Run two instances of JBoss Fuse on the same box - jbossfuse

What configuration files/values to change in order to run second instance of the JBoss Fuse on the same box?

Second instance properties after configuration:
Installation home: c:\jboss-fuse-6.2.1.redhat-084-2 (/usr/app/jboss-fuse-6.2.1.redhat-084-2)
Remote debug port: 5006
Jetty/CXF port: 8282
RMI registry port: 2099
RMI server port: 54444
SSH port: 8202
ActiveMQ port: 62616
HawtIO console: http://localhost:8282/hawtio/login
Installation home:
export KARAF_ETC
SET KARAF_HOME=c:\jboss-fuse-6.2.1.redhat-084-2
SET KARAF_DATA=c:\jboss-fuse-6.2.1.redhat-084-2\data
SET KARAF_ETC=c:\jboss-fuse-6.2.1.redhat-084-2\etc
Remote debug port
set DEFAULT_JAVA_DEBUG_OPTS=-agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5006
Jetty/CXF port
<Property name="jetty.port" default="8282"/>
RMI registry port/RMI server port
rmiRegistryPort = 2099
rmiServerPort = 54444
SSH port
sshPort = 8202
ActiveMQ port
activemq.port = 62616 = localhost

This depends on the applications installed, so let's stick with vanilla JBoss Fuse 6.2+
There are 3 components that need a change in configuration:
ActiveMQ broker
Hawtio web interface
Conflicts happen while binding on TCP/IP ports. Use two sets of ports and you're done.
Configuration files are located in $KARAF_ETC folder, usually etc/ inside JBoss Fuse installation folder.
Change property activemq.port inside etc/
Default value is 61616.
Hawtio / OSGi HTTP
Change property org.osgi.service.http.port inside etc/ Default is 8181.
This is also defined in etc/org.ops4j.pax.web.cfg.
Change property sshPort inside etc/ Default is 8101

Another way: Create a Fabric with two child containers. Each container is just like a regular instance. The infrastructure is just a bit more complex than the standalone one.


how to configure loadbalancer in fuse cluster with different machine1,machine2 and machine3?

Following are the steps i follow to setup cluster in 3 different machine.
1. Unzip JBoss fuse in three different folders, so that you have the following configuration:
- machine1/jboss-fuse-6.3.0.redhat-187
- machine2/jboss-fuse-6.3.0.redhat-187
- machine3/jboss-fuse-6.3.0.redhat-187
2. Edit etc/ and change rmiRegistryPort, rmiServerPort, assiging an unique port:
rmiRegistryPort = 1099
rmiServerPort = 44444
rmiRegistryPort = 1100
rmiServerPort = 44445
rmiRegistryPort = 1101
rmiServerPort = 44446
3. Edit etc/ and change sshPort, assiging an unique port:
sshPort = 8101
sshPort = 8102
sshPort = 8103
4. Edit etc/ Change, org.osgi.service.http.port, activemq.port , assiging an unique port:
#machine1 = root1
activemq.port = 61616
#machine2 = root2
activemq.port = 61617
#machine3 = root3
activemq.port = 61618
5. start the root1 Container
6. And create the Fabric:
JBossFuse:karaf#root1> fabric:create --new-user administrator --new-user-password password --new-user-role Administrator --zookeeper-password ZooPass1 --resolver manualip --manual-ip --wait-for-provisioning
Above is My root1 machine1 IP Address :
7. Now, start the root2 Container and join the Fabric:
JBossFuse:karaf#root2> fabric:join
Ensemble password: ZooPass1
8. Now, start the root3 Container and join the Fabric:
JBossFuse:karaf#root3> fabric:join
Ensemble password: ZooPass1
9. Run the following command to ensemble:
JBossFuse:karaf#root1> fabric:ensemble-add root2 root3
This will change of the zookeeper connection string.
Are you sure want to proceed(yes/no):yes
JBossFuse:karaf#root1> fabric:ensemble-list
Then, i deployed the rest service on all 3 nodes and create the profile also added require profile with HTTP GETEWAY for load balancer and HA but request is not gone throgh machine 2 and machine 3. Even i am also not able access machine 1 and machine 2 hawtio console as per give below URL.
Can anybody help to to achieve load balancing for cluster environment with 3 different machine?
I would suggest -- don't do any of this :) If you're using Fabric8, install one instance of Fuse, do fabric:create, then use container-create-ssh --host localhost to set up other containers on the same machine. That will automatically take care of all the port conflicts that I suspect are at the root of your problem. Fabric8 uses many, many ports, and trying to fix them all up manually is a ghastly job.

