swift physicsbody is not matching up to image size - sprite-kit

I have two nodes, player and platfrom. Both have a physicsBody around them. My player is still and the platform scroll by an SkAction. when the player reaches about half-way on top of the platform it falls threw it.
the platfrom set up is.
plat.zPosition = 2
I tried using this instead but player still falls down
height: platform.frame.height))
I want the nodes to act like a solid object, in that they don't overlap each other when the player moves. Also it there an alternative method I can use. I don't really like working with physics.

An alternate to working with physics is to use the recently added to iOS 10 SKTilemapNode to create the background. Each tile can be tagged with data to indicate if the tile is ground or not. You then focus on how the player moves relative to the tiles. There are currently not a lot of examples to show this working, the WWDC 2016: What's new in SpriteKit shows this briefly. Other resources include a top down example which shows at least how to build the background tilemap and some background info on why physics engines don't provide the best experience for platformers. Kenney's is a good source of tiles for platformer artwork.


How do I create an outline for my SKSpriteNode around the png texture in swift?

I am making a game in Swift(SpriteKit) and when the character in the game picks up a power-up, I want him to get an outline in purple so the player can see that his power-up is ready to use. I want the outline to hug all the curves of the player exactly. Is there any way to draw an outline around a sprite node that isn't a basic shape(like circle or square) but to outline a complex shape?
Here is an example of a shape similar to my sprite node:
And here is another example of the player with the visual outline that I want to add in SpriteKit(I just sketched it but I want it to be exact obviously):
They player also has his legs animating by flipping through an atlas of the animation, and preferably the outline would stay around the legs when the walking animation is happening. Is this possible?
To be clear, I just want an outline for visual purposes, so the player knows their "power up" shield is active so if they get hit it won't damage them.
I haven't dabbled with SpriteKit for a few years, and if memory serves me correctly perfect collision detection while animating is not available out of the box.
After checking the documentation I see that SKPhysicsBody has a init(texture:size:) initializer. This should at least get you a bit closer.
This guide from Apple is probably worth a read. (Pixel perfect collision detection is expensive).

Are sprites automatically removed?

I'm currently trying to code some falling stars in my game, and they seem to disappear once they move out of the screen. But I'm not sure if swift is actually automatically deleting for me, or if they're still lingering around.
I'm starting them at the top of the screen and using physicsBody to use gravity to bring them down.
star.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOf: star.size)
I know apple documentation says "Later, if the sprite is removed from the scene or is no longer visible, SpriteKit can delete the texture data if it needs that memory for other purposes."
but I find that kind of vague and just want some confirmation that because I can't see my star sprite anymore on my screen, I can also assume that it's being removed.
(and not just clumping up somewhere off screen)
No - it's not automatically removed.
By 'removed from scene' the SK documentation doesn't mean that if you can't see it anymore, it means that the 'RemoveFrom...' method was called on the sprite in question.
If the sprite isn't visible, then the game engine won't draw it and could optimise memory by removing it's texture, but the sprite is still being tracked and colliding and bouncing off objects etc.
The SK Scene extends infinitely in all directions and your device's screen is simply a moveable window onto the scene. If you decide in your game that a sprite which moves offscreen is no longer needed, then you need code to detect this and then issue 'RemoveFromParent' against the sprite.

How to move a tile (sprite) with drag and drop in Unity 2D?

