is standard procedure?
what is standard procedure?
It's normal to let exceptions propagate until you have something else you can do with them.

MongoDB multiple document updation passing multiple parameters

We have a single document updation,
public void Update<T>(string collectionName, T value,string feildName,int id)
MongoCollection<T> mongoCollection = mongoDatabase.GetCollection<T>(collectionName);
IMongoQuery Marker = Query.EQ(feildName, id);
BsonDocument doc = value.ToBsonDocument();

I have json values , how to save into mongodb using spring mvc

I have class like "location".
"Location" class have four field.
fields are:id,city,state,country..
country is seprate class it contains 2 field , country code, country name , 2 fields must read from location class..
if i write "locationMongoRepository.save()", then it shows error as bound mismatch. please give solution for how to save in mongodb.
public void insertLocation() throws InvalidFormatException, IOException, JSONException{
FileInputStream inp;
Workbook workbook;
try {
inp = new FileInputStream( "/home/Downloads/eclipse/Workspace/Samplboot-master latest/cityListForIndia1.xlsx" );
workbook = WorkbookFactory.create( inp );
Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
JSONArray json = new JSONArray();
boolean isFirstRow = true;
ArrayList<String> rowName = new ArrayList<String>();
for ( Iterator<Row> rowsIT = sheet.rowIterator(); rowsIT.hasNext(); )
Row row = rowsIT.next();
JSONObject jRow = new JSONObject();
for ( Iterator<Cell> cellsIT = row.cellIterator(); cellsIT.hasNext(); )
Cell cell = cellsIT.next();
isFirstRow = false;
JSONObject jRowCountry= new JSONObject();
JSONObject jRowLocation= new JSONObject();
jRowLocation.put("city", row.getCell(0));
jRowLocation.put("state", row.getCell(1));
jRowCountry.put("country",row.getCell(2) );
jRowCountry.put("countryCode", row.getCell(3) );
jRowLocation.put("country", jRowCountry);
catch (InvalidFormatException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println("Invalid Format, Only Excel files are supported");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println("Check if the input file exists and the path is correct");
} catch (JSONException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println("Unable to generate Json");
I'm using Spring Data to support working with MongoDB and it's really helpful. You should read this article to get its idea and applied to your case https://dzone.com/articles/spring-data-mongodb-hello.
P/S: In case you can't use Spring Data to work with MongoDB, please provide more detail in your code/ your exception so we can investigate it more detail.

wicket download output stream

I want to download csv file , i take the response content and write to it , apprently wicket write after me and the content iam getting is the page html where it should be my csv
I have seen in the example the usage of throw new AbortException();
I am using version 6.7 , do you know if my version wicket has somthing instead of it ?
or rather I am doing somthing wrong ....
can you please help me ...
add(new Link<Void>("export") {
public void onClick() {
WebResponse response = (WebResponse) getResponse();
OutputStream out = getResponse().getOutputStream();
try {
c.exportData(dataSource.getListForExport(), columns, out);
} catch (Exception ex) {
public <T> void exportData(List<T> list, List<IGridColumn<IDataSource<T>, T, String>> columns, OutputStream outputStream)
throws IOException {
long startTime = System.nanoTime();
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream, Charset.forName(characterSet)));
try {
if (isExportHeadersEnabled()) {
boolean first = true;
for (IGridColumn<IDataSource<T>, T, String> col : columns) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
if (col.getId().equals("checkBox")) {
Iterator<? extends T> rowIterator = list.iterator();
while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
T row = rowIterator.next();
boolean first = true;
for (IGridColumn<IDataSource<T>, T, String> col : columns) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
if (col.getId().equals("checkBox")) {
Object o = (new PropertyModel<>(row, col.getId())).getObject();// ((AbstractColumn<T,
if (o != null) {
Class<?> c = o.getClass();
String s;
IConverter converter = Application.get().getConverterLocator().getConverter(c);
if (converter == null) {
s = o.toString();
} else {
s = converter.convertToString(o, Session.get().getLocale());
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally {
// measure
System.out.print(System.nanoTime() - startTime);
The best way to do this is using dynamic resources. I'll suggest you to read chapter "Resource managment with Wicket" of this magnific free Wicket guide: https://code.google.com/p/wicket-guide/.
Here you have a similar example given in this guide in the section "Custom resources".
public class RSSProducerResource extends AbstractResource {
protected ResourceResponse newResourceResponse(Attributes attributes) {
ResourceResponse resourceResponse = new ResourceResponse();
resourceResponse.setWriteCallback(new WriteCallback()
public void writeData(Attributes attributes) throws IOException
OutputStream outputStream = attributes.getResponse().getOutputStream();
Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outputStream);
SyndFeedOutput output = new SyndFeedOutput();
try {
output.output(getFeed(), writer);
} catch (FeedException e) {
throw new WicketRuntimeException("Problems writing feed to response...");
return resourceResponse;
// method getFeed()...
And then you need to add the link in the desired page or component:
add(new ResourceLink("rssLink", new RSSProducerResource()));

Problem in getting attributes from webservice to servlet when the return type of operation in webservice is STRING []

I made a Webservice Operation whose return type is STRING []
Following is the code
#WebMethod(operationName = "authorize")
public String [] authorize(#WebParam(name = "Username")
String Username) {
CAuthorization CA = new CAuthorization();
String [] Result= null;
try {
Result = CA.CheckAuthorization(Username);
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(WS_Authentication.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
**return Result;**
And then i made a Servlet
The code of the servlet thing is :
try { // Call Web Service Operation
java.lang.String result = null;
result = port.authorize(Username);
out.println("Result = "+result);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// TODO handle custom exceptions here
Problem is in my WEbservice Code in RETURN STATEMENT i have attributes of any table
and i want to take these attributes to servlet so that i can see them on my front end
but what im getting here is the only the LAST ATTRIBUTE
This is the way u can handle Webservice Operation of String Return type
#WebMethod(operationName = "authorize")
public String authorize(#WebParam(name = "Username")
String Username) {
CAuthorization CA = new CAuthorization();
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
try {
if (CA.CheckAuthorization(Username).length > 0) {
for (int i = 1; i < CA.CheckAuthorization(Username).length; i++) {
} catch (SQLException ex) {
Logger.getLogger(WS_Authentication.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
//TODO write your implementation code here:
return result.toString();