Nativescript angular - Passing element variable as a parameter in an event - angular2-nativescript

<ListView [items]="stocks">
<template let-item="item" let-i="index">
<Label #{{}} [text]="" (tap)="setValue("</Label>
The parameter passed in setValue() comes in as a string in my code instead of an object.
How do I resolve this?

You're concatenating 2 values so I'd expect it to become a string indeed. Can you try this setValue(item) instead?


How to locale angular element using by.model in protractor

I have this text box element.
<input type="text" name="textbox" class="box-input ng-pristine ng-scope md-input ng-empty ng-valid ng-valid-required ng-touched" ng-required="field.required" ng-model="$ctrl.model[field.nameField.uuid]" ng-disabled="::field.readOnly" id="input_15" aria-invalid="false" style="">
In protractor how should I use it to locate the element? I am not quite sure how to use ng-model="$ctrl.model[field.nameField.uuid]"
If you are using angular 2 or above by model might not work for you, see here.
You could still use the model attribute to identify your element through css like so
try like this
let input = element(by.model('$ctrl.model[field.nameField.uuid]'));
I suggest to use unique ID if its possible, or some unique class styles leading to single element.

SAPUI5 - How do I aggregate with formElement?

I previously implemented aggregation with VBox. This get all the 'questions' and creates a Text box for each....
<VBox items="{path: 'view>questions', templateShareable: true}">
<VBox class="sapUiTinyMargin" templateShareable="true">
<Text text="Question {view>OrderSequence}"/>
I need to do the same, but for formElements. Can this be done?
<f:FormElement label="{i18n>radioLabel}">
<Input value="{viewmodel>radioLabel}" id="__redioLabel"/>
It doesn't seem to work with 'items'
In UI5 elements have several characteristics:
Properties: generally scalar attributes, like "title" or "width".
Events: which are fired when something happens, like "press" or "close".
Aggregations: collections of child entities, like the "items" of a list.
Associations: related controls, like the "label" of a input field.
You can find how these relate to the concept of data binding in the official documentation here.
In your case, the "formElements" is an aggregation of the FormContainer element. Based on the documentation:
Aggregation binding can be used to automatically create child controls according to model data. This can be done either by cloning a template control, or by using a factory function. Aggregations can only be bound to lists defined in the model, that is, to arrays in a JSON model or a collection in the OData model.
This implies that ANY aggregation can be used, no matter how it is named. Now, to go back to you example, the reason why "items" does not work, is because the FormContainer parent element has no aggregation with that name. Instead, you must use the "formElements" aggregation.
<f:FormContainer formElements="{viewmodel>/my/path/to/list}">
<f:FormElement label="{i18n>radioLabel}">
<Input value="{viewmodel>radioLabel}"/>
Also, note that usually, you do not need to give an ID to the template or any of its children (the Input in your example has an ID), that is because that element specifically will not be part of the resulting control tree. It is just used to be cloned to create the "real" elements based on the model list.
Lastly, you have a "templateShareable" property on the VBox in your first example. VBox has no such property, so it does nothing (you actually use it correctly inside the binding specification for the "items" of the parent VBox).
Solution was...
An aggregation on the form...
<f:Form id="formCustomRadio" editable="true" visible="true" formContainers="{viewmodel>answers}">
Thanks a lot
You can use the VBox and then put the f:formElements inside the items.
Or else use Standard List.
FormElements or containers don't have aggregation items.

How can I set text value dynamically in SAPUI5?

I want to set a text value by taking a value from another page or another input area. Here is my text field. I tried many combinations for this.byId("thisOne")., but they didn't work.
this.byId("thisOne").setValue("Some thing");
another way:
The text element:
<Text text="" id ="thisOne"/>
My XML file:
xmlns="sap.m" controllerName="App.view.Take"
<Page showHeader="false">
<Label text="thisOne" />
<Input text="" id="thisOne" />
<Button type="Accept" text="Accept" ></Button>
<Button type="Reject" text="Reject" ></Button>
If you specify an ID explicitly for a control, within an XML view, the actual ID will be prepended with the ID of the XML view, for example the Input control might have an actual ID of "__xmlview0--thisOne".
Best practice is to use the XML View's byId function to get the ID of a control contained within it. So for example in your controller attached to the view (App.view.Take.controller.js in your case) you could do this:
this.getView().byId("thisOne").setValue("Some thing");
Note that setValue will NOT work.
setValue is not the supported method for sap.m.Text Control. setValue is supported for sap.m.Input (or any other control which inherit properties from sap.m.Inputbase )
var oValue = sap.ui.getCore().byId("inputId").getValue();
Refer to sap.m.Text and sap.m.Input for more details.
If you want to get your textfield and then add a value to it. You have to do this:
sap.ui.getCore().byId("thisOne").setValue("Some thing");

Create repeatable custom form fields in web2py?

I want to create twitter bootstrap compliant form. According to the docs for Twitter Bootstrap v2.2.2 (the version included with web2py) the html should look like:
<form class="form-horizontal">
<div class="control-group">
<label class="control-label" for="inputEmail">Email</label>
<div class="controls">
<input type="text" id="inputEmail" placeholder="Email">
I'm currently using SQLFORM which outputs html that doesn't really fit with this (even using formstyle='divs'). Besides I want my html output to be clean without web2py artifacts such as class="w2p_fl". So my thought is to use a custom form. However in doing this there would be a lot of repeated code. That is, the following would basically need to be repeated for each field.
<div class="control-group">
{{=LABEL(form.custom.label['myfield'], _class='control-label',
<div class="controls">{{=form.custom.widget.myfield}}</div>
So how can I repeat the above unit of code so I could replace it with something like {{=bootstrap_field(db.mytable.myfield)}} or some other way to adhere to DRY?
What is the web2py way to do this? Create a view function? Pass a function in the dictionary returned by the controller? Create my own html helper? Create my own widget? Another way?
If you're using Bootstrap 2, you can just do:
form = SQLFORM(..., formstyle='bootstrap')
For Bootstrap 3 (or any other custom formstyle you'd like to create), the formstyle argument can be a function (or other callable) that produces the form DOM. The function will be passed the form and a fields object, which is a list of tuples, with each tuple containing a CSS id, label, input element, and (possibly empty) comment/help text. To get an idea of what such a function should look like, check out the one used for Bootstrap 2 forms.

How to dynamically populate a choices widget in symfony?

Suppose there is an image_url column in database.
I want the user to choose from several recommended images,which is something like this:
<input type="radio" value="" name="image_url" />
<img src="" />
<input type="radio" value="" name="image_url" />
<img src="" />
Where the image urls are generated on the fly.
How to do this in a symfony flavor by sfForm?
I tried this:
$form->widgetSchema['key'] = new sfWidgetFormSelect(...)
But get a fatal error:
Cannot access protected property
But what's the exact way to do this?
Well, standart approach is to write a widget.
In your concrete case it seems you actually want to perform a choice, right? So you have to implement another sfWidgetFormChoice renderer. To do that, inherit sfWidgetFormSelectRadio (let's call them sfWidgetFormSelectRadioImage) to learn them to render labels as <img> tags. Then ask sfWidgetFormChoice explicitly to render itself with sfWidgetFormSelectRadioImage class, and that should be all.
In your form configuration insert the following:
$this->widgetSchema['choices'] = new sfWidgetFormChoice (array('choices' => $custom_values_array));