I would like to move a tile with drag and drop in Unity 2D. The tile is a sprite. The scene is an 'Unblock me' or 'Blocked in' like gameplay.
Because the tiles in real life correspond to physical objects it seemed be to a good idea to model them with colliders and rigidbody. The border of the table surrunded with invisible colliders. I hoped these will constrain the moves of the tiles realistic, when the player moves them.
Then I implemented a simple (mouse based) drag and drop behavior which is worked perfectly except the moved tile penetrates to other tiles and the border, and sometimes jumps over them. Then I learned if I am overriding physics by explicitly setting transforms position (which I do exactly in my drag and drop implementation), this will happen. OK I accept, I should set only forces, ect. on rigidbody never directly the position.
Now the question:
I am stuck here. I still want to drag and drop like user experience, and some realistic visual result. When in the real life a player moves a tile, it seems it is "glued" to its finger. How can I achieve this (ot at least similar) with just applying forces? Any suggestions or point similar existing sample/blog code?
(I know as a backup plan I can omit all the physics and constrain the tile positions by code, and create some tweens to move the tiles. Is the real solution (what I am asking for) so complicated I should vote on this backup plan?)
According to comments I've added a video:
There is nothing wrong with the way you are manipulating your dragging. The beauty of developing is being able to do things in your own way. If it works for your game, then don't fret.
Now, i recommend:
Create a new physic material. Assets > Create > Physic Material
Set your new physic material inspector settings both to 0
Attach the physic material to all your wall object colliders. This should allow for your object being dragged to move smoothly against the walls without chopping.
Do a check to see if your mouse is over another collider. If so, then stop the movement in that direction.
Since your movements seem to always be on a single axis, on collision, tell your object to snap to the edge of the wall object. You know the Wall position and scales, also you have the position and scales of the object being dragged. with that you can write a function that will offset it to the correct position when the collision occurs.
Let me know if any of that works out :P

iPhone: Camera following player in cocos2d

I'm making an iPhone game in cocos2d.
I was wondering how I would make the camera / the view follow a specific sprite?
would I use the CCCamera class?
Yes, CCCamera would work. However, it has some drawbacks that make it undesirable for some uses. Moving the layers respectively all other objects relative to that sprite may be a better solution. It depends on the game.
First, read up what the different approaches and their drawbacks are, you can get a lot out of this cocos2d forum thread:
It would be helpful if you could describe what your game is about and why you need the camera attached to that sprite.
For example, if you're thinking of a running game like Canabalt, i would not use the camera to scroll over the world, but instead scroll everything relative to the player (towards him) with the player sticking at about the same x coordinate while running. Perfect examples of games where you would not move the camera at all are the iCopter games, they are basically simplified versions of Canabalt. Notice that the player sprite always stays at the exact same x coordinate, and the game world just scrolls
Scrolling the camera itself in my opinion makes the most sense if you have a large game world that the player can traverse in all directions, and the number of objects are simply too numerous and also moving about in various directions, so updating their positions individually each frame would be both overkill and prone to errors. And since the game world is so huge, you would want to use the camera's position to limit what is drawn on screen.
use CCFollow actions
Like these :-
[self runAction:[CCFollow actionWithTarget:(u r hero) worldBoundary:CGRectMake(0,0,1050,350)]];
it will helps

chipmunk stack fall effect

I am using chipmunk cocos 2d iphone ,in which i have to show stack fall effect when the objects are placed on the edge of other
object.My idea is to develop the effect like "Tower Box " game. I would like to know which properties of shape or body will create effect like "Tower Box " game .please let me know how can I fall that stack.
Cocos2d provides you with a few preset project options.
One of these is Cocos2d with Box2d, another is Cocos2d with Chipmunk. It is completely up to you which physics engine you use, I have experience with both and personally, would recommend Box2d.
If you create one of these projects, it generates some example code for you, and in the case of Box2d (i haven't used an auto generated chipmunk project), you get a nice little app that spawns loads of boxes and shows them falling with gravity. You should take a look at the code behind creating the physics bodies on the boxes and adapt it to suit your application (spawn a box at a touch location, perhaps?). You could then add some logic that checks, on collision, the alignment of the falling box with the top of the stack, and either let it continue falling, or use a fixture to attach it to the box below.
For more information about using physics in a cocos2d app, as well as general cocos2d usage, check out this blog, it's what taught me in the beginning: http://www.raywenderlich.com/ [edit: just noticed there are no chipmunk tutorials on there, but the theory should be applicable to both. I found Box2d easier to use than Chipmunk]
What physics effects have you got on the stack so far? What problem have you encountered that made you question the physics properties of the objects?
For these effects you need a physics library. For 2d games box2d is quite good.