I have the following code in Scala:
val status: Future[String] = Await.ready(Http(address OK as.String), 1 second)
I'm making a http call and I'm waiting for an answer for a second.
I was told it's not good practice to block using Await.ready.
I'm curious what I can use instead.
Can I use for comprehensions? How?
It generally bad to block on an asynchronous operation, otherwise, why make it asynchronous at all?
You can use various implementations with Future[T], such as registering a continuation to invoke when the result arrives. For example, let's assume you want to parse the String result into a Foo object. You'd get:
val result: Future[Foo] = Http(address OK as.String).map {
s => parseJson[Foo](s)
Note that when working with Future[T], you'll end up bubbling them up the call chain of the execution, unless you synchronously block.
Same can be achieved with for comprehension:
for {
s <- Http(address OK as.String)
} yield (parseJson[Foo](s))
Using Await.ready is not a good practice because its blocking. In most of the cases you can compose and transform the futures to achieve the desired result.
But You can use blocking when its absolutely necessary. Here is my answer about blocking and its consequences When to and when not use blocking
Non-Blocking wait
def afterSomeTime(code: => Unit)(duration: FiniteDuration): Unit = {
someActorSystem.scheduler.scheduleOnce(duration) {
Above function will call the code after given duration, you can use any other timer implementation instead of Akka scheduler
case class TimeoutException(msg: String) extends Exception(msg)
def timeout[T](future: => Future[T])(duration: FiniteDuration)(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[T] = {
val promise = Promise[T]()
future.onComplete(promise tryComplete)
afterSomeTime {
promise tryFailure TimeoutException(s"Future timeout after ${duration.toString()}")
In my project I'm using Akka's Actors. By definition Actors are thread-safe, which means that in the Actor's receive method
def receive = {
case msg =>
// some logic here
only one thread at a time processes the commented piece of code. However, things are starting to get more complicated when this code is asynchronous:
def receive = {
case msg =>
Future {
// some logic here
If I understand this correctly, in this case only the Future construct will be synchronized, so to speak, and not the logic inside the Future.
Of course I may block the Future:
def receive = {
case msg =>
val future = Future {
// some logic here
Await.result(future, 10.seconds)
which solves the problem, but I think we all should agree that this is hardly an acceptable solution.
So this is my question: how can I retain the thread-safe nature of actors in case of asynchronous computing without blocking Scala's Futures?
How can I retain the thread-safe nature of actors in case of
asynchronous computing without block Scalas Future?
This assumption is only true if you modify the internal state of the actor inside the Future which seems to be a design smell in the first place. Use the future for computation only by creating a copy of the data and pipe to result of the computation to the actor using pipeTo. Once the actor receives the result of the computation you can safely operate on it:
import akka.pattern.pipe
case class ComputationResult(s: String)
def receive = {
case ComputationResult(s) => // modify internal state here
case msg =>
Future {
// Compute here, don't modify state
ComputationResult("finished computing")
I think you need to "resolve" the db query first and then use the result to return a new Future. If the db query returns a Future[A], then you can use flatMap to operate over A and return a new Future. Something in the lines of
def receive = {
case msg =>
val futureResult: Future[Result] = ...
futureResult.flatMap { result: Result =>
// ....
// return a new Future
the simplest solution here is to turn the actor into a state machine (use AkkaFSM) and do the following:
dispatch a future for the mongoDB request.
use the reference to your own actor to commuincate with your actor
tell the message back from the future.
depending on context you might have to do some more to get a proper response.
But this has the advantage that you process the message with the actor state and you can mutate the actor state as you please as you own the thread.
I'm writing an HTTPS service for a chat bot and find myself dealing with a lot of Futures and Options. Usually if an Option returns None or a Future fails I want to log the exception and reset the user back to the start. Here's a toy example of how I accomplish this:
(for {
user <- userService.retrieve(userId)
userPet <- Future(user.userPet.get)
_ <- sendTextAsJson(s"You're holding a $userPet!")
