Tcl - encoding convertfrom ascii - encoding

I was looking on asn.tcl file i downloaded and it used encoding convertfrom ascii.
When i run this command it fails on ascii encoding (it works with utf-8).
Anyone know how to use it with ascii?

ASN.1 would usually be best handled as binary data from the get go, and the encoding of the strings contained within it would be something that the keys for those strings ought to define. In the fallback case where you don't know what encoding to use, the encoding iso8859-1 is the first choice as that's the special one that doesn't do horrible mangling of binary data. (It's because it exactly maps bytes in the range 0–255 to characters in the range U+000000–U+0000FF, which is both trivial and non-lossy.) Guessing the encoding otherwise is hard, sometimes impossible.
I wouldn't want to parse ASN.1 by hand. Use the tcllib package for it. With ordinary tags, it can do the majority of the work for you:
package require asn
set f [open "mydata.ber" "rb"]
set myData [read $f]
close $f
# ...
# Data being parsed is now in $myData variable
# I assume that we've reached a string in the parsing of it
# ...
asn::asnGetString myData myString
puts "String parsed was '$myString'"
However, I guess that anyone using it still needs to understand ASN.1 at the logical level.


(Tcl) what character encoding set should I use?

So I'm trying to open and parse some old Visual Studio compilation log files with Tcl; my only problem is the files are in a strange encoding. Upon examining them with Notepad++ it seems they are in the 'UCS-2 Little Endian' encoding. Two questions:
Is there any command in Tcl that allows me to look at the character encoding of a file? I know there is encoding system which tells me the system encoding.
Using encoding names Tcl tells me the available encoding names are the following list:
cp860 cp861 cp862 cp863 tis-620 cp864 cp865 cp866 gb12345 gb2312-raw cp949 cp950 cp869 dingbats ksc5601 macCentEuro cp874 macUkraine jis0201 gb2312 euc-cn euc-jp macThai iso8859-10 jis0208 iso2022-jp macIceland iso2022 iso8859-13 jis0212 iso8859-14 iso8859-15 cp737 iso8859-16 big5 euc-kr macRomania macTurkish gb1988 iso2022-kr macGreek ascii cp437 macRoman iso8859-1 iso8859-2 iso8859-3 macCroatian koi8-r iso8859-4 ebcdic iso8859-5 cp1250 macCyrillic iso8859-6 cp1251 macDingbats koi8-u iso8859-7 cp1252 iso8859-8 cp1253 iso8859-9 cp1254 cp1255 cp850 cp1256 cp932 identity cp1257 cp852 macJapan cp1258 shiftjis utf-8 cp855 cp936 symbol cp775 unicode cp857
Given this, what would be the appropriate name to use in the fconfigure -encoding command to read these UCS-2 Little Endianencoded files and convert them to UTF-8 for use? If I understand the fconfigure command correctly, I need to specify the encoding type of the source file rather than what I want it to be; I just don't know which of the options in the above list corresponds to UCS-2 Little Endian. After reading a little bit, I see that UCS-2 is a predecessor of the UTF-16 character encoding, but that option isn't here either.
I'm afraid, currently there's no way to do it just by using fconfigure -encoding ?something?: the unicode encoding has rather moot meaning, and there's a feature request to create explicit support for UTF-16 variants.
What you could do about it?
Since unicode in Tcl running on Windows should mean UTF-16 with native endianness1 (little-endian on Wintel), if your solution is supposed to be a quick and dirty one, just try using -encoding unicode and see if that helps.
If you're targeting at some more bullet-proof or future-proof of cross-platform solution, I'd switch the channel to binary more, read the contents in chunks of two bytes at a time, and then use
binary scan $twoBytes s n
to scan the sequence of two bytes in $twoBytes as an 16-bit integer into a variable named "n", followed by something like
set c [format %c $n]
to produce a unicode character out of the number in $n, and assign it to a variable.
This way supposedly requires a bit more trickery to get correctly:
You might check the very first character obtained from the stream to see if it's a byte-order-mark, and drop it if it is.
If you need to process the stream in a line-wise manner, you'd have to implement a little state machine that would handle the CR+LF sequences correctly.
When doing your read $channelId 2, to get the next character, you should check that it returned not just 0 or 2, but also 1 — in case the file happens to be corrupted, — and handle this.
The UCS-2 encoding differs from UTF-16 in that the latter might contain the so-called surrogate pairs, and hence it is not a fixed-length encoding. Hence handling an UTF-16 stream properly implies also detecting those surrogate pairs. On the other hand, I hardly beleive a compilation log produced by MSVS might contain them, so I'd just assume it's encoded in UCS-2LE.
1 The true story is that the only thing Tcl guarantees about textual strings it handles (that is, those obtained by maniputating text, not via binary format or encoding convertto or reading a stream in binary mode) is that they're Unicode (or, rather, the "BMP" part of it).
But technically, the interpreter might switch the internal representation of any string between the UTF-8 encoding it uses by default and some fixed-length encoding which is what is referred to by that name "unicode". The "problem" is that no part of Tcl documentation specifies that internal fixed-length encoding because you're required to explicitly convert any text you output or read to/from some specific encoding — either via configuring the stream or using encoding convertfrom and encoding convertto or using binary format and binary scan, and the interpreter will do the right thing no matter which precise encoding it's currently using for your source string value — it's all transparent. Moreover, the next release of the "standard" Tcl interpreter might decide to drop this internal feature completely, or, say, use 32-bit or 64-bit integers for that internal fixed-length encoding. Whatever "non-standard" interpreters do (like Jacl etc) are also up to them. In other words, this feature is internal and is not a part of the documented contract about the interpreter's behaviour. And by the way, the "standard" encoding for Tcl strings (UTF-8) is not specified as such either — it's just an implementation detail.
In Tcl v8.6.8 I could solve the same issue with fconfigure channelId -encoding unicode.

