Local Proxy Service Testing - oracle12c

Is there a way to pass the Request in Local proxy service as how we pass in the SOAP based Proxy Service? If no, then how do we ensure that flow in local proxy service is working fine?


Calling a REST service from JBPM over a proxy

Calling a rest service (hosted on internet) from JBPM REST service task, JBPM server is behind proxy and cannot do the name resolution with local lan DNS. I have tried adding httpProxy settings and a specific name server spi but name resolution still fails.
Any thoughts?

Spring Cloud Zuul - Add http proxy details (proxy server, proxy port, credentials etc) to the incoming request before routing

We are planning to build a reverse proxy server for our enterprise to make some external API calls.
Currently, our microservice applications are hosted on the PCF environment. For any external (on the internet) calls, we make use of the PCF proxy server to communicate.
Now my use-case is to build a reverse proxy server(Spring Zuul) to route to external APIs through the PCF proxy. However, the microservice applications wouldn't pass any proxy information on the request to the zuul server. So, this needs to be added by Spring Zuul reverse proxy server.
How to add HTTP proxy details to the coming request from zuul server?
Any documentation also would be really helpful.

Calling a local Service Fabric stateless API using the Service Fabric url

Does anyone know if I can make HTTP calls to the API endpoint of a local Service Fabric cluster using "fabric:/my-fabric-app/api-service" directly, without going through an HTTP listener?
You cannot. The fabric:/ endpoints are intended for SF Remoting calls.
For using HTTP, an HTTP Listener is required.

Use Service Fabric Reverse Proxy with Azure Application Gateway

Is it possible to use Azure Application Gateway to route incoming traffic to a URL/Port and append a path? I want to do this so can use Service Fabric reverse proxy lookup.
i.e. I have a listener on ms-company.domain.com and I want it to redirect to http://servicefabric.domain.com:19081/Company/Microservice/api/healthcheck
That way even if I change the port that the micro-service lives in the Reverse Proxy lookup will work.
This is possible with the recent URL path override feature. Please refer to sample template at https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/templates/201-application-gateway-path-override/

Intercept all outgoing connections made by a process to redirect it to a localhost proxy

I am working in an environment where there are multiple services hosted. A service(consider web services) exposes some APIs and also acts as client to call other services too.
Now what I want to achieve is that if Service A (acting as client) wants to talk to Service B(acting as server here) using http , then I want to intercept outgoing HTTP request and redirect it to localhost proxy.
There are multiple services running on a host and a service also talks to multiple other services, so I don't want to change the configuration of every outgoing endpoint configuration to point to proxy.
Sample configurations:
Following are the services endpoint which service A connects while doing some processing like:
I have looked into configuring squid proxy as transparent proxy. But how should I enforce every outgoing connection (with different destination ports ) to redirect to localhost proxy.