Golang - ParseForm ; err = mime: expected slash after first token - forms

Am getting this Error = mime: expected slash after first token
Some details below.
The goal is a login form that the username and password
can be extracted from the POST.
I also tested a curl post and a static html form --> same issue = mime: expected slash after first token
Snippet of the go code:
log.Printf("\n\n\t[loginH()] - POST method ...\n")
err := r.ParseForm()
if err != nil {
// Handle error here via logging and then return
DebugLog.Printf("[loginH()] - ERROR: with r.ParseForm. (err=%v)\n", err)
log.Printf("[loginH()] - ERROR: with r.ParseForm. (err=%v)\n", err)
username := r.Form["username"]
passwd := r.Form["passwd"]
log.Printf("[loginH()] - r.Form ... username=%s and passwd=%s\n",username,passwd)
The html/form is:
<form method="POST" action="/login">
<input type="text" name="username" placeholder="Email Address"/>
<input type="password" name="passwd" placeholder="Password"/>
<input type="submit" id="loginBtn" name="login" value="Logon"/>
Output is:
2016/12/15 21:36:07 [loginH()] - POST method ...
2016/12/15 21:36:07 [loginH()] - ERROR: with r.ParseForm. (err=mime: expected slash after first token)
2016/12/15 21:36:07 [loginH()] - r.Form ... username= and passwd=
Thanks in advance for any pointers/information/enlightenment.
r.Form is empty

This error comes from line 85 of mediatype.go. You're probably getting this error from a call to ParseMediaType method internally. From there it seems like your static form or curl is not setting some value of Content-Type or Content-Disposition correctly. Please check these headers for any problematic values.
From docs:
// ParseMediaType parses a media type value and any optional
// parameters, per RFC 1521. Media types are the values in
// Content-Type and Content-Disposition headers (RFC 2183).
// On success, ParseMediaType returns the media type converted
// to lowercase and trimmed of white space and a non-nil map.
// The returned map, params, maps from the lowercase
// attribute to the attribute value with its case preserved.


How to fix unterminated short string error in Varnish VCL while configuring Fastly CDN

