Odoo v9 computed field within tree view not updating after pop-up until save record - popup

A computed field in a tree view is not updating after returning from editing values for the line using a form view pop-up. (after the child has been saved/returning from the pop-up, but before the parent record is saved)
To give an example: add a new computed field to Sales Order Lines and then add the computed field into the Sale Order's 'ORDER LINES' tab (which itself is a tree view within the Sale Order Form). Then adjust the Sale Order Form so that editing of the Sale Order Lines is done via a form (i.e. pop-up) (rather than editing the lines within the tree, disable editable='bottom')
After testing it appears that the computed fields method is being run within the form view, the value should be updating.
The display on the line (tree view) should display the new value after returning from the pop-up, however it is not (still displays old value). (this does correctly update after the parent is saved)
This is working for other existing fields (e.g. price) which is displaying the new value on the line (tree view) after editing that value within the pop-up (before the parent is saved).
Why is the computed field showing the old value?

Try to add #api.depends('any_field_name') above compute function, it should solve your issue.
Odoo has bug about computed fields described in this issue that it doesn't computes computed fields without dependencies.
Let me know if my solution will work for you.

It appears that because the computed field was not on the form view (pop-up), even though the compute function was executing, the value on the line view after returning from the form was not updating (before a parent save).
After I added the computed field (invisible=1) to the form view (pop-up), the line view was successfully updated on return.
I do not know why, but am guessing that this is to do with cache or api. It may be possible that the line values are being updated by value returns from the form view (unsure about this), and therefore if the field in question is not on the form view then it is not being returned, and the line is remaining with the previous value.


Checkboxes firing on all records instead of the selected record

I'm building a form that contains a subform to list records as a datasheet. The fields on the subform are sourced from a saved query. To the subform, I added a checkbox control to serve as a record selector.
Here is the problem: When I click on the checkbox of specific record on the subform, ALL the checkboxes on all the records display a check rather than just the one I clicked. I cannot figure out what is causing this undesirable behavior.
Any insights or suggestions to fix this is much appreciated.
Your checkbox is unbound - in any continuous form or datasheet, unbound controls have the same value for all records (how else could they be unbound?).
You will have to add a "selector" column to the record source. Only bound controls can have different values for different records.
Instead of creating a field in a table (selection-data is only temporary), you can useclsCCRecordSelect-Class from SelectRecordsV2.
It binds the control to an expression (calls a function inControlSourcethat returns the value of the checkbox, stored in a collection of the class) and uses the controlsMouseDown event to change the value (as controls bound to an expression are read-only).
That makes the selection multiuser captable and avoids creating additional selection field to tables.

Update chart after changing a field in an APEX form

How do I cause APEX to refresh a chart (graph) after I change the value in a text box/select list/etc that is used as a parameter in the chart's pl/sql statement?
I'd like it to look as professional as possible and minimize the portion of the page that must be refreshed (i.e., "ajax-like", which is the standard in 2018).
Create a dynamic action on the text box/select list/etc that is changed with event "change"
Create a true action and select pl/sql and write
In page items to submit select your items
Create a second true action after the first and select Refresh. Then select region as affected element and select your chart. Remember that the option 'Fire on initialization' must be set to NO
See Approach B, below, for the optimal solution.
Approach A
The simplest option (that is less professional) is to modify every text box/select list/etc of interest to submit the page when the value of the text box/select list/etc changes. As an example, for the select list, go to its settings->page action on selection and change the setting to submit page.
There are two main downsides to that approach:
Most of the page will refresh, which is jarring to your user, and
If you're using a plugin, or the type of item that you're using doesn't support that approach, then you're out of luck.
Approach B
A more complex solution that yields a more professional result follows. This solution involves dynamic actions, which I will probably not fully explain here. However, the information should be enough for the user to figure it out.
Let us suppose that you have two things: (1) a select list whose value is used as a parameter in a (2) chart's sql source statement.
To get the chart to update every time you make a new choice via the select list, you need to:
Create a dynamic action for the select list of interest. You do this by clicking on the select list, going to the dynamic action tab (the lightning bolt); right-click on the item; click select dynamic action; give it a name and set the event to change and make the selection type an item and set the item to the name of the select list you're watching.
Create a true action for that dynamic action that executes pl/sql code (you can do this by modifying the show action that was created by default in 1.). Set the pl/sql code to null;. Then under items to submit, specify the name of the select list of interest.
Create a second true action that refreshes the region that contains the chart.
You'll need to make sure that the sequence assigned to 2. is a smaller number than the sequence assigned to 3.. This should happen by default, but it's an area you can get tripped up.
Inapplicable Approach C
In Apex 5.something, they added a feature called Cascading List of Values. This feature allows you to specify that one item depends on another item for its values. For example, if you have a select list that allows the user to choose a department, and then you have a second select list that allows you to choose an employee from the chosen department (which presumably obtains its values from a query involving the value chosen in the first select list), you can tell APEX to refresh the second select list whenever you update the first.
You do this by editing the second select list. Under its settings goto list of values->cascading LOV parent item(s). Add the first select list as a "reverse" dependent (aka, "parent"). This will ensure that any time the first select list is updated, the second select list is also updated.
For better or for worse, charts do not have the cascading LOV parent item(s) setting. Thus, this solution does not apply to this question.

