DBus how to start service - service

I am curious how to start my own service for DBus.
On official site I have found a lot of information regarding working with DBus services from client point of view, but how to start and develop service not enough:
1) Where should be located interface file ServiceName.xml
2) Where should be located service file ServiceName.service
3) How to launch service manually, not on start of system.
Can anybody help me or provide some usefull links ?

Make a service that is started by the service manager of the OS (initd, systemd,etc). In that program instantiate the server-side object using the dbus library.
Normally, you'll configure to start the service on boot, but with systemd it's also possible to configure it to start when something connects to specific socket or when something tries to use specific device object. It's called 'socket activation' and 'dbus activation' (see current systemd docs).
If you want to start service manually - then do systemctl disable <service-name> to disable start on boot. To start a service manually: systemctl start <service-name>.
The *.xml files aren't obligatory. Maybe look into other packages to see where they put these files.
The *.systemd files should be in some usual place (see systemd docs) like /usr/lib/systemd/system.


Hyperledger composer rest server not updating

can someone help me when it comes in deploying a rest server, because when I added or edit my participants and assets on my business model and I use
composer create archive -t dir -n . and deploy it with composer-rest-server
my http://localhost:3000/explorer does not update the things i change in my business model it is still the same as before I make change of it.
thank you for those who will can help me..
this doc explains how to update a network definition with a new bna and it shows you how to change the version number:
Your problem is the version number which you more than likely left unchanged.
Once you manage to update your network definition don't forget to regenerate the REST service.
Your Rest service probably runs on the default port 3000. Kill the process using something like :
sudo kill $(sudo lsof -t -i:3000)
where 3000 is the port number it runs on, then run the composer-rest-server command again. It will see the new definition and it will recreate the endpoints correctly.
You can update your network definition using the playground if you prefer as well, you can upload your bna that way and update it using the UI which makes it easier, if you run a development setup.
Any time you change your model or .js files, remember to go into your package.json and update the version number. Then deploy the new .bna file. (This file will have the new version number.)
When you start the Composer Rest Server you see the first thing it does is to "Discover" the network and build the endpoints. It does this only when you start the rest server. So if you change your model and upgrade the network you will need to stop the rest server and start it again for it to do a new discovery and build the new endpoints. (Also need to refresh the page in the Browser if you are using the Explorer through a browser window.)
you have to install the network again after updating your BNA file.
follow these steps:-
1) install the network again
2) start the network
3) ping the network with your card
then start the composer rest server

Apache CloudStack: No templates showing when adding instance

I have setup the apache cloudstack on CentOS 6.8 machine following quick installation guide. The management server and KVM are setup on the same machine. The management server is running without problems. I was able to add zone, pod, cluster, primary and secondary storage from the web interface. But when I tried to add an instance it is not showing any templates in the second stage as you can see in the screenshot
However, I am able to see two templates under Templates link in web UI.
But when I select the template and navigate to Zone tab, I see Timeout waiting for response from storage host and Ready field shows no.
When I check the management server logs, it seems there is an error when cloudstack tries to mount secondary storage for use. The below segment from cloudstack-management.log file describes this error.
2017-03-09 23:26:43,207 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] (AgentManager-Handler-
14:null) (logid:) Seq 2-7686800138991304712: Processing: { Ans: , MgmtId:
279278805450918, via: 2, Ver: v1, Flags: 10, [{"com.cloud.agent.api.Answer":
GetRootDir for nfs:// failed due to
com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Unable to mount at /mnt/SecStorage/6e26529d-c659-3053-8acb-
817a77b6cfc6 due to mount.nfs: Connection timed out\n\tat
n\tat java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)\n","wait":0}}] }
Can anyone please guide me how to resolve this issue? I have been trying to figure it out for some hours now and don't know how to proceed further.
Edit 1: Please note that my LAN address was which I assume is not /24 address. I tried to give CentOs a static IP by making the following settings in ifcg-eth0 file
But doing this would stop my internet. As a workaround, I reverted these changes and installed all the packages first. Then I changed the IP to static by the same configuration settings as above and ran the cloudstack management. Everything worked fine untill I bumped into this template thing. Please help me figure out what might have went wrong
I know I'm late, but for people trying out in the future, here it goes:
I hope you have successfully added a host as mentioned in Quick Install Guide before you changed your IP to static as it autoconfigures VLANs for different traffic and creates two bridges - generally with names 'cloud' or 'cloudbr'. Cloudstack uses the Secondary Storage System VM for doing all the storage-related operations in each Zone and Cluster. What seems to be the problem is that secondary storage system vm (SSVM) is not able to communicate with the management server at port 8250. If not, try manually mounting the NFS server's mount points in the SSVM shell. You can ssh into the SSVM using the below command:
ssh -i /var/cloudstack/management/.ssh/id_rsa -p 3922 root#<Private or Link local Ip address of SSVM>
I suggest you run the /usr/local/cloud/systemvm/ssvm-check.sh after doing ssh into the secondary storage system VM (assuming it is running) and has it's private, public and link local IP address. If that doesn't help you much, take a look at the secondary storage troubleshooting docs at Cloudstack.
I would further recommend, if anyone in future runs into similar issues, check if the SSVM is running and is in "Up" state in the System VMs section of Infrastructure tab and that you are able to open up a console session of it from the browser. If that is working go on to run the ssvm-check.sh script mentioned above which systematically checks each and every point of operation that SSVM executes. Even if console session cannot be opened up, you can still ssh using the link local IP address of SSVM which can be accessed by opening up details of SSVM and than execute the script. If it says, it cannot communicate with Management Server at port 8250, I recommend you check the iptables rules of management server and make sure all traffic is allowed at port 8250. A custom command to check the same is nc -v <mngmnt-server-ip> 8250. You can do a simple search and learn how to add port 8250 in your iptables rules if that is not opened. Next, you mentioned you used CentOS 6.8, so it probably uses older versions of nfs, so execute exportfs -a in your NFS server to make sure all the NFS shares are properly exported and there are no errors. I would recommend that you wait for the downloading status of CentOS 5.5 no GUI kvm template to be complete and its Ready status shown as 'Yes' before you start importing your own templates and ISOs to execute on VMs. Finally, if your ssvm-check.sh script shows everything is good and the download still does not start, you can run the command: service cloud restart and actually check if the service has gotten a PID using service cloud status as the older versions of system vm templates sometimes need us to manually start the cloud service using service cloud start even after the restart command. Restarting the cloud service in SSVM triggers the restart of downloading of all remaining templates and ISOs. Side note: the system VMs uses a Debian kernel if you want to do some more troubleshooting. Hope this helps.