} yield {}).recover {
case ex: Exception =>
This works fine but it feels a little weird to wrap things in Future just so their exceptions are swallowed and dealt with in the recover block. It also feels weird to include an empty yield block. Is there a better way?
What you basically do is using onSuccess or onFailure to retrieve the futures result. What you also might try is Try.
There is an example of the underlying functionality.
I might suggest you this article: http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/core/futures.html I can't summarize whats stated there in a few sentences. But if you look to the table of contents on the right side, the point Futures explains what happens and how to handle it is stated under Excepetions. Thats the idiomatic way.
I don't think it's too bad tbh, assuming userService.retrieve() returns a Future in the first place. I'd personnally rather use map in this case to make things a bit more explicit :
val futureMsg = userService.retrieve(userId)
.map(user => sendTextAsJson(s"You're holding a ${user.userPet.get}!")
.recover {
case NonFatal(ex) => //Look it up ;)
You now have Future[Unit] to do whatever you want with.
I agree with you that that's an awkward use of a for-comprehension. This is how I would write this:
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
.map(userPet => s"You're holding a $userPet!")
.recover {
case NonFatal(ex) =>
Looking at your sendTextAsJson and fail functions you seem to want to side-effect when the future completes. I would not use map after you perform the Option.get and instead look at Futures onComplete method to either handle the success of the future or handle the exception throw. I am not sure how this way and recover are different though so double check that. I did like #sascha10000 link to the scala doc futures. Its been a long time since I read that but its a good resource from what I remember
Example implementation of your code with onComplete:
import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
object UserFuture extends App {
def fail = println("failed")
def sendTextAsJson(message: String): Unit = println(message)
case class User(userPet: Option[String])
object userService {
def userPet = Some("dog")
val someUser = User(userPet)
def retrieve(userId: Int): Future[User] = Future {
def getPet(userId: Int): Unit = {
.map(user => user.userPet.get)
.onComplete {
case Success(userPet) => sendTextAsJson(s"You're holding a $userPet!")
case Failure(ex) => println(ex.toString); fail
Thread.sleep(10000) // I forgot how to use Await. This is just here to be able to make sure we see some printouts in the console.
Given that we must avoid...
1) Modifying state
2) Blocking
...what is a correct end-to-end usage for a Future?
The general practice in using Futures seems to be transforming them into other Futures by using map, flatMap etc. but it's no good creating Futures forever.
Will there always be a call to onComplete somewhere, with methods writing the result of the Future to somewhere external to the application (e.g. web socket; the console; a message broker) or is there a non-blocking way of accessing the result?
All of the information on Futures in the Scaladocs - http://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/core/futures.html seem to end up writing to the console. onComplete doesn't return anything, so presumably we have to end up doing some "fire-and-forget" IO.
e.g. a call to println
f onComplete {
case Success(number) => println(number)
case Failure(err) => println("An error has occured: " + err.getMessage)
But what about in more complex cases where we want to do more with the result of the Future?
As an example, in the Play framework Action.async can return a Future[Result] and the framework handles the rest. Will it eventually have to expect never to get a result from the Future?
We know the user needs to be returned a Result, so how can a framework do this using only a Unit method?
Is there a non-blocking way to retrieve the value of a future and use it elsewhere within the application, or is a call to Await inevitable?
Best practice is to use callbacks such as onComplete, onSuccess, onFailure for side effecting operations, e.g. logging, monitoring, I/O.
If you need the continue with the result of of your Future computation as opposed to do a side-effecting operation, you should use map to get access to the result of your computation and compose over it.
Future returns a unit, yes. That's because it's an asynchronous trigger. You need to register a callback in order to gather the result.
From your referenced scaladoc (with my comments):
// first assign the future with expected return type to a variable.
val f: Future[List[String]] = Future {
// immediately register the callbacks
f onFailure {
case t => println("An error has occurred: " + t.getMessage)
f onSuccess {
case posts => for (post <- posts) println(post)
Or instead of println-ing you could do something with the result:
f onSuccess {
case posts: List[String] => someFunction(posts)
Try this out:
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
val f: Future[Int] = Future { 43 }
val result: Int = Await.result(f, 0 nanos)
So what is going on here?
