Can we use Action on google framework to connect to our own application or popular messenger platform such as FB msg or Slack? - actions-on-google

I want to know if Action on Google the conversational bot can be used on other platforms such as Slack or FB Msg?
Can we bring Google Assistant to our own application? Just like bring the Bot in Allo to our own application?

If you use for setting up your bot you can also run it on Slack and Facebook Messenger and even much more. However the Allo support is still in work and not yet public.

Bringing the Google Assistant into your own application is not yet supported.
But if you make your own agent in, you can certainly bring those agents to many more platforms besides Actions on Google. Check out the integrations page.

There are pre-built integrations.
To bring your conversational experience to your application then go to your agents fulfillment page and point your webhook URL to
Then add this code in your application
fetch("").then(function(a) {
a.json().then(function(a) {
var b = document.createElement("script");
b.innerHTML = a.background, document.head.appendChild(b)


Developer Access to Google Assistant Conversation History

I am developing a Google Assistant app for Google Home, and about to launch the app. I am wondering, once my app is live on the Google Assistant platform, whether I (as a developer) would have access to all of the conversation histories as users interact with my app.
If so, does Actions on Google / Google have some sort of interface to view / download the history? Or, do I have to log and capture the history myself? I thought the history will be really helpful for me to improve my app.
Many thanks!
It depends a bit on how you have built your Action.
If you have built it with one of the templates - then no, you don't have access to the conversations.
If you have built it with the Actions SDK or with Dialogflow, then you will have access to quite a bit of information that is delivered to your fulfillment webhook. If you have intents that do not send anything to your webhook - you will not get that information.
There are tools that help you examine conversation flow, see where users get stuck or fall out of the conversation, or how they're using your Action. Most of them have good integration with the Actions on Google libraries. I use a combination of Chatbase,, and Google Analytics.

Facebook Developer- Messenger- add multiple webhooks for a single facebook page

I am trying to build a chatbot using Facebook developer platform. I want my bot to respond differently under different scenarios. So, basically I have my standard bot implementation on Heroku server. I want to bring in into my bot so as to leverage the kind of functionalities offers.
To bring in, I need to configure webhook in my Facebook app. As my Facebook app is already subscribed to Heroku, I don't see an option to add another webhook. Is there a way to subscribe my app on Facebook to multiple webhooks?
If not, is there any way to integrate using api calls from my heroku server?
Thanks in advance!
It's likely you'd probably just forward them along to the next endpoint. Have your server be the frontend, and forward requests from your server to the next webhook if needed.

Making a random testbank in

Would someone please explain or point me to a tutorial to develop a random question testbank chatbot in
I'd recommend starting with which creates an entire Google Assistant app for you, you just provide the questions. In the background Trivia Templates creates an API.AI agent in the background for you in the background and deploys it to the Google Assistant.
After you've created your Trivia template assistant app, you can login to API.AI with the same account and see the agent that was created for you, tweak the responses or edit the functionality and deploy to other platforms (Facebook Messenger, Slack, Alexa, etc.)

Can I build a bot using Facebook Messenger Platform to integrate on my own website or does it work only on FB Messenger having a FB page?

I am new to chat bot. I want to ask if I can build a bot using Facebook Messenger Platform to integrate on my own website or does it work only on FB Messenger having a FB page?
Like can be integrated to different platform, so can bot build Messenger platform be integrated to different platform? If yes can you please share the link for tutorial.
Yes you can integrate your chatbot built on FB Messenger Platform on your own website :)
Integrating your FB Messenger chatbot onto your website
With FB's latest Messenger update, it is now possible to embed your chatbot onto your website so that users can interact with your chatbot while browsing your website. The full feature & implementation details can be found in FB's documentation here. Here's a nice tutorial on how to do it here too. However, you still need to have a FB page linked to your FB Messenger bot to do so because bots are mainly used for talking to users via your FB page.
Can FB Messenger Platform be integrated to a different platform?
Well, no, but various other platforms such as (DialogFlow) or have integrations with other messenger platforms such as Telegram, Slack, Kik, etc.
I hope this helps! I recommend (DialogFlow) as a platform for making chatbots since it's relatively easy to learn and has good documentation. If you want a quick way to prototype a chatbot, then I recommend using ChatFuel, before making one from scratch :)

Hooking any AI chatbot to Facebook chat

I haven't tried anything on this, but is it possible? If it is, is there a way of making a plugin for firefox or chrome? or making a software that enables you to hook ai chatbot to Facebook chat. I really want to use cleverbot or iGod.
You can connect to the facebook chat via the XMPP API, though I believe using it to connect a bot or anything that is not user-to-user chat is a violation of the rules.
There are many services such as Kommunicate and ManyChat, that provides a way to automate facebook conversations using AI Chatbot.
Signup at Kommunicate, visit Integrations section. Select Facebook, then select the Facebook page and connect. After that, go to Bot Integration section and connect it with the bot.
Here is a detailed instructions on th same: