Set all files in Google Cloud Storage bucket to gzip by default - google-cloud-storage

I am trying to set a Google Cloud Storage bucket so that any files I upload are automatically gzip'd and "Content-Encoding: gzip" is set.
I tried "gsutil defacl set public-read gs://bucket" based upon Set all files in Google Cloud Storage Bucket to public by default but was unsuccessful.
Any ideas?

There's no way to configure a bucket to automatically gzip files being uploaded there by default. One possibility would be to configure object change notifications on the bucket and implement code that responds to the notifications by reading the new input object and writing a compressed equivalent and then deleting the original.


Change default file/image if not found for public access in Google Cloud Storage

I migrated my website storage to google cloud storage, but the migration/upload was failed for some files because some reasons. By default, if the path/object doesnt exist in the GCS bucket will return XML like below:
<Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message>
<Details>No such object: bucket/the_file.png</Details>
Can I change/customize that return to another file/image?
If your static website is online by using a Cloud Storage bucket as is described in this document, you need to upload a public file in your bucket called 404.html, this file must have the html code that you desire to shown when an object doesn't exists.
After uploading the file 404.html it is mandatory to run this command in the cloud shell in order to define the error file
gsutil web set -e 404.html gs://
In this page you can find more information about the 404.html file

Enabling web server access logs for a Google Cloud Storage bucket

I'm using Google Cloud Storage to serve my static website to the public and wondering is there a way to enable Apache/NGINX like access logs for the bucket via the GCP web interface?
GCS does offer access logs, although they arrive as CSV files with a bunch of information and not as Apache logs.
Enabling them is fairly simple. Say you want access logs for bucket "mybucket".
First, create another bucket to hold the access logs. Let's call it "mylogsbucket".
Second, give GCS permission to write logs to that bucket with this gsutil command:
gsutil acl ch -g gs://mylogsbucket
Third, activate logging:
gsutil logging set on -b gs://mylogsbucket gs://mybucket
Usage logs for mybucket will now show up about once per hour in mylogsbucket, and storage logs recording how much data is being stored will show up once per day.
More documentation on this feature is here:

