Nothing named ? has been defined - netlogo

I have small issue with a NetLogo tutorial.
I have the following situation:
to-report get-best-action
let x xcor
let y ycor
let dir heading
let best-action 0
let best-utility -100000
foreach actions[
set heading dir
run ?
let utility-of-action get-utility xcor ycor heading
if (utility-of-action > best-utility) [
set best-action ?
set best-utility utility-of-action
setxy x y
set heading dir
report (list best-action best-utility)
ask patches [
foreach headings [
let x pxcor
let y pycor
let dir ?
In any of the presented case, the identifier '?' is considered not defined. It should work because the identifier is used the same way even in the examples of foreach. Check .
Did I do something wrong? Does anybody know another solution, because I tried to use an item i and the behavior of the project has been modified. (Check the project: )
I would appreciate your help. Thank you!

In NetLogo before version 6, the symbols ? ?1 ?1 and so on were used as placeholders in some primitives, especially those that processed list items.
In version 6 a new syntax was introduced using "anonymous" procedures. You can make your old code using ? or ?1, etc work with few changes by adding the new syntax elements to the statement block.
Single ? placeholder
Extra space added to emphasize changes
Old syntax
foreach [ 1 2 3 4 ] [ show ? ]
New syntax
foreach [ 1 2 3 4 ] [ ? -> show ? ]
Multiple ?1 ?1 placeholders
Extra space added to emphasize changes
Old syntax
(foreach [1 2] ["a" "b"][ show (word ?1 ?2)]
New syntax
(foreach [1 2] ["a" "b"][ [?1 ?2] -> show (word ?1 ?2)]