You're defining a computation to be executed on a different thread.
So you Future { 43 } returns immediately.
Then you can wait for it and gather the result (via Await.result) or define computation on it without waiting for it to be completed (via map etc...)
Actually, the kind of Future you are talking about are used for side-effects. The result returned by a Future depends its type :
val f = Future[Int] { 42 }
For example, I could send the result of Future[Int] to another Future :
val f2 = f.flatMap(integer => Future{ println(integer) }) // may print 42
As you know, a future is a process that happens concurrently. So you can get its result in the future (that is, using methods such as onComplete) OR by explicitly blocking the current thread until it gets a value :
import scala.concurrent.Await
import akka.util.Timeout
import scala.concurrent.duration._
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
val integer = Await.result(Future { 42 }, timeout.duration)
Usually when you start dealing with asynchronous processes, you have to think in terms of reactions which may never occur. Using chained Futures is like declaring a possible chain of events which could be broken at any moment. Therefore, waiting for a Future's value is definitely not a good practice as you may never get it :
val integer = Await.result(Future { throw new RuntimeException() }, timeout.duration) // will throw an uncaught exception
Try to think more in terms of events, than in procedures.
I am attempting to pass an ActorRef to a calling client. Here is some code:
object Sub {
implicit val timeout = Timeout(5 seconds)
lazy val default = {
val subActor = Akka.system.actorOf(Props[Sub], "sub")
def apply(pChannel: Concurrent.Channel[JsValue]):ActorRef = {
(default ? Register(callback)).map {
case ref:ActorRef => ref
The client invoking this is simply calling val sub:ActorRef = Sub(channel)
The problem I get here however is:
[error] found : scala.concurrent.Future[akka.actor.ActorRef]
[error] required: akka.actor.ActorRef
How can I modify the code above to get an ActorRef for the calling code to get the ref it needs?
Future is the promise of a certain value at a later time. In this case Future[ActorRef] is a value that represents an ActorRef now or at some point in the future.
You don't really want to get the ActorRef directly, you probably want to compose your calling code with the future that is returned.
For instance, if your code does:
val sub = Sub(channel)
you'd want to rewrite it as:
Sub(channel).map { sub =>
as that will create a new future that automatically calls doSomething(sub) when the sub value is available. You can also rewrite the example as:
for(sub <- Sub(channel)) yield doSomething(sub)
If you're looking to block in the calling code and return the value when available (which goes against the design principles of Akka, Play and reactive programming in general), you can always use Await, such as:
// Await.result() takes a Future[T] and returns a T
val sub = Await.result(Sub(channel), 10 seconds)
but it is poor design to do this in library code and isn't recommended. You should only wait on futures at the very end of your processing, and even then, the framework will usually handle that for you.
Suppose I have a function like this (I use akka 2.0.2):
def foo(message: String): Future[SomeClass] =
for {
result <- actor ? message
} yield SomeClass(result)
The caller of a function sets onSuccess and onFailure hooks on the future, so if I want an actor to break the promise, I make it send akka.actor.Status.Failure back to the sender. That works just fine. Now, what if I want to check some condition in foo and return the failed future in case condition fails/succeeds?
def foo(message: String): Future[SomeClass] =
if(...) {
...//return failed future
} else {
for {
result <- actor ? message
} yield SomeClass(result)
What the 'return failed future' block should be like? And do I need an execution context to implement it?
Just return an expression: Promise.failed(new Exception), where the exception is the one you want to fail the future with. You don't need an execution context if you are using the Scala futures and promises in the Scala standard library from 2.10.
Akka futures and promises require an implicit execution context for the failed promise method. There should be a default execution context available in the execution context companion object, which you can use given that you have an ActorSystem instance available.