Hide LegacyExchangeDN as contact display in Office 365 - powershell

I am using this guide created by Steven Goodman
When importing .csv to Office 365 mailboxes with users created through local AD sync, the email address of the users in the same organisation, in the display email is shown as “xx xx”. External users email display name comes out as their email addresses.
However with uploading the same .csv to a non-AD synced email account, the display name appears as the normal email address.
Is there a way to show the emails in contacts, in the same organisation as their email addresses instead of this “LegacyExchangeDN”?

When AD accounts are sync'd to O365, the cloud objects become "read only" for many of the properties, especially values like email addresses.
What should be done is to import the values to the on-premises accounts and allow the MS dirsync to push those updates up to the cloud objects.
However, you cannot just set anything and have it go up to the cloud. The dirsync will only allow addresses that are in the list of accepted domains for the tenant and will purposely exclude non-smtp and non-x500 addresses. this means that if you wanted to preserve an old RFAX (right-fax solution) address, you cannot push that value to the cloud.


How does GMail let users use their own custom email

I was trying to sign up for a new Gmail address and noticed that Gmail has an option in which you can use your custom email address without the need for having a GSuit paid membership.
Upon filling up the details, Gmail sends an OTP/code to the custom email and upon entering the right code the user can log in using that email.
How is it possible for Gmail to just get access to an email address without even the need for entering the password?
You are creating a google account. A Google account can be associated with any email id.
If you use a custom email id, you can use all the gsuite features like docs etc from that email id, but you cannot access your email via gmail.
To use gmail on a custom domain you have to pay ( change mx servers etc also )
This is done by using MX records.
Mail Exchange (MX) records are DNS records that are necessary for delivering email to your address.
In simple DNS terms, an MX record is used to tell the world which mail servers accept incoming mail for your domain and where emails sent to your domain should be routed to. If your MX records are not pointed to the correct location, you will not receive email.
MX records consist of two parts: the priority and the domain name. For example:
0 mail.EXAMPLE.com
The ‘0’ is the priority.
The lower the number means a higher priority.
The ‘mail.EXAMPLE.com’ is the mail server to which it connects. This is different - depending on what company is hosting your email.
Outgoing email servers connect to the MX servers in order of priority.
If you use more than one MX record and both have the same priority, it picks one at random. (This in effect load balances the connections.)
Your MX records are controlled at the company where your Nameservers are pointed.
Use MX records, provided by the G Suite Setup Wizard, to verify your domain (if you haven’t already verified it) and to set up Gmail as your professional email.
After you've switched to Google's MX records, you can receive your email in your Gmail inbox or through an email client like MS Outlook.
How it works
Keep setup instructions open and sign in to your domain host in another window or tab. Your host manages technical settings for your domain.
You’ll then update the MX record settings to direct your email to your G Suite account. It’s like registering a new address with the post office so that your mail gets delivered.
If you already use email with your domain (your email address ends with #yourdomain.com), you’ll start receiving messages in Gmail instead of with your old email provider.
Read more here https://support.google.com/a/answer/140034?hl=en

Send mail notification of pull request to cross domain users using Azure DevOps

I am working in a team, I am admin of Azure devops, and I have a requirement, I want to send a email notification of every pull request created by my developers team.
But problem is that my all developers don't have email domain access in my client's Azure devops.
My mean is my client name for example is ABC so being admin client given me access by giving email id with admin authorization ashishjain#abc.com but developers don't have this mail domains (because we are vendors and working for client). In addition my client don't use full features of office 365.
Challenge is, how can i send a mail notification of every pull request using my client's Azure devops to my developers who don't have mail IDs like abc.com.
When you create a notification you can specify the email address (any email address):
What kind of mail ID do they have to access your Azure DevOps? Even though different from #abc.com, such as xx#123.com, they should also be able to access their own E-mail xx#123.com
To be honestly, your requirement sounds like a little weird. According to your description, every pull request created by my developers team. These users should already been team members in your org.
You just need to Manage notifications for a team or group in your project. For example:
Team preference: use the team's default delivery preference.
Learn how to manage delivery settings.
If those develops are also not able to access their own sign-in E-mail address system. They cloud change their preferred email address for notifications.
You can change your preferred email address for notifications from
your organization preferences profile page. Notifications are sent
by default to the preferred email address for your organization
profile. This is typically the email address you signed into Azure
DevOps Services with.
Besides, you could also set any Custom email address: recipient is the specified email address in delivery options of your team notification.
Lastly, the E-mail which sent to develops notifications will not be the one who created the subscription. It hands by Azure DevOps Server.

How can users move emails between exchange mailboxes without being able to read the emails in the destination mailbox?

Our sales process uses a 'sales' mailbox with a number of sub folders for each stage of the sales cycle. As emails move through the cycle they are moved from one sub-folder to the next. No internal emails about an opportunity are allowed (either To, Cc or BCC) as discussion takes place on chatter
On occasion a salesperson needs to move an email into a manager's email inbox, but they don't have access to the mailbox.
How can we set up permissions for the salesperson so that they are able to drag and drop the email into a mailbox, but so they don't have visibility of the emails or folder structure inside.
We're using Outlook 2013 and office 365 (and thus a Microsoft hosted exchange server).
A good answer for this question would either describe the permissions required and how to achieve the desired outcome OR suggest workarounds
At present its not practical for us to move to a helpdesk solution
The issue with this Exchange is based partly on NTFS permissions and you cannot be given Modify permissions without being given read permissions.
You could encrypt the contents of the email before moving it into Sales and then have the application that moves the emails around can decrypt it when sending it to the manager or displaying it within the application.

Mail Client in Cloud used for Backups

I'm new to cloud storage and I'm wondering how a mail-client that is running on, say a rackspace server running RedHat, stores emails locally on it's machine so we can back emails up. I am trying to find the best mail client that can fit these requirements:
Backup of these email accounts is as follows:
1) Each email account must be backed up individually on a daily basis
2) We must be able to reconstruct our mail account as it looked on some past date.
3) Emails among these email accounts cannot be mingled. In other words, if we are asked to restore our "support" mail account, we should not be including emails from our "reports" mail account.
This client will:
1) Sit on a secured server accessible by us
2) Connect to each target email account over IMAP, securely
3) Synch down all emails for each account and retain emails on the file system. Each mail account must be stored in a location that is distinct from the locations of other accounts we are backing up (per regulatory requirement above). Thunderbird, for example, supports the notion of Profiles.
4) Each Profile maintains its own distinct folder structure on the fs. Each Profile is then responsible for pulling data for only of the mail accounts.
5) Mail stored within these profiles should be encrypted with the security key in our possession. This requirement will most likely be satisfied by the server infrastructure we select, ie the cloud servers at amazon will run on an encrypted file system.
If anyone has any ideas for an ideal replacement to thunderbird that would be of huge help.

How to migrate mail accounts from one server to another without losing them?

I am moving my bussines website from a shared Bluehost server to a MyHosting VPS. The only problem here is that we have some mail accounts that we use to receive orders from our customers, so we can't change the email direction or else we would lose some customers. Is there any way to change the account's server without losing the accounts?
You can take backup of your email on your local system by using Outlook or Thunderbird etc.
Then you can create same domain & mail accounts on your VPS.