Transfer file from Azure Blob Storage to Google Cloud Storage programmatically

I have a number of files that I transferred into Azure Blob Storage via the Azure Data Factory. Unfortunately, this tool doesn't appear to set the Content-MD5 value for any of the values, so when I pull that value from the Blob Storage API, it's empty.
I'm aiming to transfer these files out of Azure Blob Storage and into Google Storage. The documentation I'm seeing for Google's Storagetransfer service at indicates that I can easily initiate such a transfer if I supply a list of the files with their URL, length in bytes and an MD5 hash of each.
Well, I can easily pull the first two from Azure Storage, but the third doesn't appear to automatically get populated by Azure Storage, nor can I find any way to get it to do so.
Unfortunately, my other options look limited. In the possibilities so far:
Download file to local machine, determine the hash and update the Blob MD5 value
See if I can't write an Azure Functions app in the same region that can calculate the hash value and write it to the blob for each in the container
Use an Amazon S3 egress from Data Factory and then use Google's support for importing from S3 to pull it from there, per but this really seems like a waste of bandwidth (and I'd have to set up an Amazon account).
Ideally, I want to be able to write a script, hit go and leave it alone. I don't have the fastest download rate from Azure, so #1 would be less than desireable as it'd take a long time.
Have any other approaches?
May 2020 update: Google Cloud Data Transfer now supports Azure Blob storage as a source. This is a no-code solution.
We used this to transfer ~ 1TB of files from Azure Blob storage to Google Cloud Storage. We also have a daily refresh so any new files in Azure Blob are automatically copied to Cloud Storage.
I know it's a bit late to answer this question for you, but it might help others who all are trying to migrate data from Azure Blob Storage to Google Cloud Storage
Google Cloud Storage and Azure Blob Storage, both platforms being storage services, does not have a command line interface, where we can simply go and run transfer commands. For that, we need an intermediate compute instance which would actually be able to run the required commands. We will follow the steps below in order to achieve the Cloud to Cloud transfer.
First and foremost, create a Compute Instance in Google Cloud Platform. You needn't create a computationally powerful instance, all you need is a Debian-10GB machine with 2-core CPU and 4 GB of memory.
In the early days, you would have downloaded the data to the Compute Instance in GCP and then move it further to Google Cloud Storage. But now with the introduction of gcsfuse we can simply mount a Google Storage Account as a File System.
Once the compute instance is created, simply login to that instance using SSH from Google Console and install the following packages.
Install Google Cloud Storage Fuse
export GCSFUSE_REPO=gcsfuse-`lsb_release -c -s`
echo "deb $GCSFUSE_REPO main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gcsfuse.list
curl | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install gcsfuse -y
# Create local folder
mkdir local_folder_name
# Mount the Storage Account as a bucket
gcsfuse <bucket_name> <local_folder_path>
Install Azcopy
tar -xvf downloadazcopy-v10-linux
sudo cp ./azcopy_linux_amd64_*/azcopy /usr/bin/
Once these packages are installed, the next step is to create the Shared Signature Access key. If you have Azure Blob Storage Explorer, just right click on the storage account name in the directory tree and Select Generate Shared Access Signature
Now you will have to create a URL to your blob objects. To achieve this, simply right-click on any of your blob object, select Properties and copy the URL from the dialogue box.
Your final Url should look like.
<https://URL_to_file> + <SAS Token>
Now, use following command to start copying the files from Azure to GCP storage.
azcopy cp --recursive=true "<-source url->" "<-destination url->"
If in case, your job fails you can list your jobs using:
azcopy jobs list
and to resume failed jobs:
azcopy jobs resume jobid <-source sas->
You can collate all the steps into one bash, leave it running till your data transfer is complete.
And that's all! I hope it help others
We have migrated about 3TB files from Azure to Google Storage. We have started a cheap Linux server with a few TB local disk in the Google Computing Engine. Transferred the the Azure files to the local disk by blobxfer, then copied the files from the local disk to the Google Storage by gsutil rsync (gsutil cp works too).
You can use other tools to transfer files from Azure, you may even start the Windows server in the GCE and use gsutils on Windows.
It has taken a few days, but was simple and straightforward.
Did you think about using Azure Data Factory custom activity support that is used for data transformation? On back-end, you can use Azure Batch for downloading, updating and uploading your files into Google Storage, if you go with ADF custom activity.

Google Cloud Storage - make objects in a bucket publicly viewable

I've got a bucket in Google Cloud Storage, and a website. People can currently upload to the bucket through the website (using Google authentication).
However, I need to set it so that anyone can view the files that are uploaded (and can't modify them).
This can't be something that Google needs to authenticate, as some of our clients' IT departments have blocked Google (for whatever reason) and refuse to budge. It could be something where the request is made from my website, it could allow it (as I'll record the URL on the website's database).
Preferably, if this could be done without using gsutil that would be great.
You can set a default object ACL on the bucket that makes all objects uploaded to that bucket publicly readable. For example you could do it using gsutil:
gsutil defacl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://your-bucket
Note that the above command only affects newly written objects. If you already have objects in your bucket that need to be made public you could accomplish that with gsutil as well:
gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://your-bucket/**
Regarding your point about making sure anyone can view the files but not modify them: You can accomplish this by making sure the bucket ACL only allows you (or your service account) to write objects, not all users.

Upload files to Google Cloud Storage without downloading them locally?

I want to upload 120 files, each around 1.2GB so about 150GB in total, from an HTTPS website onto my Google Cloud Storage.
I really, really don't want to have to download them all locally, and then upload them individually.
Is there any way around this? Surely I can just give Google Cloud Storage a URL to pull from? I don't control the HTTPS server.
It seems to be possible to upload from S3 to Google Cloud Storage, but S3 seems to suffer from the same problem.
If your website allows public access you can use the GCS Transfer Service to do it: