VS Code - space before function parentheses - visual-studio-code

Is there a way to disable removing space before parentheses when editing a function in VS Code?
Lets say I have a function
function render () {
// some code here
When I start editing it, VS Code removes the space before parentheses and transforms this code to:
function render() {
// some code here
Is there a way to disable this behavior?

In VS Code open File -> Preferences -> Settings
Add to your JSON config:
"javascript.format.insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis": true
function render () {
// some code here
"javascript.format.insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis": false
function render() {
// some code here
Now you can continue using your auto format option "editor.formatOnType": true

I had opposite problem with anonymous functions. We use prettier extension. Auto-correct inserts a space before parenthesis. And then prettier complains about it.
var anonfunc = function() {
// Expected syntax.
var autocorrected = function () {
// Auto-correct inserts a space
There is similar code option, which solves my problem:
"javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions": false
By default it is true. Took me some time, until I was tired correcting auto-correct.

I had a similar issue with VSCode removing spaces after a constructor and ESLint complaining because there wasn't a space.
Go to File -> Preferences -> Settings
Search for constructor
Add a check next to JavaScript › Format: Insert Space After Constructor

I'm on the VSCode team. As of VSCode 1.8, this formatting option is not supported out of the box, but we are tracking the feature: https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/15386, https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/12234
As a workaround, try the following:
Install the eslint extension: ext install eslint
Add "eslint.autoFixOnSave": true to your workspace or user settings
In the root of your project, create an .eslintrc.json with:
"rules": {
"space-before-function-paren": "error"
The eslint extension can create a starter .eslintrc.json for you with the create .eslintrc.json command.
This will automatically format functions to have a space after them when you save the file.

In my case, I wanted the normal indenting/formatting behavior of VS Code, so I disabled the eslint warning:
In the .eslintrc.js file I typed inside the rules:
'rules': {
//disable rule of space before function parentheses
"space-before-function-paren": 0

I found out I had "editor.formatOnType": true setting enabled. This is what makes the editor auto-format the code when you type. Disabling it helped to resolve the issue.

Also adding to Yan's answer, you can just hit the Command + , on Mac or CTRL + , on your keyboard then, add the following lines in your settings.json
"javascript.format.insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis": false,
"javascript.format.insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions": false
The second entry also disables the space for anonymous functions, on format e.g
var anon = function() {
// do something..

Go to Preferences, and search for insertSpaceBeforeFunctionParenthesis in the search bar at top.
Now, select the checkbox which says: JavaScript: Format: Insert Space Before Function Parenthesis

My issue was in package.json
My project was using prettier#1.18.2 which did not have the space after the function keyword or arrowParens: 'always' as default configuration.
One of the maintainers upgraded prettier to version 2 prettier#2.3.2, which had these two as default config. These were among the breaking changes in prettier version 2.
npm ci - just installed the npm packages again.
npm install will also work. npm ci will install exact versions from package-lock.json, while npm install would install latest versions with minor changes.

In my case I had to explicitly enable ESLint on my Vue.js project even though I had a .eslintrc.js file that should have been implementing:
extends: ['plugin:vue/exxential', '#vue/standard']
To do that I pressed CTRL+Shift+P and searched for "ESLint: Enable ESLint"


how to set vs code's cmake options

How to set cmake's options on vscode? somebody said it is in task.json, the other said in setting.json, I test it works in setting.json
but there are still qutestions,
In setting.json, I set
//test ok
"cmake.configureArgs": [
But in the bottle of vscode on which cmake toolbar appears, it seems the program still build in Debug mode
enter image description here
I personally set this at the root CMakeLists.txt by adding the following line
after my cmake_minimum_required command. Now obviously this sets it to Debug but you can use any of the other (three if I am not mistaken) build types.
I hope that helps.

What does the rust-analyzer error "could not resolve macro `$crate::format_args`" mean and how do I fix it?

