Search Pipe fails when getting data from MongoDB rather than Mock Data in Angular2 - mongodb

Today I am trying to switch from using mock data stored in a const to using the same data stored on my local MongoDB, but I'm getting the error:
Uncaught (in promise): Error: Error in ./FoodListComponent class FoodListComponent - inline template:2:30 caused by: Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'filter' of undefined
at SearchPipe.transform (search.pipe.ts:15)
The error occurs because of a search pipe on my *ngFor # inline template:2:30
<div *ngFor="let food of foods | searchPipe: 'mySearchTerm'">
The error message is especially odd to me because the service is returning an Observable, not a Promise.
If I remove that search pipe then every thing works fine, but I have no search functionality. It's as if the template is compiling before the data gets there. How can I correct this?
import { Component, OnInit, OnDestroy } from '#angular/core';
import { Food } from '../../../interfaces/diet/food'
import { FoodsService } from '../../../services/foods/foods.service';
selector: 'food-list',
templateUrl: './food-list.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./food-list.component.scss'],
providers: [ WorkingDataService, FoodsService ]
export class FoodListComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
foods: Food[];
constructor ( private _foodsService: FoodsService) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
// this._foodsService.getFoods().subscribe(foods => this.foods = foods); // this worked fine
this._foodsService.getMongoFoods().subscribe(foods => this.foods = foods);
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Food } from '../../interfaces/diet/food'
import { FOODS } from './mock-foods';
import { Observable } from "rxjs/Rx";
import { Http, Response } from '#angular/http';
export class FoodsService {
baseURL: string;
constructor(private http: Http) {
this.baseURL = 'http://localhost:3000/'
getFoods(): Observable<Food[]> { // this worked with my search pipe
return Observable.of(FOODS); // I'm returning an observable to a const
getMongoFoods(): Observable<Food[]>{
return this.http.get(this.baseURL + 'api/foods')
// ... standard response and error handling functions
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '#angular/core';
name: 'searchPipe',
pure: false
export class SearchPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(foods: any[], mySearchTerm: string): any[] {
let mySearchTerm = mySearchTerm.toUpperCase();
foods = foods.filter(food => { // The failure hits here because foods isn't defined yet
// my filter logic

Until your observable resolves itself, your foods array is undefined to start with in food-list.component.ts because you haven't initialised it:
foods: Food[];
if you change that to
foods: Food[] = [];
it should work.
Alternatively you can do a check for undefined at the start of your pipe, something like:
if (!foods) return foods;


Trouble with module import [ NEST JS ]