How to determine if a file is IBM1047 encoded

I have a bunch of XML files that are declared as encoding="IBM1047" but they don't seem to be:
when converted with iconv from IBM1047 to UTF-8 or ISO8859-1 (Latin 1) they result in indecipherable garbage
file -i <name_of_file> says "unknown 8-bit encoding"
when parsed by an XML parser the parser complains there is text before the prolog but there isn't; this error doesn't happen if I change the encoding in the XML declaration to something else
It would be nice to find out the real encoding of these files (I tried 'file -i' as mentioned above, and 'enca' but it's limited to Slavic languages (the files are in French)).
I have little control about how these files are produced; short of finding the actual encoding, if I can prove conclusively that the files are not in fact IBM1047 I may get the producer to do something about it.
How do I prove it?
Some special chars:
'é' is '©'
'à' is 'ë'
'è' is 'Û'
'ê' is 'ª'
The only way to prove that any class of data streams is encoded or not encoded in a particular way is to know, for at least one instance of the class, exactly what characters are supposed to be in the stream. If you have agreement on what characters are (supposed to be) in a particular test case, you can then calculate the bits that should be in the IBM 1047 (or any other) encoding of the test case, and compare those bits to the bits you actually see.
One simple way for EBCDIC data to be mangled, of course, is for it to have passed through some EBCDIC/ASCII gateway along the way that used a translate table designed for some other EBCDIC code page. But if you are working with EBCDIC data you presumably already know that.

How to read text file without knowing the encoding

When reading a text file that was created somewhere else outside my app, the encoding used is unknown. My app has being using NSUnicodeStringEncoding (which is the same as NSUTF16StringEncoding) so have problems reading other than UTF16 encoded files.
Is there a way I can guess the encoding of a file? My priority is to be able to read UTF8 files and then all other files.
Is iterating through available encodings and check if read string's length is more than zero is really a good approach?
Thanks in advance.
Apple's documentation has some guidance on how to proceed: String Programming Guide: Reading data with an unknown encoding:
If you are forced to guess the encoding (and note that in the absence of explicit information, it is a guess):
Try stringWithContentsOfFile:usedEncoding:error: or initWithContentsOfFile:usedEncoding:error: (or the URL-based equivalents).
These methods try to determine the encoding of the resource, and if successful return by reference the encoding used.
If (1) fails, try to read the resource by specifying UTF-8 as the encoding.
If (2) fails, try an appropriate legacy encoding.
"Appropriate" here depends a bit on circumstances; it might be the default C string encoding, it might be ISO or Windows Latin 1, or something else, depending on where your data is coming from.
If the file is properly constructed you can read the first four bytes and see if it is a BOM (Byte Order Mark):