I am trying to setup token based authentication on Fastly CDN with Varnish VCL and using this sample VCL snippet to generate and validate JWT tokens here -
sub vcl_recv {
#FASTLY recv
if (req.request != "HEAD" && req.request != "GET" && req.request != "FASTLYPURGE") {
// Generate synth
if(req.url ~ "generate") {
error 901;
// Validate token
if(req.url ~ "validate") {
// Ensure token exists and parse into regex
if (req.http.X-JWT !~ "^([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)?\.([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)?\.([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)?$") {
// Forbidden
error 403 "Forbidden";
// Extract token header, payload and signature
set req.http.X-JWT-Header = re.group.1;
set req.http.X-JWT-Payload = re.group.2;
set req.http.X-JWT-Signature = digest.base64url_nopad_decode(re.group.3);
set req.http.X-JWT-Valid-Signature = digest.hmac_sha256("SupSecretStr",
req.http.X-JWT-Header "." req.http.X-JWT-Payload);
// Validate signature
if(digest.secure_is_equal(req.http.X-JWT-Signature, req.http.X-JWT-Valid-Signature)) {
// Decode payload
set req.http.X-JWT-Payload = digest.base64url_nopad_decode(req.http.X-JWT-Payload);
set req.http.X-JWT-Expires = regsub(req.http.X-JWT-Payload, {"^.*?"exp"\s*?:\s*?([0-9]+).*?$"}, "\1");
// Validate expiration
if (time.is_after(now, std.integer2time(std.atoi(req.http.X-JWT-Expires)))) {
// Unauthorized
synthetic {"{"sign":""} req.http.X-JWT-Signature {"","header":""} req.http.X-JWT-Header {"","payload":""} req.http.X-JWT-Payload {"","valid": ""} req.http.X-JWT-Valid-Signature {""}"};
// OK
synthetic {"{"header2":""} req.http.X-JWT-Header {"","payload":""} req.http.X-JWT-Payload {"","sign":""} req.http.X-JWT-Signature {"","valid": ""} req.http.X-JWT-Valid-Signature {""}"};
} else {
// Forbidden
synthetic {"{"header3":""} req.http.X-JWT-Header {"","payload":""} req.http.X-JWT-Payload {"","sign":""} req.http.X-JWT-Signature {"","valid": ""} req.http.X-JWT-Valid-Signature {""}"};
sub vcl_error {
#FASTLY error
// Generate JWT token
if (obj.status == 901) {
set obj.status = 200;
set obj.response = "OK";
set obj.http.Content-Type = "application/json";
set obj.http.X-UUID = randomstr(8, "0123456789abcdef") "-" randomstr(4, "0123456789abcdef") "-4" randomstr(3, "0123456789abcdef") "-" randomstr(1, "89ab") randomstr(3, "0123456789abcdef") "-" randomstr(12, "0123456789abcdef");
set obj.http.X-JWT-Issued = now.sec;
set obj.http.X-JWT-Expires = strftime({"%s"}, time.add(now, 3600s));
set obj.http.X-JWT-Header = digest.base64url_nopad({"{"alg":"HS256","typ":"JWT""}{"}"});
set obj.http.X-JWT-Payload = digest.base64url_nopad({"{"sub":""} obj.http.X-UUID {"","exp":"} obj.http.X-JWT-Expires {","iat":"} obj.http.X-JWT-Issued {","iss":"Fastly""}{"}"});
set obj.http.X-JWT-Signature = digest.base64url_nopad(digest.hmac_sha256("SupSecretStr", obj.http.X-JWT-Header "." obj.http.X-JWT-Payload));
set obj.http.X-JWT = obj.http.X-JWT-Header "." obj.http.X-JWT-Payload "." obj.http.X-JWT-Signature;
unset obj.http.X-UUID;
unset obj.http.X-JWT-Issued;
unset obj.http.X-JWT-Expires;
unset obj.http.X-JWT-Header;
unset obj.http.X-JWT-payload;
unset obj.http.X-JWT-Signature;
synthetic {"{"payload":""} obj.http.X-JWT-Payload {"","header":""} obj.http.X-JWT-Header {"","sign":""} obj.http.X-JWT-Signatre {"","token": ""} obj.http.X-JWT {""}"};
// Valid token
if (obj.status == 902) {
set obj.status = 200;
set obj.response = "OK";
set obj.http.Content-Type = "application/json";
synthetic {"{ "token": ""} req.http.X-JWT {"" }"};
Now, when I am trying to compile this it returns -
Syntax error: Unterminated _short-string_
at: (input Line 106 Pos 197)
synthetic {"{"sign":""} req.http.X-JWT-Signature {"","header":""} req.http.X-JWT-Header {"","payload":""} req.http.X-JWT-Payload {"","valid": ""} req.http.X-JWT-Valid-Signature {""}"};
Looks like i am not somehow escaping the values correctly here during the synthetic block.
The only reason I am trying to do add this synthetic block in the vcl_recv subroutine is because I want to test how the digest is generating the JWT token and validating it and with that I wanted to create similar JWT tokens on server side in Node.Js so i was trying to output the different intermediate parts of the token for debugging.
I am not quite familiar with the Varnish syntax and semantics but still I looked for help finding any docs regarding this schedule subroutine but found none so far.
So, can anyone help out in how to fix this and have the vcl_recv, vcl_error interpolate different intermediate values in the json response.
I tried to use some of the Node.Js based base64 url decode libraries to decode the returned token parts and was able to decode the header and payload part but the signature part I am not able to generate from the Node.Js. So, can anyone suggest what is the equivalent of base64url_nopad() in node.js or any javascript libraries ?
For the hmac_256 encryption part we are trying to use the crypto library and creating an hmac like crypto.createHmac('sha256', 'SupSecretStr').update().digest('hex'); but all base64 encode url libraries in js i think return padded urls which is why the base64 encoded part of this hmac 256 digest doesn't match the one generated with varnish
My syntax coloring tool is telling me pretty much the same thing as the error message: you screwed up your quotes :-)
Your last block {""}"}; is opening quotes ({"), immediately closing them ("}), then you are opening simple quotes " and the newline arrives before you close them.
To fix, just put a space between after the final quote of the json: {"" }"};

How to use hamlet template with route parameter?

I'm working on a yesod app based on the yesod-postgres stack template. I have a route defined in config/routes that has the form:
foo/edit/#Text EditFooR GET
In my hamlet template, I want to write
<form method=post action=#{EditFooR}#forms enctype=#{formEnctype}>
<button type="submit">
and in my Handler I'd like to write:
getEditFooR :: T.Text -> Handler Html
getEditFooR name = do
text <- findTextByName name
(formWidget, formEnctype) <- generateFormPost (editFooForm text)
defaultLayout $ do
$(widgetFile "editFoo")
Except that I need to provide the parameter to the #{EditFooR} route. How is this done in the Hamlet file/Handler?
The answer is that the .hamlet template should have the format:
<form method=post action=#{EditFooR fooName}#forms enctype=#{formEnctype}>
<button type="submit">
and the Handler should have the format:
getEditFooR :: T.Text -> Handler Html
getEditFooR name = do
text <- findTextByName name
fooName <- "something or other"
(formWidget, formEnctype) <- generateFormPost (editFooForm text)
defaultLayout $ do
$(widgetFile "editFoo")