I'm trying to use a jwt.strategy.ts to protect my endpoints with jwt verification. Everything was going ok until I decided to import a custom JWTService inside this jwt.strategy which contains its own JWTModule but Nest doesn't seems to recognize it. I can use the JWTService in other services but it doesn't work inside the strategy. What should I do ? What am I doing wrong ?
The NEST Message:
[Nest] 53 - 09/22/2022, 6:32:25 PM ERROR [ExceptionHandler] Nest can't resolve dependencies of the JwtStrategy (ConfigService, ?). Please make sure that the argument Object at index [1] is available in the AuthModule context.
Potential solutions:
- If Object is a provider, is it part of the current AuthModule?
- If Object is exported from a separate #Module, is that module imported within AuthModule?
imports: [ /* the Module containing Object */ ]
Error: Nest can't resolve dependencies of the JwtStrategy (ConfigService, ?). Please make sure that the argument Object at index [1] is available in the AuthModule context.
Potential solutions:
- If Object is a provider, is it part of the current AuthModule?
- If Object is exported from a separate #Module, is that module imported within AuthModule?
imports: [ /* the Module containing Object */ ]
The JWTModule:
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { JwtModule } from '#nestjs/jwt';
import { jwtOptions } from './jwt.config';
import { JWTService } from './jwt.service';
imports: [JwtModule.registerAsync(jwtOptions)],
providers: [JWTService],
exports: [JWTService],
export class JWTModule {}
The JWTService:
import { Request } from 'express';
import { DecodeOptions } from 'jsonwebtoken';
import { Injectable, UnprocessableEntityException } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from '#nestjs/config';
import { JwtService, JwtSignOptions, JwtVerifyOptions } from '#nestjs/jwt';
import { CookieHttpConfig } from '../auth';
export class JWTService {
private readonly jwtService: JwtService,
private readonly configService: ConfigService,
) {}
sign(payload: string | object | Buffer, options?: JwtSignOptions) {
return this.jwtService.sign(payload, options);
async signAsync(payload: string | object | Buffer, options?: JwtSignOptions) {
return this.jwtService.signAsync(payload, options);
verify(token: string, options?: JwtVerifyOptions) {
return this.jwtService.verify(token, options);
async verifyAsync(token: string, options?: JwtVerifyOptions) {
return this.jwtService.verifyAsync(token, options);
decode(token: string, options?: DecodeOptions) {
return this.jwtService.decode(token, options);
async getToken(tokenPayload: any): Promise<string> {
try {
const token: string = await this.jwtService.signAsync(tokenPayload);
return `Bearer ${token}`;
} catch (error) {
throw new UnprocessableEntityException(error.message);
async refreshToken(
cookieName: string,
request: Request,
payload: any,
): Promise<void> {
const token: string = await this.getToken(payload);
request.res.cookie(cookieName, token, CookieHttpConfig.Options());
import { JWTService } from '#app/common';
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from '#nestjs/config';
import { PassportStrategy } from '#nestjs/passport';
import { Request } from 'express';
import { ExtractJwt, Strategy } from 'passport-jwt';
export class JwtStrategy extends PassportStrategy(Strategy) {
private readonly configService: ConfigService,
private readonly jwtService: JWTService,
) {
jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromExtractors([
(request: Request) => {
try {
const token = request.signedCookies['Authorization'].split(' ')[1];
return token;
} catch (error) {
return null;
ignoreExpiration: false,
secretOrKey: configService.get('AUTH_JWT_SECRET'),
async validate(request: Request, payload: any): Promise<any> {
const tokenPayload = {
await this.jwtService.refreshToken('Authorization', request, tokenPayload);
return tokenPayload;
Extra information about my project:
I divided the project into a monorepo, so I imported the JWTModule inside the AuthModule but it still doesn't work. The jwt.strategy.ts and the JWTModule is inside a shared lib created at the same level as the apps folders containing the microservices.
The AuthModule:
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { PassportModule } from '#nestjs/passport';
import { UsersModule } from '../users/users.module';
import { AuthService } from './auth.service';
import { AuthController } from './auth.controller';
import {
} from '#app/common';
import { Web3Module } from '../web3/web3.module';
import { VonageModule } from '#app/common';
imports: [
controllers: [AuthController],
providers: [AuthService, LocalStrategy, JwtStrategy],
export class AuthModule {}

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'create') + TypeORM Repository

I'm working with typeORM and Postgres in Nest.js and I'm separating my Repository from Service.
The problem is the entityRepository() decorator is not registering one of my repositories and everything points to it being fine as the same code is creating another entity's repository fine.
I've really searched and deleted the module twice thinking I might have missed something along the way, but nothing is working. When I do console.log(this) in the repository I get an empty object {}...
Below is the (module, repository, and entity) for the stock-analysis module
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { TypeOrmModule } from '#nestjs/typeorm';
import { StockAnalysisController } from './stock-analysis.controller';
import { StockAnalysisRepository } from './stock-analysis.repository';
import { StockAnalysisService } from './stock-analysis.service';
imports: [TypeOrmModule.forFeature([StockAnalysisRepository])],
controllers: [StockAnalysisController],
providers: [StockAnalysisService, StockAnalysisRepository],
exports: [TypeOrmModule],
export class AnalysisModule {}
import { EntityRepository, Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { StockAnalysisDto } from '../dtos/analysis/stock-analysis-dto';
import { StockAnalysis } from './stock-analysis.entity';
import { User } from '../user/user.entity';
export class StockAnalysisRepository extends Repository<StockAnalysis> {
async analyseStock(user: User, stockAnalysisDto: StockAnalysisDto) {
const { stock } = stockAnalysisDto;
console.log({ this: this });
// console.log({ stock });
// console.log(user);
const stocksToAnalyse = this.create();
import { Entity, Column, PrimaryGeneratedColumn } from 'typeorm';
export class StockAnalysis {
Id: string;
#Column('text', { array: true })
stocks: string[];
userId: string;
I'm really stuck, ran out of ideas. Any form of help will be deeply appreciated
Can you try Injectable() instead of #EntityRepository(StockAnalysis)? And if that doesn't work, try to add this constructor in the repository:
constructor(private dataSource: DataSource) {
super(StockAnalysis, dataSource.createEntityManager());