Command-line arguments as bytes instead of strings in python3

I'm writing a python3 program, that gets the names of files to process from command-line arguments. I'm confused regarding what is the proper way to handle different encodings.
I think I'd rather consider filenames as bytes and not strings, since that avoids the danger of using an incorrect encoding. Indeed, some of my file names use an incorrect encoding (latin1 when my system locale uses utf-8), but that doesn't prevent tools like ls from working. I'd like my tool to be resilient to that as well.
I have two problems: the command-line arguments are given to me as strings (I use argparse), and I want to report errors to the user as strings.
I've successfuly adapted my code to use binaries, and my tool can handle files whose name are invalid in the current default encoding, as long as it is by recursing trough the filesystem, because I convert the arguments to binaries early, and use binaries when calling fs functions. When I receive a filename argument which is invalid, however, it is handed to me as a unicode string with strange characters like \udce8. I do not know what these are, and trying to encode it always fail, be it with utf8 or with the corresponding (wrong) encoding (latin1 here).
The other problem is for reporting errors. I expect users of my tool to parse my stdout (hence wanting to preserve filenames), but when reporting errors on stderr I'd rather encode it in utf-8, replacing invalid sequences with appropriate "invalid/question mark" characters.
1) Is there a better, completely different way to do it ? (yes, fixing the filenames is planned, but i'd still like my tool to be robust)
2) How do I get the command line arguments in their original binary form (not pre-decoded for me), knowing that for invalid sequences re-encoding the decoded argument will fail, and
3) How do I tell the utf-8 codec to replace invalid, undecodable sequences with some invalid mark rather than dying on me ?
When I receive a filename argument
which is invalid, however, it is
handed to me as a unicode string with
strange characters like \udce8.
Those are surrogate characters. The low 8 bits is the original invalid byte.
See PEP 383: Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces.
Don't go against the grain: filenames are strings, not bytes.
You shouldn't use a bytes when you should use a string. A bytes is a tuple of integers. A string is a tuple of characters. They are different concepts. What you're doing is like using an integer when you should use a boolean.
(Aside: Python stores all strings in-memory under Unicode; all strings are stored the same way. Encoding specifies how Python converts the on-file bytes into this in-memory format.)
Your operating system stores filenames as strings under a specific encoding. I'm surprised you say that some filenames have different encodings; as far as I know, the filename encoding is system-wide. Functions like open default to the default system filename encoding, for example.

Perl strings internals

How do perl strings represented internally? What encoding is used? How do I handle different encodings properly?
I've been using perl for quite a long time, but it didn't include a lot of string handling in different encodings, and when I encountered a minor problem that had something to do with encodings I usually resorted to some shamanic actions.
Until this moment I thought about perl strings as sequences of bytes, which did fit pretty well for my tasks. Now I need to do some processing of UTF-8 encoded file and here starts trouble.
First, I read file into string like this:
open(my $in, '<', $ARGV[0]) or die "cannot open file $ARGV[0] for reading";
binmode($in, ':utf8');
my $contents;
local $/;
$contents = <$in>;
then simply print it:
print $contents;
And I get two things: a warning Wide character in print at <scriptname> line <n> and a garbage in console. So I can conclude that perl strings have a concept of "character" that can be "wide" or not, but when printed these "wide" characters are represented in console as multiple bytes, not as single "character".
(I wonder now why did all my previous experience with binary files worked quite how I expected it to work without any "character" issues).
Why then I see garbage in console? If perl stores strings as character in some known encoding, I don't think there is a big problem to find out console encoding and print text properly. (I use Windows, BTW).
If perl stores strings as variable-width character sequences (e.g. using same UTF-8 encoding), why is it done this way? From my C experience handling strings is PAIN.
I use two computers for testing, one runs Windows 7 x64 with English language pack installed, but with Russian regional settings (so I have cp866 as OEM codepage and cp1251 as ANSI) with ActivePerl 5.10.1 x64; another runs Windows XP 32 bit Russian localization with Cygwin Perl 5.10.0.
Thanks to links, now I have much more solid understanding on what's going on and how things should be done.
Setting utf8 before reading from the file is good, it automagically decodes the bytes into the internal encoding. (Which is also UTF-8 but you don't need to know, and shouldn't rely on.)
Before printing you need to encode the characters back to bytes.
use Encode;
There is also a two argument form of encode, for other encodings than unicode. (That sentence echoes too much, doesn't it?)
Here is a good reference. (Would have been more, but it's my first post.) Check out perlunitut too, and the unicode article on Joel on Software.
Oh, and it must use multi-byte strings, because otherwise it's just not unicode.
Perl strings are stored internally in one of two encodings, either a 8-bit byte oriented native encoding, or UTF-8. For backwards comparability the assumption is that all I/O and strings are in native encoding, unless otherwise specified. Native encoding is usually 8-bit ASCII, but this can be changed with use locale.
In your sample you call binmode on your input handle changing it to use :utf8 semantics. One effect of this is that all strings read from this handle will be encoded as UTF-8. print writes to STDOUT by default, and STDOUT defaults to expecting native encoded characters.
Perl in an attempt to do the right thing will allow a UTF-8 string to be sent to a native encoded output, but if there is no encoding attached to that handle then it has to guess how to output multi-byte characters and it will almost certainly guess wrong. That is what the warning means, a multi-byte character was sent to a stream only expecting single byte characters and the result was that the character was probably damaged in translation.
Depending on what you want to accomplish you can use the Encode module mentioned by dylan to convert the UTF-8 data to a single byte character set that can be printed safely or if you know that whatever is attached to STDOUT can handle UTF-8 you can use binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8'); to tell Perl you want any data sent to STDOUT to be sent as UTF-8.
You should mention your actual Windows and Perl versions as this really depends on your used versions and installed language packages.
Otherwise have a look at the PerlUnicode manual first -
Perl uses logically-wide characters to represent strings internally.
it will confirm your statements.
Windows does not fully install all UTF8 character- thus this is might be the reason for your issue. You may need to install an additional language package.