Invalid Signature with telesign call REST API

The API sends a verification code via a phone call that the user then enters into a website... basically verifying that there phone number is valid.
But I'm having trouble signing the request. No matter what I try it returns "Invalid Signature"
The API documentation:
The authentication documentation:
The authentication examples:
The code:
<cffunction name="encryptHmacSHA1" returntype="binary" access="public" output="false">
<cfargument name="base64Key" type="string" required="true">
<cfargument name="signMessage" type="string" required="true">
<cfargument name="encoding" type="string" default="UTF-8">
<cfset var messageBytes = JavaCast("string",arguments.signMessage).getBytes(arguments.encoding)>
<cfset var keyBytes = binaryDecode(arguments.base64Key, "base64")>
<cfset var key = createObject("java","javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec")>
<cfset var mac = createObject("java","javax.crypto.Mac")>
<cfset key = key.init(keyBytes,"HmacSHA1")>
<cfset mac = mac.getInstance(key.getAlgorithm())>
<cfset mac.init(key)>
<cfset mac.update(messageBytes)>
<cfreturn mac.doFinal()>
phoneNumberToCall = "15554565555";
keys = structNew();
keys.customerID = "D561FCF4-BA8D-4DFC-86D1-1A46DF47A308";
keys.apiKey = "mDzGHsMOc2g/ivkuINEFVh6fn/v4kdjvlTvtgFVOShu7hVWXS0eV2nLSw1FXgEzDSuOjhlKLXvneiq+YFG1/Vg==";
dates = structNew();
dates.timeZoneInfo = GetTimeZoneInfo();
dates.dateToUse = DateAdd("h",dates.timeZoneInfo.utcHourOffset,now());
dates.signingDate = DateFormat(dates.dateToUse,"ddd, dd mmm yyyy") & " " & TimeFormat(dates.dateToUse,"HH:mm:ss") & " +0000";
headers = [
headerText = arrayToList(headers, chr(10)) & chr(10);
stringToSign = binaryEncode( encryptHmacSHA1(keys.apiKey, headerText), "base64");
Authorization = "TSA" & " " & keys.customerID & ":" & stringToSign;
<cfhttp method="POST" url="https://rest.telesign.com/v1/verify/call" port="443" charset="UTF-8" result="verifyPhoneCall">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="authorization" value="#Authorization#">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="content-type" value="application/x-www-form-urlencoded">
<cfhttpparam type="header" name="date" value="#dates.signingDate#">
<cfhttpparam name="phone_number" value="#phoneNumberToCall#" type="formfield">
<cfhttpparam name="ucid" value="OTHR" type="formfield">
<cfdump var="#verifyPhoneCall#">
The headers need to be included in the signature with "new lines". And the docs also say that they need to be in the same order that the http tag is sending them in. I don't think I have the order correct... or even how I'm supposed to set an order in the cfhttp call.
Any help is appreciated. And yes the keys are real. I'll generate new ones soon.
Looking over their documentation on Constructing the CanonicalizedPOSTVariables Element it mentions that the POST body must match the string used when constructing the signature (emphasis mine):
... when you construct the signature string, you must use the body of
the POST request exactly as it is delivered to the service.
By default, cfhttpparam url encodes any formField values. Since you are not encoding those values when you construct the signature, the content submitted by cfhttp does not match. Hence the error.
Either disable automatic encoding for all of the form fields in the signature:
<cfhttpparam name="phone_number"
... or use type="body" instead. Then you have complete control over the post content:
<cfhttpparam type="body"
Also, get rid of the final new line ie chr(10) in the "headerText". Otherwise your cfhttp content still will not match the signature. ie Use this:
headerText = arrayToList(headers, chr(10));
.. instead of:
headerText = arrayToList(headers, chr(10)) & chr(10);

How do I send a cfm file as the body of an e-mail using ColdFusion?