What is the proper way to do seed mongoDB in NestJS, using mongoose and taking advantage of my already defined schmas

We are using NestJS with mongoose and want to seed mongoDB.
Wondering what is the proper way to seed the database, and use the db schemas already defined to ensure the data seeded is valid and properly maintained.
Seeding at the module level (just before the definition of the Module) feels hacky and ends in threadpool being destroyed, and therefore all following mongo operations fail
I've done using the nestjs-command library like that.
1. Install the library:
2. Then I've created a command to seed my userService like:
import { Command, Positional } from 'nestjs-command';
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { UserService } from '../../../shared/services/user.service';
export class UserSeed {
private readonly userService: UserService,
) { }
#Command({ command: 'create:user', describe: 'create a user', autoExit: true })
async create() {
const user = await this.userService.create({
firstName: 'First name',
lastName: 'Last name',
mobile: 999999999,
email: '',
password: 'foo_b#r',
3. Add that seed command into your module. I've created a SeedsModule in a shared folder to add more seeds in future
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { CommandModule } from 'nestjs-command';
import { UserSeed } from '../modules/user/seeds/user.seed';
import { SharedModule } from './shared.module';
imports: [CommandModule, SharedModule],
providers: [UserSeed],
exports: [UserSeed],
export class SeedsModule {}
Btw I'm importing my userService into my SharedModule
4. Add the SeedsModule into your AppModule
On your AppModule usually at src/app.module.ts add the SeedsModule into imports
If you followed the steps in the nestjs-command repo you should be able to run
npx nestjs-command create:user
That will bootstrap a new application and run that command and then seed to your mongo/mongoose
Hope that help others too.
actually you can do it easily with onModuleInit(), here i'm using Mongoose ORM. This all done with zero dependencies, hope it helps
import { Injectable, OnModuleInit } from '#nestjs/common';
import { UserRepository } from './repositories/user.repository';
export class UserService implements OnModuleInit {
constructor(private readonly userRepository: UserRepository) {}
// onModuleInit() is executed before the app bootstraped
async onModuleInit() {
try {
const res = await this.userRepository.findAll(); // this method returns user data exist in database (if any)
// checks if any user data exist
if (res['data'] == 0) {
const newUser = {
name: 'yourname',
email: '',
username: 'yourusername',
const user = await this.userRepository.create(newUser); // this method creates new user in database
} catch (error) {
throw error;
// your other methods
For my case, I needed to insert seed during the tests, the best I could find is to create a seed service, imported and used only during tests.
Here is my base class using the schema model, all is needed is to extend and pass the model.
// # base.seed.service.ts
import { Model, Document } from 'mongoose';
import { forceArray, toJson } from 'src/utils/code';
export abstract class BaseSeedService<D extends Document> {
constructor(protected entityModel: Model<D>) {}
async insert<T = any>(data: T | T[]): Promise<any[]> {
const docs = await this.entityModel.insertMany(forceArray(data));
return toJson(docs);
// # utils
const toJson = (arg: any) => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(arg));
function forceArray<T = any>(instance: T | T[]): T[] {
if (instance instanceof Array) return instance;
return [instance];
// # dummy.seed.service.ts
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { InjectModel } from '#nestjs/mongoose';
import { Model } from 'mongoose';
import { DummyDocument } from './dummy.schema';
export class DummySeedService extends BaseSeedService<DummyDocument> {
protected model: Model<DummyDocument>,
) {
Then inside the tests
describe('Dymmy Seeds', () => {
beforeEach(async () => {
const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
providers: [DummySeedService],
imports: [
schema: DummySchema,
const seeder = module.get<DummySeedService>(DummySeedService);
const initData = [__seed_data_here__];
const entities: Dummy[] = await seeder.insert(initData);
expect(entities.length > 0).toBeTruthy();

ERROR TypeError: You provided 'undefined' where a stream was expected. You can provide an Observable, Promise, Array, or Iterable

