#Crystalreports extract a string from a column - crystal-reports

I have situation in Crystal reports 11 , where I want to extract string from a particular column which is delimited.
Here is the Example within "":
"06DEC2016 Status
-10, 11, 13
-Parts provided sketches to Bus
-Bus needs to confirm the speed changes and the exact locations
-This change has cost implications and must be recompensed by Bus
-Parts will provide cost proposal
&BIC: Farmer&"
I want to extract everything before the first & delimiter.
Please help me. Thanks

Split (your_text, "&")[1]
It will split the text for each occurrence of "&", returning an array.
For example, for the text "aaa&bbb&c", it would result in the array ["aaa", "bbb", "c"]. Note that for Crystal, the first index is 1.


Regular expression: retrieve one or more numbers after certain text

I'm trying to parse HTML code and extra some data from with using regular expressions. The website that provides the data has no API and I want to show this data in an iOS app build using Swift. The HTML looks like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
var years = ['2020','2021','2022'];
var currentView = 0;
var amounts = [1269.2358,1456.557,1546.8768];
var balances = [3484626,3683646,3683070];
rest of the html code
What I'm trying to extract is the years, amounts and balances.
So I would like to have an array with the year in in [2020,2021,2022] same for amount and balances. In this example there are 3 years, but it could be more or less. I'm able to extra all the numbers but then I'm unable to link them to the years or amounts or balances. See this example: https://regex101.com/r/WMwUji/1, using this pattern (\d|\[(\d|,\s*)*])
Any help would be really appreciated.
Firstly I think there are some errors in your expression. To capture the whole number you have to use \d+ (which matches 1 or more consecutive numbers e.g. 2020). If you need to include . as a separator the expression then would look like \d+\.\d+.
In addition using non-capturing group, (?:) and non-greedy matches .*? the regular-expression that gives the desired result for years is
This can also be modified for the amount field which would look like this:
You can try it here: https://regex101.com/r/QLcFQN/1
Edited: in the previous Version my proposed regex was non functional and only captured the last match.
You can continue with this regex:
^var (years \= (?'year'.*)|balances \= (?'balances'.*)|amounts \= (?'amounts'.*));$
It searches for lines with either years, balances or amount entries and names the matches acordingly. It matches the whole string within the brackets.

Azure Data Factory - Dynamic Skip Lines Expression

I am attempting to import a CSV into ADF however the file header is not the first line of the file. It is dynamic therefore I need to match it based on the first column (e.g "TestID,") which is a string.
Example Data (Header is on Line 4)
Test Temperature:,25C
I found this article which addresses this issue however I am struggling to rewrite the expression from using an integer to using a string.
First Expression
As the article states, this expression looks at the first character of each row and if it is an integer it will return the row number (rownum)
How do I perform this action for a string (e.g "TestID,")
Many Thanks
I think you want to consider first line that starts with string as your header and preceding lines that starts with numbers should not be considered as header. You can use isNan function to check if the first character is Not a number(i.e. string) as seen in the below modified expression:
Following is a breakdown of the above expression:
left(toString(byPosition(1)),1): gets first character fron left side of the first column.
isNan: checks if the character is "not a number".
iif: not a number, true then return rownum, false then return 0.
Or you can also use functions like isInteger() to check if the first character is an integer or not and perform actions accordingly.
Later on as explained in the cited article you need to find minimum rownum to skip.
Hope it helps.

Looking for a way to calculate time lapse in openrefine

This is the given expression of GREL language on OpenRefine.
diff(date d1, date d2, optional string timeUnit)
For dates, returns the difference in given time units.
So the question is how to get the access to the values of both columns, that is not clear on presented on the documentation.
The formula for accessing another column is:
If your column name contains spaces or non-ascii characters :
cells['Your Column Name'].value
So, assuming your two columns are named "date1" and "date2", and you want the difference in days, the GREL formula is as follows :
diff(cells.date1.value, cells.date2.value, "days")
diff(cells['date1'].value, cells['date2'].value, "days")
I found a way myself here is the example of the working command, the GREL documentation is not that explicit treating this procedure.
Here is the commend I used, I multiplied the result by -1 to make it positive.
diff(cells["DATA_COMPRA"].value, cells["DATA_VENCIMENTO"].value, "days") * -1
Hope that helps, I my have to come back here sometimes to get this script again and again.

Getting Variables from a data structure and creating a matrix from those variables

I have a data structure which has data points named Vel1 to Vel1520. However, when I apply Uorder = orderfields(MeanU_Velocity); the variables put in the order Vel1 Vel10 Vel100 Vel1000 Vel1001 Vel1002 etc. Is there any way to sort the data structure such that it lists the variables from 1 to 1520 in ascending order? Regards, Jer
An easy fix to this is to always use the same number of digits. 0001, 0002, ..., 0010, ..., 1520
instead of num2str(42), try sprintf('Vel%04d', 42). This prints formatted text to a string. %04d is a special code that says: fill with zeros, reserve 4 places, print an integer number. Have a look at the documentation and look at matlabs formatted strings tutorial for more comprehensive examples.

Crystal Report : formula for Splitting string on / and concatenating it with other string

I have string coming in this format WORVS/000017/0005.
I want to split the string on /. I want only 000017 from this string and further I had another column to which it has to be concatenated.
I need a formula for same.
Create a formula and add below code.
Split (dbfield,"/")[2]
Have an eye to this solution, Its Simple, Splitting "Full Name" into First and Last , keeping, Excluding Last name and returning First Name part.
Splitting String