I have a legacy application where an email.cfm file is used with a cfmail tag to send e-mail:
<cfmail from="abc#123.com" to="def#456.com" subject="New e-mail!">
// lots of HTML
Now I'd like to update it for ColdFusion Model Glue 3. I want to send it using a mail object in the controller, and include in the body a CFM page:
var mail = new mail();
mail.setSubject("New e-mail!");
mail.setBody( ** SOME CFM FILE ** );
Does anybody have any idea how I can do this?
You can render the content you want to email in a cfsavecontent block and then use that in the email, like:
<cfsavecontent variable="myemail">
...add some HTML, include another file, whatever...
mail.setBody( myemail );
See http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/CFMLRef/WSc3ff6d0ea77859461172e0811cbec22c24-7d57.html
Call the CFC assigning it to a variable, like cfset request.emaiBody = cfc.function(). Then just put it in your setBody tag.
OP was convinced to use CFML, but to answer the question as it was initially asked:
var mail = new Mail();
mail.setSubject("New e-mail!");
savecontent variable="mailBody" {
include "email.cfm";
I ended up following Henry's advice in the comments and created a CFML-based CFC:
<cffunction name="SendMail">
<cfargument name="from"/>
<cfargument name="to"/>
<cfargument name="subject"/>
<cfmail from="#from#" to="#to#" subject="#subject#">
<!--- HTML for e-mail body here --->
Dave Long's suggestion is also good, which is to create components using <cfcomponent>, then wrapping the code in <cfscript> tags. This gives you the ability to fall back to CFML in case the there is no cfscript equivalent or it's easier to do with CFML:
void function GetData()
<cffunction name="RunDbQuery">
<cfquery name="data">
<cfreturn data>

How to send email to recipient with umlauts in domain name?

In my app I have to send email to recipient who has umlauts in domain name.
I'm using cfmail tag and I'm getting such error:
"invalid definition for attribute to at tag mail"
"Invalid E-Mail Address definition (test#äöü.test.com)"
Is there any way to send email to such recipients in coldfusion?
There is even a easier solution! Why not use Oracles built in class:
Then you only have to do this (example shows from punycode to Unicode):
<cfset strUrl = "xn--land-poa.se" />
<!--- Create a Java URL. --->
<cfset jUrl = CreateObject( "java", "java.net.IDN" ).toUnicode(strUrl) />
You don´t have to download anything!
I'm no I18N expert but I was intrigued enough to investigate and come up with the following solution.
The problem is essentially how to send mail to Internationalised Domain Names (IDN), i.e. those which contain non-ASCII characters. IDNs are valid nowadays but not recognized by many systems including Java (and therefore ColdFusion, which uses the Java validation for CFMAIL address fields - hence the error you're seeing).
For a system to recognise an IDN it needs to be converted to an ASCII form called Punycode. For example müller.org needs to be converted to xn--mller-kva.org
LibIdn is an OS java library that will do this and the following code shows how you can hook it up to CF using Mark Mandel's JavaLoader.
<cffunction name="convertIdnToAscii" returntype="string" output="false">
<cfargument name="domain" type="string" required="true">
var local = {};
// these paths assume the JavaLoader folder and the libidn-1.22.jar are in the same folder as the cfm template.
local.javaLoaderPath = "javaLoader.JavaLoader";
local.idnLibPath = ExpandPath( "libidn-1.22.jar" );
// convert the IDN lib path to an array which is what JavaLoader expects
local.libPathArray = [ local.idnLibPath ];
//load the IDN Lib
loader = CreateObject( "component",local.javaLoaderPath ).init( local.libPathArray );
// create an instance of the IDN lib
local.idn = loader.create( "gnu.inet.encoding.IDNA" ).init();
// convert the domain name
return local.idn.toASCII( arguments.domain );
<cffunction name="convertIdnAddress" returntype="string" output="false">
<cfargument name="address" type="string" required="true">
var local = {};
local.domain = GetToken( arguments.address,2,"#" );
local.converted = convertIdnToAscii( local.domain );
return Replace( arguments.address,local.domain,local.converted );
<!--- Loop over a list of addresses and convert them if necessary --->
<cfset processedAddresses = []>
<cfloop list="test#äöü.test.com,test#example.com" index="address">
<cfif( NOT IsValid( "email",address ) )>
<cfset address = convertIdnAddress( address )>
<cfmail server="" from="sender#mydomain.com" to="#address#" subject="test">Message</cfmail>
<cfset ArrayAppend( processedAddresses,address )>
<cfdump var="#processedAddresses#">
This will send 2 emails (to a non-existent mailserver) and dump the converted addresses:
To get the libidn jar file, download and extract the tar and look for it in the Java directory
The above assumes the libidn jar and JavaLoader package are located in the same folder as the template contain the CF code
The above should work on CF8 and above, although I've only tested it on CF9.
Be aware there's no error handling for addresses that might be invalid for reasons other than it containing an IDN.