how create a new calculated field with increment count - tableau-api

I would like to create a new calculated field (a new column in my dataset) that would count and increment every time an ID from another column appears.
I was able to achieve the results using excel (see image)
check here the example achieved with excel
this is the formula used in excel I used to get the result I intend to achieve in tableau:

There is a couple of way to do that in that and they all rely on Table Calculation Function.
In your case Index(), Rank() or Dense_Rank() will probably be the answer.
Here is tableau article on how to use it :
Table Calculation Functions


Function to call the Name of a column in TABLEAU

I have a problem with Tableau.
I have a Dataset with some rows and some columns. I want to write a IFELSE structure where
The IF condition is that the Value of special field(fixed by a row and a column) is equal to the header of a column (it is every time equal to one name(header) of the different columns).
So to summarize: one value is every time equal to the name of a column and to find the column shall be the if-structure
Does someone know if there is a function to call the name (header) of a column? I didn't find it
Here is an small example, in which the Calculated_function choose the right price according to the Barcode. Everything in the first raw, is the header_name of the column below. enter image description here
Best regards
You can work like this.
I created a sample dataset as given by you
Step-1: Connected With data in tableau. Clicked all columns having price (4 here), pivoted them so that they look like this..
Step_2: Create calculated_field like this
if [Barcode] = [Barcode_c]
then [Price] END
Step3: Filtered out null values from calculatedField and got a view like this which can be tweaked as per liking.

Spotfire - Filtering a Table by Values in a Calculated Column

I am trying to filter a table visualization of all of my data by looking to see if a Study Number contains Activity A. If a Study Number contains Activity A then I want to filter for all rows containing those Study Numbers even if the Activity is not A. See mock data below. In my real data set I have ~55,000 rows.
I have created a calculated to return Study Numbers if Activity= A but I am not sure where to go from there. Thanks for any help.
If(UniqueConcatenate([Activity]) OVER ([Study Number])~="A","Y","N")
Will give you this resulting column that you can then filter on (or you can use the formula as a Data Limiting Expression:

How to filter by current month automatically on pivot table google sheets?

As a data analyst, I would like to see the report in a pivot table automatically for the current month, so that I can take a look at it and don't have to change the date filter manually.
This is the formula to show the first day of the current month. (Which is the criteria I need, first of the current month)
It works when I put this formula in any cell.
But when I put it in the pivot "filter by condition" option it doesn't work.
This is what I tried.
Text is exactly =EOMONTH(today(),-1)+1 (In formula box)
The date is exactly =EOMONTH(today(),-1)+1 (In formula box)
Here a screenshot of the options
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
I've never had great luck with the pivot table filter criteria in Sheets, I typically filter the data first if it's more advanced or use aggregating functions. In the Sheets pivot tables are better for quick analysis than dashboards.
There's probably a few ways to do it, but one of the easier ways would be to duplicate the data tab, clear the data and use a filter function to retrieve data. Update the Pivot table data source to the new tab. This will always only be the current month's data.
Basically you filter the data before the pivot table, with the [filter function][1].
=Filter(data , [date col]>=EOMONTH(today(),-1)+1 , [date col]< date(year(today()), month(today())+1,1)
You can also add a month column to the data and then filter on that column, however each month you would need to update the month filter in the pivot table.
=date(year([date cell]),Month([date cell]),1)
If you're using it for a 'dashboard' of sorts, I would generally recommend to create it yourself with aggregating formulas (sumifs, countifs, ect) and then you can use the more complex filters.
try custom formula:
where A2 is first cell of column containing valid dates
You can try to Filter by a Custom Formula:
Where DatePurchase is the Field Name.

DAX: Distinct and then aggregate twice

I'm trying to create a Measure in Power BI using DAX that achieves the below.
The data set has four columns, Name, Month, Country and Value. I have duplicates so first I need to dedupe across all four columns, then group by Month and sum up the value. And then, I need to average across the Month to arrive at a single value. How would I achieve this in DAX?
I figured it out. Reply by #OscarLar was very close but nested SUMMARIZE causes problems because it cannot aggregate values calculated dynamically within the query itself (
I kept the inner SUMMARIZE from #OscarLar's answer changed the outer SUMMARIZE with a GROUPBY. Here's the code that worked.
AVERAGEX(GROUPBY(SUMMARIZE(Data, Data[Name], Data[Month], Data[Country], Data[Value]), Data[Month], "Month_Value", sumx(CURRENTGROUP(), Data[Value])), [Month_Value])
Not sure I completeley understood the question since you didn't provide example data or some DAX code you've already tried. Please do so next time.
I'm assuming parts of this can not (for reasons) be done using power query so that you have to use DAX. Then I think this will do what you described.
Create a temporary data table called Data_reduced in which duplicate rows have been removed.
Data_reduced =
Then create the averaging measure like this
AveragePerMonth =
"Sum_month"; SUM('Data_reduced'[Value])
Where Data is the name of the table.

Tableau creating a calculated percentage (non-aggregate) based on an aggregated total

Either I am the first person to ever need to display percentages in Tableau or I do not know what to search for! I highly suspect it is the latter...
I believe what I am attempting to ask is how to make a calculated non-aggregated field by dividing by an aggregated number. Although I would prefer just to be able to display the percentages instead of a whole number.
This is how I would do it in Excel:
The data that already exists is Column A and B. In Tableau these would be non-aggregated. What I need to do in Tableau is to generate what is column C (also non-aggregated) because it does not exist in my data. In excel, all I did to get the aggregate number (total) of column B was:
And for the column C:
But I can't seem to do this at all in Tableau. When I try to use the same syntax, I get an error message: "Cannot mix aggregate and non-aggregate arguments with this function."
Instead of having a calculated field, you can use a Quick Table Calculation on the column.
Right-click the pill of your data > Quick Table Calculation > Percent of Total. This will show the percentages instead. If you want to keep both, just duplicate column b first and then add the table calculation to the new column.