Why is this not working? - Trying to save properties in a variable for use multiple times in a function - powershell

I am trying to find a way to save the properties for a select statement in PowerShell but it isn't working. I haven't found a way to make an entire statement a literal so that it isn't reviewed until the variable is opened.
Here is what works:
$wsus.GetSummariesPercomputerTarget($CurrentMonthUpdateScope, $ComputerScope) |
Select-Object #{L="WSUSServer";E={$Server}},
Installedcount |
Sort-Object -Property "Computer"
and I am trying to get the properties mentioned (starting just after the Select-Object statement and ending just before the last pipe) placed in a variable so that I can use the same properties multiple times with different scopes.
I have tried this:
$Properties = '#{L="WSUSServer";E={$Server}},
$wsus.GetSummariesPercomputerTarget($CurrentMonthUpdateScope, $ComputerScope) |
Select-Object $Properties |
Sort-Object -Property "Computer"
While this runs it doesn't give any data and I think it confuses PowerShell.
This gives the same response:
$Properties = "#{L=`"WSUSServer`";E={$Server}},
Any options, thoughts, etc.?

The -Property argument of Select-Object expects an array, not a string. So something like this:
$Properties = #(#{L="WSUSServer";E={$Server}},
Note, you will need to turn the simple property names into strings within your array.


Comparing Two Arrays Without Using -Compare

I have two array's, one contains multiple columns from a CSV file read in, and the other just contains server names, both type string. For this comparison, I plan on only using the name column from the CSV file. I don't want to use -compare because I want to still be able to use all CSV columns with the results. Here is an example of data from each array.
As you can see, they contain similar server names, except $csvFile.Name contains 25,000+ records, and $compareFile contains only 3,500.
I've tried:
foreach ($server in $compareFile) {
if ($csvFile.Name -like $server) {
Every time I run this, it takes forever to run, and results in $count having a value in the millions when it should be roughly 3,000. I've tried different variations of -match, -eq, etc. where -like is. Also note that my end goal is to do something else where $count is, but for now I'm just trying to make sure it is outputting as much as it should, which it is not.
Am I doing something wrong here? Am I using the wrong formatting?
One possible thought given the size of your data.
Create a hashtable (dictionary) for every name in the first/larger file. Name is the Key. Value is 0 for each.
For each name in your second/smaller/compare file, add 1 to the value in your hashtable IF it exists. If it does not exist, what is your plan???
Afterwards, you can dump all keys and values and see which ones are 0, 1, or >1 which may or may not be of value to you.
If you need help with this code, I may be able to edit my answer. Since you are new, to StackOverflow, perhaps you want to try this first yourself.
Build custom objects from $compareFile (so that you can compare the same property), then use Compare-Object with the parameter -PassThru for the comparison. Discriminate the results using the SideIndicator.
$ref = $compareFile | ForEach-Object {
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property #{
'Name' = $_
Compare-Object $csvFile $ref -Property Name -PassThru | Where-Object {
$_.SideIndicator -eq '<='
} | Select-Object -Property * -Exclude SideIndicator
The trailing Select-Object removes the additional property SideIndicator that Compare-Object adds to the result.

How to get "-property foo.insidefoo" to work in Powershell?

Anyone know the proper way to do this statement?
$dlls | format-list -Property name, Versioninfo.Product
When I use the dot variable with -Property, it just generates a new property instead of giving me Product.
What I'm trying to do is get the source of whole lists of DLLs to see where they came from (e.g. Microsoft, Google, Company, etc ). If there is an easier way to do this, please tell.
You can't use that format. You can provide Format-List a [hashtable] that defines a new property name and an expression to generate the value though:
$newCol = #{
Name = 'Product'
Expression = {
$dlls | format-list -Property name,$newCol

PowerShell: How to change table headers in loop?

I want to collect data remotely and adapt the table headers later with the help of an xml-file. This should happen in a loop, looking like that:
foreach($tableheader in $table) {
$table.$tableheader = $xmlFile.$tableheader
Amongst others I tried the following:
$x = 0
$sitesonfig = Get-ConfigSite -AdminAddress localhost
foreach($Prop in ($siteconfig |get-member -MemberType Property | select -Property name))
$x += 1;
$siteconfig = $siteconfig | Select-Object * | format-table #{l="Smile$x";e={$_.$Prop}}
Yes, I know this looks silly, but I've got really no idea, how to change the headers one by one without listing each time all the other headers, too.
One possibility is to use a loop to create the header map that you pass into Format-Table.
Here is your second example modified to demonstrate this concept. You should be able to adapt this to grab the header info from your XML file.
$x = 0
$siteconfig = Get-ConfigSite -AdminAddress localhost
$headerMap = #()
foreach($Prop in ($siteconfig |get-member -MemberType Property | select -ExpandProperty name))
$x += 1;
$headerMap += #{
e={ $_.$Prop }.GetNewClosure()
$siteconfig | Format-Table $headerMap
Important Points
Select -Property name needed to be changed to Select -ExpandProperty name. The reason for this is that Select-Object in PowerShell will return an object filtered down to the selected member but you need a string for grabbing the property value by name. The -ExpandProperty parameter will expand this to be the string value instead.
The expression block needs GetNewClosure() called on it to capture the value of $Prop at the time of script block creation versus at the time of calling. This will probably be a little confusing if you are new to the concept of closures and PowerShell's scoping rules. Without this, due to PowerShell's scoping rules, $Prop will evaluate to the value of $Prop at the time it is used by Format-Table. By calling GetNewClosure(), the value of $Prop is captured when GetNewClosure() is called which is what we want in this case.

Select Method returns strings like #{Name=

I'd like to select items from the pipeline using "select" but it returns raw data like: #{Name=MyMachine}
This will not be helpful if, say I want to reboot #{Name=MyMachine} because there is not machine named #{Name=MyMachine}
There's a "MyMachine" but the script does not return just the name.
How do you strip out the "#{Name="}" when selecting individual objects?
Use the -ExpandProperty parameter of Select-Object:
$someobjects | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
Another option is echoing the property in a loop:
$something | % { $_.Name }

PowerShell Format-List from different objects in the chain

How do I output properties from parent objects in a piped chain?
For example:
get-vm | get-vmdisk | forEach {Get-VHDInfo $_.DiskPath} | Select -Property Path, ParentPath, VM.VMElementName
Basically it's the VM.VMElementName that I'm wondering about (I made up that syntax). It's not the immediate object (which would be from Get-VHDInfo) but the grandparent (from get-vm) that I want to get a value for.
You cannot get values from upstream cmdlets the way you want to. You can use foreach-object right after calling get-vm and save the value in a variable, then assign it back to the select-object as a new calculated property.
get-vm | foreach-object{
$VMElementName = $_.VMElementName
get-vmdisk | forEach {Get-VHDInfo $_.DiskPath} | Select Path,ParentPath,#{Name='VMElementName';Expression={$VMElementName}}