I'm using rust-analyzer version 0.2.408 on Visual Studio Code.
I'm writing a command line application that involves centering text in the terminal. This is the function I wrote to do this:
use console::{Alignment, pad_str};
fn get_padded_row(row: &str, width: u16, symbol: Option<char>) -> String {
let symbol = symbol.unwrap_or(' ');
return pad_str(row, width as usize, Alignment::Center, None)
.replace(' ', &symbol.to_string());
This function works perfectly fine, and there were no errors with it. Then I wrote a test:
mod tests {
use crate::get_padded_row;
fn row_padding_dashes() {
let padded_row = get_padded_row("hello", 15, Some('-'));
padded_row, "-----hello-----".to_string(),
"`get_padded_row` was not correct, got `{}`", padded_row
The code still works perfectly fine. Both cargo run and cargo test work, the function passes the test, and cargo check returns no issues. But rust-analyzer gives an error, highlighting everything from the tr}; in the use statement to the p right after return: "could not resolve macro $crate::format_args rust-analyzer(macro-error)". Searching for this error returns nothing. VSCode links me to rust-analyzer user manual, which says only "This diagnostic is shown for macro expansion errors". Restarting VSCode and reinstalling rust-analyzer have done nothing. The error always comes back, and highlighting the same oddly specific region. The only way I've found to get rid of it while keeping rust-analyzer installed is to remove the test.
Judging from how the error is about macro expansion, and how removing the test fixes the issue, I'd imagine it's caused by the #[test] macro, but it's strange that rustc finds no issues at all with my code while rust-analyzer is freaking out about this error. So far, I've had better experiences with rust-analyzer than with the official Rust VSCode extension, but I'm on the verge of switching back to fix this issue.
This is a bug in rust-analyzer. For now, you can disable the warning in your settings.json:
"rust-analyzer.diagnostics.disabled": [
The bug was fixed on nightly, so you could install the nightly binary of rust-analyzer from GitHub, or you could just wait a couple days for the fix to land on stable.
Alternatively, you could downgrade to rls version 0.2.400, because the bug was caused by a commit in version 0.2.408:
Extensions Icon -> rust-analyzer -> Manage (gear icon) -> Install Another Version
Three months later and there seems to be a bug with Nightly release? Unsure.
I added unresolved-macro-call to Diagnostics: Disabled settings for rust-analyzer.
I've tried many things, read the open issue on github, etc which is tagged as solved, but persists here.
For vscode users, open settings (json) and disable by adding:
"rust-analyzer.procMacro.enable": false

How to turn off the prettier trailing comma in VS Code?

How to turn off the prettier trailing comma in VS Code?
I go to settings. Select none for the prettier trailing comma. Restart VS Code. Select a piece of TypeScript, press Ctrl + Shift + F and the trailing commas still appear. How could I fix it?
Since you are working on the Tour of Heroes project, it is maybe the .editorconfig file there that introduces conflicts with your VSCode Prettier settings. Try adding the following .prettierrc file at the root of your project :
"trailingComma": "none"
The .prettierrc file has the highest priority over any setting, so it should override any conflict.
Adding this line to settings.json worked for me.
"prettier.trailingComma": "none"
At the root of the project create the Prettier configuration file: .prettierrc.json
Add this code to your file: .prettierrc.json
"trailingComma": "none"
Save file and then restart your Visual Studio Code
I was facing same problem and I added this line in the settings and it worked for me.
"prettier.trailingComma": "none"
I had the same experience as your screen recording. Restarting VSCode did the trick for me. I could not find a way to restart the prettier addon... maybe someone can chime in on how to do that.
In VS Code Settings, go to json file and type this:
"prettier.useEditorConfig": false
Prettier has the following rules for where to look for settings (in order of precedence):
A "prettier" key in your package.json file.
A .prettierrc file written in JSON or YAML.
A .prettierrc.json, .prettierrc.yml, .prettierrc.yaml, or .prettierrc.json5 file.
A .prettierrc.js, .prettierrc.cjs, prettier.config.js, or prettier.config.cjs file that exports an object using module.exports.
A .prettierrc.toml file.
Following the first rule, I was able to configure it by adding the following to package.json
"prettier": {
"trailingComma": "none"
Run this command:
npm run lint --fix
after formatting...
In my case, the configuration above was not enough.
For this to work for me, in addition to this setting, I had to remove from setting.json:
"[typescriptreact]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
Next, enter the command
ctrl + shift + P in vscode
Click on Configure...
Choose Prettier - Code formatter
Now this:
const a = {
a: 10,
b: 15,
turns into this:
const a = {
a: 10,
b: 15

Settings from the .editorconfig are not respected in Omnisharp / VS Code

I'm trying to set up my Visual Stuido Code so that Omnisharp uses settings supplied in an .editorconfig, as described in https://www.strathweb.com/2019/07/editorconfig-support-in-omnisharp-and-c-extension-vs-code/. I set up a new .net-core 3.1 console project using dotnet new console and added a .editorconfig file to the root of the project. Then I filled in the exact values from the blog post (see below) and enabled editorconfig and roslyn analyzers for OmniSharp. I even tried both methods for enabling the features: In settings.json and in omnisharp.json. But when I used the refactoring capabilities of OmniSharp to create a field from a constructor parameter the generated name was equal to the parameter name instead of being prefixed with _. Restarting the OmniSharp server multiple times didn't help as well.
dotnet_style_qualification_for_field = false
dotnet_naming_style.instance_field_style.capitalization = camel_case
dotnet_naming_style.instance_field_style.required_prefix = _
Sample class with auto-generated field
public class MyClass
private readonly string a; // This should have been named _a
public MyClass(string a)
this.a = a; // Should be without the this.-prefix
What I am using:
VS Code version 1.42.1
C# extension for VS Code version 1.21.12
Omnisharp server (part of the extension) version 1.34.13
I would appreciate it alot if anyone could tell me what I am doing wrong or point me in the right direction.
I've also had trouble with formatting lately.
I think I finally have a stable working solution.
I disabled all other code formatting extensions that I had previously installed and tried. This included commenting out all settings related to those extensions in settings.json
I removed the .editorconfig file that had been at my project root.
I added the following to settings.json
"[csharp]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "ms-dotnettools.csharp"
"omnisharp.enableMsBuildLoadProjectsOnDemand": true,
"omnisharp.enableEditorConfigSupport": true,
"omnisharp.enableRoslynAnalyzers": true,
I added the following to the top of my omnisharp.json file.
"RoslynExtensionsOptions": {
"enableAnalyzersSupport": true,
"FormattingOptions": {
"enableEditorConfigSupport": true,
Recreate .editorconfig at the project root using the example linked in the post you mentioned above. This was important for me because the .editorconfig I had previously used was not working even after all the other changes.
Restart VS Code
Reload your project
I didn't see the option for creating readonly string _name until after restarting everything.
The following answer from #Stephen may also be helpful for you.
dotnet_naming_style.camel_case.capitalization = camel_case
dotnet_naming_symbols.private_symbols.applicable_accessibilities = private
dotnet_naming_rule.camel_case_for_private.severity = warning
dotnet_naming_rule.camel_case_for_private.symbols = private_symbols
dotnet_naming_rule.camel_case_for_private.style = camel_case