Netlogo set specific xycor

This is my first Netlogo script and I am a complete beginner and need help in setting the xy coordinates for my turtles which are boats. I wish the boats to be positioned across the top of the world (in a 30 x 30 world, with origin in the bottom left-hand corner). The number of boats is selected by a slider, ranging from 1 to 4. After looking at other questions & answers, I have tried the following code, but cannot get it to work, either "expected closing bracket" or "FOREACH expected at least 2 inputs, a list and an anonymous command" errors.
create-boats N-boats ;; create the boats
[set color red ;; give them a color, a size and shape
set size 1
set shape "arrow"
(foreach [ 0 1 2 3 ] [6 12 18 24] [28 28 28 28] [ xy -> boats [ setxy item 0 xy item 1 xy ] ] )
set heading 180]]]
I also tried "set xcor one-of [6 12]", but sometimes get the boats lined up on top of each other, so I wish to specify the exact coordinates. Many thanks.
Do they have to be equally spaced? Or just anywhere along the top? If anywhere along the top, you are better off choosing 4 random patches in that row and getting each of them to sprout a boat. Something like (not tested):
ask n-of N-boats patches with [pycor = max-pycor]
[ sprout 1
[ set color red
set heading 180
set shape "arrow"
Just as a general newbie tip with NetLogo, if you are using foreach then you should immediately think about whether what you really want is some sort of agentset. It's particularly common for people coming from some other coding background to try and do things in for loops that are better handled as agentsets in NetLogo.
First, to answer your syntax issues:
Remember that the code in brackets after CREATE-TURTLES is run by a single turtle. After all the turtles are created, each turtle runs the code, one-at-a-time. It looks like you're trying to position all the turtles. That's probably not what you meant.
Second: look at the FOREACH.
( foreach [ 0 1 2 3 ] [6 12 18 24] [28 28 28 28] [ xy -> boats [ setxy item 0 xy item 1 xy ] ] )
You've got the foreach in ( and ) -- that's good.
You've got THREE separate lists as input -- that's fine, too, but looks like maybe you meant that to be one list? Not sure.
Your anonymous procedure has only ONE input: xy. That's a problem, since you have THREE lists as input.
You are referring to ITEM 0 and ITEM 1... which doesn't make a lot of sense at that point, unless you passed a list of lists, but no... still not.
Finally, it looks like you meant to ask boats but if you did, since this is inside the create-turtles code block, this is already being excuted by a boat. So, this boat will ask all boats to do something. If this was otherwise correct, you'd just do the boat commands--you are essentially already inside an "ask".
So, this is not ideal, in any case. Let's start at the top.
Three Ways to Set Turtle Location
If you want to put turtles at specific x and y coordinates, you have a few choices. Here's three:
Use Math based on the value of WHO to calculate the coordinates.
(Or a counter, if you want to keep your model "who-agnostic")
Use a set of patches (probably created using Math, too.) The patches SPROUT the turtles.
Use a List of coordinates. Each turtle pulls its location from the list.
A Note on the Examples.
All the below examples focus on setting the position. After the boats
are created, the boats are asked to run a procedure called
apply-boat-properties, which is where things like color, heading,
size, and other properties would be set. This is to remove clutter
from the examples. It also makes it quite easy to find where the
properties are being set.
to apply-boat-properties
;; run by a boat
set heading 180
set shape "arrow"
set color gray
Math (aka "calculated position")
You can do this is the locations are in a pattern that can be calculated. This can be easy to do, but can also be hard and require a lot of tweaking and experimentation to get just right. The weird NetLogo world geometry can sometimes be confusing.
Simple Example of Calculated Positioning
to make-fleet [ #fleet-count ]
create-boats #fleet-count
[ setxy (min-pxcor + 6 + who * 6) max-pycor
Elaborate Example of Calculated Positioning
Varies the gap between boats automatically.
The boats are located without regard to patch centers,
unless "$center-on-patches?" is set to true
WHO is not used in the calculations. This ensures the math comes out right, even if other turtles already exist in the model.
to make-fleet [ $fleet-count $center-on-patches? ]
;; requires breed [ boats boat ]
set-default-shape boats "arrow"
let $boat-size 1
;; this is the real "0" in terms of even positioning
let $far-left-edge-xcor min-pxcor - 0.5
let $total-width-of-all-boats ($boat-size * $fleet-count)
let $gap-between-boat-edges (world-width - $total-width-of-all-boats) / ($fleet-count + 1)
let $gap-between-boat-centers $gap-between-boat-edges + $boat-size
let $gap-between-left-edge-and-first-boat-center $gap-between-boat-edges + ($boat-size / 2)
;; I use boat-number, rather than who,
;;so this procedure will work even if there are other turtles
let $boat-number 0 ;; 0 to (#fleet-count - 1)
create-boats $fleet-count
[ let $x 0
if-else ( $center-on-patches? )
[ set $x min-pxcor
+ floor ( $gap-between-left-edge-and-first-boat-center )
+ ceiling ( $boat-number * $gap-between-boat-centers )
[ ;; position without regard to patch alignment
set $x $far-left-edge-xcor
+ $gap-between-left-edge-and-first-boat-center
+ $boat-number * $gap-between-boat-centers
let $y max-pycor
setxy $x $y
set $boat-number $boat-number + 1
ask boats [ apply-boat-properties ]
Using a Set of Patches
This is a lot like the previous method, but we create a set of patches, then ask the patches to make the turtles. This is useful for creating a set of turtles on a specific area of the world, like on an edge, or in a specific pattern of patches, or filling an area with a randomly scattered set of turtles.
to make-fleet [ $boat-gap ]
let $locations patches with
;; rules to find the patches
pycor = max-pycor ;; top row
(pxcor - min-pxcor) mod $boat-gap = 0
ask $locations [ sprout 1 [ set breed boats ] ]
ask boats [ apply-boat-properties ]
Using A List of Coordinates
If the required coordinates are few, or are can't be calculated, you can put the coordinates in a list. The created turtles can pull the coordinates from the list.
to make-fleet [ $fleet-count ]
;; A list of x y coordinate pairs.
;; The coordinate pairs are also in a list
let $coordinates
; x y ;
[ 6 0 ]
[ 12 0 ]
[ 18 0 ]
[ 24 0 ]
;; initialize the counter uses as the list index
let $boat-number 0
;; make boats
create-boats $fleet-count
[ ;; get the coordinate pair
let $xy item $boat-number $coordinates
;; get the x and y from the pair
let $x first $xy ;; aka item 0 $xy
let $y last $xy ;; aka item 1 $xy
;; apply the coordinate
setxy $x $y
;; increment the index number
set $boat-number $boat-number + 1
ask boats [ apply-boat-properties ]
Note that the above will make errors if $fleet-count is more than 4, because the coordinate list has only 4 items.
You could use FOREACH on the list, and create 1 turtle for each coordinate. This is handy when a large list of coordinates have been read from a file.
to make-fleet [ $coordinates ]
;; assume $coordinates is a list of pairs of coordinates.
;; like [ [ 1 2 ] [ 3 4 ] [ 5 6 ] ]
;; we are going to ask the patch at each of the coordinates
;; to create a turtle. Then we will set up the turtle.
( foreach $coordinates
[ [ $xy ] ->
ask patch first $xy last $xy
[ sprout 1 [ set breed boats ] ]
ask boats [ apply-boat-properties ]
There are other ways, too, and many other formulas for calculated positions.

How to fix netlogo 6.1.1 nothing named ? has been defined

I just started to learn Netlogo. I followed the code written by Lynne Hamill and Nigel Gilbert
when I finished, it reminded me that "nothing named ? has been defined".
foreach xs [
create-traders 1 [
set shape "house"
setxy ? 0
set color red
; give each trader some knids of produce to sell
set stock n-of n-items-stocked fruit-and-veg
Any ideas?
As Jasper notes in the comments, the ? is outdated syntax. Something like this should work - instead of an implicit ?, you iterate with an explicit variable (named this-x in the example below) and use that variable name wherever relevant.
foreach xs [ this-x -> ; name the variable here and add the arrow
create-traders 1 [
set shape "house"
setxy this-x 0 ; use that variable name
set color red
; give each trader some knids of produce to sell
set stock n-of n-items-stocked fruit-and-veg
You can think about it as equivalent to the conceptual loop "for each item in the list, call it 'this-x' and do something (everything after ->), replacing the 'this-x' in the code with whatever item is in the list at the moment".

How to fix "Nothing named ? has been defined" error in NetLogo 6.0.4

I downloaded the modified random clusters code for generating neutral landscape models using the Millington's version of the modified random clusters approach in the NetLogo modeling commons. When I click the "generate-landscape" button, the "fill-landscape" procedure in the code causes a "Nothing named ? has been defined" error.
When I created the attached interface image and attempted to run the adjoining code below. The problem seems to be related to the question mark in the "occurrences" report function. The reduce function is not working as intended. Is there a work around for this? See interface, then code below:
ifelse ( any? neighbours with [ cluster != nobody ] ) ;; check if there are any assigned patches in neighbourhood
let covers []
ask neighbours with [ cluster != nobody ]
set covers fput cover covers ;;ask neighbours to add their covers to the list
let unique-covers remove-duplicates covers ;;create a list of unique covers
let max-cover-count -1 ;the number of neighbours with the maximum cover
let max-cover -1 ;the maximum cover
ifelse(length unique-covers > 1)
;if there is more than one unique-cover
foreach unique-covers ;for each of the unique covers
let occ occurrences ? covers ;count how many neighbours had this cover
ifelse(occ > max-cover-count) ;if the count is greater than the current maximum count
set max-cover ? ;set this as the dominant cover
set max-cover-count occ ;update the current maximum count
to-report occurrences [x the-list]
report reduce
[ifelse-value (?2 = x) [?1 + 1] [?1]] (fput 0 the-list)
The code is suppose to generate a neutral landscape model using the modified random clusters approach developed by Saura and Martinez-Millan (2000). However, the error "Nothing named ? has been defined" error the code from running smoothly. Looking forward to thoughts ...
The old ? syntax from NetLogo 5.x was replaced with the new -> syntax in NetLogo 6. See
So, for example, in NetLogo 5, you would write:
foreach [0 1 2 3] [
print ?
in NetLogo 6, you write:
foreach [0 1 2 3] [ x ->
print x
A combination of Bryan's answer (first procedure) and the NetLogo Dictionary (second procedure) gives you the following. The comments indicate the new bits. Not tested.
ifelse ( any? neighbours with [ cluster != nobody ] )
[ let covers []
ask neighbours with [ cluster != nobody ]
[ set covers fput cover covers
let unique-covers remove-duplicates covers
let max-cover-count - 1 ; added a space around subtraction
let max-cover - 1 ; more spacing
ifelse(length unique-covers > 1)
[ foreach unique-covers
[ this-cover -> ; here's the new bit, calling ? 'this-cover'
let occ occurrences this-cover covers ; passes to the occurrences procedure
ifelse(occ > max-cover-count)
[ set max-cover this-cover ; using the name this-cover again
set max-cover-count occ
And for occurrences, you can take the procedure directly from the NetLogo Dictionary reduce example
to-report occurrences [#x #the-list]
report reduce
[ [occurrence-count next-item] -> ifelse-value (next-item = #x)
[occurrence-count + 1] [occurrence-count] ] (fput 0 #the-list)

