TYPO3 7.6.15 htmlarea buttons has no icons - typo3

I got a weired problem with my RTE after updating to 7.6.15. it looks like this
htmlarea buttons without icons
It seems, that the spritesheet "actions.png" (typo3/sysext/t3skin/rtehtmlarea/images/sprites) is not loaded.
Any ideas why?

have you checked the usual information?
does the file exist?
is the file accessible?
what does the browser (e.g. firebug) report? (console, net)

I notice some problems with the icons when the mod_pagespeed was installed. Maybe you have this also installed. Disabling is then required for the backend.

i got the same problem and a frame (where the rte is in) reload does the trick.


Some Icons of TYPO3 Icon API don't appear

In TYPO3 7.6, I used the TYPO3 icon API to display an icon for a new CType.
All worked well on the local machine.
After copying the code to a staging-machine, the icons I used are displayed as "missing" (i.e. the red "default-not-found"-icon is displayed instead.)
If I change my icon to a more common one, like "content-table", it is correctly shown. If I change it to a less popular like "content-briefcase", the default-icon is shown.
Deleting chaches didn't solve the problem.
Do I have to activate/load the icons before use?
The problem seems to be depending on the minor version.
I tried it with TYPO3 7.6.15.
There, some of the icon-files where missing in typo3/sysext/core/Resources/Public/Icons/T3Icons/content
After update to TYPO3 7.6.19 everything works as expected

TYPO3 Backend displaying image too large

In my TYPO3 7.6.4 when I set up a text & media content element and add a picture it is displayed too large, like its shown in the screenshot
Is there a possibility to fix that? and how?
To make the image procession in TYPO3 work, make sure that
you have installed either GraphicsMagick or Imagemagick on your system
you put the correct path to the binary in [GFX][im_path]. E.g. /usr/local/bin/
you put gmor im6 into [GFX][im_version_5] depending on what you are using.
you set [GFX][image_processing] to 1.
You can change these values in the install tool under "all configuration" in the GFX section.
You should also clear your processed images in the install tool ("Clean up" section) to make sure they are generated with an updated configuration:
Your image processing tests should look like this:
Maybe your PHP is configured to not execute binarys on the server, so ImageMagick can't be launched.
Check "System evironment" in the install tool for some errors or check if the php setting disable_functions containts exec.
if IM/GM is working well (install_tools test are ok) and the thumbnails in file list module are computed correct its the preview in the content elements.
Have a look at the preview definition of your content elements: is the HTML and CSS correct to show the image inside the preview area of that contentelement?

Typo3 GraphicMagick Thumbs transparent

Im working on a website using typo3 and the image handler being used is GraphicMagick. At an certain page im displaying an Latest view news item.
This news item contains an media pdf file.
So when I visit that page I will see an Thumb of that pdf since that is being created by GraphicMagick and stored in my typo3temp folder.
Now the real question is.. that this gif file, is like 10-15% transparent at the top.
I have no idea how this comes.. the settings in the installation tool look similar to the onces I use on a different website.
Did anybody see this before and knows how I might resolve this ?
I'm using the following versions:
Typo3: 6.2.11
imagehandler: Graphics Magick
[GFX][thumbnails_png] = 1
Solved it for me, gifs gave me a problem

ModX Evo: TinyMCE wont insert image path into image URL in selector

This is occuring on ModX Evo 1.0.15.
When I try to select an image (or file) using TinyMCEs image selector I can upload and browse for the image but when I select it to place within my text nothing happens - the image path area remains blank.
Heres a video demonstrating what happens: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VSgTsyj9B6k&feature=youtu.be&hd=1
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Weird, never had that problem.
Did you try update / reinstall of Evo? (or only tinymce and kcfinder)
Are config paths correct?
Try testing in Firefox, It's possible it's related to Chrome. If it doesn't work in Firefox, Reinstall the plugin.
Clear your cache and try selecting the image.
For a temporary solution if this doesn't work, just type in the image name into the box 'images/imagename.jpg' (minus quotes)
Good Luck

typo3 FE image links with securedl

We recently moved a working installation of our typo3 website to another server and now some images are displayed wrong. They are being resized (displayed smaller than they actually are) and the anchor tag has this source:
As you can see, we use the naw_securedl extension. When I remove everything of the link until fileadmin (/index.php?eID=tx_nawsecuredl&u=0&g=0&t=138......b&file=) the image works, but of course this is not the sense of securedl.
Does anyone know a solution for this? I tried to figure out that is could be the setting "linkFormat" which is currently set to
and I updated the .htaccess file but it doesn't change anything...
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!