Iterating through Struct MATLAB - matlab

Below is what I have so far. I need to iterate through each field of rxnsBothKaletaS struct where each field represents a nx4 cell. I need to extract information out of the first column of that cell as a single string separated by commas and then assign it to an index of the field in fname.
(To give the context: fname are names of the genes and within eaach gene are reactions that rely on that gene. I need to extract all of the reactions for a given gene and have them all as a string separated by commas)
fname = fieldnames(rxnsBothKaletaS)
for i = 1:numel(fname)
gene = rxnsBothKaletaS.(fname{i})
for j = 1:size(gene,1)
rxns = rxns + char(string(gene(j,1)));
fname(i,2) = rxns;

You can use structfun to iterate through the fields of a struct. Then within the anonymous function that we will apply to each field, we can use strjoin to join all strings in the first column of x together with commas.
fnames = structfun(#(x)strjoin(x(:,1), ','), rxnsBothKaletaS, 'UniformOutput', 0);


(Matlab) How to check if cell array contains string

I am trying to grab data from an excel spread sheet and grab only the information from cells that match a string. Eg. if cell A10 contains the word 'Canada' it should return that cell.
I have tried using strcmp( to check if string in argument 1 is contained in a cell array containing many strings, the second argument
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('\\Client\C$\Users\Fish\Desktop\dataset\dataset.csv');
mytable = cell(raw);
for i = 1:54841
array_index = i;
string_index = mytable(i,2);
string_eastern = {'Canada', 'Ontario'};
if strcmp(string_index,string_eastern);
In the above example if my string_eastern only contains one element, say 'Canada', it will return the index value of every instance of 'Canada'. If I add more elements I expect it would return index values for every instance where string_index would match with a string contained in string_eastern. However I get no results at all if I add more elements.
Pretty much I wanted to check my string_index agaisnt string_eastern, if the values match then I want it to return that cell value. This works when string_eastern is only 1 element but does not work with more than 1.
To access cell contents, use the curly brackets {}. So if I wanted to access the first element of my cell, I would say this:
string = cell{1};
Read more on the MATLAB Documentation about cells to learn more and to answer any of your further questions.

MATLAB: extract numerical data from alphanumerical table and save as double

I created a list of names of data files, e.g. abc123.xml, abc456.xml, via
list = dir('folder/*.xml').
Matlab starts this out as a 10x1 struct with 5 fields, where the first one is the name. I extracted the needed data with struct2table, so I now got a 10x1 table. I only need the numerical value as 10x1 double. How can I get rid of the alphanumerical stuff and change the data type?
I tried regexp (Undefined function 'regexp' for input arguments of type 'table') and strfind (Conversion to double from table is not possible). Couldn't come up with anything else, as I'm very new to Matlab.
You can extract the name fields and place them in a cell array, use regexp to capture the first string of digits it finds in each name, then use str2double to convert those to numeric values:
strs = regexp({}, '(\d+)', 'once', 'tokens');
nums = str2double([strs{:}]);

Pull specific cells out of a cell array by comparing the last digit of their filename

I have a cell array of filenames - things like '20160303_144045_4.dat', '20160303_144045_5.dat', which I need to separate into separate arrays by the last digit before the '.dat'; one cell array of '...4.dat's, one of '...5.dat's, etc.
My code is below; it uses regex to split the file around the '.dat', reshapes a bit then regexes again to pull out the last number of the filename, builds a cell to store the filenames in then, and then I get a tad stuck. I have an array produced such as '1,0,1,0,1,0..' of required cell indexes which I thought might be trivial to pull out, but I'm struggling to get it to do what I want.
numFiles = length(sampleFile); %sampleFile is the input cell array
splitFiles = regexp(sampleFile,'.dat','split');
column = vertcat(splitFiles{:});
column = column(:,1);
splitNums = regexp(column,'_','split');
splitNums = splitNums(:,1);
column = vertcat(splitNums{:});
column = column(:,3);
column = cellfun(#str2double,column); %produces column array of values - 3,4,3,4,3,4, etc
uniqueVals = unique(column);
numChannels = length(uniqueVals);
fileNameCell = cell(ceil(numFiles/numChannels),numChannels);
for i = 1:numChannels
column(column ~= uniqueVals(i)) = 0;
column = column / uniqueVals(i); %e.g. 1,0,1,0,1,0
I feel there should be an easier way than my hodge-podge of code, and I don't want to throw together a ton of messy for-loops if I can avoid it; I definitely believe I've overcomplicated this problem massively.
We can neaten your code quite a bit.
Take some example data:
files = {'abc4.dat';'abc5.dat';'def4.dat';'ghi4.dat';'abc6.dat';'def5.dat';'nonum.dat'};
You can get the final numbers using regexp and matching one or more digits followed by '.dat', then using strrep to remove the '.dat'.
filenums = cellfun(#(r) strrep(regexp(r, '\d+.dat', 'match', 'once'), '.dat', ''), ...
files, 'uniformoutput', false);
Now we can put these in a structure, using the unique numbers (prefixed by a letter because fields can't start with numbers) as field names.
% Get unique file numbers and set up the output struct
ufilenums = unique(filenums);
filestruct = struct;
% Loop over file numbers
for ii = 1:numel(ufilenums)
% Get files which have this number
idx = cellfun(#(r) strcmp(r, ufilenums{ii}), filenums);
% Assign the identified files to their struct field
filestruct.(['x' ufilenums{ii}]) = files(idx);
Now you have a neat output
% Files with numbers before .dat given a field in the output struct
filestruct.x4 = {'abc4.dat' 'def4.dat' 'ghi4.dat'}
filestruct.x5 = {'abc5.dat' 'def5.dat'}
filestruct.x6 = {'abc6.dat'}
% Files without numbers before .dat also captured
filestruct.x = {'nonum.dat'}

How to display selected entries of an array of structures in MATLAB

Suppose we have an array of structure. The structure has fields: name, price and cost.
Suppose the array A has size n x 1. If I'd like to display the names of the 1st, 3rd and the 4th structure, I can use the command:
The problem is that it prints the following thing on screen:
ans =
ans =
ans =
How can I remove those ans = things? I tried:
only to get an error/warning.
By doing A([1,3,4]).name, you are returning a comma-separated list. This is equivalent to typing in the following in the MATLAB command prompt:
>> A(1).name, A(3).name, A(4).name
That's why you'll see the MATLAB command prompt give you ans = ... three times.
If you want to display all of the strings together, consider using strjoin to join all of the names together and we can separate the names by a comma. To do this, you'll have to place all of these in a cell array. Let's call this cell array names. As such, if we did this:
names = {A([1,3,4]).name};
This is the same as doing:
names = {A(1).name, A(3).name, A(4).name};
This will create a 1 x 3 cell array of names and we can use these names to join them together by separating them with a comma and a space:
names = {A([1,3,4]).name};
out = strjoin(names, ', ');
You can then show what this final string looks like:
You can use:
which will, however, concatenate all of the names into a single string.
The better way is to make a cell array using:
{ A([1,3,4]).name }

How to read data from a string

I have a string in the following format :
Basically, I have a string with comma separated values. The first value is a string, then it follows an array of 100 values and lastly another string being true or false.
Is there a way or directly reading these values into 3 variable? Two strings and an array?
The array of values might contain n\a values which I want to treat as -1 or something similar or by using a cell array and having an empty cell for those? Can you recommend me something for this type of problem?
You can use textscan:
n = 100; % number of integers between filename and logical values
M = textscan(str, ['%s' repmat('%d',1, n) '%s'], 'delimiter', ',',...
'TreatAsEmpty', 'n\a', 'EmptyValue', -1, 'CollectOutput', true);
The result M is a cell array with the file name in the first cell, the 100 integer values in the second, and a string containing the logical value in the last cell.
You can use strsplit and extract the values from your String and store them in separate variables
Code Sample:
a = strsplit("fileName.jpg,10,20,10,10,...,12,14,True",",")
fileName = a(1)
flag = a(end)
data = a(2:end-1)