VSCode: Is it possible to suppress experimental decorator warnings

In VSCode, I get the error:
"Experimental support for decorators is a feature that is subject to change in a future release. Specify '--experimentalDecorators' to remove this warning."
I can add the --experimentalDecorators flag to my tasks.json file to remove this error on build, but I can't seem to remove it from my intellisense or error list when I load VSCode.
Is there a way to do this?
I was having this same error. I added the following tsconfig.json file to my project root, restarted VSCode and it finally went away:
"compilerOptions": {
"emitDecoratorMetadata": true,
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"module": "amd",
"target": "ES6"
I've noticed that sometimes VS Code will not suppress this warning until you add a "files" array in your tsconfig.json, even an empty one will work. For me this has worked every single time now, if the message does not disappear, try the following:
"compilerOptions": {
"files": [],
"exclude": [
Perhaps this will explain why everyone has mixed results?
VSC is by default looking at its own TS library and definition. If you're using a different version (which is very likely) you should point VSC to look for that versions definition.
In my settings.json file, i have the following set up:
// Place your settings in this file to overwrite default and user settings.
"typescript.tsdk": "node_modules\\typescript\\lib"
I believe you can set this for either your User Settings or your Workspace Settings. So you can do a one time configuration in your User Settings or just for one project/workspace. This works if you have your typescript installed locally in the specified folder - which i believe is the default nodes module folder.
To edit your settings go to File/Preferences/User Setting or File/Preference/Workspace Settings.
UPDATE: Visual Studio Code just released a new version with better support for different versions of typescript. Check it out here: https://code.visualstudio.com/updates#_languages
I've to add the following in the settings.json file of vscode to remove the warning.
"javascript.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators": true
VSCode -> Preferences -> Settings
You could do it the hard way by deleting the lines which create the error in %code%\resources\app\plugins\vs.language.typescript\lib\tsserver.lib.
Look for the following code and delete it
if (!compilerOptions.experimentalDecorators) {
error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Experimental_support_for_decorators_is_a_feature_that_is_subject_to_change_in_a_future_release_Specify_experimentalDecorators_to_remove_this_warning);
Struggling with this across two different Angular 2 final release projects, this is my solution.
tsconfig.json in the src fold.
"compilerOptions": {
"experimentalDecorators": true
Add this setting to File->Preferences->User settings
"typescript.tsdk": "node_modules\\typescript\\lib"
As other answers pointed out, your Visual Studio Code needs to find the tsconfig.json file.
I had the same problem. And it's mostly because I didn't realize the project structure.
(Hint: Read the text from top to bottom in the picture below).
I had confused the tsconfig.json with the tsconfig.app.json.
And I had opened the wrong folder in Visual Studio. As a result, the tsconfig.json was not in scope.
Simply opening the right root folder (i.e. the project folder, one level higher than the src.) solved the problem for me.
This helped me with React JS files (VSCode Version 1.9.1).
1) Put into tsconfig.json:
"compilerOptions": {
"experimentalDecorators": true,
"allowJs": true
2) Restart VS Code.
Note: as Tim mentioned below, you need to add the tsconfig.json even if your not using TypeScript.
Source: https://ihatetomatoes.net/how-to-remove-experimentaldecorators-warning-in-vscode/
You can use "typescript.tsdk" in setting.json to change specific folder path containing tsserver.js and lib.ts files used by VSCode.
See this example: Can I use a relative path to configure typescript sdk?
note: You find setting.json in File > Preferences > User Settings.
If you use Grunt (grunt-ts), you must also add "experimentalDecorators: true" as option in the file gruntfile.js .
Your file should look something like this at the end:
module.exports = function(grunt) {
ts: {
default : {
src: ["**/*.ts", "!node_modules/**"]
options: {
experimentalDecorators: true
grunt.registerTask("default", ["ts"]);
For more information you can read documentation on github https://github.com/TypeStrong/grunt-ts#experimentaldecorators
In Visual studio code 1.3.1 my fix is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\extensions\typescript\server\typescript\lib\tsserver.js and comment out or delete the line.
if (!compilerOptions.experimentalDecorators) {
error(node, ts.Diagnostics.Experimental_support_for_decorators_is_a_feature_that_is_subject_to_change_in_a_future_release_Specify_experimentalDecorators_to_remove_this_warning);
I was having same error i figure it out as this was i name component file extension as .js it should be .ts
Even when opening VSCode at the right level within your project you might still need an extra tsconfig file in your root. I now have a tsconfig in my project root (only containing php index and folders), ts folder (legacy typescript classes) and my src folder (vue components).
Don't forget to close the folder and to restart VSCode.
Please check you oppened in your VS Code the folder of the entire project and not only the src folder, because if you open only the src, then ts.config.json file will not be in scope, and VS will not recognize the experimental decorators parameters.
In my case this fixed all the problem
I already had experimental decorators enabled in tsconfig.json, so I was a bit baffled until I found this thread on GitHub where someone says to check the settings in VS Code.
So I went to File --> Preferences --> Settings and searched for experimental decorators and checked both of these settings:
Here are the details of my version of VSCode:
Version: 1.52.1 (user setup)
Commit: ea3859d4ba2f3e577a159bc91e3074c5d85c0523
Date: 2020-12-16T16:34:46.910Z
Electron: 9.3.5
Chrome: 83.0.4103.122
Node.js: 12.14.1
OS: Windows_NT x64 10.0.18363
Below answer for VSCode version 1.60.12
press "ctrl" + ",".
type "settings.json".
see this image to click on settings..
paste "js/ts.implicitProjectConfig.experimentalDecorators":true -->
See my settings for reference