Administrator access to EJBCA gives "intrerrupted while the page was loading" error

I want ot use EJBCA with Wildfly (JBoss) application server as PKI infrastructure.
I can access
but not
Then I will get with Firefox:
The connection to was interrupted while the was loading
With wireshark I can see the FIN ACKs of the application server.
I am using Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS AMD64 virtual machine with Java
java -version
openjdk version “1.8.0_131”
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_131-8u131-b11-0ubuntu1.16.04.2-b11)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.131-b11, mixed mode)
and with EJBCA
and with Wildfly (JBoss) application server
and with MariaDB which seems to work well except above mentioned Administration access in the GUI.
The configuration is similar to this I found on the EJBCA install page. It seems, that the part with port 8443 was not correctly configured. Do you have a hint for me to find a solution for my problem?
For configuration details please have a look at the following lines:
----------------------- BEGIN CONFIG -----------------------
configuring MariaDB
after unzipping as User ejbca
configured the following files
setting the keystore password
$EJBCA_HOME /conf/
setting database properties (DB name, DB url, DB driver, DB user name and DB password)
$EJBCA_HOME /conf/
setting cms keystore password and app server home
$EJBCA_HOME /conf/
kept all settings ...
$EJBCA_HOME /conf/
Added Management user with
cd /home/ejbca/wildfly-10.0.0.Final/bin/
started Wildfly app server
--- Add datasource ---
opened the Call Level Interface
/home/ejbca/wildfly-10.0.0.Final/bin/ -c
entered the commands
data-source add --name=ejbcads --driver-name="mariadb-java-client-1.2.0.jar" --connection-url="jdbc:mysql://" --jndi-name="java:/EjbcaDS" --use-ccm=true --driver-class="org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver" --user-name="ejbca" --password="ejbca" --validate-on-match=true --background-validation=false --prepared-statements-cache-size=50 --share-prepared-statements=true --min-pool-size=5 --max-pool-size=150 --pool-prefill=true --transaction-isolation=TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED --check-valid-connection-sql="select 1;"
--- Configure WildFly Remoting ---
--- Configure logging ---
/subsystem=logging/logger=org.ejbca:write-attribute(name=level, value=DEBUG)
/subsystem=logging/logger=org.cesecore:write-attribute(name=level, value=DEBUG)
--- Remove existing TLS and HTTP configuration ---
quitting CLI shell
restarted wildfly app server
--- Deploy EJBCA ---
ant clean deployear
--- Run install ---
ant runinstall
--- Deploy TLS keystores to WildFly ---
ant deploy-keystore
in the CLI shell
/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/http-listener=http:write-attribute(name=redirect-socket, value="httpspriv")
waiting for reload to complete
Configure identities and socket bindings:
/core-service=management/security-realm=SSLRealm/server-identity=ssl:add(keystore-path="${jboss.server.config.dir}/keystore/keystore.jks", keystore-password="serverpwd", alias="localhost")
/core-service=management/security-realm=SSLRealm/authentication=truststore:add(keystore-path="${jboss.server.config.dir}/keystore/truststore.jks", keystore-password="changeit")
/socket-binding-group=standard-sockets/socket-binding=httpspub:add(port="8442", interface="httpspub")
restart the application server completely and then
/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/https-listener=httpspriv:add(socket-binding=httpspriv, security-realm="SSLRealm", verify-client=REQUIRED)
/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/https-listener=httpspub:add(socket-binding=httpspub, security-realm="SSLRealm")
--- Finalize Wildfly configurations ---
/subsystem=webservices:write-attribute(name=modify-wsdl-address, value=true)
----------------------- END CONFIG -----------------------
I know this is old, but I am betting you did not have the hostname set in You need to set httpsserver.hostname=myejbcaservername (default is localhost).
Also, try using FireFox. It has its own certificate store (separate from the OS certificate store) and works better when managing PKIs.
Also, restart your browser if you do have the superadmin certificate installed. If you have hit cancel or done something it will genernally not renegotiate until you use a private browsing window or restart your browser.

how to use jconsole remote connect to Resin 4

I want to use jconsole remote connect to Resin 4,but it doesn't work when I modify the
#Jconsole config : 8080 : false : false
-Djava.rmi.server.hostname : host_ip
I think that it's the doesn't take effect,but I don't know how to config it now.
From 4.0 it has to be configured in resin.xml, below is the documentation link however, I am still unable to get the jmx port up and running.

The Datastax cassandra community server 2.1.10 service on local computer started and then stopped

I am trying to configure a two node cluster with cassandra in windows r2 2008
So i installed cassandra community version in one server (,
And then I stopped the service and then edited the configuraton.yaml file in the conf folder.
The changes are:
commented the num_tokens
gave the tokens in initial_token,
seeds as,,
listen_addresses are their respective ip addresses which are,,
rpc_addresses as,
endpointsnitch as gossip
I also changed the cassandra file to dc=DC1 rack=RAC1.
I then saved and started back the service and opened the cqlsh, but it is not connecting. Below is the error:
2015-10-12 16:20:13 Commons Daemon procrun stderr initialized
If rpc_address is set to a wildcard address (, then you must set broadcast_rpc_address to a value other than
Fatal configuration error; unable to start. See log for stacktrace.
ERROR 21:20:14 Fatal configuration error
org.apache.cassandra.exceptions.ConfigurationException: If rpc_address is set to a wildcard address (, then you must set broadcast_rpc_address to a value other than
at org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor.applyAddressConfig( ~[apache-cassandra-2.1.10.jar:2.1.10]
at org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor.applyConfig( ~[apache-cassandra-2.1.10.jar:2.1.10]
at org.apache.cassandra.config.DatabaseDescriptor.<clinit>( ~[apache-cassandra-2.1.10.jar:2.1.10]
at org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.setup( [apache-cassandra-2.1.10.jar:2.1.10]
at org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.activate( [apache-cassandra-2.1.10.jar:2.1.10]
at org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.main( [apache-cassandra-2.1.10.jar:2.1.10]
If you out to the rpc_address you have to change the broadcast_rpc_address like in , I think that the right broadcast_rpc_address can be the own ip address.

JBoss HornetQ JMX access

We have HornetQ messaging running inside JBoss. From a remote VM we are unable to connect using JMXURL.
HornetQ settings (hornet1 configuration.xml):
JBoss settings
From a remote JVM none of these URLs work:
As for JBoss 6.0.0
jconsole service:jmx:rmi://localhost/jndi/rmi://localhost:1090/jmxconnector
works. If you replace localhost with your host address, it worked as well.
Note that I started JBoss using -c whatever --host=
so that JBoss binds to all interfaces/addresses (instead of localhost only):
--host=host_or_ip ... Bind address for all JBoss services
I have changed the to :
export JMX_ARGS=""
java $JVM_ARGS -classpath $CLASSPATH $JMX_ARGS org.hornetq.integration.bootstrap.HornetQBootstrapServer $FILENAME
then when hornetq starts you should see this in the log :
15:15:22,312 CONFIG [] JMX Connector ready at: service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:3000/jmxrmi
on the client side you should be able to connect to the server with this :
val url = new JMXServiceURL("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://localhost:3000/jmxrmi")
val connection = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(url, new java.util.HashMap())
def mbeanServer = connection.getMBeanServerConnection()
val objectName = new ObjectName("org.hornetq:module=Core,type=Server")
val serverInfo = mbeanServer.getMBeanInfo(objectName)