Puppet Asp.net web.config - web-config

We are looking for using hierra data configuration for Application configuration management. Asp.net uses Web.config and App.config files which have the configuration values as key , value pairs
<add key="key1" value="Web"/>
<add key="key2" value="16.2"/>
Currently we are using EPP templates with place holders for the values and generate the file on the fly.
<add key="key1" value="<%= $class_name::value1%>"/>
Just wanted to check whats the best practice for managing configuration files like web.config, app.config using Puppet. Suggestions are welcome.

The recommendation is nearly always templates when you can control the entire file. There is fairly comprehensive documentation on templating.
Use EPP for Puppet 4.x+.
Use ERB for Puppet 3.x+.
XML Fragments
If you cannot or do not want to control the whole file, another alternative is xml_fragment available on the forge (https://forge.puppet.com/ianoberst/xml_fragment).
You can see that it's a bit more verbose than templating, but has granularity for purging and ensuring elements for a file.
xml_fragment { "appsetting key1":
path => "C:/sites/site/web.config",
ensure => 'present',
xpath => "/configuration/appSettings/add[#key='key1']",
content => {
attributes {
"value" => "web"
xml_fragment { "appsetting key2":
path => "C:/sites/site/web.config",
ensure => 'present',
xpath => "/configuration/appSettings/add[#key='key2']",
content => {
attributes {
"value" => "16.2"


Wildfly Management CLI Configuration

I've been finding ways to load configuration to wildfly in bulk (say I have a json data).
Something that kind of look like this.
./jboss-cli.sh -c subsystem=messagingactivemq/server=default:add(<data.json>)
Where <data.json>
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {
"address-full-policy" => "BLOCK",
"dead-letter-address" => "jms.queue.DLQ",
"expiry-address" => "jms.queue.ExpiryQueue",
"last-value-queue" => false,
"max-delivery-attempts" => 10,
"max-size-bytes" => 12333,
"message-counter-history-day-limit" => 10,
"page-max-cache-size" => 5,
"page-size-bytes" => 12333,
"redelivery-delay" => 0,
"redistribution-delay" => 222L,
"send-to-dla-on-no-route" => false
I want to load the above json directly to wildlfy via jboss-cli. Is this even possible? i have been looking for references about this for the past weeks. Any inputs are welcome.
Just to be clear with my goals, I am trying ti migrate manually configured items on jBoss AS7.1 into Wildfly 10.1. Currently migration scripts only supports EAP versions of jBoss. So I have to manually select configurations fron jBoss to be migrated to wildfly. Yes, there are configuration that are deprecated and/or deleted in wildfly, so between jBoss AS7.1 and Wildfly10.1 I have to make some changes to the configuration before I load it to wildfly hence I mentioned the json data.
Since when I try to outputresource in jBoss AS7.1 via jboss-cli.sh using command /subsystem=messaging/hornetq-server=default:read-resource it will output something like
"outcome" => "success",
"result" => {
"acceptor" => undefined,
"allow-failback" => true,
"async-connection-execution-enabled" => true,
"backup" => false,
"bridge" => undefined,
"broadcast-group" => undefined,
"cluster-connection" => undefined,
... some resource ....
So I will make some modification on the above data (since wildfly uses activemq) and load it to wildfly as activemq. But it just want to use the json data and load it directly to wildfly's jboss-cli.sh. I want to automate this and just execute a script (shell) to do the migration.
Not entirely sure, what exactly are you trying to achieve here, but if you want to execute bulk operations from file, you can use jboss-cli.sh --file=commands.cli where commands.cli is a text file containing jboss cli commands.
This way you can perform multiple operations at once, plus you can utilize the batch functionality provided by JBoss CLI to make sure all changes are applied or reverted.
Example file with multiple commands:
#Add xa datasource
xa-data-source add \
--name=my.app.ds \
--jndi-name=java:jboss/datasources/my.app.ds \
--driver-name=h2 \
--user-name=username \
--password=password \
--use-java-context=true \
--enabled=true \
#Add JMS queue
jms-queue add --queue-address=foo.bar.myapp.queue --entries=java:/jms/queue/foo.bar.myapp.queue
#Add system property
If you want to define modules or execute operations based on JSON file or any other format apart from the CLI command format, I am afraid you are out of luck. You can make you own java library that wraps the JBoss CLI to execute it though - as JBoss/Wildfly provides CLI bindings for Java and Python I believe.

Yii2 Module setup in advanced template

I have created a module in frontend folder path is frontend/modules/module-name/Module.php. I am getting ReflectionException error as Class app\modules\module-name\Module does not exist. In frontend/config/main.php i have added this configuration
'modules' => [
'module-name' => [
'class' => 'app\modules\module-name\Module'
Can anyone help why i am getting this ReflectionException error
You said that you are using an advanced template, folder path is frontend/modules/module-name/Module.php, but you are requiring app\modules\module-name\Module class. It looks like a namespace from basic application template.
In case of advanced template, make sure that Module.php file is in frontend/modules/module-name folder, has a namespace frontend\modules\module-name and you are requiring frontend\modules\module-name\Module class.

connectionString in Entity Framework

I am stuck. I have spent nearly a day to solve but to no avail.
PROBLEM: Connecting to production database using entity framework.
I connect fine on development.
<add name="DefaultConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=MONDO;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="MONDOEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=MONDO;Integrated Security=True;MultipleActiveResultSets=True"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
Moving to production, I used (from the production web.config file) the existing "DefaultConnectionString" parameters (ID and Password) to edit the MONDOEntities connectionString. (can I do this?) Also, I expanded the metadata in MONDOEntities to include .csdl, .ssdl, .msl and I prefixed it with (guessing, again, can I do this?) MONDO. Bold parts are changes from dev web.config to production web.config. *Note, the connectionStrings below were not created by Visual Studio, I just changed some info myself to try and make it work on the production side.
<add connectionString="Data Source=MPOC\SQLEXPRESS;Database=Mondo;User ID=xxx;Password=xxxxx;" name="DefaultConnectionString" />
<add name="MONDOEntities" connectionString="metadata=res://*/MONDO.csdl|res://*/MONDO.ssdl|res://*/MONDO.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="Data Source=MPOC\SQLEXPRESS;persist security info=True;Database=Mondo;User ID=xxx;Password=xxxxx;MultipleActiveResultSets=Tru e;App=EntityFramework"" providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />
The error message I get is:
Unable to load the specified metadata resource.
Line 62: /// Initializes a new MONDOEntities object using the connection string found in the 'MONDOEntities' section of the application configuration file.
Line 63: /// </summary>
Line 64: public MONDOEntities() :
QUESTION: Can I simply modify the connectionStrings manually or does it need to run through a compilation process? It is a website project so it compiles, on the fly, the first time after I upload to production. It does not get precompiled on my local dev computer. I guess, bottom line, how do I set up a proper connectionString for an entity connection for a database in production?
I'm on a project where I need to learn an existing website. I'm making my first bug fix and having learned ado.net, I created an entity data model and made some code changes. Everything works smooth in development.
I move the files to production and then I get this error:
"The specified default EntityContainer name 'MONDOEntities' could not be found in the mapping and metadata information.
Parameter name: defaultContainerName"
I googled this error message and based on some findings, I expanded my "metadata" shown below. This was more of a shot in dark for me:
ORIGINAL (auto generated in web.config when I created the entity data model):
NEW (I edited/added this):
This seemed to get past the first error and I get to a new error message (as posted in OP):
Unable to load the specified metadata resource.
Line 62: /// Initializes a new MONDOEntities object using the connection string found in the 'MONDOEntities' section of the application configuration file.
Line 63: /// </summary>
Line 64: public MONDOEntities() :
I think that there is a problem with my metadata information. However, given that the original, auto generated connectString only contains "metadata=res://*", I really don't know how to go about correcting this. Actually, I'm not even super sure that this is the root of the problem.
Bottom line, my entity model works smooth in dev but isn't connecting in production. Any thoughts are appreciated ... thanks.
The connection string has nothing to do with compilation, as long as you didn't define some transformation to be performed on it or you have some custom hooks that operate on it.
So yeah, you can modify it by hand.
You probably got those metadata wrong, try and play with them (EG removing the prefix).
Also are you absolutely sure that, in your production environment, the right connectionString is being loaded and used by the MONDOEntities?

Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0

I have an ASP.Net MVC application which runs fine on my local development machine. But when deployed to IIS7 gives the following error when trying to log in:
Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification
starting at index 0
Most people who post this error resolve it by changing their connection string in some way. However my connection string on the local and deployed application are the same. The connection string is like this:
<add name="ApplicationServices" connectionString="Data Source=*server*\*instance*;Initial Catalog=*database*;Integrated Security=True;"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
What is causing this error in my case?
Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification
starting at index 0
Web.config :
<add name="TestDataConnectionString" connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLExpress;Initial Catalog=TestData;User ID=satest;Password=satest"
In aspx.cs Page the code must be written in the below format :
SqlConnection con = new
Web Deployment tool created wrong line in config when I checked Enable CodeFirst Migrations check-box.
In my case I accidentally wrote "password:" instead of "password=" in my conn string
Check to make sure the credentials are correct for the connection string in Web.config. Mine was missing the password for the account with permissions to the database.
I encountered the same error. In my case it was the config transform not working properly.
There is an issue with config transforms when it comes to connection strings.
Some reference:
MSBuild web.config transforms not working by drneel
Replaceable token issue with config ConnectionString transforms by Francis
Also one can write the code in the aspx.cs page as
using (IDbConnection dbConnection =
new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["db"].ConnectionString))
// TODO: Write SQL Stored Procedures or SQL Statements using Dapper
For those who would like to find out more about Dapper.
Hope this helps.
If you have been using the Visual Studio Publish Wizard for deployment and checked the Execute Code First Migrations check box in Settings, a new ConnectionString is automatically added to the Server Web.config file, similar t to the 2nd line below:
<add name="LCWeb3Context" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB;Initial Catalog=LCWeb3;Integrated Security=SSPI;AttachDBFilename=|DataDirectory|\LCWeb3.mdf" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
<add name="LCWeb3Context_DatabasePublish" connectionString="LCWeb3Context_DatabasePublish.ConnetionString" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
First, notice the added connection string contains "ConnetionString": I think it should be "ConnectionString"! But that's not the solution.
To avoid the "Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0" error, do the following in the Publish Wizard:
In the Settings, select Configuration: Release
In the Settings,don't forget to paste your Connection String in the
"Remote Connection String" field
In the Settings, check Execute Code First Migrations
When doing the above, the connection string added to the Server Web.config reads:
<add name="LCWeb3Context_DatabasePublish" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDb)\MSSQLLocalDB;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\LCWeb3.mdf;Initial Catalog=LCWeb3;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
and the "Format of the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0" error no longer occurs.
I has the same issue, when I use command: "Update-Database" in Package Manager Console.
To Fix, make sure set startup project to the project which you want to do update.
E.g. I got Db project and Web project, make sure set startup project on Db project, when run "Update-Database", otherwise, it will try to search inside Web project.
The permissions on the SQL server were not correctly set up. I have now resolved this by properly setting up the server permissions.

How does one indicate the "default" connection string for Enterprise Library?

I hant to be able to call DatabaseFactory.CreateDatabase(), i.e. with no parameter to indicate which connection string to pull from my config file. I only have one connection string in my config file. The only help I have found on the internet is instructions to indicate the default connection string using the Enterprise Library Configuration tool (by right-clicking on my config file in Visual Studio). But from there, I see no way to "select" a connection string or mark it to be the default.
YOu should define the dataConfiguration section in your config
<section name="dataConfiguration" ...
And then set the value
<dataConfiguration defaultDatabase="ConnectionStringName" />