Why won't my Telescope app start with Upstart?

I've followed instructions online to set up a Telescope instance on my DigitalOcean droplet, but it won't start with Upstart.
I'm able to run the server successfully manually, but the Upstart task doesn't fire when the server boots. I'm sure I should be looking at a log file somewhere to discover the problem, but I'm not sure where.
I've looked for the location of upstart logs, but I'm not having any luck. Either you have to add something to your script to make it log, or it just does it according to accounts online, but neither of those seem to be the case for me.
When I try to search for help on Upstart, I'm also seeing people saying I should be using systemd instead, but I can't figure out how to install it on CentOS 6.5.
Can anyone help me figure a way out of this labyrinth?
I use Ubuntu server 14.04, and my upstart logs are located in /var/log/upstart
The log usually contains stdout from the job, and it should help you understand what's wrong.
My guess is that when the server boots and tries to run your job, MongoDB is not yet ready so it fails silently.
Try installing the specific MongoDB version that Meteor is using at the moment (2.4.9) using these docs :
The most important thing is to get upstart support for MongoDB, this will allow us to catch mongod launch as an event.
You can then use this syntax in your upstart script :
start on started mongodb
This will make your node app start when mongo is ready.
I've created a gist with the scripts I wrote to setup a server ready for Meteor app deployment, it's a bit messy and probably specific to Ubuntu but it might help you.
I'm also using demeteorizer and forever which are two great tools you should probably check.

Cannot disable systemd serial-getty service

On Raspberry Pi with Arch Linux there is a service active called serial-getty#AMA0.
The unit file is: /usr/lib/systemd/system/serial-getty#.service
As root I can invoke
systemctl stop serial-getty#ttyAMA0
systemctl disable serial-getty#ttyAMA0
But after reboot the service is enabled and running again.
Why is the service enabled after disabling it? How can I disable it permanent?
systemd uses generators at /usr/lib/systemd/system-generators/ is a binary called systemd-getty-generator. This binary runs at system start and adds the symlink serial-getty#ttyAMA0.service to /run/systemd/generator/getty.target.wants.
I eventually found a dirty solution. I commented out all actions in /usr/lib/systemd/system/serial-getty#.service. The service did appear to start anyway, but without blocking ttyAMA0.
The correct way to stop a service ever being enabled again is to use:
systemctl mask serial-getty#ttyAMA0.service
(using ttyAMA0 as the example in this case). This will add a link to null to the entry for that service.
Try this code:
system("systemctl stop serial-getty#ttyAMA0.service");
system("systemctl disable serial-getty#ttyAMA0.service");
I use it, and it works well.

pactl called from systemd service always reports "pa_context_connect() failed connection refused"

I've setup a systemd service file to perform some pactl operations at system startup for a test process. While the commands work fine when performed from a terminal I always get "pa_context_connect() failed connection refused" when running the same script from the systemd service by starting the service. I'm also using the 'User=' directive in the service file to ensure that the auto-login user matches the user used to run the service commands.
I've read that this is somehow related to the pulseaudio session not being valid in the environmentless context of the systemd service but I haven't been able to figure that out further.
Although it might be a bit late for whatever project you might have been be working on, here's what I found out.
The regular systemctl, the PID 1, indeed cannot access the environement variables of the current user when launching a service. Since pactl relies on those variables to find what instance of pulseaudio it needs to connect to, it is unable to do so when launched though a service. I'm sure there's a fairly dirty workaround for this, but I found something better.
Most systems have a second instance of systemd running in userspace (accessible through systemctl --user while not connected as root). This instance indeed can access all the userspace environment variables and I found that pactl doesn't return any errors when being called either directly or through a script.
All you need to do is put your services in either /usr/lib/systemd/user/, /etc/systemd/user/, or ~/.config/systemd/user/, remove the User= directive from your service file and run systemctl --user daemon-reload as a regular user to make sure they've been detected.