I'm working on autocomplete-search with angular 4. This search bar will get books information from Google Books API. It works fine when I input any search terms. But it causes an error if I remove the entire search term or input a space.This is the error I got
This is my SearchComponent.ts
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders } from '#angular/common/http';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
selector: 'app-admin-search',
templateUrl: './admin-search.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./admin-search.component.css']
export class AdminSearchComponent implements OnInit {
books: any[] = [];
searchTerm$ = new Subject<string>();
constructor (private bookService: BookService,
private http: HttpClient
) {$)
.subscribe(results => {
this.books = results.items;
ngOnInit() {
This is my SearchComponent.html
<h4>Book Search</h4>
<input #searchBox id="search-box"
placeholder="Search new book"
<ul *ngIf="books" class="search-result">
<li *ngFor="let book of books">
{{ book.volumeInfo.title }}
This is my BookService.ts
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable';
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of';
import { HttpClient, HttpHeaders } from '#angular/common/http';
import { Book } from './book';
import { BOOKS } from './mock-books';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/debounceTime';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/distinctUntilChanged';
import 'rxjs/add/operator/switchMap';
export class BookService {
private GoogleBookURL: string = "";
constructor (private http: HttpClient) { }
search(terms: Observable<string>) {
return terms.debounceTime(300)
.switchMap(term => this.searchEntries(term));
searchEntries(searchTerm: string) {
if (searchTerm.trim()) {
searchTerm = searchTerm.replace(/\s+/g, '+');
let URL = this.GoogleBookURL + searchTerm;
return this.http.get(URL);
Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance!
Your method searchEntries returns value (Observable<Response>) only if searchTerm.trim() is true (so it must return non-empty string).
There can be situation that searchEntries will return undefined instead of Obervable<Response> if trim() returns '' (empty string which is false). You can't pass undefined returned from searchEntries into .switchMap(term => this.searchEntries(term));.
For that case your code will look like this:
.switchMap(term => undefined) which is not valid construction.

Angular v4 typescript rest api

I'm new in angular v4 and I have problems with parse nested object from de rest api,Its a very simple case I'll let the code speak for me, its a really basic code but I dont find the error.
The error
ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'email' of undefined
at Object.eval [as updateRenderer] (CarDetailComponent.html:7)
at Object.debugUpdateRenderer [as updateRenderer] (core.es5.js:12679)
at checkAndUpdateView (core.es5.js:12058)
at callViewAction (core.es5.js:12367)
at execComponentViewsAction (core.es5.js:12313)
at checkAndUpdateView (core.es5.js:12059)
at callViewAction (core.es5.js:12367)
at execComponentViewsAction (core.es5.js:12313)
at checkAndUpdateView (core.es5.js:12059)
at callWithDebugContext (core.es5.js:13041)
import { JsonObject, JsonProperty } from "json2typescript";
export class User {
#JsonProperty("id", Number)
public id: number = undefined;
#JsonProperty("email", String)
public email: string = undefined;
) { }
export class Car {
#JsonProperty("id", Number)
public id: number = undefined;
#JsonProperty("brand", String)
public brand: string = undefined;
#JsonProperty("createdby", User)
public createdBy: User = undefined
) { }
(Service: car.service.ts)
import { Injectable } from '#angular/core';
import { Car } from "app/car/car";
import { Observable } from "rxjs";
import 'rxjs/Rx';
import { Http } from "#angular/http";
export class CarService {
private baseHost: string = "url/to/api";
constructor(private _http: Http) { }
get(id: number) {
return this._http.get(this.baseHost + id + '/show.json')
.map(data => data.json()).toPromise();
(Component: car-detail.component.ts)
import { Component, OnInit } from '#angular/core';
import { CarService } from "app/car/car.service";
import { Car, User } from "app/car/car";
import { JsonConvert } from "json2typescript"
selector: 'app-car-detail',
templateUrl: './car-detail.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./car-detail.component.css']
export class CarDetailComponent implements OnInit {
public car:Car = new Car();
public createdBy:User = new User();
constructor(private _carService: CarService) { }
return this._carService
data =>
{ = JsonConvert.deserializeString(JSON.stringify(data), Car);
this.createdBy = JsonConvert.deserializeString(JSON.stringify(data.createdby), User);
ngOnInit() {
car-detail works!
{{car.brand}} print: FORD
{{}} print: //It's ok but this line is the problem
{{}} print:
The component creates a new Car and assigns it to its car field. The createdBy field of this car object is set to undefined. And the template tries to display the property email of the car's createdBy, which is undefined. Hence the error.
<p *ngIf="car.createdBy">
{{ }}
to avoid the error.