Trouble with advanced netlogo code involving a question mark

I am using Netlogo v6.0.4 and I'm getting the following error message when I try to run sample code from an answer I found here on Stack Overflow.
Nothing named ? has been defined
In this answer the following netlogo code is proposed as an answer:
to-report split [ string delim ]
report reduce [
ifelse-value (?2 = delim)
[ lput "" ?1 ]
[ lput word last ?1 ?2 but-last ?1 ]
] fput [""] n-values (length string) [ substring string ? (? + 1) ]
The specific ? it does like is the first one in this section substring string ? (? + 1) .
When this answer was written in 2014, Netlogo v5 was in active use and it had a feature called tasks that were lambda methods. But in v6 tasks were replaced by anonymous-procedures.
Is that what the ? are here? How can I fix this error?
You got it in one- the ? in the versions were essentially placeholders for whatever variable was being passed to the task. The 5.3 dictionary entry for foreach has a good example:
foreach [1.1 2.2 2.6] [ show (word ? " -> " round ?) ]
=> 1.1 -> 1
=> 2.2 -> 2
=> 2.6 -> 3
In that case, foreach was taking the input list of [1.1 2.2 2.6] and iterating over it, where the ? takes the place in the command block of the current item being processed. As I understand it, the main syntactical difference in 6.X is that now you explicitly state what that placeholder is, by using the -> operator. So, the exact same idea as above, translated to 6.0 in the foreach example in the 6.0 dictionary entry, looks like this:
foreach [1.1 2.2 2.6] [ x -> show (word x " -> " round x) ]
=> 1.1 -> 1
=> 2.2 -> 2
=> 2.6 -> 3
There, you can see that the x is explicitly being defined as the placeholder. This really improves the clarity of code- you can define the placeholder however you like to be as clear and explicit as you'd like- this (over the top) example works just as well:
foreach [ 1.1 2.2 2.6 ] [ round_me -> show (word round_me " -> " round round_me) ]
If you're using multiple lists, do note that you have to surround the anonymous procedure with ( ) and your placeholder declaration with [ ]- for example:
( foreach [ 1 2 3 ] [ 10 20 30 ] [ [ a b ] -> print a * b ] )
If you're translating your code example, then, you can just focus on explicitly stating the placeholders. It also might help to break it down into the component parts to clarify- more detail in comments:
to-report split2 [ string delim ]
; split the string up into individual characters
let characters fput [""] n-values ( length string ) [ a -> substring string a ( a + 1 ) ]
; build words, cutting where the delimiter occurs
let output reduce [ [ b c ] ->
ifelse-value ( c = delim )
[ lput "" b ]
[ lput word last b c but-last b ]
] characters
report output
Now, to follow Nicolas' example from your linked answer, you can call that to-report to split up your text:
to read-example
let line "Example\tof\tsome\ttext"
show split2 line "\t"
Gives you:
observer: ["Example" "of" "some" "text"]
Hope that is helpful!

read-from-string working in NetLogoWeb?

Is there any alternative to read-from-string that works in NetLogoWeb? I need to a string from an input field. The string contains some number of integers and should be converted to a list. Within NetLogo, I use this code:
to-report get-demand
report reverse sort read-from-string ( word "[" the-field-name "]")
However, it seems that read-from-string is not implemented yet in NetLogoWeb. Any way around?
Many thanks and best wishes,
P.S. Many thanks for developping NetLogoWeb. I really missed NetLogo plugins.
Unfortunately, we haven't yet added support for read-from-string to NetLogo Web. It probably won't be there in the near future, either.
Is the code supplied here the real code that's giving you problems? I assume that it isn't, but, if it is, you can just do this for the same effect:
to-report get-demand
report reverse sort (list the-field-name)
(That is, if the-field-name is what it sounds like, which would be a string containing only the name of some "field".)
I assume that your real case is more complex. I might be able to offer a better workaround if I saw the true code. Are you sure that you can't solve your problem with tasks?
I'd suggest:
to-report string-to-numbers [s]
if empty? s [ report [] ]
if first s = " " [ report string-to-numbers butfirst s ]
let pos position " " s
ifelse not is-number? pos
[ report (list string-to-number s) ]
[ report fput string-to-number substring s 0 pos
string-to-numbers substring s (pos + 1) length s ]
to-report string-to-number [s]
report reduce [10 * ?1 + ?2]
map [position ? "0123456789"]
explode s
to-report explode [s]
report map [item ? s] n-values (length s) [?]
Sample run:
observer> show string-to-numbers "12 345 67"
observer: [12 345 67]
I verified that this works in both desktop NetLogo and NetLogo Web.
Based on the previous answer (that the command will not be implemented soon), it seems the only solution is to implement a simple parser, i.e. something like this (works for integers separated by spaces):
to-report string-to-list [ s ]
let l []
let ss ""
let n 0
let mode "out"
repeat length s [
set ss first s
set s but-first s
if ( ( ss = " ") and ( mode = "in" ) ) [
set mode "out"
set l lput n l
set n 0
if ( member? ss "0123456789") [
set mode "in"
set n ( n * 10 ) + ( position ss "0123456789" )
if ( mode = "in" ) [ set l lput n l ]
report l
The reporter gets a string s and returns a list of integers.
Or is there any simpler way to implement it?
Just to have an up-to-date answer here, as of October 2017, NetLogo Web does support read-from-string. A case like read-from-string (word "[" the-field-name "]") should work just as in desktop and report the list value.