Updating slickgrid autocomplete fields without rerendering the grid

I'm using SlickGrid in a sharepoint environment to display and update data. To save on the the load time, I am populating auto complete fields with options that have only been used in previous lines (with tables with more than 50 lines), and then I am wanting to give the user the option to click on a "Metadata refresh button" located at the top of the autocomplete fields that will go and fetch all available options to repopulate the auto complete field.
<table><tr><td>[ TextField ] </td><td>[ AutoComplete1 ] </td><td>[ AutoComplete2]</td></tr>
So if, the user was to create a new line, they would have the options of Hello and Hi in column 2, and Goodbye or Later in column 3 to choose from since they have been used before. If they want the option "Hail!" to appear in column 2, they would have to click the "Update MetaData" button for column 2, which would refresh ALL the cells in that column with all available but previously unused selections.
I know its not ideal, but its a requirement that has been given to me.
I know how to add buttons to column headers and I am updating the array of data that the grid needs for the autocomplete column, but I am at a loss on how to update the column choices without redrawing the whole grid.
Any suggestions?
Check out the newer examples in my repo: https://github.com/6pac/SlickGrid/wiki/Examples
This is probably closest to what you want:
What I have done in the past is create a data property of the cell node to store the object, like:
$jqacContainer.data('queryautocomplete', jqac);
It's then easy enough to get the object from the cell node.
However, this requires proper cleanup of the property to avoid a memory leak. This should be able to be done in editor.destroy(), but I don't think I've checked corner cases, for example where the editor is scrolled offscreen before being completed.

Before Update Event or After Update Event (MS Access 2013)

I develop small database which gets bigger every day and I've got a situation with Before Update Event on one field.
Let's say I have main form which has subform based on the table (PONSt). The subform has one specific field (PONSt_PDV) which data depends on the other table (APP_PDV). When user updates that field (PONSt_PDV) directly in combo box, Before Update events is triggered and some calculations are done. That works perfectly!
The second situation (which is the reason for this question) is when user double clicks that combo box to open pop up form which contains the data from the other table (APP_PDV). In that pop up form user can edit, add or delete it's data and everything works great. There is a button on that pop up form which is used to get data (ID) from that table (APP_PDV), store it to the first table's field (PONSt_PDV), close the pop up form and get back to the first form (sub form on the first form, to be exact). After that, I want to recalculate other fields (in the first table PONSt) depending on the change in field (PONSt_PDV), but Before Update (or After Update) event in that case doesn't trigger at all.
What I'm doing wrong? Is there something that I can't see? Thanks!

"The data has been changed" error when editing underlying record in Access VBA

I have a form in Access where I have 2 unbound multi-select listboxes, with some code to move items between them.
Each of the fields in the table which are shown in the listboxes are boolean values - if the value is true then the name of that field shows up in lstSelected, and if false shows up in lstUnselected.
The listboxes have a RowSourceType of Value List, and the value list is generated programatically by looking at the underlying record and constructing a string with the field names where the boolean values are true for lstSelected and False for lstUnselected.
On the form I have two buttons, cmdMoveToSelected and cmdMoveToUnselected. When I click on cmdMoveToSelected it changes the boolean value of the underlying field for any selected items in the lstUnselected listbox from false to true by executing an SQL string, then rebuilds the value lists for both of the listboxes.
I have all of this working just fine. If I do a me.lstUnwanted.requery and a me.lstwanted.requery then everything moves and shows up correctly, and the underlying fields are edited correctly, BUT when I click on anything else on the form I get the error:
The data has been changed.
Another user edited this record and saved the changes before you attempted to save your changes.
Re-edit the record.
Now I've found a way around this (jobDetailsID is the primary key of the record being dealt with):
Dim intCurID as Integer
intCurID = Me.JobDetailsID
Me.Recordset.FindFirst "JobDetailsID = " & curID
This requeries the form and then moves back to the current record, and this gets rid of the error, however it causes there to be a delay and the form to flicker while it opens back at the first record, changes back to the correct record and repopulates the list boxes.
Is there a way to do away with this error, or get it to trigger programmatically so I can catch it by turning the warnings off via vba?
Thanks in advance.
Maybe it helps not to bind the form to the table being altered by cmdMoveToSelected, but to a query that doesn't contain all the boolean fields. If cmdMoveToSelected alters one or more boolean fields, the record is changed, but the query result isn't. Not sure if it's sound though.
It also sounds a bit like a design problem rather than a form problem, storing options in boolean fields instead of into a related table.
Probably the best solution would be to not directly update the current record in the table while the Form is dirty. Instead, update the values of the fields within the form itself (Me!FieldName) as the items are moved from one List Box to the other, and let the form write those values back to the table as usual.
I seem to have fixed it, though the fix doesn't make a great deal of sense to me.
I added in a Me.Refresh to the button click code, after I had requeried the two listboxes and it appears to have stopped the message from coming up. However this only works when I have the JobDetailsID textbox visible on the form (though I expect this is arbitrary and any field-linked textbox would work).
Can anybody explain to me why this works? I'd like to understand fully when to use requery, refresh etc
I've had this sort of thing happen when I've left the form RowSource query hanging in place after converting the controls to unbound textboxes, etc. The general Form rowsource query (to bring in all fields I might possibly end up using) provides me with a query-list identical to the table fieldnames, making it simple to select them for control-names as needed. Works fine, but you have to remove the form rowsource query after all the names are matched-up. (After which DLookup and BeforeUpdate works for getting and storing values and changes.)