Mobilefirst 7.1 and Swift - swift

May I add a swift class to my mobile first 7.1 ios project ? Moreover can this swift class to be a Cordova Plugin ?

In general IBM mobilefirst platform is certified for up to Swift 2.3, however if your plan is to implement a custom Cordova plugin for your project then this is not really related to MFP...


Previewing IBM MobileFirst CLI-created project in browser

I'm trying to learn how to build and manage apps using MobileFirst CLI. I am used to creating them in Eclipse via the MobileFirst Studio. In the Studio-created project, there is a commons/ folder (and the mobilewebapp environment) which lets me preview the app via browser. Is there an equivalent way of doing this via CLI? Is this the same as running ionic serve because I am using Ionic.
MFP CLI 7.1,
Ionic 1.2.4
If you created a CORDOVA application using MobileFirst CLI v7.1, then no there is no commons folder because you've created a Cordova app, not a MobileFirst Hybrid app.
For future compatibility, it is advised that you will create a Cordova app and not a Hybrid app.
In the Cordova app, you simply have a js and css folders and an index.html file. These are equivalent to the same js and css folders and index.html you would have in the common folder of a MobileFirst Hybrid app.

Unable to integrate ionic project into Mobile First

The worklight studio plugin fails to identify ionic tags when I import files from my ionic project into my worklight project.
Note: My ionic.bundle.js and ionic.css load fine.
It is better to not use classic Hybrid apps generated by MobileFirst Studio 7.1. Instead, create a Cordova app from the MobileFirst 7.1 CLI and integrate that app with Ionic based on the steps provided in this blog post:

Deploying extensions plugin version 4.0 in RTC server 3.0.13

I have developed a rtc extension plugin using rtc server version 4.0.
Is it possible to deploy this plugin in RTC server version 3.0.13?
It mainly depends on your plugin extension definition in term of plugins minimum version required:
(as illustrated in this thread)
It would be best to build that extension plugin in RTC3, and then try to deploy it on a RTC4 server.

Netbeans Platform and JPA

I have experience in JPA in Java EE for quite some time. Now I want to develop a desktop application with Netbeans Platform using JavaSE.
(I am not referring to the simple use of Netbeans IDE to code, but to use the Netbeans Platform to develop thick client applications using JavaSE.)
Can any one point me to a document which demonstrate JPA support to Nebeans Platform Applications? Googling was not helpful.
The question is indeed appropriate.
There's a tutorial on how to do this here

GWT in eclipse javax.jws.WebMethod is not supported by Google App Engine's Java runtime environment

I created a GWT application in eclipse using the GWT eclipse plugin. By default it created and in client package. in server package.
Now I want to call a CXF webservice from I used wsdl2java to generate java classes for my wsdl. I imported these generated class in my GWT project in eclipse and the package is "service". But it complains "javax.jws.WebMethod is not supported by Google App Engine's Java runtime environment", many more errors.
How do I get rid of this?
Only error is the problem otherwise application is running fine.
Is javax.jws.WebMethod in the GAE whitelist? If you're sure that this class is really supported in the App Engine, then in Eclipse try:
Right click your project in the Project Explorer.
Google -> App Engine Settings
Make sure Use Google App Engine is checked
Try changing the App Engine SDK to the latest rev, if the dialog shows multiple ones
I had this problem after doing Software Update; a new GAE SDK was installed and for some reason it confused the plugin. It was telling me that java.lang.String was unsupported. :-)